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Everything posted by truthtalk2014

  1. Oh and no more donut hamburgers or WTF ever that was? No more swinging like a gross monkey from the trapeze in Santa Monica? I have a feeling that if Joshlester went back to Cali, he would get more than a gross cholesterol sandwich for lunch. I know he didn't eat it there, but he is just gross in general to me. I hope Boob puts him to work cleaning those toilets that Ben was previously in charge of. I would pay to see that.
  2. Sorry- not familiar with what happened but I would love it if you would elaborate.
  3. Wow! Is it wrong that I find such deep satisfaction that a person that received a robo call from MEchelle was ultimately the one that got this leaked to the public. I believe she was the 1st to post the lesbian kissing photo in front of their house. I LOVE IT!
  4. But then again, we only know what TLC and the editing staff show us. Hours upon hours of filming and we get what they give us - what they want us to believe. Through the magic of editing, we can believe anything. I for one, would love to see the uncut footage in that household.
  5. I will admit that I am a closet watcher as well. My husband knows- but I always watch when he is doing something else. He already had a thing for Christian hypocrites. But he knows I watch and that I can't stand the parents- but have become attached some of the children. It was hilarious because he came to me recently when an article popped up on his BBC feed about Josh. LOL I have told a couple of friends that I watch and they are shocked. lol They just don't understand the train wreck- can't stop watching and why I even started. So, I'll go back to the closet- ESPECIALLY now! I totally agree. Something has to force them out of their comfort zone. A job- any job for starters. Jinger -go work at Starbucks! Jessa could probably do hair- there are so many possibilities for the others. Be a waitress and make lots of tips. God knows you've been doing it forever for nothing. I disagree with giving them any money through any fund me account as I do with Oprah giving them a million dollars. If Oprah wants to hand out 19 million dollars, she can find some children in America that really need it and would love to be handed an education for free. The money will go and they will eventually learn to be self sufficient. I hope. I really do hope.
  6. I have to give a hip hip hooray to Oprah. Considering the number of emails she gets, I really would like to thank her for doing something about this particular one. You know she gets all kinds of crap emails and faxes. She must have investigated in some form and thus contacted the proper authorities. I heard that she actually did the interview and hosted the Duggars in Chicago for a week and that there was a disagreement with the way the interview would be edited, etc. Boob doesn't want some woman telling him anything you know. I think that after filming, Oprah heard the disturbing news- investigated- and said NO WAY am I putting this on my show.
  7. Not that I know of. I went back and looked for what I had seen. I was mistaken in that abuse happened at TTH - although it may have. What I saw was on page 14 the address in Tonkitown (or whatever). I realize now that it was the address of the place they lived when the interview was being given. I believe that is correct. If not, please correct me. lol
  8. Absolutely not implying the TFDW has any issues that Josh does. Only snarking on the two of them and their always present love fest.
  9. She says she was as a teen. I suspect she still throws up every time she looks at her husband, her oldest son or in the mirror.
  10. Hubby worked in the same business for over 20 years. When you work in this business, this is typically what you do. Sometimes you get a job that keeps you in a particular area for a while. Most of the time you are around the country on jobs and then you are home. It's the nature of the beast. I don't feel sorry for Jim. He will have a new gig way before his pay runs out for this show.
  11. I seem to recall that while reading one of the police reports- that one of the incidents happened in the TTH. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  12. I wish Anna would get away and get a job or learn a trade or something. I am hoping this is a big wake up call for her - just how fast things can change. The money can end very quickly. What none of these girls understand is that their husbands might not be around forever to support them. Look at Derricks Dad. That had to have been horrible and they only had two children. However, at least Cathy had a career. These girls have nothing. They assume that because the loser Boob is still plowing along being as perverted as ever, that it always works out that way. I read somewhere that Oprah offered to send Jana and Jill to a real school midwifery school and they declined. Of course they can't go out and be around perverts in the real world. Gotta stay home and deal with the good Christians. Barf! As far as JB and MEchelle- I hope they do as well. Or maybe Josie will take care of them and film them when she has to change their poopy diapers.
  13. That picture is from a fan page- not the official page. I am hoping that they knew this storm was brewing and Derrick is either being transferred or has another job offer in another part of the country. I can't see them taking a newborn to another country. It's a while before he is fully immunized. I just don't see it. I really am keeping my fingers crossed that they want to get the hell out of dodge as the storm was about to hit. I am also hoping that Jill doesn't want her children in the spotlight as she was subjected. I could be all wrong. I've also read rumors that they were preparing for a spinoff of Jill and Derrick. I'm sure someone will come out at some point if Derrick has left his job at Walmart. It's a small town and people talk.
  14. I thought one of the Bates boys- Zach I believe- asked to court Jana but that she turned him down. I'm with the other poster that believes that we have not heard of every case of abuse.
  15. Do you know where they were going? Watching without sound sounds like Chinese water torture. Then again, watching with is pretty freaking bad as well. Speaking of Anna and her undying support of Joshlester, I wonder if she stops to look at her little girl Mack and thinks that Josh molested someone her same age.
  16. I keep thinking about Derrick going to work next week (since he is the only one with an actual job) and all his coworkers having heard about the molester brother in law. He'll probably have to take some more time off.
  17. Someone mentioned John David. I've heard him referred to as a constable and working with law enforcement in some degree. If you work with law enforcement, you are just like a nurse, teacher , etc. You are REQUIRED to report abuse. I'm really not sure if he still lives there. He may have moved out to get away from the crap going on in that house. If he reported something, I would have such respect for him.
  18. This is literally one of the more interesting stories I have read. This woman needs to be taken down a few notches - maybe in her bikini. She is beyond horrible.
  19. I have to say that anyone that is feeling sorry for the cast and crew- don't. They have a contract and the union and will be paid regardless. Sure, they will have to relocate for the next show, but this is how the business works. And, I would hope that after reading all the new info coming out, they would want to leave. My thought is that if Oprah got a letter detailing all this info- TLC did as well. I think they chose to ignore it. I also believe that the episode with the crew gushing all over MEchelle and such was just that- gushing BS. They had to know the end was coming and were trying to save the family. I'm sure the children are sweet and adorable- but the stuff that has gone on behind the scenes is coming out. I think they knew the end was near and did everything in their power to prevent it.
  20. Josh does not own that house and I'm pretty sure he never did. I think Mary signed it over to JB to put in the Duggar Trust.
  21. OMG this is just shocking and so screwed up. Wow.
  22. And the sad part is that scumbag JB probably got money from the work he did. Not speculating at all and it is just my sincerest wishes that none of the boys were victims as well. I sincerely hope not. I just know beyond a shadow of a doubt that if JB had been told that they were, he would NEVER in a million years reported that to church officials or his law enforcement buddy. That would even be too much for PervymacPerv to admit.
  23. That is a fan page. Edit to add this link: http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/trending/Phila-TLC-Summer-Block-Party-event-removes-Duggar-family-from-lineup.html TLC cancelled their block party appearance.
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