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  1. This is a very big deal and the only reason I happened to find out is because as I was browsing channels I just happened to stop at MSNBC and Kellyanne Conway was speaking. Her usual diarrhea of words non-stop usually puts me off and I change the channel but this time I heard Mark Halperin ask her something about a meeting with the news agencies blowing up. She shrugged off the question saying that whatever transpired was off the record, it was an excellent meeting with the top executives of the major networks and blah blah blah. So I went to the NY Post to read that article myself and thought holy crap, he's absolutely demonizing everyone in the news industry and television station, particularly CNN which is no surprise. But the meeting was supposed to be a media summit, a collaborative effort. What it became was a scathing condemnation of the media and press by Donald Trump. He laid into them with ferocity calling them liars. As one source said "it was like a fucking firing squad". He sought to humiliate the best reporters in the business and that's exactly what he did. As we all have known, Donald Trump gets even he extracts his revenge. So here's what I'm wondering. Will President Donald Trump have a press corps that will accompany him basically wherever he travels, and along with him as he meets officials and basically document for the country all his open negotiations? Or, will President Donald Trump hand-pick his own press corps which would primarily be comprised of those news agencies only sympathetic to furthering his agenda and not really providing unbiased news? That is frightening because although he's not legally breaking a Constitutional law by complying with the tradition of having an official 'press corps", how can we trust his hand-picked army of people that act like Fox News, walk like Fox news and talks the talk of Fox news? I'm not suggesting they'll be from Fox news but akin to those types of reporters who will only follow and report on his bullshit stuff and never the negative side of his idiotic monkey business. You all know well what it would mean if that's his plan. I'll post the link again. http://nypost.com/2016/11/21/donald-trumps-media-summit-was-a-f-ing-firing-squad/
  2. The season premiere was kind of dull. I was able to focus a little more on that low background music that runs throughout, my friend Marcelo Zarvos is responsible for that. Composing scores for HBO doesn't really bring much attention to the music at all but it's not supposed to, it's just supposed to be 'there' to add suspense or drama to a scene. Other than that, I was a little disturbed by the middle-aged-spread that's taken over Brenden Fraser's body. I assume we'll be seeing flashbacks of Noah and the guard and bad stuff happening that causes Noah PTSD. We'll find out soon enough I'm sure. I just need some Allison and Cole back. I'm hoping that this season won't involve so many flash backwards, flash forwards and I think there was even a few flash upside downs in last season. That gets distracting when it's overdone.
  3. Oh God help me but I'm about to type one more of my thoughts that's another reason to send me straight to Hell but screw it, I'm halfway there already with Donald as President. It's about Barron, and I don't like pointing out the oddity of any child but I find the relationship between Melania and Barron to be a little uncomfortable. They're close and that's not a real surprise since Donald has been more of an absentee father. But I think Melania shares the floor where Barron lives. It makes sense because Donald isn't around that much and when he is he's probably out of bed tweeting stupid shit. I have seen photos of Barron and initially thought he looked sad, like the poor little rich kid. Then I thought maybe some sort of autism spectrum. Then I assumed that he was just overprotected and absurdly spoiled. What other four year old kid has a motorized mini-Mercedes to drive around? But there's a lot of square footage on the 3 floors of the Tower and who wants to subject a 4 year old to walking that much anyway? I drive less getting to the doctor and back in the next town than Barron drove in his little Mercedes to get breakfast. Okay, here's the part where I go to Hell for saying it. I almost see Damien from Omen II in his glare. He has that same 'pleasant and handsome but I'll kill you in five minutes' look about him. He has no joy in his face, that he shows anyway. I know he has developed some of Donald's OCD and likes his sheets just plain white and clean. Melania takes him to school each day. I find that a little much considering they have multiple staff and body guards that could get him off to school safely, he's 10 years old! I think my son stole our ride-on lawn mower at that age and ran away from home. He only got two blocks, no worry. Melania over-indulges him and he's reaching puberty so I'm wondering how long Melania is going to continue to be overbearing before he rebels in some way and tells her 'fuck off, I'm grown up now'.
  4. This morning on the news they're saying it's a choice between Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani for Secretary of State. But that's all just hyperbole for the benefit of the news attention. There's no way, no how that Mitt Romney would be chosen as Secretary of State. He and Donald hate each other intensely. He dragged Mitt Romney to New Jersey just to show him off and rub his face in Donald poo. Rudy Giuliani had been promised that job long ago, no doubt about it. I absolutely HATE that he's going to be Secretary of State. He's going to be the chief foreign advisor and with his background I can't see how that's not a calamitous conflict of interest. Let me kneel down now and say a prayer to God that it won't be him. "Please God, I've been sort of good so I'll ask a favor. Please make Mitt Romney Secretary of State. Please don't subject all of us mortals to having to see that toothy sneer, that blue suit overstuffed by a thick marshmallow body, the saliva spitting rhetoric and hateful sneer. But those teeth.... Do that for us and I promise to try and convert as many Muslims to Christianity as I possibly can. I'll almost be Mother Teresa, I promise, really." The chance might be slim that my prayer will be heard but I have to try. He's an evil, evil man. (fingers crossed)
  5. Get a load of this. I posted two of those videos on four of his recent tweets and within five minutes, they were removed. I'm waiting for the FBI to come knocking on my door. So suddenly now that he's President elect he gets to control all the responses to his own tweets. He wasn't able to remove my tweets before, now he has the POWER! Screw them too. I'm going to blame you for making me doing it. LOL!!
  6. You have no idea how much I'm trying to restrain myself from posting those links on his Twitter page. They're adorable and I think he might even learn a thing or two from them. Should I?
  7. Most rational people knew that a physical wall stretching across the Southern border was nothing more than foolishness. It's a madman talking and people liked what they heard so they believed it. It sounds like you have a lot of choices if things go bad here. Australia wouldn't be an option in my mind. England, maybe, but the Brexit may cost people since they're planning to pretty much screw middle class by raising taxes and that will create a lot of drama there. Everyone will be pissed off, but mostly at foreigners and middle class. It will be interesting to see how President Trump deals with sanctuary cities such as S.F. and L.A. He's certainly not happy about it and if he plans to document every immigrant, the cities are going to do battle with him. One thing is for sure, there's a lot of retribution in Donald Trump's plans and he's not going to stop until he extracts his justice on all those that he felt did him wrong including every Republican that denounced him. I saw Hillary Clinton today speaking at some kind of thing. She looks horrible, defeated, down and shows every year of her age.
  8. The plan to fix our infrastructure involves selling bonds to investors. These investors can be from anywhere in the world. The thing about a bond investor, they expect a ROI - return on investment - so that's achieved simply by making the roads they repair a toll road, by making the bridges they fix a toll bridge. Basically an investor in China, India, Russia, Saudi Arabia or Missouri USA can buy bonds to invest in infrastructure repair.
  9. Wouldn't it have been smart to put in a temporary drive-through window like Burger King on the side of Trump's New Jersey Golf Club mansion? It would allow all those guys to roll up in their fancy chauffeur driven cars to the window, roll down the window, have the meeting thing and drive off. He's been 'interviewing' dozens of prospective cabinet candidates every day. Truth is, he decided long ago who's in and who's out. This is all for show.
  10. Can I buy that with my Mike bucks?
  11. Oh, btw.... did we forget to mention that California should consider a proposition up for vote to build a wall? No, not that one between California and Mexico, I mean the wall that California will need to KEEP US OUT. California is one State that many people are considering moving to only because it's progressive, diverse, and wanting to secede from the other States connected to it and become an independent little country. 'Calexit' is not a far-fetched idea since the State can easily support itself with all the resources and money right there. Secession could actually work well. California is more economically powerful than France and has a population larger than Poland. Point by point, California compares and competes with countries, not just the 49 other states. So, count me in if that ever happens. It doesn't hurt that marijuana is legal either, not that I partake but I'm willing to give it a go.
  12. Away from daddy but I think Melania shares the floor with Barron and not the penthouse with Donald.
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