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Posts posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. I feel bad for Sophia because lets face it, she is not asthetically-pleasing to the eye. Lol! On top of that, she is being raised by the most dysfunctional troika on reality tv.

    I am rooting for Butch! Love how he asked for advice on how to approach Brandon, Teresa and Carly at the wedding.

    Amber allowing Rick Moranis to care for Leah while she is laid up in bed makes me uncomfortable. Call me paranoid.

    • Love 7
  2. If Quinn didnt die immediately given how crude the state of medical care is in the Badlands, I doubt he would survive a wound like that.

    I am firmly Team Widow and what she is trying to do.

    The three warriors gave me Three Storms from Big Trouble in Little China vibes. Lol

  3. Javi is so lame. He strikes me as one of those guys who tries to come off cool and hip and just fails at it!

    Isaac and Lincoln Log will outgrown those expensive-ass shoes by the spring. Lol.

    • Love 5
  4. I am glad Olivia never told Fitz of the pregnancy or that she wanted to terminate it. I don't want to see Fitz grovel, beg, plead and try to guilt Liv into keeping a child she doesn't want or go to some extreme measure to force her to keep the baby (this is Scandal and crazier things have happened.

    It's obvious Olivia and Fitz aren't done are still love with each other; they're just not on the same page right now.

    No way Jake didn't kill Eli once they were inside the house.

  5. Oh Liv,to quote the great O-ren Ishii,"you didn't think it would be easy, did you?" Fitz is punishing you for what you did by taking away all that you value the most; your freedom to come and go as you please and your career.

    • Love 4
  6. Kudos to the poster who came up with "vowel vomit". Hehehehe

    Remington Simms sounds like a character from one of those prime time soap operas that aired during the 80's. Also, at least they kept the original spelling; it could have been Remyngtin Munro or Monrow.

    • Love 5
  7. Fitz probably doesn't know about weaves, right? Oh yes, this could get interesting.

    *cackling and rubbing my hands together*

    Fitz needs learn that Remy is just not a alcoholic beverage or that Brazilian wavy is not the latest dance craze.

    • Love 4
  8. I doubt losing primary custody of the girls or the possibility of losing custody of Addie will light a fire under Leah's ass to get herself together! I see it sending Leah spiraling further into addiction because she is just oh so depressed that her children have been taken away or some BS like that!

    • Love 4
  9. I was worried when the episode started because it wasn't really grabbing my attention and I couldn't have cared less about what happened to the two girls. About halfway through it started to pick up and by the end I was hooked. I have a few theories as to what is going on but I'll wait until a few more episodes in to delve into them. I also think the song that's been playing during the commercials "Du Hast" by Rammstein holds a few clues as to what is going on this season.

    I don't thing it does given how the song is about not wanting to get married.

    • Love 1
  10. I found the blatant rip-off of the Hunger complete with Bela Lugosi's Dead more horrifying than a guy getting sodomized with a drilldo! I am still going to tune in every Wednesday though! Lol

    • Love 9
  11. Totally shallow, I know, but I hope Velisse takes after her mother in the looks department.

    Janet must be over the moon! It's apparent she loves Isaac to death so I can only imagine her going crazy with a little granddaughter to spoil. Lol

    • Love 4
  12. I think the issue that seems to be downplayed is that it's not like Jo said he didn't want to give additional money in CS. He just wants them to come to an agreement outside of the courts.

    • Love 3

    You beat me to it. God forbid Jo not have a job RIGHT NOW. How many years has Kail sat on her ass? I don't see Kail saving money. Sure Jo has a BMW, but how many seasons did we see him driving an old car before that BMW made a scene? Javi was barely with Kail one year before he showed up with his new BMW courtesy of Kail no doubt. He is now on his second NEW car. Kail has bought how many gas guzzlers to date? Is Jo sporting countless tattoos? Is he getting lip injections like Kail? In all these years did he ever go on a vacation? How many vacations did Kail go on this season alone? Jo lived in an apartment for what? Four years? It is likely the guy saves his money from all of these seasons and is now just dipping into it temporarily. My spouse inherited over $100 grand from his parents' estate. He won't touch it. A major part of It has been sitting there for five years in the bank and another part of it is invested. Jo's parents own a business. They have likely taught him how to save money and invest. Randy did it for Chelsea. Not everyone is like Kail...spend, spend, spend!


    About Jo's BMW:

    Jo's dad either owns or runs a used car lot. He probably has a dealer's license,which means he could have gotten that car for Jo at a nice price.




    I remember Jo saying something to Vee last season about buying a food truck. maybe Jo is trying to get a business off the ground. maybe he doesn't want a 9 to 5 because he wants to be self-employed? Who knows.

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