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Everything posted by HappyDancex2

  1. OT If anyone is a Chicago Bears fan you have my condolences. Still reeling
  2. But not "Instagram" modeling....self filtering is key
  3. Why doesn't Shaun ask Kalani WHY SHE DOESN'T GET A FUCKING JOB and BIRTH CONTROL>>>>
  4. Poor Olga. This isn't going to end well for her. She'd still rather come here and deal with Steven than be a single mom in Russia. Sigh.
  5. One of the moms needs to step in here and mansplain BIRTH to Steven. PLEASE
  6. Respekt. Probably doesn't mean what you think it means there Stevie boy
  7. Fernanda's big ol joker smile of smugness needs wiped off.
  8. At least we know the editing was real. Her logic and words are exactly what was shown to us.
  9. Ashley needs to turn the video camera to record the shit going on inside her house. It's more than she knows.
  10. Looks like Jon has known Fernanda since she was just a leeeeetle girl. Fernanda was a fast one....hooking up and getting some tits when she was just a tot.
  11. "It was fast...and fun....and we f.....f...….f......fell in love...." I thought "fucked." Anyone else? Just me?
  12. Fake Coltie and Larissa hold back moment. Puleeze
  13. The best thing MyBlueprint did was provide the 4 chefs on the winning team with 10K each.
  14. The weirdest thing is that using mactors and or temps has been going on since the beginning of top chef....it’s part of the elusive charm of opening up a crappy pop up in one day....long before pop ups were even pop ups! When a dish is executed properly it’s a miracle....when a team executes flawlessly it’s treated like an anomaly. Welcome noobs to Top Chef. i think it would be fantastic to see RW again for the top 8. I wonder if there would be an additional harder twist? Everyone responsible for 2 dishes? LOL That would be brutal. Or “It’s Restaurant Wars in the Woods! Water from plastic jugs, open fire pits and 3 cast iron pans...BEGIN!”
  15. An elevated slice and serve dish for the FOH person would be smart. Chicken Ballontine had a slice n serve (LOL) except the plating had a lot of components. The losing team also got screwed when they had to shuck oysters to order. That was ridiculous. It's too bad they couldn't change the menu on the fly. I was looking forward to the fried bass dish they were talking about during menu planning. Maybe there wasn't enough bass or snapper at Whole Foods. But the decision to do oysters was doomtastic as well.
  16. When Tom and the guest judge visited the kitchens before service started the question to Nini (and the Chicken Ballontine) was what are your plans for FOH? Nini said " Attention to detail. Make sure everyone gets their food on a timely manner. And.....Smile." Well she did smile.
  17. No one caught that Nini said she did front of the house when she was in...….college. Yikes. Doubt it was the same type of experience level needed. She had zero capacity to right the ship which is unfortunate. She assumed that by letting the servers fail it was somehow a reflection on them....they were an especially "difficult" group. Yeah right. You can't blame the actors if they all got actors Nini!!! Justin did escape though...man that bisque looked nasty. Even the beauty photo looked rough....looked like refried bean soup that was getting dry around the lip of the soup bowl. Icky. Either they edited it out or that team didn't go to war in front of the judges. Nini should have tried to deflect way more blame on Justin. But maybe all of that hot tub bonding made it too difficult to undercut each other at the end. They seemed forthcoming with details but also tried to spread out the blame. Noble I guess? I'm sure Nini will win LCK and come back and get the redemption edit. Seems like a long way to go but she's pretty talented just cooking. Overall I thought there would be more personal drama but there wasn't. Having 3 restaurants didn't pan out to be all that suspenseful. I know the editing seemed ok but after eating 3 restaurants worth of small plates I'm not surprised the stuffed full judges were tired and palate fatigued by the time they got to the losing restaurant versus happy and enthusiastic at the winning restaurant....which they visited first. Coincidence?
  18. I'm glad Pablo was eliminated because he is too stubborn. I think he thinks he's a much better chef than he is, else he was not willing to keep it real because they were on camera and he was trying to save face by lying. He constantly deflected help. He constantly (over the last 2 episodes that I can recall) would taste his dish and pick out a small redeeming quality and ignore the rest. When he had Brandon check the meat he said "just check for acidity" as if hard ass meat but acidity was ok....and then Brandon said it needed more heat. Pablo knew some were hard but said he tasted all the batches and they were good enough to send out, even though some were better than others. That's just not owning up to reality. Even his exit interview he said he was too ambitious. Brother you made short ribs, which has been made 87 times on THIS show not to mention other speed cooking shows like Iron Chef and they often come out perfect and glazzzzzzed, just the way Ol Tommy likes them. Just stop.
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