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Everything posted by Landsnark

  1. You all realize you're a million times more entertaining than the show itself, right? That shitty show is the price I have to pay to be thoroughly entertained by y'all.
  2. Agree, but I'll add that now I think the core of the show is now actively moving against my own beliefs. Mika's political beliefs - such as they are, and for lack of any better description of her half-thought-through musings - are a weird mishmash of convenient libertarianism, pro female while at the same time pro old white guy, and a bewildering measure of Puritanism. She and I don't agree on anything. Joe is against Conservatives, small c conservatism, Trump, and all that those things entail for two weeks, and at the end of that binge, he's pro-Trump, and making excuses for the same policies and people he spent the previous month eviscerating. He could be chasing ratings, he could be influenced by promises of influence/power. It could be that the show got stale repeating "trump is bad because..." I dunno. Their guest list has slowly been adding Trump sympathizers who attempt to normalize Trumpism and lay the blame of all issues at the feet of the impotent minority party. They're smug intellectuals who are true believers and make watching painful and discouraging. For example, Joe thinks it's the Democrats' fault that Kavanaugh got appointed.
  3. And apparently neither can Mika. What is the world's perception of her? In our echo chamber here, we have a very skewed view of who Mika is, but certainly the outside world has thoughts? I don't follow her on twitter and don't read the media's coverage of political media. Is she viewed as a benign amusement? A voice for women's rights? A hapless clown?
  4. It was an excellent recap! But the way it cut through the excess bloviating and optimistic punditry straight to the bleak insights was sort of disheartening. The GOP is going to wreck all it can and hold a death grip on power no matter the cost to us all.
  5. I'd say she's the heir apparent to either Mathews or Chuck Todd, and she's clocking hours to get better. 4pm and the evening is a way better gig in terms of personal wear and tear and being seen. It's harder for guests to appear and harder to dive into topics for 10+ minutes, but the pay is probably the same and you get to have a normal day. She looks so so much better now than when she began 4 years ago on Morning Joe. She looks happy, settled, rested, healthy, wealthy, and living right.
  6. Jeffrey Sachs was a good guest this morning promoting his book, along with Lanhee Chen. They dismissed the "Trump as negotiator" theme as ludicrous. They said he loudly breaks deals unilaterally, then reforms them the exact same way and names them something different. They also said he's a destabilizing and dangerous. Willie was a great host with them, but Kasie just sat and watched.
  7. Elise Jordan is the lone steadfastly devout Republican hold out. Republicans gonna Republican. Oh, and Joe. Despite his protestations, he's Republican to his core. Love how they laid Trump at the feet of the 1990s Clintons today. He has such a hard on for them. He thoroughly refuted Elise's position that Kavanaugh was simply a man defending himself, and is honorable. Donnie got kind of worked up and took her position apart very well. Of course, when he finished, Joe insulted Donnie. "Would you be as offended if someone was as worked up as... i don't know Donnie... YOU! YOU WALKED INTO THAT ONE! YOU HAVE TO ADMIT YOU WALKED INTO THAT ONE!" "Yeah, I'm not running for a seat on the Supreme Court." "Aw c'mon Donnie." Something like that.
  8. Hallie Jackson was best dressed. She was on in the first block, just long enough to utter 2 sentences. I've often wondered how livid I'd be if I was up in 30 Rock at 5:15am prepping to be on air, in makeup, bright eyed and ready... and I speak for 20 seconds.
  9. Hallie Jackson was best dressed. She was on in the first block, just long enough to utter 2 sentences. I've often wondered how livid I'd be if I was up in 30 Rock at 5:15am prepping to be on air, in makeup, bright eyed and ready... and I speak for 20 seconds.
  10. I think it's 2/3s of the House and a majority of the Senate. Will never ever happen. CBD oil? One wonders?
  11. Mika said, "Synergy." Drink! She wins the morning! Business words! Yay Mika!
  12. Yeah. Willie had a graphic image to go along with that too. But it wasn't really discussed. Just mentioned. He's not fit to be a judge in any capacity, let alone the Supreme Court. Perhaps I'm naive, but he's the most plainly politically biased candidate for the court I've ever seen. He'd feed the blindfolded lady holding the scales a rufie and rape her and blame her and the Clintons. Is this all real? Is this really happening?
  13. Certainly he won't get through the Senate? He's not fit. He is clearly a political activist with a pulsing animosity to "opponents." Party over country, eh?
  14. Does Mika "well there's two sides to it" when Bill Clinton and Lewinski gets mentioned? Hmmm.... Does Mika give Hillary the benefit of the doubt because there's two sides when discussing Hillary and Bill's affairs? Hillary's emails? Mika is so cognitively dissonant on this. She truly has no center-held beliefs on anything. "Ask for a raise. Know your value." hey that's great advice, Einstein.
  15. If he were a minority or poor, that behavior would define him and he'd be a criminal. He has a string of victims who were assaulted in their formative years. Why doesn't that bother Mika? Cuz she's a feckless c who blames victims. "They shouldn't have been there if they didn't want it to happen. I didn't do that." Imagine if her daughters were gang raped - god forbid. She'd blame them. She's a treasure!
  16. You'd think that Mika could have picked up something via osmosis from being a real member of the Georgetown/Manhattan/Nantucket policy wonk cocktail circuit. Moving in and around the powerful is a huge asset in predicting the news and forming editorial opinions. But... no. She does it wrong, she just gets drunk. I would be fine with her being wrong in her opinions and on-air advice, if she could have an articulate position as to why she and I disagree. She's resolutely inarticulate. She's never really thought around the corner on anything and is an anti-intellectual. She's "liberal" in title only and only because she's a woman and it's convenient for her.
  17. Awww... that was a double post. I was looking forward to your magnum opus. "Well she's got a lot to say this morning, can't wait."
  18. The comments below Avenatti's tweet are deeply depressing and disturbing. I wonder if those accounts who posted hundreds of times blaming victims (and more bizarrely, Democrats), are real people who really think that girls went to frat parties expecting there to be rapes... and it's not the raping that's the issue, the issue is that the girls allowed themselves to be present.
  19. Tune in to Stephanie Ruehl. Mika is going to be a guest promoting her book. This promises to be boring with Stephanie tossing softballs to our frosted cupcake. Edit: I blinked and missed it. Did she get bumped for breaking news?
  20. Yesterday a guest on some panel show on MSNBC said that Morning Joe rival for Mika's affection, Michael Avenatti, is seeking publicity because he's gearing up for a 2020 Presidential run. And she said it off-hand as a lead in to her analysis, as if it's simply a known thing that we're all aware of. That can't be right, right? No way Avenatti will run for President? President? No way. He wouldn't even be a good choice to be Beto's VP.
  21. WHOA OH MY GOD!!!! I just watched this on my DVR. (Nicole's got a great show) Mika is such a fucking idiot, Nicole was giggling as she kicked this back to her group. GOD that was funny and disturbing. Transcript: Joe is talking, and Mika looks straight into his ear, and then looks at the camera and grins like a -- I can't find the appropriate slur He continues talking and she offers a "Mmmhm. Check" He's talking more, she offers "Right" More.. "UH HUH!" More and he said law and order in there and she gives us this gem, "Law and order. Yup." He goes on and before he wraps up, she blurts, "It doesn't add up." The whole damn time, she's looking at something on the table like she's taking notes or annotating something or referring to a WaPo article or a briefing... but she's probably doodling the outline of a Grey Goose logo. Sweet Nicole couldn't help but laugh.
  22. What are, exactly, the methodologies that a woman progresses through to determine her relative value to other employees, to her company, to her loved ones, and to her community? What if you evaluate your relative female value to your corporation and come to determine that no, you aren't more valuable than others and DON'T deserve more money? Are you valueless? Are you in the wrong job? Do you place more value in other aspects of your life? NONE of this has ever been discussed on the show. What did Dr B call Joe? Stunningly superficial?
  23. Nah. She didn't invite Joe to join her in the expectation that he would sit quietly by and offer casual support as she kicked ass and sold Know Your Value as a social movement to American housewives. She invited him on so he would do all the taking and remove a responsibility to be succinct and cogent from her shoulders. She's an idiot. Her book has no supportable narrative. "Know Your Value" = ask to get paid more. The center point and end game of "Know Your Value" is increased salary. "This is what I did to get paid more money." It's not about producing more valuable experiences from your whole life, or understanding yourself spiritually or holistically... it's about thinking Mika wasn't making enough money as told through her own personal anecdotes. The daughter of an ambassador, brother of an ambassador, private schools, network TV, cheated with a rich man and leveraged that to earn more. Relatable, amiright? So... she has on Joe to soak up the 5 minute block and hopefully her book will sell without her working to explain much.
  24. "Playing dirty?" It's called politics, for christ's sake. They're slowing down the confirmation process so that a political operative isn't appointed to the Supreme Court. What's the issue? They'd be feckless ****s if they didn't. The right wing can have its own propaganda network, its own facts, and can cheat, lie, and steal all in the name of expediency... but the left wing throws the wrench in the works to keep an evil partisan ideologue from warping law for the next 40 years, and the fucking snowflakes at MSNBC wet themselves?
  25. What a weird show today. Trump is pro Ford, wants her to have time to testify and say her piece. WTF is that about? Joe flipped flopped to now being in favor of having the FBI investigate and give her time. The ladies on the panel are attacking the Dems and Ford. Mika is so spineless and weak.
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