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  1. THE FIRST RESPONDERS RACE TO HELP VICTIMS CAUGHT IN A METEOR SHOWER ON AN ALL-NEW "9-1-1" MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, ON FOX The 118 responds to debris from a meteor shower crashing into an apartment building and a deadly fire caused by a hazardous waste truck crash inside a tunnel. Meanwhile, Hen struggles with guilt over her ambulance accident, Bobby introduces Eddie to an old friend to help with his anger and Maddie receives an urgent call for help in the all-new "Fallout" episode of 9-1-1 airing Monday, Nov. 25 (8:00-9:01 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (NIN-309) (TV-14 L, V) So I assume there will be indeed an accident while Hen is driving - I also assume related to the self driving car (maybe it malfunctions). Maybe one person dies or will be in a coma. No matter how much it wouldn't be her fault, she'd still feel incredibly guilty. When will this anger issues stuff finally be over?
  2. Azi

    S03.E04: Triggers

    I feel like I need to apologize to Eddie's dead wife, cause while i didn't care for her at all and thought she had zero chemistry with Eddie, I at least didn't actively cringe when she was on screen. Sure, she bored me, but Lena makes me want to fastforward all of her scenes. You can't tell me there aren't lots of women out there who could have filled that role better. Stunt casting is only allowed in my books if it's for a very specific role in one episode, if the person is a genuinly good actor and ads to the show or if the person just oozes charisma so you can kinda overlook the bad acting. I feel like Ryan Murphy has it personally out for me, cause every time I finally catch up on his shows after being reluctant to even watch the show in the first place (Glee left me with severe trust issues), the shows start to implode (I mean not just the casting but also that Buck storyline).
  3. Okay, linking a random tumblr here cause I have no idea what the actual source for these pics is, but there are some promo pics for episode 5: https://aliencurls.tumblr.com/post/188266879760/athena-takes-action-and-buck-proceeds-ahead-with I'm actually really annoyed now. I thought "helping with anger issues" would lead to some boring show-off-the-guest-star boxing scenes or whatever, but street fighting? I mean, I don't even know where the anger issues are suddenly coming from, but who knows what will happen in episode 4. I'm not sure Mister-I-failed-this-kid-so-many-times-but-I-will-never-stop-trying would go into street fighting? If this was a cop show I'd maybe thing it was an undercover thing, but... Are they trying to make us dislike Lena?
  4. With the episode ending how it did, I'm very curious where Eddie's anger issues are supposed to come from. He's one of the most chill characters. If Buck had them cause of all the frustrations with his health, I'd understand, but Eddie? Did I miss something?
  5. Azi

    S03.E03: The Searchers

    I assumed the pet rescuers were in an evacuated area or where people weren't home and they broke in, cause those animals wouldn't have had food/drink for more than one day (especially if their humans are injured/dead).
  6. Azi

    S03.E03: The Searchers

    Didn't love it as much as last episode, but i was still entertained. That last scene was everything... how am I supposed to NOT root for Buck and Eddie to get married in the end, hm? How? Lena was... okay? She was not a disaster or anything, but she's one of those people where you can see that they're acting. I'm all for seeing more badass women, but I really hope she's not going to be Eddie's love interest. Also would like to see her captain again. He looked familiar.
  7. Ah. So a new female firefighter probably does indeed mean immediate romance at the station. How does the saying go? Disappointed but not surprised.
  8. At first I thought that maybe people who were on the beach drove away in a panic and caused the accident, but then I figured that wouldn't fit with the timeline and also assumed people got the alert and maybe someone going: "Oh shit my daughter is there!" ran a red light (I think someone said in the beginning that's how it started?). Maybe we'll find out in the next episode.
  9. If I remember correctly he was also still on the boat with a head wound. They took care of him and then he was promptly forgotten inmidst of the family drama. I also found it a bit contrieved that it was Maddie who was suddenly asked to oversee the mental state of the others, but I chalked it up to her performance earlier when she heard the poor guy die and then promptly, despite her tears took the next call (and then they contrasted it to her colleague who couldn't hang up - granted, Maddy got disconnected, but I thought that's what we were supposed to get from the scene), showing her being stable.
  10. My literal only wish for next episode (since I'm sure no one is actually dying) is that Buck manages to find Christopher before he has to tell Eddie that he lost his son. I don't think I could take that.
  11. I really liked this one. Buck and Christopher were the stars. Their scenes where gut wrenching and sweet at the same time. Just for more of that I want Buck to become Christopher's second father. /priorities I appreciate that this show doesn't shy away from killing people while also have enough uplifting moments as to avoid audience apathy. Almost every other show would have had either the son or the lover of the bride die. Choked up when Maddie wasn't able to send help to the guy trapped in the attic. I love the 911 operator scenes so much. I feel like they add a dimension to the drama that helps this show not be a forgettable 0815 cop/firefighter drama. Also noticed that Ronda Rosey was too prominent in the credits to be a one-off character so I guess, welcome? I'm happy to have a new female firefighter, but I also hope she is happily married. I always have trust issues with Ryan Murphy shows (double when Falchuk is also involved), so my first thought was "Oh god please no new Eddie love drama". I can't help it.
  12. A friend of mine is convinced they're actually killing Buck off, mainly cause he is in none of the not-Tsunami related promo scenes and because they're adding a new firefighter... well and I guess cause crime/medical related shows always kill someone off at some point. I could argue her arguments away, but she has me half convinced by now - I just don't want to believe... and ngl, part of it is trust issues when Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk are involved. Edit: Luckily the press release for episode 4 told me he survives so yay I can relax while the Tsunami will only kill lots of sympathetic one-off characters.
  13. The fandom is/was really really big, so one doesn't really preclude the other?
  14. I think she could easily make a third one and maybe she planned to, but doesn't have the energy for it, which I wholly support. Thinking about the show is exhausting at this point when it used to be fun. (She's right in her observation that people let a lot of things fly cause everything looked really cool and they were sure the pay-off would be awesome)
  15. I'm just simply tired of "unexpected person who didn't want it lands on the throne" resolutions (now, who knows what old 3 Eyes actually wants tho). I really thought the reason why we had several people actually WANT the throne - and not all of them evil - was so we could have a fantasy where someone who actually trained for the job AND wanted it would win in the end. I think that would have been really nice. Didn't have to be Dany. Hell, I actually didn't expect it to be Dany. Why can't there be good people who seek power without turning out cartoonishly evil in the end? I agree that GRRM's ending will probably be better crafted, should it ever come out but it's not just that I simply hated HOW D&D did it (tho, I hated it plenty just for that), I plain just didn't like the ending period. At this point I think if it had to be someone ~unexpected, it should have been Margaery. Smart, popular, ruthless enough and knows how to manipulate people. I mean. Compared to Bran...
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