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  1. That's the terrible thing to me. It seems like, whatever Collin's issues may be, there is a huge chance they were triggered by the sheer number of people in that home (noise, noise, noise!), Kate's rigid rules, not getting enough attention, etc.. I'm not saying it's anybody's fault, it's just the reality of the situation. But why on Earth wouldn't she allow him to try to live with Jon where he would be the only kid in a nice and quiet setting where he could work on his issues versus sending him away? Even if she hates Jon, why wouldn't you try that before just sending him off. I wonder if he got to come home for Christmas. Poor baby. I don't think he's in a psychological inpatient setting. I think he's in more of like a school for troubled boys. Inpatient facilities wouldn't keep him this long.
  2. It would have been interesting to add a girl that chose abortion (there was one, I remember) to teen mom and see where her life is at this point as well.
  3. I thought maybe Jill's trip to Nepal took the place of her international honeymoon.
  4. So you're saying that she could have been on her cycle on her wedding night, and if so, by Duggar rules, not allowed to have Sex for seven days after it stops? I wonder if she would have been allowed privacy to explain to Derrick a.) that she was on her period and b.) he was going to have to wait another week, or if that's just something she's save to surprise him after the wedding or if a chaperone would have to hear that business. How embarrassing!
  5. I actually agreed with Kathryn's father and had bristled before he had even said anything. It wasn't really that the other kids got to hear how HARD the questions were going to be, it was that they were really the exact same questions, with just the letters, numbers, etc. changed. So the other kids waiting could listen to the types of questions and figure out how to work them out in the most efficient way. It would have been much more fair if the other kids hadn't been able to hear the other kid's questions. I think they made the questions very similar to ensure everyone got the same level of difficulty, but it was a huge advantage for the other kids to hear, especially further down the line after seeing that okay, Kid A had this question, Kid B had this question, I'm probably going to have this question. How will I work it out? That said, it's just a game. All the kids did great!
  6. The thing that annoys me the most is that I get the distinct feeling that some juicy stuff goes on that causes the huge blow ups and we are not privy to it. Much like christy's blowup when Abby allegedly said something about Chloe's eye but it wasn't aired, something had to have been said off camera or unaired to make Holly lose it like that.
  7. I really think it only benefits the girls to have them serve at different times. If it were just the two of them, I would guess they'd prefer to just serve concurrently and get it over with. I bet Joe goes first so Teresa can continue to make money while she's "hot." I'd hate to have 18 months of prison hanging over my head for four years before I could just get it over with!
  8. I'm glad they won't have to serve at the same time, for the sake of the girls.
  9. Saw a tweet that said she was still waiting but had been told they won't serve at the same time.
  10. Was Chloe really hurt or just not allowed to be in the recital?
  11. The stupid thing is that all last season it was "We're going to get a new team that is better than your team." Then they bring the kids in, move Maddie over, and for an episode it was what they had said it was going to be. Then the new group disbanded and the kids are now fighting for a spot on the inferior team? These produced insult my intelligence.
  12. What kind of allegiance do the producers have to Abby? Does she have editorial control? If not, why don't the producers understand that what the viewers want to see is A.) Abby lose, so by extension, Maddie lose? Why would they allow Abby tamper with the results in the fashion that she does? B.) Abby look bad (even at her worst, sometimes I feel like she's getting a pretty good edit). C.) The kids win! Why not send Chloe to her another dance teacher that would give her better choreography than Abby does and see how she really does? Why not make Abby put Maddie up against the kids from Studio Bleu? Surely they have the control to make that happen, so why don't they?
  13. See, when Abby made that comment about the kid in the orange and they showed Kendall, I was thinking she wasn't even talking about Kendall and it was more editing and a kid in pink was as close as they could get. Really, I shouldn't be this confused after watching a show. I would love to know what really happened between Holly and Abby.
  14. I got the distinct idea that something else happened off camera (or on camera, but that they chose not to show) to make Holly that mad. To me, it was obviously not anything scripted because Holly was so mad she refused to talk in front of the cameras. I don't defend Abby, but it seemed what made Holly the maddest was when Abby said that she was not a little girl, she was 12 years old, she could have babies, etc. I think Abby was trying to say that Nia was not a little girl and didn't need to be coddled, which, while it wasn't diplomatic, which Abby never is, I've heard her say worse and Holly hasn't seemed that mad. The only thing I can think of was that by saying she could have babies now was that she was alluding to (or possibly specifically said, but was edited out) the fact that she can physically have babies now meant announcing to the television audience a specific pubescent event, which Holly saw as humiliating to her daughter, as I would have seen to mine as well. I didn't take it that way---but maybe if that's what Abby was saying it would explain Holly's anger. Either that, or she's been sitting on it for a LONG time, because I couldn't find the trigger with what was said this week any worse than what Abby said last week to Nia. Actually, I thought last week was worse and it was far worse how Abby and Gia (who I used to like) were being really mean to Mackenzie.
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