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Posts posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. Fans screen-shooting Kail's phone and then running to Javi with the name of the caller is stepping over the line IMO. Tyler Hill could have been anyone for all this person knows. As much as I don't care for Kail or Javi, I would never run to social media to purposely try to cause discord in their marriage especially when they do a very good job of doing that themselves.

    • Love 12
  2. Now that I think about it, I wonder if that shot of Leah vacuuming was "fuck you internets" moment especially with her lamenting about how hard it is to keep the house clean.

    Someone on Instagram called Dave ," Uncle Bad Touch" . I feel bad for laughing so hard when I read it given the severity of "bad touching".

    • Love 12
  3. I am on my phone and can't embedded the screenshot but someone on Reddit called Javi out for his feeling like he is in prison comments. Basically, the person listed all the amenities on the base Javi is stationed like movie theater, several American fast food places and two gyms (gotta do his Crossfit).

    • Love 11
  4. Can we get a "No one messes with Mae Mae" t-shirt, stat!

    Janelle called Jace a liar on Twitter. She said that he lies to her about Barb and the lies to Barb about her. Go figure!

    I wish Barb asked the police to go into the home and check on Janelle.  Donkey Kong Jr. has a history of DM and I would want to make sure he isn't beating her if I were Barb.

    • Love 16
  5. Aubree reminds me of my daughter; it takes me and two nurses to hold her down just so the doctor  and give her the nasal mist version of the flu shot.

    I would call Jenelle's bluff if I was Barb. Cut off all contact and see how many years it takes her to file for custody of Jace. 

    Jenelle saying she's embarrassed about the cops coming to her home like her behavior the past 7 seasons hadn't been embarrassing.  I really just want Barb to punch her right in the mouth. Don't judge me!

    • Love 23
  6. As cliché as it sounds, it is infuriating to know that are couples out there who would love to have a child but can't have one or had to spend a small fortune and go through so much just to have one while a guy just walks by Janelle and she can conceive and carry a child. 

    • Love 10
  7. Well, it's not like we didn't see this coming.  I just hope Kail, Javi and even Jo can work together to make the the situation as painless as possible for Isaac. 

    • Love 6
  8. On 5/4/2016 at 8:39 PM, Mkay said:

    Yep.  She had pics of these two guys at her house this morning on snapchat.

    Uh-oh, she had men in her home without Javi being there!

    • Love 3
  9. 7 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

    Hmm. Javi has retweeted some of that guy's videos, so I assume they are other students from the communication department at DSU making videos together. That "when you _____" setup is a frequent meme setup.

    Ahh- she retweeted and joked about "working on these acting skills." It's definitely a just for fun video. 

    I know but I would think with her Teen Mom fame and a marriage that is about to implode or already has, she would be more careful in what she put out there.

    • Love 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, Lemons said:

    Cole has the same stupid voice that's how he stands it.  Plus add in Cole's Fargo accent and the fact that he is a grown man and it is a whole lot worse.

    Yep. That is sad that the person with the deepest voice in the house is 6 years-old.

    • Love 17
  11. I guess letting Jace play Grand Theft Auto is just preparing him for when he actually does commit Grand Theft Auto. Also, I am not surprised by his cursing given what he is exposed to.

    • Love 12
  12. I guess I so wanted Jace to say "My mom'said name is Barb...."

    I felt so horrible for him when he failed his spelling test. 


    I was thinking that maybe they have support groups for spouses and children of servicepersons  that have been deployed. Maybe Isaac can deal with the situation better if he interacted with other children going through the same thing  but that would mean Kail would actually have to give a shit that Javi is gone.j

    • Love 3
  13. DespIte lip injections, Kail  has a Pillsbury Dough Boy-looking face. There is like no definition between the lips, her chins and jaw and it makes the lipstick look smeared on her lips.

    • Love 4
  14. I so wanted Jace to say "My mom's name is Barb...."

    I felt so horrible for him when he failed his spelling test. 


    I was thinking that maybe they have support groups for spouses and children of servicepersons  that have been deployed. Maybe Isaac can deal with the situation better if he interacted with other children going through the same thing  but that would mean Kail would actually have to give a shit that Javi is gone.j

    • Love 11
  15. 1 hour ago, truelovekiss said:

    Approximately when was the nappy hair comment?

    It was on her SnapChat.  Someone captured it and posted it on Tumblr since SnapChats delete after 24 hours.

    • Love 2
  16. 6 hours ago, CofCinci said:

    Why did Kail take a "classmate" to LA with her?

    According to another site, it was for the filming of the reunion. 


    I will say this, I think that she is dating this guy for fun and not trying to make him the Isaac and Lincoln's new daddy. She has a certain degree of security now so there is no rush to lock some guy down into a serious commitment.

    • Love 3
  17. 10 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

    Have you ever seen Javi's Instagram? Women are obsessed with him, begging him to leave Kail and take them, telling him what they'd do to him...hundreds of thirsty comments on every photo. 

    I think watching Javi treat a child that is not his as his own has endeared him to many a single-mother  dealing with an absentee baby daddy or a Adam-like  BD.

    • Love 7
  18. I hope this episode puts the final nail in the "Macon loves Ernestine" coffin.

    I hope Ernestine is somehow able to get justice once she gets out of the box.

    I wonder if Jeremiah was lying to August about the contents of the letter? 

    • Love 6
  19. On 4/26/2016 at 2:59 AM, CofCinci said:

    Don't you love how Jenelle gets all dolled up for her meeting with Nathan and then she unconvincingly tells creepy Uncle Dave that he can "ride" with her if he wants -- which escalated to "You're with me now!" DV charges in 6 months for this winning pair.

    Earlier in the season he kept a clean house. Not anymore. Look at all the dirty dishes.

    I can see more than DV charges being filed. I see Donkey Kong putting Jenelle in hospital. IICR, doesn't he have a no contact order because he choked his pregnant girlfriend?  I can see Jenelle saying something particularly mean to Uncle Dave and him beating her within an inch of her life since that seems to be how he deals with anger.  

    • Love 4
  20. Dave looks like an artist rendition of what early man would look like.

    Wow! I am always in the area where Kail and Javi's hotel is located (my favorite cupcake shop is 2 blocks away).

    Good Lord, the aftershow is just on big clusterfuck of enabling.

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