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Everything posted by amensisterfriend

  1. It was interesting to hear that AB found Rory cheating w/ Logan really out of character when she first read the script. That was my initial reaction too---until I reflected back on the series and my formerly Rory apologist self was forced to concede that it's actually a pretty well-established pattern for her character. Thanks for posting that Time interview with MC! It helped fill in at least a couple of the many, many questions some of us had re. the Odette/Logan/Rory triangle from hell: apparently Logan sees marrying Odette as a 'family obligation' rather than being with someone he has feelings for. Though why someone in this century feels like he 'has to' marry a certain person due to his family ties remains a mystery to me, but whatever---seems Logan is still pulling the 'I'm just a victim of my poor little rich boy destiny life and can't possibly be expected to make my own choices!' nonsense. Despite all his talk about a carefree risk taker he is, Logan doesn't seem willing or able to take the kind of risks that would really make him a strong and brave person. And MC did indicate that Logan does and will always love Rory and is very much in love with her, so clearly he doesn't see their dalliances as just clinging to nostalgia or a physically pleasurable diversion. I wonder if this is just MC's take on his character in the revival or one that was confirmed by ASP...? Either way, it was worth the read---thanks again for posting!
  2. I don't see it as a sexist thing at all. I've actually heard just as much, if not more, that Daniel Palladino needs someone to rein him in and make sure his tendencies for wildly over-the-top "whimsy" and self-indulgence don't spiral out of control. I don't think ASP draws that type of criticism because she's a woman. I think it's because her work seems to warrant it.
  3. I'll go with 1, 12 and 20. Thanks for playing, Kohola!!!
  4. Okay, one more UO for the road before I finally shut myself up, but I feel like Jess's now infamous gazing at Rory through the window wasn't necessarily 'wow, I still love this woman and always will!' as much as a wistful goodbye of sorts---goodbye to the Rory he once knew, to the dream he had in the back of his mind of reuniting with her, etc. I'm not saying he plans to leave her life or even that he'd no longer be interested if she one day wanted to get involved with him (though I'd like to think he'd have found happiness elsewhere by then and would no longer be interested, but that's just me), but I didn't see it as confirmation that he was currently still in love with her like nearly everyone else did. And I certainly didn't see that one look as ASP telling us that Jess is willing to wait for her as long as it might take like a lot of fans seemed to have. (Clearly a lot of wishful thinking must have been at play when I interpreted that scene because, now more than ever, I would prefer for Jess to move on!) I don't see it as him doomed to moon over her for the next however many years in hopes that she'd eventually deign to be with him romantically---but, again, that may be because I don't want to. As with MANY things about this revival, this was left to viewer interpretation, so there's no right answer here. But to me ASP seemed more like she was throwing a bone to Jess/Rory shippers with a quick 'hey, so I know this story focused a zillion times more on Logan and now she's carrying his child, but maybe Jess is still interested, who knows what the future may bring?!"' moment rather than clearly setting the stage for Jess to be Rory's "Luke," ie the one she's clearly going to end up with. At the moment, my only "ship" for Rory is Rory/Therapy.
  5. Serenity (Pilot) The Train Job Bushwhacked Shindig Our Mrs Reynolds Jaynestown Out of Gas Ariel War Stories Trash The Message Objects in Space Oh my gosh, please forgive me!!! My notifications for this thread weren't turned on so I had no idea that anyone else responded! I really hope that some people are still around and willing to play even though I'm a zillion years late...?! If so, Safe, which I love so much for reasons I can't even explain, is history :) The next round is open, and we're still voting against one! My vote: Serenity (the Pilot)---Yes, I'm the one weirdo who prefers The Train Job as the series opener :)
  6. Someone wrote this in another thread, and I just wanted to say...YES! This. (Thank god the people here are so brilliant and insightful. I like reading these posts so much more than I liked watching the latest episodes of this show!) And the above captures part of why the revival left me so inexplicably depressed and even doubting my previously held opinions about the original series. It's not even about the specific missteps the Palldinos made in terms of storylines and characterization---it's this overall sense that instead of a warmhearted, charming, primarily hopeful show with splashes of sharpness, snark, and cynicism, maybe this series all along was more of an obnoxious, bitter, self-indulgent mess underneath its misleadingly 'cute' veneer. There's nothing wrong with a more cynical show, of course, but it's just not the one I thought was my energizing 'go to' mood boosting show all these years, so it's sort of disconcerting to view it that way! It would explain a lot, though, particularly what many of us have said about how ASP seems to depict many characters, romantic relationships, the idea that many are fated to become (the worst of!) their parents whether they want to or not, etc. To be clear, it's not like I thought the original series was full of purely lovable people leading idyllic lives---there was always an underlying cynical element to the show, and I often appreciated how it counterbalanced the more potentially saccharine aspects of it. I guess I just felt that OVERALL it was still a positive, inspiring, hopeful sort of show full of characters who were flawed but still root-worthy for me, and now I'm doubting my original perception of it. A lot of people I know are tracking down Bunheads after watching the GG revival, so I guess my latest UO is that I disliked what little I saw of Bunheads even before the revival, am convinced I'd dislike it even more than I thought based on what I saw during the revival, and (*whispers*) don't get the big deal about Sutton Foster. I still can't get over that this revival made me kind of like Dean and feel genuinely glad for him that he grew past his ties to Rory and Stars Hollow to carve out a far happier life for himself elsewhere. If you had told me that Dean was one of the few characters from the revival I'd feel really happy to have seen, I never would have believed you :) I know, right?! I actually now hold the UO that despite often seeming more sane than her mom on the surface, Rory's been an even worse mess than Lorelai since S5 to one degree or another. Back then her dysfunction was a little less highlighted, still balanced out by a few strengths, and more understandable given her age and stage of life.
  7. 1. Prue/The Power of Two/ She kills herself to be able to destroy a ghost 5. Piper/Awakened/A terminal disease, Oroya Fever 6. Phoebe/Morality Bites/ Incinerated in the future for killing Cal Greene 7. Piper/Coyote Piper/Killed (stabbed) by Prue in order to get a spirit out of her body 9. Prue/All Hell Breaks Loose/ Blasted through a wall by Shax 10. Piper/Saving Private Leo/Piper was stabbed by Leo's ex Army buddies, then with the help of Phoebe and Paige, she recited the ghost vanquishing spell 12. Paige/Sympathy for the Demon/Beaten and stabbed by Phoebe, who was under a spell put on her by Barbas 16. Piper/I Dream of Pheobe/A demon wished on a genie for her to die 17. Paige/Soul Survivor/She signed a pact to trade her soul for an innocent's 20. Paige/I Dream of Phoebe/A demon wished on a genie for the Charmed Ones to die 21. Phoebe/I Dream of Phoebe/A demon wished on a genie for the Charmed Ones to die 22. Piper/Styx Feet Under/The Angel Of Death killed her and gave her the job of collecting souls 23. Paige/Styx Feet Under/In a change of events, she was killed by a demon 24. Piper/Someone to Witch Over Me/Killed by a demon 25. Phoebe/Someone to Witch Over Me/ Killed by a Celerity Demon 27. Piper/Seven Year Witch/Put in a coma by a group of demons 29. Phoebe/Kill Billie 2/ Killed after the manor exploded Should we revive this game?! Even if just a few of us play, it could be fun! Just vote for the three deaths you want to kill :)
  8. I love your ideas about Odette, and you are so right that it's a blessing we didn't get to meet her. Remember how we were supposed to feel better about Rory sleeping with the very married Dean because ASP showed us Lindsay was a shrew who (*gasp*) wanted a house and to be a homemaker or something? (Because Rory herself had treated Dean SO fantastically, by the way!) And we had already learned back in S3 that Lindsay doesn't have Rory and Lorelai's 'cool' taste in music, so right then and there I decided that Rory was TOTALLY justified in sleeping with Dean. ;) So am I right in saying that many people here liked Summer least and Fall the most? Every episode had a couple of things I liked and a whole lot that I didn't, so I'm not sure how to rank them.
  9. Absolutely! This is probably a major UO, but Crazy Cole is my favorite incarnation of the character :) Ha! I also love how gleefully he tries to take his own life over and over despite knowing he's currently invincible while Piper and Paige look on in horror and disgust. Like I said, I'm sometimes very warped ;) Oh, my friend, I'm so much more disappointed than I should be! The revival somehow made me retrospectively like the original series and its characters a lit less. (I never claimed to be rational!) I now officially never want a Charmed revival. I want to be able to keep enjoying this show as much as I do now despite its many flaws and missteps :) Here's a fun new question: what is your very favorite Charmed time travel episode of the series? I'm partial to That 70s Episode, but of course Morality Bites, Pardon My Past, All Halliwell's Eve, Paige from the Past and Forever Charmed are all favorites too, and then there's my aforementioned fondness for Witchstock...clearly I have to mull this one over before deciding :)
  10. Ha! I know, right?! My completely and totally unfounded theory is that she got repeatedly hurt and let down by a Chris/Logan and has some decided ambivalence about what she sees as settling for---um, I mean, settling down WITH---a Luke :) I agree so much. (I hope my post didn't imply otherwise...? I'm hopelessly inarticulate sometimes!) That's actually Rory's major problem---well, one of them; it's hard to narrow it down these days ;) She's so suggestible, such a 'leaf on the wind' (lame and totally out of context Firefly/Serenity reference!) who seems to just sort of drift and wait for stronger personalities (Lorelai, Paris, Emily, Logan, Jess, whoever) to give her some sort of help, ideas, direction and almost tell her who the heck she is. I actually dislike that Jess dropped by just to give our clueless wonder the idea of writing that book and don't like that "why aren't you in Yale?!" scene as much as I used to either. She needs to proactively search out answers for herself, stumble on her own epiphanies and come up with her OWN ideas of who she is and what to do. (Not that her own instincts or sense of self-awareness seem especially sharp, mind you, but maybe they'd get better with use!)
  11. Can someone explain to me why Logan has to marry Odette? I get that ASP has a certain (typically exaggerated!) view of how very radically different the upper class operates from the rest of us 99%ers, but even she knows that Logan isn't an Earl living in Regency-era England who 'has to' marry into a certain family for reasons relating to property and their future heir or part of an ancient Chinese dynasty despite Logan's wry comment about marrying for "dynastic" reasons, right?! I get that his parents want him to marry a certain 'type' of woman, but do we know why it has to be this particular one? Maybe Logan has actual feelings for this woman? I realize it's a relatively minor issue on a revival that offered more significant ones, but I just don't get this idea that he would be forced to marry this specific person if he didn't want to. I've come into contact with a few very wealthy families through work and have gotten to know some of them and their friends well enough over the years to hear them chat about their kids' love lives, and I've never heard of any of them wanting their son or daughter to marry a certain person for reasons related to their 'business empires' or anything even close. Wanting certain of their kids' would-be spouses to sign prenups, yes, and a couple of them even disapproving (though not outright forbidding) of marriages to people who they're worried are gold diggers, but nothing like a 'it's prudent for both families' business interests if these two wed...' thing. It seems so bizarrely antiquated and contrived to me. I would find it darkly amusing if it came out that Logan felt obligated to marry Odette because he had gotten her pregnant as well :) Or if he just didn't want to admit to Rory that he actually loves this woman (despite being the weak-willed, smarmy and gross cheater that he is) so he blamed his parents for 'making him' marry this woman. Logan always seemed to petulantly blame his parents for things even when he actually could have made his own decisions and attempted to change things all along.
  12. Your question about funniest episodes is so perfectly timed! I've been feeling down about the GG revival and stuff in general, and this show usually does an unexpectedly amazing job at cheering me up, so I'm psyched to think about (and then rewatch!) some of the funniest feel good episodes. I love this episode so much! I can't recall if we've done a 'favorite underrated episodes that aren't usually mentioned among people's favorites' category, but this would definitely be one of mine :) I agree about Chick Flick and especially Sin Fransisco. Witchstock is actually funny to me as well. It's a tough question, because this is one of those shows where, while there are very few entirely comedic episodes without any attempt to inject some more serious material, etc. even the most serious episodes have humorous lines and moments. I rarely laugh out loud (that's me, not the show!), but almost every single episode has moments that make me smile. Let's see, a few others...Look Who's Barking has some funny moments. Leo's fear of Prue as a dog--and probably often as a human---is really amusing. Brain Drain has some very funny scenes (and some interesting darker scenes as well!) I often find S5's Crazy Cole funny, but then I'm weird and warped sometimes ;) Nymphs Just Wanna Have Fun is funny and fun to watch in a 'wow, parts of this are objectively really bad but in a way that's actually amusing!' way. Same with Power of Three Blondes---the youngest, extraordinarily dumb sister amuses me way more than she should :) Witch Wars takes some fun jabs at reality TV. I feel like I'm forgetting some of the funnier episodes---hopefully someone else will jump in!
  13. Taken from another thread in response to how reliable Luke is: I am so glad I'm not alone in this! I hate the idea that being a rude, negative, cranky jerk who can't control his temper and acts miserable all the time for no reason makes someone a 'real' man and an old school gentleman. In my view, Luke's actually not "old fashioned" at all---I think of those gentlemen as generally pleasant, well-mannered, honorably forthright guys who prided themselves on self-control and would find Luke's constant freak outs and boorish behavior appalling. And I honestly don't even consider him nearly as "dependable" as most people praise him for. He immediately freaked out and wanted to end their entire relationship over a conflict at Lorelai's parents' wedding that wasn't even her fault---"all in" sure flipped to "out" in a hurry and, IMO, without much valid reason. He can't be depended upon to communicate with even the most basic clarity and maturity---and I'm not talking about new age-y, overly earnest Dr. Phil-ish monologues about his feelings, but simply letting people know where he stands on issues like being in a relationship (poor Rachel and Nicole know how weirdly passive aggressive he can be!), having kids, etc. He is seriously evasive when it comes to anything of any import. He couldn't be depended upon to tell his serious girlfriend that a long lost daughter had just come into his life for two whole months. He can't be depended upon to behave with a minimum of courtesy or pleasantness in any situation or to control his horrible temper. That, to me, is not dependable at all. Even if he were, there is something depressing to me about the idea that Lorelai or any other woman should give up on the idea of finding real joy, passion, and connection and compatibility, all of which are REALLY important day to day, in order to be with someone who's reliable during life's occasional crises. I know we're not supposed to think that Lorelai "settled," (not that she's any prize either, of course!), but somehow it often comes across that way in their scenes. It actually seems like neither is too happy with the other more often than not. And since ASP's take on romantic relationships is actually pretty cynical, I wonder after watching S5, S6 and the revival how she really feels about their relationship. After watching the revival, I felt like L/L still seem so lacking in joy, connection and chemistry, and they still seem unable or unwilling to communicate about really basic issues. I honestly still can't even imagine what they talk about aside from Stars Hollow gossip. (Certainly not stuff like, say, how they feel about getting married or having children after a decade together!) A major message throughout the revival seemed to be that no one gets what they truly wanted from life but somehow find a way to be content anyway, and while I think it's a really nuanced and interesting theme, it's a somewhat depressing one that struck me as applying all too well to LL, who really do feel more like roommates than each other's real love. At least in my UO. This revival did hammer home how ASP, (with her typical flair for annoying exaggeration!), seems to think there are two basic 'types' of guys on the planet: surly, monosyllabic, bitterly negative men who can be counted on to steer you in the right direction when the chips are down but are thoroughly unpleasant to actually be around on a day to day basis or 'charming' golden boys who are fun and pleasant but can't be counted on. I feel like it's such a false dichotomy, because there are a whole lot of guys who are pleasant and positive and fun to be around AND dependable. As I said, the more I see and think about ASP's writing, the more I feel like she is actually really cynical about romantic relationships in general, at least on screen. Oh, and I don't think I'd ever bother checking out an ASP-helmed show again, but based on a lot of the fan reaction to the revival, that may not be quite as unpopular as it was a week ago!
  14. This just nails it so perfectly. Someone remarked that they'd have liked to see a little of Logan's point of view, but somehow we still don't really have Rory's POV either. Do they think they love each other when it's really due to nostalgia, feeling lost and scared about the future? Do they tell themselves it's just a casual arrangement but actually love each other? Do they feel guilty about cheating and, if not, WHY?! For all the time we spend with Rory this revival, we so rarely seemed to get indications of her actual thoughts and feelings, especially when it came to her ghastly mess of a love life. I know, right?! Even/especially as someone who doesn't ship them, I wanted to finally see them connected and happy, both because I find their drama such a drag and because I'm always hoping to get on board with the general love most people have for them.
  15. I'm worried that instead of making me appreciate (at least parts of) the original series more by contrast, my dislike of this revival has tainted how I now view the preceding seasons as well. I was already in a stage where I was feeling disillusioned with aspects of the show, and this revival has me wondering whether these characters and this show was ever a fraction as good as I once thought. Sorry to get maudlin on you guys, but I totally relate to the analogy someone used about how this was like reuniting with an old friend you had such fond memories of, only to discover that you no longer connect at all and wonder how you ever loved this person in the first place. I'm truly happy for my fellow fans and friends who liked it, but I almost wish I hadn't seen it at all and that for me the show had just lived on in my imagination and the occasional fanfic. I remember how excited I was to first fall in love with this show and then convert my mom into a diehard fan as well. (My mom has been battling cancer for over a year now, which might explain why I'm more emotional about this than any sane person should be!) Rory and Lorelai's relationship actually meant something to me and my own mom and bonded us more closely together, GG helped me through a couple of bouts with depression, and my obsession with this show helped me connect online to people I've come to consider genuine friends (a few of whom are probably reading this!), so it's sad to feel so disillusioned with GG right now. I feel like I'm going through a minor breakup with a freaking TV show! It's not you, Gilmore Girls, it's me---well, to be honest, it's at least partly you. ;)
  16. Looks like there are at least six or seven of us on this island :) And I always felt Christopher and Lorelai had far more of a chemistry and natural compatibility and connection than Luke and Lorelai. I'm not talking about mere physical attraction---they seemed to genuinely get each other on every level vastly better than LL do, and even though we clearly weren't supposed to feel this way, to me Lorelai always seemed a whole lot happier around Christopher than Luke. As long as we're confessing here, since we keep (very understandably!) drawing Christopher/Logan parallels, I'll add that I find Christopher far more likable and appealing than Logan. I've been told many times why Logan is actually a better person and that may be true (though I'm less inclined to feel that way after this revival), but to me Christopher just always came across as more sincere and a lot less smarmy than Logan does. I know, I know...I'm kind of at a table for one on that one :)
  17. Exactly! I'm all for silly fun and am not exactly the paragon of maturity when I reunite with my college friends, but the LDB still just seem like such overly self-indulgent, smug, obnoxiously drunken d-bags even after all these years. Suffice it to say that Logan fits right in. Come to think of it, so does Rory now. And the 'romance' of them having sex yet again while Logan is engaged? How adorable and swoon-worthy! Seriously, it really bugs me that the show tried to make them 'cute' and didn't even really deal with how sordid and gross their whole "arrangement" was, at least to me. I actually agree that Rory looked happier during their partying than at any point in the series, and that actually makes me a little sad. THIS is what makes Rory happy now, where she feels in her element? Partying with complete jerks who she's not even genuinely close with? I don't know, I'm not explaining it well, but this used to be a girl who for years was so genuinely content with a very different kind of 'fun', and now she's just like the other girls the Life and Death Brigade used to hang out with. I keep thinking of how much the Rory we met at age 16 would mock and justifiably dislike the Rory of age 32. Sure, she always had flaws, but they seemed a lot more relatable to me then and were balanced out by at least a few traits that I liked and admired. Now? Not so much. I agree that this Rory is probably the logical result of a child who never had to deal with adversity or the direct consequences of poor choices, who was universally revered and supported by an entire town of people even when she had done little to nothing to earn it, who always reaped the benefits of privilege while still framing herself as a plucky underdog, who had men and various opportunities and gifts falling at her feet, and who just doesn't have much fortitude and resilience. But that doesn't mean I enjoyed seeing it on my screen! I miss the old Rory, even if I'm now wondering whether that Rory only really existed in my fanwank-prone imagination rather than on screen. Now get off my lawn. ;)
  18. I honestly see both sides of this, why Christopher/Logan and Luke/Jess are similar in terms of both their strengths and flaws and the roles ASP may intend for them to play in the Gilmores' lives, but also why there are already established differences. So, no matter what anyone's opinion is on this parallels issue, just know I'm sitting here nodding along and agreeing with you :) Here's the unpopular part, though----you know which aspect of this parallel doesn't work for me right now? Rory as Lorelai. Lorelai was a lot younger when she got pregnant, had no degree or work experience (though I'm unclear as to how much actual work experience Rory has either at the age of 32, haha), and Lorelai had a lot less reason to think that a 16 year old Christopher could be a father than Rory should assume that a 30-something, financially secure Logan would. More importantly, I feel like Rory has developed all of Lorelai's weaknesses but almost none of her strengths. I get that many dislike Lorelai and I've sometimes been among them, but to me Lorelai always had far more spirit, resilience, determination, independence, grit etc. than Rory does now. (Rory has pretty much none of any of those things IMO, and this is coming from someone who often defender her even through the latter seasons of the series) And I'd even go as far as to say that while Lorelai obviously had/has issues when it comes to romantic relationships and how she's dealt with the men in her life, I actually feel like Rory is now officially a lot worse to the men in her life than Lorelai is. Rory is a serial cheater who continually deceives others and sometimes herself about pretty much everything. She makes the same egregious mistakes repeatedly and then often throws herself a pity party in lieu of a much needed reality check. I think my eyes almost rolled right out of my head when she viewed herself as some sort of poor victim when confronted with the reality of Logan's fiance, who she knew about the whole time. And, honestly, as much as I feel like Rory's worst qualities were all too prominently on display in this revival, I have to admit that this has always been true of her to one degree or another. She kissed Jess while with Dean, slept with a very married Dean at the end of S4, kissed Jess again while with Logan after traveling to Philly with the explicit intent of getting back at Logan for the bridesmaid debacle, and now has cheated with an engaged Logan on this poor Paul guy who she dated for two freaking years without bothering to break up with despite obviously not liking him much. She's strung along and played with the feelings of pretty much every guy to ever be in her life, she seems to truly believe she's entitled to their undying devotion even after hurting them and leaving their lives, she's petty and nasty and/or totally dismissive regarding other women they choose to be with while princess Rory is ostensibly with some other guy (Shane, Lindsay, now Odette), she always plays up the victim role in every single one of her relationships even when she's the one far more at fault...and, sadly, I could go on! I'm not saying Lorelai hasn't made major mistakes in her love life, but this revival sealed it for me: when it comes to treating the men in her life and maybe even people in general, Rory is worse. A LOT worse. Back when I first started watching the show, I never could have imagined I'd feel that way. I like that JP played Dean as being a lot less wistful about their old romance than she was and eemed to view her a little more like a bullet that he ended up lucky to have dodged :) If I watch old episodes soon to remind myself of why I loved this show, I wonder if I'll now have a rosier view of Dean...? And whether I'll ever be able to muster up affection for Early Seasons Rory, who used to be my special favorite.
  19. I actually find some dark humor in how the apparent solution to Rory's complex career woes is to...write about herself. Because, I mean, what could POSSIBLY be more compelling and fascinating than the story of the Gilmore girls, am I right, AS-P?! ;) And the Gilmores totally need to indulgently focus on THEMSELVES a little more; they've never done quite enough of that. It's like another (unintentional?!) jab at how self-obsessed the Gilmores are or maybe ASP subconsciously congratulating herself on having chosen to tell the Gilmore girls' stories all those years ago. Or maybe none of those things, but I found it grimly amusing somehow :)
  20. Oh my god, I laughed so much harder at this awesome post than any of the 'funny' parts of this episode! Now I need your idea to become a fanfic :)
  21. I know, right?! I kind of want Dean to start an informal support group for the Gilmore Girls' exes...and I'd rather watch a session of said support group than at least 50% of what we saw onscreen during that revival :)
  22. Ha! I feel like she's got a talent for writing individual lines and scenes that are exceptionally witty and/or subtly poignant (though that wasn't on display all that much during this revival). When it comes to overall characterization, plotting, pacing, and developing individuals and relationships over time, though, I'm starting to agree with you.
  23. I genuinely love S10. I can't even justify why. Even worse? I like S7 and S8. Jody Mills is my favorite female character of this entire series. (Granted, that's a pretty low bar, but I just really like Jody!) I've grown to like and appreciate Sam and JP's acting far more than I ever thought I could. While I get the very popular opinion that the beginning seasons were better than the later ones overall and agree that's probably true of this and nearly every other show, I've kind of come to believe that overall the later seasons aren't nearly as bad as they're often made out to be---and that the beginning seasons weren't nearly as flawless as THEY'RE made out to be :)
  24. Amen...sister friend ;) The only fanfic this revival would inspire me to write is one in which Dean and Jess find themselves putting their former animosity aside to bond over how much a happier and healthier a Rory-free life can be! I love the idea of Dean, of all people, helping Jess to move on from Rory. For so long, they each wanted Rory to 'choose' them---it would be gratifying to see that both of them consciously chose to move on from someone who wasn't nearly as great as they once believed her to be anyway.
  25. You are definitely not alone. I feel the exact same way and am especially disappointed by all things Rory! Deaja, thanks for starting this thread! A bunch of us have been chatting in the "All Episodes..." thread about this revival as a whole. Should those posts be moved here, or should we just stop talking there and come here instead...? Thanks!
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