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Posts posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. So Zach gets a few drops of the Master's worm jizz and goes right back to being stupid.

    "...and not your Nazi butler!" I bust out laughing at that one.

    Finally, someone uses silver grenades! And why don't they incorporate UV lights into their weapons?

    • Love 3
  2. 17 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said:

    He looks like that guy who always had that gross spittle in the corners of perpetually chapped lips. You know that guy.

    Not only that, he looks like his clothes smell of mildew and his feet give off odor that is toxic to people with compromised immune systems and small children. He just looks so gross that I can't believe several women let him get near them let alone have "relations" with him.

    • Love 9
  3. I don't know how Gary does it because I would be a nervous wreck everytime Leah goes to spend time with Amber and Rick Moranis. As others have stated, it's clear he can't stand Leah and wants her gone.

    Simon guzzling beer...how else can he stomach being around Farrah. And of course it all about what Farrah wants, nevermind that her child is sick.

    I wouldn't be shocked if we hear  that Brandon and Teresa have finally closed the adoption in light of C&T public marijuana use. We know they are conservative so they might not be as progressive on the issue of marijuana use. 

    • Love 9
  4. Tyler needs to realize that he is related to Carly but he is not her family. There is no bond there and she will not be devastated that she can't see him.

    I am still can't believe tha ex-con Butch has managed to find gainful employment, yet Tyler hasn't especially now that I known they only film one week a month.

    • Love 6
  5. She deleted those pics because she knows she looks like she's attending the AVN (the Oscars of Porn), not the MTV awards.

    • Love 2
  6. She looks a hot-ass mess. That top is 7 levels of wrong; the tats make arms look like she has a skin disorder;  that diaper booty struggling to be contained by those pants and the broke-ass version of a southern beauty queen-style hair!

    • Love 8
  7. 14 hours ago, Talky Tina said:

    I bet Dave treats Kaiser so badly.  He is such an asshole that I can see him taking everything out on Kaiser because he's Nathan's son, and I'm sure Jenelle allows it.  If he's calling him a little bitch on camera, it scares me to think of what he does off camera. 

    I wouldn't be surprised if Kaiser goes for an long-term stay with his paternal grandmother once this new baby arrives. You know how overwhelmed Jenelle gets when it comes to providing basic care for her kids.  I can see Uncle ID Channel using that as a opportunity to finally get rid of the "whinny little bitch".

    • Love 8
  8. 23 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

    I'm so glad smell-o-vision has not been invented. Amber's dog pee and poop house and Cate and Tyler's weed and tobacco infused house would be too much for my senses. Something also tells me Matt isn't all that interested in hygiene. He looks dirty and smelly. 

    Did you see all that dog hair on  Matt's his shirt? Like dude, time to invest in a lint/pet hair remover.

    • Love 2
  9. I doubt Amber or Matt the Scammer can peel themselves away from the couch to walk those dogs like they're suppose to. Can you imagine what it must smell like in their house?

    What is it with people and "open concept"? 

    The money that Tyler wants spend to buy a new house could be used to obtain a college degree or learning a trade. You know, something that will help him take care of all these kids he wants to have when the gravy train ends.

    • Love 5
  10. Normally, I would criticize why two people who appear to be home all day have a child in daycare but then realized that it's for the best that Kaiser not spend most of the day with Jenelle. Assuming that it's a quality facility, it's probably the only place Kaiser gets any meaningful  mental and physical stimulation 

    • Love 11
  11. Wait, they still own the first house? Are they renting it out?  Geez, two mortgages and two luxury cars, trips every couple of months, college tuition(I don't think she would qualify for FANSA), private school for Isaac, how is she not broke already?

    • Love 4
  12. What could Javi possibly write about  other than detailing the repercussions of marrying someone you didn't know that long or how to try to alienate your step-child from their other parent?

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