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Posts posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. 2 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

    So apparently Jenelle (or someone) lied about Nathan getting Kaiser only two weekends out of the month. Their custody papers leaked - and Nathan gets Kaiser from Thursday to Sunday night three times per month. Which I know isn't 50-50, but it's more time than what we were led to believe Nathan received with Kaiser in the agreement. 

    Also, it looks to me like before the agreement is finalized, Jenelle and Nathan both have to pass drug tests for marijuana, opiates, and steroids..... I kind of have my doubts either of them can do that, but whatever.

    You can see the agreement here:


    I bet 90 percent of that time will be spent with Nathan's mother. But hey, it's better than being locked in a dark room or being berated by Forrest Gump's evil alternate reality twin.

    • Love 8
  2. Can we talk about Kail's Prince and the Revolution  purple-colored bedroom? 

    Did anyone catch Ali walking up the steps with Gracie? That has to be very taxing for her aND the logical conclusion should be Leah need to find a single-level home but this is Leah we are talking about.

    How does Javi plan to support all these babies he wants to have when the MTV gravy train comes to a screeching halt? 

    • Love 11
  3. Did Uncle Bad Touch really call a one year old a "whiny bitch"? 

    That lake looks like some place Uncle Dave would dump Jenelle's body when the inevitable blow up between them happens and he snaps. 

    I love how Jenelle tried to emotionally manipulate Jace and he basically told her that he likes her house because he gets to play COD.

    What is going on with Javi's mother and discipline because Lincoln is getting out of control?

    Leah looks like a porn star at the tail end of her career.

    • Love 21
  4. I think the reasons for the divorce are valid to some degree. He wants to be able to control Kail to some degree because of his insecurities and by adding more children, he feels he can do that. I guess in his head, she can't cheat if she is pregnant or has to deal with more children.

    • Love 3
  5. Color me shocked she is a woman of color because Javi always came off to me that he had a penchant for non-Latino white women, blondes especially.

    • Love 4
  6. 19 minutes ago, Chicken Wing said:

    Kail wouldn't do the run of shame. She'd just flip out and do something to make the camera immediately cut away to the audience going "Ohhhhhhhhh!"

    Like shake the crap  out Maury's head like she did Javi. Lol

    • Love 4
  7. 14 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

    I told my Mom, "they cast Regé-Jean Page so well, he has the same nose and face shape as Jonathan Rhys Meyers(especially since he's lost weight)!" He is very charasmatic, I look forward to seeing him in more things. I heard him speak briefly in an interview (i know I can look this up once I'm done with this post), but is he Austrialian? British? I can't place the accent. 

    He is Brit but was raised partially in Zimbabwe.

    • Love 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Chicken Wing said:

    I try to imagine talking to my mother the way Jenelle does and I can't do it. I get knocked unconscious just thinking about it.

    If I talked to my mother the way Jenelle talks to Barb, the best I could hope for is to end up in a permanent vegetative state!

    • Love 9
  9. MTV has previews for the finale up. Apparently, Javi wants a divorce because Kail doesn't want anymore children. According to him, "he doesn't see a future for them." Kail says that she wants to graduate and have a career. As much as I despise Kail, I say good for her.  

    • Love 14
  10. 13 minutes ago, Little Spoon said:

    Is Cole the guy that had never had a girlfriend before (am i even thinking of the right show)? He does seem so naive and kid-like. If that's the case, the reason they're together is because he so in awe of all the "action" he's been getting.

    Its totally a thing. 

    Sorry for being gross, but was david trying to hint that jenelle is too "loose" down there and needs to tighten up?

    Again, sorry.

    Cough, cough (chokes on her pizza and ranch)


    Oh, moderaters.........

     Jenelle isn't loose, Dave, it's  just that you little Dave is probably  a little too little. Lolol


    What going on with Jenelle's face? These girls need to leave the plastic surgery alone.

    • Love 4
  11. So Barbara is supposed to work full-time, raise Jace and cater to Janelle during her mystery illness?  

    Poor Kaiser, still wants to comfort the woman who puts him in a dark room to cry himself to sleep.

    Jeff looked like he was so over Leah and her antics.

    • Love 17
  12. 1 hour ago, mywinston said:

    Dude, it's Spring Break. It's like the Ke$ha of holidays. She can't miss that, restless leg syndrome or no. Speaking of, what a crazy bitch. Her storyline each week has zero to negative cohesion. Her stupidity and delusion would be much more entertaining if her kids and Mother didn't suffer from her idiotic hijinks.

     I am still in awe til this day that Jenelle told Dustin with a straight face that she could not turn herself in because she had to go to a Kesha concert. Lol Then proceeded to explain the importance of Kesha to him.  Like how delusional do you have to be! 

    • Love 16
  13. There is another clip on MTV. Com of Jenelle telling Barbara she can't attend Jace's event because she is going on spring break! I guess she is miraculously cured of her laundry list of ailments  go on another vacation. Lol 

    • Love 11
  14. Kail doesn't graduate until Dec, I believe, so I see her staying out for now. Plus it is probably in her best interest to stay put as she will now have 2 custody agreements she has to abide by. p]p

    • Love 8
  15. Stevie Wonder, Helen Keller and Ray Charles could see the marriage was head for divorce. I feel bad for children, Isaac especially.  Kail doesn't care and I don't feel any thing but what I like to call maximum-level schadenfreude as far as Javi is concerned because there were so many red flags with Kail but he chose to ignore them.


    Why do I get this image of Javi' s sisters telling him "I told you so!"

    • Love 10
  16. Jace needs male role model in life but it sure isn't Uncle No Contact Order. 

    If Leah says "ma kids" one more time. I am shocked Corey hasn't ripped his beard out in frustration in having to deal with Leah. 

    Vivi is adorable with her little hairstyle. 

    • Love 13
  17. Jenelle, benzodiazapiene( sp) are addictive and that is why the doctor doesn't want to prescribe them to your addict ass! I am shocked she didn't come across that bit of info when she was copying all those symptoms from WebMD. 

     So I guess there no sane, reasonable people in Leah's family! 

    Good lord, Javi is so paranoid about Jo when it's her school friends he needs to worry about.

    • Love 9
  18. TBH, Kail and Javi have already called it quits so what can be gained by sending him screenshots of something that happened I am guessing in Feb. 

    I wish he would stop whining on social media! Kail doesn't seem the least bit broken up despite a history of treating the men she is with like shit, she still has ass kissing fans who will justify her every decision.

    • Love 5
  19. Kail does what Kail wants to do! How many times have we seen her disregard the rules, balk at compromising, and not give a damn about how her actions might affect someone? 

    • Love 4
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