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Everything posted by petalfrog
Taylor is a perfect example of why the average 23-year-old is not ready to be a mental health counselor. She's obviously very bright with her educational background and having completed a two year master's program by age 23; however, she does not have the maturity to NOT offer her opinion of others' psychological functioning. I have a Ph.D. in clinical psychology, completed at age 32, and learned over my academic training that it is not our place (and, in fact, can be considered unethical) to offer psychological opinions about people in our circles. I would certainly never say my opinions to someone's face who did not ask for my opinion. She is showing a very unlikable and immature side of herself. I wouldn't be surprised if she has difficulty being hired after this.
The song choices this week were generally abysmal... very pandering and not well suited to the majority of the singers. While I appreciated Christian's voice, his song choice felt too much like church to me and not enough like something that could play on the radio. Brendan's cover of Angel was truly horrific. That song has been played out to the death and needs to be put to rest. Billy is so bland. I don't remember what Aaron sang but it was not suited to that gravelly tone. The coaches chose songs with zero edge or interest and it really showed. Compare the solo songs to Ali and Brendan's super fun and skillful duet. That was awesome! I also loved how they seemed to be crushing on each other hard in their duet intro package.
Thank you Lallalla!
Totally... When he left the house to go to the store to get more alcohol first thing in the morning b/c of the shakes and seizures I said to my boyfriend, "does it NOT occur to him to go the ER right now instead??" And my boyfriend, he of past alcohol dependence, goes "What do you mean?" Then I reminded myself that my boyfriend never once called 911 or thought to seek help to stop when he was in the throes of alcohol withdrawals... instead his solution was to keep drinking, but in smaller amounts until he could gradually wean himself off. If I was THAT sick I would call a doctor, but that's not what the dependent alcoholic does. I literally had to force him in the car to go to a doctor who would detox him as an outpatient... I had a solution that would be MORE comfortable than his plan but he still thought his was better. I think the alcohol itself (beyond the addiction thoughts/needs) must do something to their brain function to make medical help not even blip on the radar as an option.
Busted out my DSM-5 to double-check but Daniel would be unlikely to meet criteria for a diagnosis of schizophrenia because he hasn't had any breakdown in daily functioning (self-care, hygiene, relationships, work, etc.) directly as a result of the "voices" or belief in his paranormal powers. Even his manners seemed somewhat intact... offering to walk his buddy out. Schizophrenia is first and foremost a thought disorder that prevents (when untreated) "normal" ability to take care of oneself or engage in productive engagement in societal expectation.His functioning has been destroyed because of the alcohol, sure, but seemingly not from a thought disorder itself. He could certainly meet for a long-term delusional disorder, where there is a formed delusion but no other functioning is impacted. I don't really have any firm beliefs about whether people can in fact have paranormal beliefs but I am not so quick to write him off as a "psychotic mental illness" person. I'd think some form of personality disorder might even suit him a little better... I was wondering if he actually played up the amount he was drinking and using pills. It would go along with the suspicions of faking the lupus or exaggerating the seizures/DTs. I literally cannot fathom how he could put that much "downer" in his body and not go into central nervous system failure. Even my boyfriend who is a recovering alcoholic (with physical dependence who could drink a 750ml a day) was like "how on earth is this possible??" And then to have had a healthy physical? No liver damage?? Either way, he looked like terribly ill, even at follow-up, and I am sure his brain is completely atrophied. I was also very disturbed that they did not immediately take him to an ER when he had taken an undefined amount of pills and alcohol and had a significant change in presentation from previous days. He barely seemed drunk or buzzed most of the time, but suddenly was barely awake or coherent? I would think that, at the very least, "cover your ass" would come into play and they'd want him monitored at a hospital. Then could he even really consent to treatment? Then we see him talking to Candy and all of a sudden he's talking about God and "blessings"? As someone who felt rejected and marginalized by Christianity as a youth? Someone who had a career/"gift" that is in direct opposition of many Christian beliefs? No discussion about sending him to a secular recovery location? I do not believe he would suddenly buy into the religious aspect of many 12-step programs. I have no hope that he will maintain sobriety and he is surely not long for this life.
Is it just me or is there even less "substance" or "get to know you" or "practical" conversations this season? I am having a hard time seeing how Jojo could be falling in love with any of these guys because we have seen nothing of their personalities in any conversations (*puke*). It's all kissing and "I'm so glad you're here" and "I'm falling for you." I know this is part and parcel for the show but it seems that's ALL we've had this semester. That's why I kind of liked the moment when she was like "yeah Wells that was the moment!" because it felt silly and semi-real. I'm feeling pretty disappointed by this season for the reasons above. Also found Alex to be whiny and James T to be a little *too much.* Like I worry he might be a bit unstable. Jojo looked gorgeous in that blue dress but her stylists REALLY need to do something with her hair. A blowout or an updo or a ponytail. Something.
Do you mean Luke? Because Alex was on the 2:1 and looks more like a James Marsden-Tom Cruise hybrid. Agreed Luke came across very well. I got frustrated that she seems to be putting all this pressure on Jordan ("I get nervous around you") when he clearly wants to get to know her organically. Have a conversation with him Jojo! That would reduce some of the nerves and concerns. Chad walking through the woods and showing up at the house really pushes at my limits of tolerance for manufactured drama. I refuse to believe they don't immediately shuttle the eliminated folks into cars to head to their seclusion. There's no reason for him to be wandering around in the dark. That makes me mad. I'm a "wrong reasons" viewer but it doesn't mean I don't want to see some romance and fun. The entire "Previously on" from last night's episode was all Chad drama. I want to see dates and let the drama happen organically. We don't need all these shenanigans. I also think that in earlier seasons the threat of violence would have been enough to get him kicked off by producers. I am glad Jojo said she didn't like his default to threats of violence but I wish she'd also brought up (since she stresses the need to be safe) that his behavior also raised concern about risk for domestic violence from him... it's like no one seemed to recognize that this is not just about his threats to the guys. I'm not saying the man has ever or would ever engage in domestic violence but let's also talk about the reason why his actions are concerns within the context of a romantic relationship.
Seems the show dropped a few plot points along the way. What ever happened to the kid from the first episode who was found alive in the woods? You'd think the police, Sarah, or Dylan would want to talk to him at some point. No revisit to Ariel after being found? Any investigation into Vaughn to see if he was also the Executioner (especially as his body was never found). I feel like I missed something why 3 months after Tom killed himself the town was secure the Executioner was gone? Did something happen in that slaughterhouse that I missed?And why did the Executioner stop running? In the first episode, it was something striking and unique to see the killer running, then in this episode when he is following Sarah through the streets he's just strolling along yet still very close behind her. I realize Cam was guiding most of the police investigation but I would have liked to see some investigation after he died. If I ignore all this stuff, I did enjoy the show just for being something different.
I'd read that the names are written on the roses... at points you could see Jojo reading the names. The subtle change in her facial expression--a little flare of anger--was noticeable to me when Daniel's name was called. She did not put him on her list and that was clearly producer manipulation. Something tells me a handler will get an earful. There's is no way the kilt guy should have gone home over him. Speaking of... why was everyone so terrified of a kilt? I'm a hasher and kilts are common-place among hashers and very manly! When Jake walked in I literally pointed at my door and yelled "GET OUT!" What a completely unnecessary set of drama. Luke the cowboy was pretty... Jordan looks like a more well-proportioned Shawn Booth (Kaitlyn's fiance). It was eerie to me.
I too was confused by the vent situation. I rewound and the vent was in the waiting room and seemed that you could only hear from one specific spot which is where the perp deliberately sat. I find it hard to believe he showed up so early each week to hear enough of this guy's life to steal his identity. Also, why wasn't he one of the patients interviewed by the team? Wouldn't it make the most sense to look in the schedule, see who was scheduled for that window and then interview that person? Also, I was amused at the many, handsome, fit male patients being seen at a state psychiatric hospital (I think we are supposed to believe the detectives narrowed it down to people who could physically play Calvin... but how did they even do that?). Also, does HIPPA end when the provider dies? I would think not? Could they even pull in all those patients without subpoenas? Way too plot-holey for me but why am I questioning? I also felt the Tara & Mitchie thing was a little lame but I am glad they didn't commit to the kiss. At least they both looked terrified and aware of the damage what they were doing could be. Has Tara been written as bisexual or having had previous relationships with men? Erika was a big whatever to me but what was happening with her crazy eyes during that breakup scene?
Is there any chance the show will submit Yael Grobglas for an Emmy? Her turn as Petra has always been amazing but seeing what she's done with Aneska has been spectacular. I'd fully buy they were played by two separate actresses as every aspect is so different and fully realized. And Aneska has been played as a comedic character to Petra's tight one.
I was more confused about how Christian was unable to work in welding yet could then go on to tattooing? As far as I can tell both require excellent visual-spatial skills, precision, organization, ability to sit in uncomfortable positions for a long time, and fine motor skills. The only difference I could tell would be the weight of the machines? I'd like to know more about how why he couldn't weld but could transition to tattooing. My biggest problem with his eagle tattoo is that it seemed tilted on her leg and the flower was extraneous and stupid.
MAFS Social Media, Spoilers & Speculation
petalfrog replied to Bella's topic in Married At First Sight
I know I am way late to the party on this one but I will be moving to Atlanta and LOVED Sam and Neil's first (and second) house. Can anyone tell me the specific neighborhood they lived in or if they by some miracle know the realtor they may have used?? -
I know I am way late to the party on this one but I will be moving to Atlanta and LOVED Sam and Neil's first (and second) house. Can anyone tell me the specific neighborhood they lived in or if they by some miracle know the realtor they may have used??
Totally agreed. Cersei's hair appeared 2 inches longer than during her walk (if memory serves right)... so at least two months later, yet everything else was within a day or two of the last events. I asked this exact question! Plus the dogs had handlers... where did they go? Did they all just chicken out and run back to the castle? Plus bloodhounds as man-eating dogs? They don't look intimidating enough> I was expecting a Hound of the Baskervilles scenario. I also thought that Doran's right-hand man was killed too easily for one simple dagger attack in the back nonetheless. He's a massive guy so hard to believe a little dagger could kill him that easily. Plus I don't recall seeing him on the ground on other shots. Appears the continuity police were lazy this week....
Hmmm... If I was Bo/Ana and I saw Joanna in real life compared to the (quite stunning) profile pic there, I'd be thinking I was the one catfished!
I thought Rob's makeup was most successful because his was most clearly a demon and possession makeup. The other two possession makeups just looked like people who got attacked and invaded by the demons but not actually possessed by them. I also thought the way he built up the shoulders and chest for his demon with that tiny tiny waist... for a few seconds it looked like CGI to me (in a really good way) because humans are not built like that. The other two demons still retained general human shape. Everyone's stuff was really great. I enjoyed the movies was bummed and irritated we only saw the demons on screen for a couple seconds each. I would've liked more lingering shots or something so we could see them better. I'll miss Face-Off but glad they are taking a break!
I was pretty shocked that the husband's weight seemed to be so glossed over. I was waiting for Dr. Now to recommend WSL to him as well, but then wondered if that would even be ethical? Somewhat akin to ambulance chasing? If Ashley is the identified patient can the doctor legally/ethically also recommend a procedure he performs to a family member? If the husband is a truck driver at that weight, I fully expect him to have an aneurysm or stroke in the next few years. Sitting for hours on end (and likely smoking or not taking any needed medication) is terrible for the obese in terms of cardiovascular risk factors. I found Ashley very sweet and thought this was a season 1 episode because she was mobile and not a big whiner (aka, not a total trainwreck like recent seasons). My boyfriend comments on how strong she must be to carry that weight around and also to be able to get herself from seated to standing. I missed the introduction... did she ever work or have any specific aspirations? Agreed the therapist was better this time... googled her and she has very legitimate credentials and excellent training. I also agree I didn't like the implication that Ashley had become a pain pill addict. First, if she was using opiates... people get garbage education about these from their doctors and pain pill addiction is shockingly common. I recently had a patient who had used his 2 month supply in three weeks because they were not working for him (after major spinal cord injury). He had little to no education on how tolerance and withdrawal worked in opiates to cause abuse. In addition, I have a friend with a Ph.D. who has spent the last 4 months weaning off her opiate pain med for a back injury because her doctors had maxed her out at the highest dose over the period of a year. Pain pill addiction weasels its way in and can even be inadvertently supported by medical providers. I referred him to an actual spinal cord pain clinic. Second, if she was using over the counter pills that is certainly not addiction... rather, she could have been taking just a little more than the usual dose and had an ulcer issue. I'm just glad she didn't have any liver failure.
I totally agree with this and found it be an eerily close resemblance. I missed the first hour and only came in when Gilbert was walking to the grocery store so had a slightly misguided view of him being supportive rather than enabling. He seemed to put on some weight once they moved into the little house and rented a car, probably because he wasn't walking a few miles every couple days with heavy grocery bags. I couldn't help but wonder what would happen to Lupe if Gilbert did indeed leave. Could he be arrested for abandonment of a vulnerable adult? Would she be placed in a nursing home? Would she just wallow and die alone in the house? Practically, what would become of her? I had also missed the tracheostomy story and was utterly fascinated by her chin. I couldn't figure it out but then we watched the first segment of the episode on the repeat right after the initial airing and I learned about the tracheostomy. I was also fascinated to see her in her pink dress... so perfectly round! I also was horrified that once again it seems Dr. Now waits until the last second for psychological care (he even said "as a last chance...") but agree with the poster who said she and the psychologist clearly knew each other. I wish again he'd have these 600lb folks and their families in behavioral/health psychology to address the food addiction behaviors with structured contingency plans, alternate coping skills, etc. I agree she may have relapsed less and therefore spent less time in the hospital.
These patients don't necessarily need psychiatry as much as psychotherapy and psychological assessment. Dr. Now, quite frankly, should have a health psychologist working in his clinic whose sole job is to psychological assessment on these patients and do structural behavioral therapy as needed. They could arrange a fee structure that would allow the state medical health plans to cover it or roll it into the services needed for bariatric evaluation.
I didn't see any fecal matter on his hand. I thought he actually touched the pad below him and it was wet with urine. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he did not have much sensation to tell if he's gone to the bathroom without touching a pad. Yeh,... when he was eating that burger and fries after getting the 800 calories diet and he said "I don't even know what 800 calories looks like" I thought... what you're putting in your mouth right now is 800 calories or more so that's all you get today (even though obviously they don't want the 800 calories to be loaded with cholesterol and sodium). I also don't see why he can't just eat carrots and celery all day if he feels the urge to put food in his mouth. I agree 800 calories is a starvation diet and surely at some point in the timeline the body then starts hoarding weight before you drop it? Also, was there any mention of health issues? Diabetes? Hypertension? Etc.? Everything about how Dr. Now runs his practice frustrates me so I don't know why I watch this show!
Dr. Now kills me with his late-entry psychology services. Can someone correct me... I thought a psychological assessment was a requirement before bariatric surgery? Also, this guy rolls in the door and Dr. Now says "what an unhealthy dynamic between him and mom" and waits over 4 months to see a psychologist? Can someone explain the logic here to me? Why are we not having immediate and/or early intervention to give psychoeducation, teach coping skills to patient and caregiver, and to address distorted thought patterns? Also, why is a homebound patient on oxygen not getting home health services? I feel this show gives the impression that Dr. Now often fails his patients with clear psychological patterns that set them up for failure. It doesn't make Dr. Now look good. When Sean said "maybe I can get a friend" my heart broke. When I heard he hadn't been outside in 8 years it broke harder. When I heard he hadn't completed high school because of this injury I could've cried. What does he have to start his life? I hope studying for a GED was on his palm-future board!
That was insane... I could not for the life of me understand how a psych unit was not her first stop rather than two trips to jail. At first I thought she just seemed manic but, man, after she left jail the first time her psychosis was full-blown. I would really like to hear more about why they put the intervention goals before psychiatric needs... she couldn't consent to treatment as long as she was psychotic anyways, and Donna herself knew it she could be in this state for weeks. Did we even see her using any drugs? Another example of a molester getting his dues in court and the young victim still suffering. I wonder if Sierra got any counseling after the molestation. I hope she does well... she's only 19!
Huh... i spent the whole episode thinking Joel was played by Dougray Scott and didn't realize it was Ben Chaplin til I got here. Amazing all those guys are 46-50 years old. Romany is 48! I was watching on the plane and had to cover my table during the sex scene so just got to listen to it... awkward :) Seems interesting so far but I was annoyed that the guys' were not sunburned after their hike and that noone lent poor Gus clothes.
I wish we'd heard more about her bipolar diagnosis. I think bipolar is very frequently misdiagnosed and an accurate diagnosis can be very clouded by things like substance use and even anorexia. To get disability for bipolar independent doctors would have had to agree with the diagnosis and show she couldn't work. They didn't say anything about her taking meds for bipolar... just the klonopin. I am hoping if she does indeed have bipolar she gets on a good regimen and sticks with it. She's at very high risk for relapse I think but glad to see she's getting trauma-focused therapy.