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  1. I wonder what the history is between JM and SC. I've seen them do some interviews together and some stuff for the fans on social media and they always seem to get along nicely. I guess the question I would have is about how SC feels about Shick and specifically with JM. The two seem to get along but I wonder if there's some issue that maybe JM during Phick with MS felt he needed to exult in that pairing because he didn't feel SC had the same enthusiasm maybe for Shick? I may be reaching, but just trying to understand because sometimes men will feel the need to "canonize" a woman maybe when they feel she respects him, and I don't know if there's that same vibe between JM and SC, but I could be wrong. With Gina and Peter and Josh, I didn't get the sense that the men weren't thrilled to be working with GT, but it's possible maybe JM wasn't for some reason, but I don't know. I know PB was gung ho for GT, so her promoting Philly over Phack always disappointed me, but hey, there's probably so many moving parts to all this stuff, and my points are pure opinion and speculation. You're welcome and thanks!! 🙂 All this media dram-ugh is fun to dish about. Yeah, I was enamored with GT and miss those days when her Phyllis and Jack were together. When Burgess Jenkins was playing Billy during that time, IIRC he and GT had some interesting chemistry but never to the point I'd ship their characters. I was all in on Phack, although when Jason arrived, I liked how Phyllis and Billy would support one another. I liked how Phyllis cared for her husband's brother, and it was that caring aspect Gina brought to the character that I really liked, but I never thought Phyllis and Billy would be together after all Phyllis and Jack had gone through. I know what you mean about GT's acting in scenes with JT. She did act strangely, and honestly, I thought she lost herself. She wasn't herself. I always thought she was at her best in scenes with PB. The two had amazing chemistry and I always looked forward, even during the Mal era, for the two to have scenes together. They just smoked with magnetism. That's interesting! I never knew about JM promoting Phick with MS because that happened before I came to the show, but yeah, there seems to be a lot of history there. With Shey happening for Sharon, I guess Phick is a real possibility now with JM and MS and I'm looking forward to experiencing that version of the relationship because I've never seen MS and JM as Phick. Don't even think I've YouTubed that. I better get caught up! 🙂
  2. I've been mystified by this too for a long time. I'm terrible with time, I don't know how many years it's been now, but I think I started following GT around 2015-ish. That's about the time I think I started watching. Loved her and PB, Phyllis and Jack and became a big fan of "Phack." I never knew MS, I started watching the show right around the time of the Marco Annicelli incident wrapping up. GT was the only Phyllis I ever knew, and it was her Phyllis in the hospital room praying for Jack to wake up from his coma. Loved those moments. Fell in love with "Phack," and the two actors and their chemistry. This is why it confused and struck me when GT would promote solely the Philly ship. What about Phack or Phick? I was thinking "this doesn't look professional" to be taking sides the way she seemed to. I was thinking "what is PB thinking and what is JM thinking?" PB isn't on Twitter from what I understand, but JM is. He, at least, could see the tweets, the Philly promotion and exclusivity of it which didn't seem respectful. Heck, I'm a fan and I was irked. I kept thinking to myself she must be alienating some of her co-stars. But here's the thing: GT comes across as being so nice and sweet, that I wonder if she has some naivete and perhaps didn't quite fully know what she was doing. But then I'd look at some of her tweets that always seemed a bit too pretentious. She'd do this thing where she'd tweet something about "love and light" and compliment Jason Thompson that way or something or other, and I'm thinking... Jason Thompson is a married man. GT is a married woman. And where's the love and light for PB? For JM? It was just too exclusive for me, and didn't seem inclusive of her other co-stars. This is what turned me away from GT. Then Mal Young's reign of terror and it becoming the Gina Hour. It was too much. I kept watching, though, a dedicated, loyal fan, every day. Never missed an episode. I had faith Mal would do right by Jack, because surely he wouldn't take everything away from him and then leave him with nothing, would he? Mal took away Jack's wife, his job, his identity. At least Jack would get his CEO job back eventually, right? I kept the faith, but Mal let us down, and when he was fired, I was surprised and thrilled. It renewed my hope in TPTB. There were times I was going to quit, even had an ultimatum for this year: "if Phyllis is still CEO of Jabot by September, I'm out." LOL Turned out I didn't have to wait too long, and props to you @miamama for calling this, that Josh Griffith would get Jack back in the CEO chair quickly. Your posts have kept me sane, so thank you. 🙂 Early on when I was following GT on Twitter, I had tweeted some complimentary things about Phyllis and GT liked a few of my tweets. The only celebrity that ever liked any of my tweets, so I felt special. I felt somewhat of a kinship with her too because we're the same age and generation (Generation X). I've also listened to GT in interviews and she comes across as very nice and engaging, and she's said lovely things about PB, but the constant Philly promotion alienated me. Wow! This makes me feel somewhat validated in my feelings on this, that maybe PB and JM were seeing what we were seeing, or seeing more than we were seeing. I just kept feeling for them through all of this, and boy, if true then good for them to assert themselves.
  3. Mal's writing is in effect for the next two months? I thought it was less than a month now. I can't even find words. Will we ever be free of Mal Young?
  4. I could be missing something, but it's possible the mystery lady could come into play regarding the birthmark. Maybe she was able to hold her baby before Reese escorted her to the exit, and saw her baby's birthmark. Maybe Liam or Hope end up talking to her in some sort of support group for losing a child (total guess here on my part) or somehow run into her, and she mentions her baby had a birthmark and then Liam and Hope mention their's did too. Or something like that. But I think the mystery lady and this birthmark clue could be the key behind creating suspicion in Hope or Liam's mind that something isn't right.
  5. Do any of you think the new writer will put Jack back in as CEO of Jabot? Mal seemed to spend a lot of time destroying Jack, taking his wife away, his identity, his job. Is this going to be rectified? Please tell me it will be.
  6. I would love to see Liam and maybe Ridge both in the motorboat heading over to the island with the wind and spray in their face, but I guess that would be too much to pull off! :) But I'm enjoying this story-line too. Love the urgency and the drama of it.
  7. From what I've read it's nationwide and POP gave no reason for dropping BB. I miss it on POP because I'd use it as a backup in case the daily show on CBS was interrupted.
  8. I see it on social media and at other forums, and it's confounding to me how Steffy has such a passionate and loyal following to the point of it being almost an enigma. I'm baffled by it, because I ask myself, "can't they see how manipulative Steffy is?" But to them, Steffy is perfection. I don't get it, and here I am, someone who likes Hope, and it's a bit disconcerting to read all the Hope-bashing that's going on at other forums and on social media.
  9. This has bothered me about GT for some time, and I keep thinking of the inappropriateness of it and how it could alienate her other male co-workers, not to mention fans. Doesn't she realize there are fans who don't prefer Philly? But she's so all-in on this, promoting it over everything, even while her character is now involved with Nick. It just seems unprofessional to me. I'm relieved there's a new regime.
  10. I was elated Brett was saved! He's entertaining and I like him. I also like Scottie, and the two battling it out will be fun. Tyler and Sam really came through tonight, I think. It's gonna be a fun summer!
  11. Hope is going to need to get Liam to be at Forrester with her soon, because who knows what infernal machinations Steffy has in mind. Steffy will try something, and she's going to have Ridge's support with the full court press every day. Hope has Brooke but she needs Liam there to be a buffer. Looking forward to this, gonna be fun!
  12. Any sympathy I had for Steffy is gone. Her attitude towards Hope, as if Hope is under any obligation to support her, has me running. Good luck, Steffy. Liam is looking for the greener pastures and warm fuzzy feelings Hope provides. Have fun with co-parenting. I still think it was Sheila, but since Ridge vented (albeit somewhat facetiously) and told her to shoot or kill Bill (can't remember the specifics), could he be something of an accessory based on planting the idea in her head to do it (if she did it)?
  13. As someone who was against Quinn in this mess, I have to say she won me over. Her telling Eric about his capacity for forgiveness really struck a chord. Eric is forgiving. He ultimately dropped the charges against Sally and saved her from going to jail (would that have happened without Thomas? Probably not, but still). I kept thinking "yeah, Quinn does deserve a second chance." The way Eric went about it was necessary, and even though I hate it when people run tests like that on others, I think I'll make an exception in this case. He had to know that Quinn loves him and not just the lifestyle. I'm pleased and satisfied with how they brought the two back together. Now my only concern is Sheila! I do enjoy her, but she's going to lose me as far as rooting for her now. On Katie and Wyatt: I loved these two initially, they had chemistry, a sense of fun and lightheartedness, and then... *sound of record scratching.* Katie decides to brush him off or play hard to get. You gotta give Wyatt credit for being persistent, though. Dude has more patience than I would, although I don't have his looks and charm, either. But here's the thing: this "romance" will have Katie the entire time doubting if she should be involved with Wyatt. You'll think they'll be making progress and then Katie will take a step or two back. Or they'll consummate things and end up being a really cute couple. As an aside, I really like the way Katie (Heather Tom) dances. We saw some of that during the scenes in Monaco. She has this shoulder groove thing that she does that I find entrancing.
  14. OMG the past two episodes were amazing! Eric was perfect, just how I thought he'd react to all of this. I knew he wouldn't just be forgiving, he was clearly shaken but strong, and I loved it when he raised his voice. Quinn looked downright terrified that she's going to lose him and everything she's built. The thing is at first it looked like Quinn and Ridge would just downplay things but when Ridge said this all started in San Francisco, it all started coming out. Wow! Finally, the reveal happened. This is going to shake things up. Eric just won't forgive Quinn so easily. And Sheila! Wow! I am a fan. I love Bill being such a gentleman. What a guy! And Brooke having that premonition when RJ was hurt, I liked that.
  15. OMG that encounter at the end of today's episode was perfect! Quinn comes swaggering up, being territorial, has the audacity to grab Sheila and was immediately put in her place! Loved the music, too, and that shove! I am loving Sheila. Quinn deserves whatever comes her way, even though this will all end badly for Sheila who will end up back in prison or worse. But if she can do enough damage to Quinn as far as ruining her marriage with Eric then I'll be happy. Eric is forgiving, though, so when faced with the truth (assuming it does eventually come out about Quinn and Ridge's affair) he just might forgive Quinn, but at least he would see her for who she really is and not be constantly pedestalizing her, and that bastard Ridge, too! Katie lookin' foin in that dress! Seen that dress quite a bit (Avery, Hilary and Leslie on YR). I am liking the Wyatt/Katie thing, the two could use some happiness.
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