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Everything posted by Landsnark

  1. Was she hungover or anxious this morning? She couldn't read the prompter to relay the Anti-Defamation League materials, and she couldn't introduce the two Weismans smoothly. She seemed extremely tired and totally unfamiliar with her materials. It was startling, I mean, do you ever notice news readers? No, you don't. They just get you the info, and you absorb it. You never notice the reader him or herself. Mika has so many tics and cadence issues, it's rough going
  2. "Her emails" was a huge HUGE deal with Mika for years. And it's not because Mika is a news hound and a demanding citizen of democracy. During the period Clinton was being investigated by the FBI, for years, Secretary Kerry used a private email server. Currently, it's accepted fact that Trump uses an unsecured phone line. Kerry did exactly what Clinton did. Literally identically the same thing. What Trump is doing is far, far worse, potentially criminal in its negligence. Not one fucking peep from Mika. Not one word. She was hard on Clinton because she loathes Hillary Clinton. She took pot shots out of spite. Not out of integrity or journalistic excellence. I like the boob job, Mika. Pretty much hate the rest of it. And that's who you are.
  3. Joe was describing how CNN are journalists and not anti-American and how they "pissed off Hillary Clinton's campaign," and dumbass Mika raises her hand and says, "guilty." because that ******* **** is an investigative journalist breaking news on Hillary's campaign? Oh, no, she wasn't. She was a blabbering idiot who simply repeated, "her emails," and "optics," and "Wall Street." Fuck you, Mika. Fuuuuuuuck you. You couldn't get a job at CNN, you insignificant nitwit.
  4. That black top looks good on Mika. I do believe she's used some of her time off to... um... enhance herself. When these morons are all in different rooms, they talk over each other. It's awful. Many voices speak up at once because they can't see each other and aren't sure who should lead. Willie must hate this gig.
  5. 1. It wasn't prompted by repeated, daily, hourly, violent rhetoric from any left wing figurehead. Never. 2. Every left wing leader with a voice condemned the attack immediately. They wanted to restrict access to assault weapons from crazies. They offered help and love to the victims. They denounced that act and any similar act. NOTHING like that is happening now. Trump blamed the victims today. The two events are not analogous. There aren't two sides to this. Twice Maxine Waters asked her followers to be angry and to be rude in public to people who want to take their rights. Once Eric Holder said to a private meeting of political operatives that they need to fight back and used violent metaphors. That's 3 instances and nothing has come of it. There is no equivalence. There is no "both sides do it." Again, another instance of how the left wing must play by the rules while the right wing are felons and unethical, wildly immoral animals, running around DC like it's Lord of the Flies.
  6. Mika lecturing that obsequious lizard Noah Rothman is gruesome TV. She's awful and he's pro-Nazi. Why isn't there one fucking adult on set?
  7. I was just this morning listening to their podcast from last week. Deeply depressing. I have a very very bad, almost desperate feeling about these elections. Lying about immigration is going to be successful. Lying, period, is going to continue to be successful. What did the Pod Save America guys say?
  8. It's actually the business model to his 15 hour a week business. Out of power, knowledgeable, enraged progressives are what butters his bread. When they're comfortable, they turn off his show and most of the rest of political media as soap opera. Only Fox News can sustain ratings through right wing high periods and right wing low periods. Stupid and/or old is always afraid.
  9. We just need a Trump Rage Meter for recaps. "Today they held steady at an indignant 6" "This morning they percolated up to a sanctimonious level 8.5"
  10. I wish I had seen that. That's some good snarky hatewatching right there. Satisfying. Like a good pull off of a perfectly brewed mug of morning Joe. They should incorporate "hatewatching" into their promos. I bet they'd get more viewers for a while and would blow up the internetz.
  11. Wait, they brought up Monica Lewinsky this morning? It's October, 2018. Very impressive. Who knew it was the original sin? Sasse can suck it. Bork was a hyper partisan ideologue who would have ruined lives for a majority of Americans. If he had been a Supreme Court judge, many many women I know in the 80s would now have 30 year old children, and there would be no way we'd have had a black president. I also like how he just didn't mention Merrick Garland. Fuck him and his easy going manner.
  12. Elise looks great in that navy or black blazer. Should be her staple look.
  13. Meachem has a new book? Also, I love how Mika was paid to speak to mortgage bankers over the weekend. One thing I know for sure, for an absolute certainty, if anything she said in 2014 and 2015 means anything, is that now Mika is not qualified to be President because being paid to speak to a financial group is an automatic disqualifier. If you're a woman. And Mika just did what she condemned Clinton for doing. Mika made that point several thousand times so it still sticks with me.
  14. I think I found the joke, CHLOESMOM Just replace "Peanut Butter" with "K Y V" and "he" with "she." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRBOgtp0Hac Or should the joke be more directly about lube?
  15. I turned off the show this morning when she and Katy were patting each other on the back for being so popular with women in DC. Not ONE mention of what was discussed. No insights. No narrative arcs. No surprise topics and surprise viewpoints. No trending attitudes. Literally just about Mika's ego and KYV as a product. There's a "KYV" and "jelly" joke somewhere to be made. I'm not clever enough to get to it, though.
  16. They posted a Tweet from Hillary: "Seriously, you asked Russia to hack me on national television," to refute Trump's gaslighting claims that the real villain is the boogeyman (Hillary).
  17. Mika is just the worst. She transitions from the guy who texted Jamal Khashoggi just before he entered the embassy (text was read), and just after (texts never have been read). Khashoggi, a journo like Mika who moved in DC political/social/media circles, like Mika, was dismembered in the embassy for daring to speak out against an authoritarian political regime (hints of Trump). Given her job, her dad's job, her boyfriend's job, her brother's job, in the time of Trump... the guy says those texts were never read, and she wraps it up with... "Mmmhm. Just radio silence, eh?" And then stumbles over Khashoggi's name, praises him, and kicks it to Richard Stengel with this gem of a transition, "Richard?" She has NOTHING to offer in the transition, despite her status and position that would give her insight, or anecdotes, or predictions, or just even energy. She kicks it to Stengel who is a foreign policy expert (something you'd think Mika could be just by fucking osmosis at this point in her life), who chops it up with Willie, because Mika is an empty vessel. And they complete their segment, and her addition to this shocking situation (hard to believe it's real - an American member of the press was DISMEMBERED by Saudi agents and President Trump is doing nothing), is "Thank you Richard. Next..." I realize thinking or editorializing isn't her job, but a teenager could read the teleprompter and transition between segments. A computer could. I could. You could. So I wrote all that to write this, what IS her value? And why is she so comfortable doing the shittiest job in the political entertainment industry?
  18. Heidi Przybyla has come a long way in the last year or so. Success looks great on her, and she's loosening up so much so I think I saw her smirk this morning. I don't think she's quite fully found her footing and shaped her on-air persona just yet, but she looks great (don't judge me, TV is a visual medium), and she's becoming warmer and engaging. Her talking points have always been rock solid, she's focused and concise. She's still a little stiff and probably nervous. She's great when she gets animated like when she asked the candidate for governor in Georgia about voter suppression.
  19. (Accidentally posted in Small Talk) What did Ratner say about the dip in the stock market yesterday? The panel was good, I thought, this morning. Articulate and wide-ranging discussions that they let breathe and take shape. Good stuff. And I wholeheartedly agree with them that any other politician would pay a huge price for dismissing Hurricane Michael and choosing to be uninvolved to a rally, but Trump's people simply choose to ignore this. I wasn't aware, however, that his rallies are no longer being covered live by Fox. THAT is a big deal.
  20. Did I miss Ratner's charts on Wall Street's dip yesterday? dammit
  21. Do Joe and Mika live in the Destin or Pensacola panhandle area? Have they mentioned Hurricane Michael? 140mph winds and it's strengthening. Oh, and you northerners who have moved to warmer climes... welcome to the south, y'all. ;)
  22. This show is the worst (for so many reasons) for pretending that because there are two view points, they are then equal. Hillary Clinton was right. There WAS a vast right wing conspiracy against her and her husband. Investigating the Clintons was a real, actual cottage industry that began in earnest in the 80s, and continues today. They chanted "Lock Her Up" at a rally this week. Kavanaugh was a candidate for the Supreme Court for 2 months and couldn't pass a standard, cursory vetting period - and this situation is now over. But they're the same. Clinton was impeached by the majority party/GOP for lying to Congress about a woman. Kavanaugh was appointed to the Supreme Court by the majority party/GOP as they ignored easily verified lies to Congress and sexual abuse charges... yet he's the "victim" of conspiracies just like the Clintons. I hate that show.
  23. Joe (or someone) said exactly that. That Fox News and Trump can always lash out at "the media" and late night comics and the general American culture, because morons don't generally see themselves when they view the world around them, and Fox/Trump use that fear/insecurity/anger as fuel. And it works 100% of the time. It works beautifully. The Fox propaganda machine is amazing and formidable. I hope insiders at Fox and the White House write a full exposé later about the late 90s through the 2020s and detail all the little things they did to give birth to fake news and shape their propaganda and narrative.
  24. Just learned that the appointment of Kavanaugh is the Democrat' fault. Just learned they were an hysterical mob that derailed all their own agendas and energized the right wing. Democrats leaked Dr Ford's story apparently. The show is now repeating Fox News propaganda as truth. I suppose Dr Ford's claims should have been suppressed by the left wing and they should have helped Kavanaugh become a political ideologue on the Supreme Court, because to oppose him would only Fox viewers mad, and provide Fox with grist for the propaganda mill.
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