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Posts posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. I saw the falling out of love thing and I couldn't help but think he was the only one in love in that relationship.

    So, is Javi's mother still providing childcare? I can't imagine what this situation is lIke for her. But then again, she is probably focused on her grandchild.

    Isn't the house in Kail's name only? I can see this getting real messy when Javi returns.

  2. I think when Jenelle is no longer able to afford a decent lawyer, she finally start seeing jail time. I think when the show ends and these girls fade back into obscurity, we'll see a quick news blurb about a former reality star being arrested and later on, another blurb about her being found guilty of whatever crime and sentenced to x amount of time in jail.

    • Love 4
  3. Yeah, The Ashley pointed out that whining about your son's stepfather's military job that he uses to help support said son and his mother when your only "job" for quite some time has been TM is a bit ridiculous. If I were Jo I'd probably just stay quiet until I actually did something with my life.


    I don't see it as whining. He expressed his reservations about how military life would affect his son and there is nothing wrong with that(someone here acknowledge that that life can be tough on children). He knows how Isaac feels about Javi and he is worried about how the impending separation will affect him.

    • Love 13
  4. If TM2 ends Janelle and Adam will probably never see their kids again. Adam will fade away and Janelle will never visit with Jace or try to regain custody and Kaiser will probably be dropped off at Nathan's mom and Janelle will forget all about him and never return. Best thing that could happen to all three kids. I would love to give Chelsea props for how her life has turned out but I've read comments on social media posted by her fans that just annoy the heck out of me.. people posting how Chelsea is the best muther eva because she went thru hell and has become such a success. That her life was so difficult and she overcame so much. Um are we watching the same show? I like Chelsea and think she is the most well adjusted of all the girls and probably definitely the sweetest person on these shows but I don't think she went thru hell. Not even close. when she lived in her comfy cute rental house with her best friend and "studied" for her GED for two years while daddy paid her bills? When she got a $200,000 paycheck and bought a new house of her own? When she worked part time waxing people? She's always had a pretty good life mainly due to Papa randy (and the TM paycheck) I might give her that Aubree's life sucks because her dad is a loser but I don't really remember Chelsea facing any real hardships. Now I'd agree that Addie, Gracie and Ali have gone thru hell! And that Jace's life has been hellish at times. But not Chelsea.

    I don't really respect Chelsea for trying to replace Adam as Aubree's dad because as much as Chelsea has (rightfully) always complained about what an obviously shitty parent Adam is, up until she met Cole she has always let Adam stick his dick in her and had no problem with that. I'm sorry and this is just my opinion but if my daughter's father put her in physical danger (as Adam has driving with Aubree in the car with no license, Aubree got hurt riding a dirt bike with no helmet etc) Plus he's an asshole who thinks rules don't apply to him and doesn't seem concerned about Aubree's safety at all.. there is no way in HELL I could have any type of sexual relationship with him, even no strings attached. I would get physically ill from having someone who hurt my child even touch me. Not saying she's a bad mother but the fact that she was ok with hooking up with Adam even after he did and said so many horrible things to Aubree just really lowers my opinion of her. She's all anti adam now because she has a new man and she's cramming him down Aubree's throat. Its great if Cole loves Aubree but they haven't been together that long, they are not even married yet, Give the relationship (between Cole and Aubree) time to develop naturally.

    I have to roll my eyes so hard every time totally delusional Leah talks about how Jeremy flirts with her etc.. Jeremy could not have looked more disinterested in Leah if he tried!! He looked embarrassed and mortified. He is so done with her. Now I am not racist, I am only repeating what I know about redneck guys from WV and both Jeremy and Cory sort of fall under this category.. I wonder if the fact that Leah is/was dating TR dues a total turn off to her ex husbands (and possibly Robbie). Most white good ol country boy types in West Virginia are racist and feel if a white girl dates a black man she is "tainted" or dirty and they won't sleep with her. Not saying this is how Jeremy feels but I know he made some racist comments on social media when Leah started dating TR so..

    Nothing to say about Kail and Javi. Kail is a bitch. I feel bad for poor sweet Issac

    Now that I think about it, when the show ends, I think Jenelle would keep Kaiser because without him, she wouldn't be eligible for the TANF she will have apply for since she is pretty much unemployable.

    • Love 4
  5. So Javi is doing all the posting and Kail.is out there, living her life. Lol He must have really gotten on her nerves that to the point thatshe is willing to forgo those sweet Air Force benefits.

    • Love 5
  6. kailyn-lowry-baby-boy.jpg?crop=top&fit=c

    Seemed a good time to re-post this. From InTouch mag.

    I cannot stop laughing at this photo because on another website, the nicknamed Kail, Big Pearl after character from SpongeBob Squarepants. Seeing her posing with the sharks in the background, it's like she is in Bikini Bottom. Lol

  7. Peach was the assistant to the grand bitch. Kail was dictating orders to Peach who was then dictating to the girls in the wedding. I think one of the complaints was Peach's attitude, which was not at all nice.

    Yeah, imagine Javi's sisters bowing out of the wedding. It goes without saying the dependopotamus would have pitched a major tantrum. Bad enough she threw a tantrum over earrings.

    Kail was wanting matching jewelry so her photos would be perfect not that she was following any etiquette rules.

    How perfect could her photos be when she look like an anaconda that swallowed a large animal in that wedding dress? Lol

    • Love 4
  8. I am throughly convinced that Dave is missing a few chromosomes. Oh, and both he and Nathan sport that stupid fade combover haircut that is all the rage now.

    Jenelle going on about Nathan being a bad parent and not caring is rich considering she left her kid with a woman she barely knows and generally acts like Kaiser is a big burden to her.

    I feel bad for Isaac because given the state of Kail and javi's marriage, his relationship with Javi about to drastically change.

    Can you imagine Cole's voice prior to him going through puberty? Lol

    • Love 6
  9. I thought the Tattoos Under the Sea-theme was quite fitting since Kail is constantly being referred to looking like various sea creatures.

    • Love 5
  10. I think for all of Javi creepy obsession with trying to replace Jo as Isaac's father, if he and Kail do divorce, I can see Javi not giving a shit about Isaac's anymore.

    • Love 3
  11. Not that Kail gives a shit, but I wonder how Javi feels about Kail wanting her boys raised as "white". How does Lincoln's abuela feel about her grand being told that his white half is better? And why does Kail keep laying with Spanish men if she wants this full Waspy life?

    I would answer this but people might get offended.

    • Love 2
  12. Really when you think about it, the only guys Jenelle can attract are losers. No normal, well-adjusted, educated, intelligent guy with no baggage or arrests would go anywhere near her. Only bottom-feeders for her.

    What is that saying, "water seeks its own level"!

    • Love 8
  13. I actually give her credit for putting up colors that she enjoys, not just what you are supposed to have if you are striving for upper middle class (kail).  I think if a color makes you happy, you should surround yourself with it.

    it wasn't so much the color, but the patterns.

    • Love 1
  14. You can bet that if MTV were to cancel the show, Kaiser wold end up permanently living with his paternal grandmother.

    I can't help but think that not only is Kail ecstatic that Javi has been deployed, but Jo and Vee as well. Javi is little shit-stirring pain in the ass and the fact that Jo,Vee and Kail all get along now proves that.

    • Love 8
  15. Is it wrong that I think She-Puta pulled a Kate from the Godfather and had an abortion because she simply did not want anymore children with Javi?

    Oh yes, Jenelle, Kaiser is a handful because he wants you to do more than the bare minimum when it comes to parenting him.

    • Love 5
  16. The highlights are at the bottom of this:


    I'm over 30, so I have no idea what a frog and a cup of coffee mean as a response.

    It's a take on the popular meme featuring Kermit the Frog sipping tea. The meme usually has some snarky observation and the ends with " but that is none of my business". Javi is trying to imply something between Kail and Jo but then wants to say it's none of his concern in a passive-aggressive manner. I swear, Bouncey house-lips is what my friends liken to call "bitchmade". He is probably pissed that he isn't at the awards, fame-whoring it up!
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