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Posts posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. Hanging out on black campuses can really be tricky for some white folk.

    Umph, umph, umph, bless her heart.



    I find her "transformation" infuriating given her racially insensitive remarks about AA.

    • Love 4
  2. Lol@the LSA mention. We're ruthless over there when it comes to Teen Mom.

    I don't feel sorry for Javi one bit because the signs were all there. You worried about cheating when you married an unrepentant cheater.

    • Love 4
  3. Leah said that the kids would be devastated if she wasn't their primary caretaker. LOL! NOpe, I think they love the structure they receive at their father's house; knowing they'll have regular meal times; knowing there won't be rushing and chaos in the mornings; Gracie knowing she doesn't have to raise her sisters, the list goes on.


    I agree about Jo needing to get it together long term. What happened to him? Didn't he move to New Jersey to be closer to his job? He never struck me as the lazy type and on top of that, his parents seem like hard workers who and I would think they would have passed their work ethic on to  him. 

    • Love 6
  4. Only Jenelle tries to minimize her mother raising her child since he was born!i


    I suspect that Isaac's clothing and hygiene issues are due to Jo and Vee being exhausted due to taking care of a newborn o their own, I do agree they need to step up in that respect but Kail and Javi can have a stadium full of seats because they would probably be fucked if that didn't have Javi's relatives doing all of the heavy lifting for them.

    • Love 18
  5. Can't say I am surprised considering they got married for all the wrong reasons. Also, isnt adultery heavily frowned upon in the armed services? BTW, Jo and Vee got engaged.

    • Love 2
  6. Do they have a Big Brothers/ Big Sisters program where Barb lives? I think it would do wonders for Jace to have a positive male role model in his life and it would give Barb a little break that she needs.

    • Love 12
  7. It could be editing but of course Jenelle glosses over the fact that her son is violent with his grandmother and goes straight into her latest drama with Nathan! Also, poor Roll! Stuck in a dark room, crying his eyes out while Jenelle is oh, so overwhelmed and needs to get in bed and bitch about Nathan! 


    Hangry Gracie is comical and cringeworthy to watch!  


    So where does Javi think he is going to get the money from to support all these children he wants to have with Kail when the MTV gravy-train finally comes to an end?  Ans seriously, did Jo ruin Javi Captain-save-a-ho fantasy by being an active father to Isaac, so much that he uprooted his life! Get over yourself, labia lips! No wonder why Kail looked like she wanted to let out a huge sigh of relief when he told her about his deployment!

    • Love 9
  8. Funny how the two people who are pursuing some type of training/post-secondary education won't be able to find gainful employment due to having criminal history.

    Poor Kaiser Permanente. Stuck in a crib for who knows how long and a bottled shoved in his mouth to shut him up.

    • Love 2
  9. Don't worry Javi, when you you and Kail inevitably divorce, her new husband won't want anything to do with you either!

    Has anyone ever called DHS on Leah?

    Did Jenelle's even take Der Kaiser's temperature or did she forget to because she just wanted him to stay in his crib so she could ignore him like she usually does?

    A pig in the house...on the couch!!!!!

    • Love 7
  10. I wonder if Blackbeard is either team up with Flint to wreck havoc on the British or blame him for what happened to Vanessa and seek vengeance?

    I love how they're building the relationship between Silver and Madi.

    • Love 1
  11. Latino is not a race but it's clear that Javi is not white. I would say that at best he is mestizo, but he looks like he has a lot of Native blood in him. I don't know how Jo identities himself but many Puerto Ricans I know don't consider themselves white in that sense. I guess that is due to the intermixing that occurred in Puerto Rico between what was left of the Taino, the Spanish and Africans bought in as slaves.

    Kail may not see the fathers of her children as a different race but you can bet she sees them as beneath her.

    • Love 6
  12. My cat Bell gets a very sarcastic princess thrown before her name. On a side note I love how this all became about our nicknames for our cats.

    I don't have a nickname for my cat but I will say that she has Resting Bitch Face and loves to get on my yoga mat and put her ass in my face when I am downward facing dog position!

    • Love 3
  13. Just watched part one of the finale.


    Sophia with the Missing Link forehead and creepy voice, ordering Simon to marry her mom and give her a baby sibling like the last thing Farrah needs to do is procreate and make more children like Sophia. 


    People just don't snap out of depression, Tyler! Cate may be sleeping her life away but you aren't doing much better Mr.I can't get a regular job!


    Amber's grandmother looked like she would rather have dinner with Hannibal Lecter than Matt.  Can you blame her?


    Ryan, you parents are so into Bentley because someone has to pick up the slack. 


    Just watched the second ep.


    Every time I see that Port-a-Potty in Farrah's yard, I can't help but think that she let James Deen shoot his population paste all over her but these folks that she has known for the past 7 years can't use her bathroom?


    Eventually, Farrah is going to pull the "Sophia's dad died" card and someone is going to respond "so" or "you need to move on".


    I want to say that Gary is a saint for allowing Amber to not pay child support until recently especially knowing that she is bankrolling a scumbag with 9 kids and counting that he abandoned.

    • Love 10
  14. Am I the only one who thinks Kail got pregnant because she's jealous of Jo's little girl?

    We can't have Isaac have something at Jo's that he doesn't have at his mother's home. She already tried to replace Jo with Javi as Isaac's dad, why not try to replace baby Velisse with a new little sister.

    • Love 1
  15. I saw this on another board a few days ago and decided not to post it because I might say something I'll regret but you know what, fuck it!

    How dare this ogre come out of her mouth to disparage a black woman's hair when she attends an HBCU? Why doesn't she do something with those shitty tattoos?I am sick of her and her racially charged comments, first about Isaac's hair, the BLM movement and now this. Funny how us POC are good enough when your trailer ass needed a come up like Jo's family taking you in, attending an institution of higher learning designed for blacks to access to higher education, marrying some colorstruck Latino for military benefits and using his family like your personal maid service and babysitters!

    • Love 15
  16. Deborah, dogs don't have souls but neither does your daughter!

    Maybe I watch too many horror movies but Sophia just looks like she's a minute away from morphing into her true form and ripping someone's throat out!

    Butch is 3 months out of jail and already has a lady friend, April remarried and I am sitting here single!

    Jen and Larry are so over Ryan's bullshit, however, did anyone catch when Ryan said that he and Maci have communication issues because she wants to talk about more than just Bentley?

    • Love 14
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