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Posts posted by rue721

  1. That's wild, @Mindthinkr!

    Maybe the Captain was just fooling around, but things got out of hand. Now I'm imagining a ghost accidentally busting a window, and being like, "OH SHIT!" and standing there trying not to make a sound when you come out into the living room all confused and angry. 😂

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  2. It's possible they have money to blow on shoes and coffee.... but at the end of the day, this just doesn't look like the spending of people on a budget, even a large budget. It's just too thoughtless and reckless and frivolous. It looks like people who are going to wind up with maxed out credit cards and a dire credit score. But Jeremy loves to front and Jinger is always up for helping him, so I'm sure he'll try to paste a happy face on whatever situation they find themselves in.

    • Love 14
  3. I dunno, I think Jessa is bored as hell and that's where her ennui and laziness is coming from. Her life is mind-numbing. The only mental stimulation she's "allowed" is weird holy roller shit and being on the show, and so that's the stuff she's obsessed with.

    If she had been raised mainstream and encouraged to actually participate in the world (instead of hide from it), she might be completely unrecognizable. I think she's actually pretty sharp, given how anti-intellectual and repressive her family is. She might be inherently lazy, or maybe she just doesn't give a shit about housekeeping. But god forbid she live life on her own terms -- her parents have thoroughly brain-washed her and now she's too scared to even see what's out there.

    • Love 18
  4. There’s no way these two aren’t deeeeeeeep in credit card debt. Their entire lifestyle could be summed up as “reckless spending.”

    Jeremy is a magpie with no impulse control and I doubt Jinger is even involved in any of “their” financial decision making. Maybe it’s starting to worry Jer, but he seems like the kind of guy who figures he can just declare bankruptcy if he gets in too deep.

    What I think is really weird is how they keep wearing clothes that literally say “LA” and taking pics at iconic LA places like the beach and the Hollywood stars. I guess it’s some dumbass branding thing?

    • Love 13
  5. @Scarlett45 I’m so sorry that you lost your grandmother. Maybe your mother and your godmother’s daughters will want to hold a remembrance after everyone is vaccinated (maybe in St Kitt’s?). Thank god that Cosmo has you and that your godmother could go in peace knowing that he and your mother are safe in your care, and her daughters are grown and safe as well. 

    • Love 8
  6. I think one of the reasons Joy can give a shit about hair and makeup is because she’s gorgeous! If she were naturally fugly, she’d probably have a complex about it and put a lot more effort into her looks. Wasn’t Carlin considered the “ugly duckling”? I think she’s very pretty, too, but she might be more insecure about her looks, hence the polish. 

    Joy is looking dowdy with her homecut hair and ratty jean skirt, but honestly, so am I. Pandemic chic, y’all.

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  7. I think a pizza rehearsal dinner is actually fun and lighthearted. This was honestly a really nice wedding, very well planned. Classic, but casual enough not to make the teenage bride and groom look any more ridiculous than they have to.

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  8. To be fair, I think Carlin and Joy are legitimately best friends, at least now as adults. They seem to care about each other, have fun together, make time for each other, all that nice close friend stuff. They have literally everything in common, so I don't find their closeness that surprising.

    • Love 12
  9. I know this is naive, but I'm pretty shocked at how explicitly racist the royals & co have been toward Megan and her and Harry's kids. Hiding a baby because he possibly looks like his one black grandparent? I mean, wtf?! That's horrific and I can see why they couldn't stay involved with a family like that. Besides other reasons, like the horror that is Prince Andrew. I mean, obviously the royal family is archaic, that's sort of the whole schtick with royalty, but this is just yet another reminder of why the past was horrible and archaic remnants of it don't need to be revered either.

    Not worried about their finances, though. Megan is a millionaire in her own right and Harry was born to one of the richest families on the planet, plus they have a huge profile that they could monetize at the drop of a hat. They may have their problems, but money is not one of them.

    I'm feeling down today, mostly because I'm exhausted from my exam on Monday and work has been relentless. I've been trying to wait until tax season is over, and everything related to the CPA is taken care of, and my law school acceptances (fingers crossed!) are in before taking some PTO. It's so hard to plan anything right now, even a vacation. But I think I'm really starting to get burnt out. Are you all feeling the same? Maybe that's just how March is. And this being the one-year anniversary of the covid lockdowns isn't helping, I'm sure.

    • Love 16
  10. On the one hand, I'm not going to fault Amy for having empathy, no matter how awkwardly she shows it. It's not like there's all that much empathy in this crowd to begin with, so I'll take what I can get.

    But on the other hand, omfg so self important! 😂

    • Love 14
  11. I don't feel bad for Ben at all. He has spent his time taking classes and working out and farting around the Duggar homestead, while leaving all the work -- including bringing in the money and taking care of the kids and the house -- to Jessa. It's clearly too much for her to handle, and yet he doesn't pick up the slack, he just gives her a sour look and goes for a run.

    Sorry but I have no sympathy. If he hates how he lives, he can change it. He's got an education and his family is supportive of their kids finding jobs and living fairly mainstream lives. He's ostensibly the head of his household and can decide on a whim to change whatever he wants to change and Jessa frankly won't be able to do a damn thing about it, because her family would no doubt tell her "leave and cleave" and she has no resources or education of her own to rely on.

    I would make different choices than Jessa, but from what I see, she is pulling all the weight in their little family while Ben drifts along acting entitled and bitter. Between the two of them, it's Jessa who I feel bad for, what with her dead weight of a husband that she is frantically trying to keep afloat.

    • Love 14
  12. 2 hours ago, doodlebug said:

    Practicing family life as a parent is a perfectly worthwhile skill to hone for a kid; just as important as any other activity.

    Completely agree! Especially for children like these, who have a very difficult homelife and probably need some kind of outlet to understand it, too.

    Based on these dolls, I think the aunt is a doll collector. I think the girls probably know that she treasures her collection, so it makes them feel treasured to be given a doll from it.

    Chemistry sets are good and all, but dolls are different because you're supposed to love and take care of them. I think emotionally, this is probably a much better gift for these particular kids. You can't hug a chemistry set and tell it your secrets, you know?

    In an ideal world, they would be given emotional AND educational support and it wouldn't be an either/or question. But that's not where they're at...

    And let's be real, Jill isn't going to let them keep any gifts anyway. Jill gets the gifts, the kids are the givers. Remember the baby who got the "present" of a half-finished bag of diapers for her birthday? Or Tim's clearance "Merry Christmas!" wall plaque that he got for Xmas? God these people.

    • Love 15
  13. So bizarre how even in that video about welcoming Jo to the family, her face was mostly hidden and she was mostly ignored! Everything was all about Felicity, with close-ups of Felicity, and the parents interacting with Felicity, and Jinger saying her favorite thing about life with baby Jo is that Felicity has become a big sister! Nobody even looked at Jo, except Felicity (who seems delighted with her).

    And yet from what we could see of Jo, she looked completely healthy and cute. She even had a sweet little bright-eyed expression, judging from the quarter of her face we could see.

    I think something must be wrong, because this seems way too subtle to be a PR stunt. But it's so strange how I literally cannot imagine what actually could be wrong. Maybe Jinger's been hit hard by post-partum depression?

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  14. 49 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

    “duggarfam” hasn’t posted since Justin got married. They didn’t post a few birthdays, and haven’t posted about Jessa being pregnant.  I’m thinking Jana is too busy. 

    🤔 too busy, you say? Hmmm, I can think of one reason why that might be...

    4 minutes ago, Temperance said:

    Among other things Michelle loves, he leads their family in prayer and the pledge of allegiance.

    The pledge of allegiance?! bwahahaha I'm sorry but who says the pledge of allegiance at their own house?

    • LOL 11
  15. Thanks for all the good thoughts/prayers/vibes yesterday! 🥰

    I think they really helped, because the exam went well... although with these exams, things can always go either way! I find out late next week whether I passed or not🤞

    • Love 17
  16. @Scarlett45 I’m sorry to hear that your godmother is nearing the end. Thank god she has you and your mother looking after her. It’s hard to lose her, but you are doing a great job making saying goodbye as comfortable and peaceful for her as it can be.

    Can everyone who has the time and energy please send good thoughts/prayers/vibes my way this afternoon? I am taking another section of the CPA exam at 1 o’clock. This is the business law and taxation section, and I know the information well, but there are just so many little factoids to remember and take into account. I’m more prepared than I have been for some of the other sections, but somehow I’m still as nervous as ever!  It sounds silly, but somehow those well wishes really do help!

    • Love 21
  17. I just turned 35 and have been obsessed with TV since I was a toddler demanding Sesame Street, but I have never in my life run across Lawrence Welk! I’m shocked that Jeremy watched it, but apparently I was the weirdo missing out on Saturday PBS!

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  18. Someone was stealing food in my office for a while. They were mostly eating the chocolates and things meant for “the whole office” so it wasn’t a huge deal, but they ate my Chinese takeout leftovers once. I was like, “if someone is stealing food, does that mean they’re going hungry?! Should we put food out for them to take, so they’re not starving and forced to pilfer through our leftovers?” 

    In retrospect, I think it was the coworker who I was talking to about it who was doing the stealing, because once I was concerned that the thief needed help and maybe we should bring in some food for them, the stealing stopped.

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  19. 2 hours ago, Boston said:

    I love this.  I eat in the living room (i live alone) and like the tv on for noise.. and I also make "formal" food.. Tonight is steak tips (only once a month) and spinach.. but i make it like i'm LIVING LIFE..LOL

    Yeah, I guess my thing is, I’m not too good for a lot of things... but I am too good to be eating cold soup out of a can while standing up somewhere! Basically everybody is too good for that.

    That said, I am not trying to be the dining table police. I grew up in a household where eating together at the table for three hot meals a day was the norm and that’s still my default. I also hate eating in the car or on the run and would honestly rather just not eat. I was a waitress/bartender for about a decade and I also refused to eat the little snacks and stuff off the line even when I was really hungry... if I can’t sit and enjoy my food then I don’t want it. Weird thing to be a snob about, I know 😂 

    I think the Duggars probably had food in the house, but the kids weren’t allowed to just take what they wanted, Michelle and JB weren’t cooking or having family meals (they still don’t), and the older girls probably didn’t have a lot of time to eat anyhow. It seems like a chaotic household and on top of that they had a lot of babysitting and other domestic stuff to do. I don’t think the kids were purposefully starved but I don’t think anybody really gave a thought to what they were eating or with whom or when or why. So they waited until they were famished and then ate canned green beans with vinegar and drank tomato sauce and other weird stuff from the pantry. Not trying to be offensive, maybe vinegar green beans and stuff are a thing, but that was also obviously stuff the kids could pull directly from the pantry and get in their stomach ASAP. I don’t think it was really about lack of food but rather lack of attention/parenting. And I also agree that control is a HUGE issue in this crowd and food being a control issue both in terms of providing it and eating it is probably still a huge issue.

    I think Jessa is raising her kids more or less the same way as she was raised, which is why Henry is constantly stealing random food from the fridge or even the garden and falling asleep with food in his mouth. I think she thinks it’s cute and mischievous and she looks like a soft hearted mom for just gazing fondly at her little “troublemaker” instead of beating his ass for stealing food. But what it seems like to me is that that kid is hungry and needs more actual meals! Ben seems to care about healthy eating and may have better domestic habits, but he also seems super checked out nowadays.

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