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Posts posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. Way to go, Ellaria. You killed an innocent girl(something Oberyn staunchly opposed) and ensured the destruction of the family of your beloved and possibly, your country. I have no doubt Oberyn is rolling in his grave!

    • Love 11
  2. Jo is moving to Delaware to be near Issac??? I would move to be closer to my son too if he had Single Latino Male Javi  for a step-dad! And speaking of Javi, I guess Kail actually knocked some sense into him and he realizes he married  a grifting she-hulk and now he wants a divorce.


    Jenelle complete lack of self-awareness continues to amaze  me!  She has zero shame or remorse for her trashy behavior. Have to say I think I experienced the maximum amount of schadenfreude a person can feel seeing Nathan pleading with Jenelle and crying in the back of the squad car. Serves him right to experience Jenelle's trashy, vindictive ways since  we all know he is using her.


    Can't wait to see Leah go through her second divorce in less than 5 years!

    • Love 5
  3. Sophia is in for a world of hurt with those looks and that attitude.

    We all know the real reason Carly will not be present at the reunion.

    How long before someone runs to the tabloids about Ryan's suspected drug use.

    April married again? This is marriage number?

    • Love 1
  4. Every time I look at Daario I can't help but thinks he looks like he works at a coffee shop in a gentrified part of Merreen!

    I swear Littlefinger is the Poppa Pope(Scandal reference) of Westeros.

    raise your hand if you miss Tywin. He would have shut down the Westerosi Taliban with a quickness.

    • Love 12
  5. I refuse to believe that Ryan isn't on something; he was totally spaced out while talking to Maci about the accident and a few weeks back, he seemed spaced out when talking to his friends about Farrah and her "furjinah". And don't get me started about him admitting on national TV that he doesn't put his child in a car seat as mandated by law. I wonder if Jen and Larry know about this?

    Sophia looks just like Derrick and that's not a good thing!

    I bet 6 years from now, Tyler will give the same speech about going back to school because he has a kid to take care of.

    • Love 8
  6. I thought Corey said they were going to wait a few years, enjoy the marriage before having kids?

    Anyway, congrats to them. Miranda looks like she will be an excellent mother.

    • Love 1
  7. I don't think the thought that Carly may not want a relationship with her birth parents when she becomes an adult has ever crossed C& T's minds.

    I caught the rerun of the current episode yesterday and I am throughly convinced that Brandon and Teresa wanted to have that meeting with Catelynn and Tyler to formally close the adoption or severely limit contact. When Teresa said, "it's been six years since.... I took that as , it's time for everyone to move on.

    • Love 3
  8. I finally got around to watching the Teen Dad special that aired a while back and one thing that stuck out to me was how engaged Ryan was with Bentley compared to what we are seeing in the current episodes. What the hell happened? Bentley seemed to enjoy being with his father outside the situation of Ryan moving out of his parent's house. Ryan went to pick Benthey up at school, had a conversation with his teacher about Bentley's little quirks. Now, Ryan can barely get out bed to exchange custodyat the agreed upon time and Bentley cries when having to spend time alone with Ryan.

    • Love 1
  9. I wonder if Brandon and Teresa wanted to meet with Tyler and Catelynn to formally closed the adoption but Dawn and her Bethany bosses convinced them not to because of the potentially negative PR. How would it look if Bethany's star spokespeople for open adoption had their adoption closed on them!

    • Love 5
  10. I don't want to fat-shame but I can't get over the fact that Gary found anothe person to have sex with him and he didn't have to pay them for it.

    I read on another board that some of C&T's batshit crazy fans dug up Brandon's employment information and urged others to call him to persuade him (and Teresa) to change their minds about the "no recent pics on social media" rule. I really hope it that isn't true or if it is, no one contacted Brandon. I really feel for them because they probably want to close the adopton so bad but if they do, it could invite possible harassment from crazy ass fans.

    • Love 4
  11. I am still trying to process Princess Cray-Cray peeing on Ragnar's wound!

    Even though they parted on bad terms, I don't see Rollo taking Siggy's death too well!

    I doubt Judith was Athelstan's first. He's adopted so many Norsemen ways and I am sure their attitudes toward sex was one of them. Lol.

  12. I hoped Jo and Vee would be smarter than that.

    I bet Janet and Eddie are relieved that Jo moved out before he knocked up another girl. Lol.

    • Love 3
  13. I think Fitz is such a selfish basted that the reason he asked Liv if she was raped was 1) he wanted to know if someone else stuck their dick in her and 2) he knew if she was raped, she would be traumatized and turn away from him sexually.

    • Love 12
  14. If Jo weren't in the picture, I would actually find Javi wanting to fill in the father role for Isaac very endearing. But as we all know, Jo is in the picture and Javi's needs to fall back and respect that. I wonder how much of Javi's attitude toward Jo is Kail's doing? You can't tell me Kail didn't paint Jo as the evil incarnate to Javi when they first started dating.

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