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Everything posted by truthtalk2014

  1. Did anyone see the preview clip for next season where JB was sitting down with Derrick and Jill and seemed a little emotional and asked if they were sure they wanted to do this. I only saw it once but asked a friend and she saw it as well. We were wondering if he got a job in another area or if they were possible going to Nepal to get out of this train wreck. I personally don't think any of this was a surprise. I think they had a little advance notice. Another thing that was strange to me in most of the police interviews I read was that almost every child had the same answer as to what they like to do - and that was play stick ball. Almost the same thing when asked about their least and favorite subjects- Spelling and Math. I find that strange. Maybe MEchelle was only teaching two subjects and I have a feeling she sucked at being a math teacher.
  2. I think it has done them more harm than good. Instead of having any thoughts of an education or a career, they think the TLC train will run forever and that they can all just have 20 babies and not have a job. If all 19 were crammed in that little house, those kids would think twice about having 20 kids. I think they just have a distorted view of the world in general now. They take trips around the world and believe that when they are grown, they will be doing the same thing.
  3. What really made my blood boil was the JB didn't want Josh going to a rehab with other 'offenders'. What's wrong Boob- afraid your boy might get molested???
  4. It was a short name. I don't know the Query girls names. What is the Hortano girls name?
  5. I had missed the part on P18 where one of the girls mentions JB recounting a scene where someone (could be Amy from the size of the redaction) was at their home babysitting and fell asleep on the sofa and Josh touched her breasts. But to me, it definitely means it was someone outside the family.
  6. Yes, Josh and Anna were there. And yea I know people have dental surgery with braces on but most of the people I know that are getting braces, have any known surgeries, extractions, etc done before the braces are put on. It just seems fishy.
  7. I really would like to know as well. If Jill wasn't one of the molested ones, maybe she told Derrick and he told the boy scout brother. Derrick wasn't at the interview. I know they said he had dental surgery but I found that strange because he got braces before that. Typically if you need any dental surgery they do it before getting braces. Maybe he or his brother did it and didn't want to be around Joshlestor. Of course I am purely speculating based on the weirdness with Jill that day and Anna as well. Actually it was weird all around.
  8. Sure, what Ted Bundy did was offensive but I blame his parents. The parents are a joke and should not be called parents and they should indeed be bashed. I wish Anna and the M train nothing but the best. Josh can get run over by a herd of stray cats and dogs that have been neglected by the Duggars forever.
  9. NO! They are a hate group and are getting exactly what they deserve. I really think that this family knew this was coming and this is the reason Josh bought the house in AR a while back. Boob will have all the girls (that may have been abused) come over and do all the repairs - and Jana can come over be nanny to all his children. OMG- can I say how much I can't stand them (meaning Boob, MEchelle and Joshlestor. )
  10. More rod training no doubt- with less people to see what is really going on.
  11. He doesn't deserve further education. He deserves a little jailhouse education. A dollar to donuts (or something like that) she is wishing that last pee stick didn't have the second line.
  12. Wow!- What a thought provoking post. I'm sure Gil and Kelly are questioning their kids at this moment. ETA: I seriously keep wondering if this was the reason for all the tension in the room during the last episode. Did they know it was coming?
  13. I do not think Amy would have been involved. She is too outspoken. She would have knocked him out. She wasn't raised in this BS. Yea, I am sure Derrick and Ben want to take Joshie out back for a good beating. I am betting that neither wife told their husbands-especially after they were married. No wonder the scumbag has aged so much in two months. He knew this was coming and that he would be exposed. It really explains the weirdness on the last episode. Stay sweet! OMG. And now I understand why Anna seemed so uncomfortable. I believe they knew this was in the boiler room and about to explode.
  14. I've only read the first 14 or so pages of this report and my heart aches for the girls and something in me wants to find the birth parents and shake them so hard. Actually, I want to do worse. I can't stop crying.
  15. Digging In with the Duggars- MEchelle carrying IZ- I agree was totally ridiculous. She didn't hold him like someone who loved her grand babies. She seemed to want him as far away from her body as possible. Josh is really looking older and more unhealthy in every episode I see. I really think he needs a physical. I thought it was so rude to mention the two sisters courting. If they do enter into one, it's their freaking decision to announce it. Otherwise, I guess he is trying to shame them for not being in one. Boob really gets off talking about MEchelle wearing that bikini. I'll bet he thinks of that each time he's trying for number 20. Jill did seem weird and Anna seemed strange as well. That outfit did not look good on her. Jill seemed to sit at a weird distance from Ben and I didn't notice any interaction with she and Jessa. It just felt strange. And that host thanking Jill for coming four weeks after a c-section. Geez lady, she was in Texas two weeks after. The Josie thing was just exploitive again. She looked as if she wanted to cry and as if she was trying to whisper something to her birth parents. She gets to sing and get so much attention and poor Jordyn is completely ignored as usual.
  16. Did anyone notice the clip of the upcoming season. I couldn't tell exactly what was going on when they were talking to Jill and Derrick. Wish I had watched it again but too lazy to go back through and find it. It almost sounded as if something big was going on with them- perhaps moving? It just reminded me of the Josh and Anna talk about moving. I may have completely misunderstood what was going on. If anyone caught it, I would love to know what was going on.
  17. But that would be under the control of Texas law enforcement- not Arkansas.
  18. The part that is most confusing to me (not saying any of this is true about Josh) is Boob finding him coming out of a girls bedroom. If it was true, it makes me wonder where this bedroom would be. I don't see the Duggars socializing at others homes where any of the kids would be permitted in a persons bedroom of the opposite sex. Was it in the old house or the TTH or another house? Inquiring minds want to know. Unless the girl complained of being assaulted against her will, it could honestly be two teenagers doing what many teenagers do. If that is the case, that sucks for both of them. However, if Josh did something out of line to any girl or family member, he should come out and address the issue and proclaim his innocence or admit his guilt. They are so outspoken on everything else. I think this one topic deserves their attention. And don't say you didn't inhale.
  19. I find it hard to use that word in reference to Rick Santorum.
  20. Guide to love- I agree with everyone here that TLC is running out of crap. There is just no excuse for that episode. IT is literally stuff we have seen over and over and over again. Unbelievable!
  21. Although JP Morgan is a piece of crap... Maybe they have more in common than we know.
  22. OMG! My biggest laugh of the day! Pete's flesh Pistol! Priceless. He needs a shirt that says that and a down arrow.
  23. At least Bengermin was wearing the traditional dress of the Duggar household. (Dress with pants underneath.) See, he is fitting in.
  24. She may not have a choice but I am hoping that Cathy talked to Derrick about another method. I mean think about it. She only had two children. I'm pretty sure she used some method of birth control. DerrickDullard may be way too high on the kook-aid right now to even consider birth control, but I have a feeling his Mom is thinking of it. ETA: Cathy had a two income family and two children. She has to know the TLC train will run out quick enough. Jinger and new hubby will need the mansion and DerrickDullard will be forced to provide on his Walmart accounting salary.
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