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Posts posted by rue721

  1. 2 hours ago, lascuba said:

    Really scary. Just because the Duggars are awful doesn't mean there are other types of awful to worry about. Look how Derick turned out. Anything that produced that is not to be celebrated.

    And Derick is raising his kids even more conservatively than he was. His mother worked, for one. Jill is not as well educated or as empowered as Cathy was back in the 90s/2000s. Cathy, the woman who gave her sons shirts about how hitting them was good child-rearing. That's really saying something.

    • Love 10
  2. 9 hours ago, Cinnabon said:

    I hope Ivy acted wanted the princess dress beforehand and Jesse didn’t just push it on her. It’s cute, but not all little girls need or want to be pretty little princesses.

    Remember the video when they gave Ivy a new dress and she was looking at herself in the mirror like ☺️ and clearly feeling so beautiful? It was adorable. I think she likes pretty clothes.

    Ivy seems like a sweet kid, I hope her light isn’t smothered by her parents’ neuroses and zealotry.

    • Love 19
  3. 2 minutes ago, Tikichick said:

    There's a good possibility it was either part of the thrill for him or a gradual baby step towards the idea that he could eventually normalize what he wanted in the eyes of others and not have to take such pains to hide it all anymore.

    Yeah, he probably got a thrill out of publicly degrading her. 

    • Love 1
  4. Nobody sane is a sk8tr boi at 33. It's possible that nobody sane is a sk8tr boi in 2021!

    Or maybe he looks like a loon because he's trying to be a knock off Kanye. Who is ALREADY a loon.

    It's fine to love fashion, but unfortunately, he doesn't really have an eye. He has always looked ridiculous and costume-y in his get ups. Other people could probably pull them off, but he just doesn't have enough style.

    I don't think it's that he's too ugly, he's just missing the personality or the vibe to pull off something more unusual. The clothes end up wearing him.

    • Love 24
  5. 2 hours ago, lascuba said:

    Seriously, kudos to her (or whoever initiated the divorce) for leaving an unhappy marriage early. I see no value in suffering over ridiculous cultural norms.


    1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

    I agree, and to add to that, Jessica can make that choice because she has a real job with a real paycheck and real benefits. She's not stuck because she decided to become a breeding machine for Jesus (cough, cough, Anna).

    Divorce sucks, but hopefully it's a learning experience for both of them and they can move on.

    Totally agree. She has the freedom to divorce, and I'm glad. Her life doesn't have to be over because she wants to end a romantic relationship.

    I never saw her wedding, but she looks very unhappy in those wedding pictures.

    • Useful 1
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  6. I think the Howlers essentially raised each other, and their parents never bothered with them before, so why bother with them now? I think they're given an allowance and basically left to do whatever they want.

    Some of it is gender, I think, because the Lost Girls seem just as suffocated and insulated as ever. But some of it might be their parents just not caring all that much, because the older boys seemed to have been given a lot more pressure and attention.

    To be honest, in this family, it seems like the less attention a kid gets, especially a male kid, the better. Maybe the parents only notice a kid when he's "making trouble" or they're trying to force him into a very specific mold.

    I will say that they seem like relatively nice kids (I mean "relative" considering how they've been taught to dehumanize so many other people). A lot of tight groups of guys that age give off a predatory wolf pack vibe, and I don't really see that with them. Of course, maybe it's just not pinging my radar, what do I know.

    • Love 11
  7. My boyfriend's parents are in rehab and will be going to assisted living eventually. So for right now, their cat is with me! I'm not sure yet whether he will be staying with us for good or if he will be able to go back to my boyfriend's parents once they're settled into AL.

    Sam seems happy to be here, though! He's easy-going, and I think he's loving having some company. My dog, Portia, is also EXTREMELY excited to have a new friend at home. She is being very, very good but sometimes her excitement gets the better of her, and she goes from wagging her tail to wagging her whole body and dancing from foot to foot. I settled Sam into the guest room, so now Portia likes to nap on the guest room bed and keep Sammy company (while he chills on his "bed" on the cabinet under the window). She clearly wants to be his new best friend.

    I live in a high rise, and when Sam saw his new window, his mind was BLOWN. He spends most of his time looking out the window, but he's been exploring the house a lot, too. Last night, he actually kept me up because he kept wondering through the house and meowing. But whatever makes him happy.

    It feels a bit weird because I don't know how attached to him I should let myself get! But it's wonderful having a cat in the house again anyhow. And it's made me so happy to see how happy Portia is for the company, too, and how sweet she has been with him.

    • Love 22
  8. And sorry, I don’t mean to pop in randomly and be so brusque! 🤦🏻‍♀️😂

    In the last few weeks, I had an offer accepted on a house (closing in a couple weeks!), my supervisor quit and just peaced out on 4/30, so I’ve been doing her job as well as mine since then, and my boyfriend’s parents had some health emergencies that landed them in a nursing home rehab (hopefully they’ll be going to assisted living from there). Also, I’m involved in a couple civics orgs that decided THIS was the month to have their conventions. Just kinda crazy here. And the Josh Duggar crimes just made reading about the Duggars too dark and stressful for a while there, too. Sorta still in the place, if I’m honest. I miss you guys, though.


    Oh yeah, and it’s Brood X time now, too! It sounds like an alien spaceship is constantly landing outside, the noise these 17 year cicadas make is SO weird.

    • Love 14
  9. 17 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

    I'm going to go back and see what I missed here, I swear, but right at the moment I just can't stop being my normal, overreactive self who seems to aggravate everyone around her. 

    Mom's been over here for a few days again, and giving me grief over the fact that I'm not as active as I should be, and have gained a few (about 7 - nothing all that drastic) pounds over the past 6 months. Daughter and son-in-law over for dinner, which didn't come out great (I was trying something with salting a London broil for a while, then cooking it sous vide, and finishing with a sear on the grill), but I think I salted it for too long, and sous vided it at a few degrees higher than I should have, because it came out quite dry. Then Mr Jyn and Son-in-Law were moving a table out to the porch for the summertime plants, and Mom snipped at me for sitting in my seat instead of helping them move all sorts of things out of the way (nothing DID need to be moved out of the way)....And, I guess none of these things are a big deal, but between them and a dozen other things that I did wrong, it just eventually made me teary, and whenever I get upset, I want to blame myself, because it seems that I'm the one who screwed up because I just don't have the knack of thinking ahead and noticing what needs to be done like normal people do, so then they get aggravated at me because I feel as though I'm stupid and useless. All I'm trying to do is communicate that I take complete blame for all the stuff I did wrong, and hope that someone will tell me that it's OK, and that they still love me, but all I get is, "stop that!!!", and "I can't even talk to you". So I know that it's my fault again for not being a normal person, but I don't know how to be anyone else than me...

    At least my son-in-law gives me hugs and a bit of compassion.


    15 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

    I push back all the time. I try to explain that I realize I have faults, and pointing them out to me all the time is not going to do anything toward making me more interested in changing. She totally doesn't get it, because she is (or claims to be, anyway) one of those (rare) people who welcome constructive criticism, solicited or otherwise, because she wants to be the very best person she can be. That's her response. And the other is, "I'm an old lady, I've earned the right to speak my mind when I feel that something needs to be said".

    The one time I really got angry at her a few months ago, and told her that her advice actually made me less likely to fix anything she was nagging me about, she compared me to (not to get political!) a certain ex-president, and told me I was acting like a toddler.


    She is bullying you.

    I don't know how to handle a bully, really. But she's just picking on you because she thinks you're an easy target, not because any of these supposed "faults" of yours are even real or she wants them to "improve."

    And the whole family is acting like you're the designated family scapegoat.

    Honestly, I would throw her out of the house or only agree to see her at her house so that you can walk out the door when she starts with the bullying again. But I know that may not be an option because you're essentially doing elder care.

    Maybe other people know more about how to handle a bully?

    But regardless, don't blame yourself and don't give credence to this bullshit. She's just making you feel small because it makes her feel big, not for any more "legitimate" reason than that.

    • Love 20
  10. When Josh got caught as a teenager, wasn’t he shipped off to a sheriff who then also got arrested for child sexual assault images?!

    Abuse and depravity is very normalized in this group and who knows where/when/how Josh or ANY of these sick fucks became pedophiles and/or sexual predators. But it seems like within this “social circle,” the predatory behavior is self-reinforcing. Josh is just part of the predatory churn. 🤮

    Just like when we heard about what Josh did as a teenager, I think right now we’re also seeing just the tip of the iceberg.

    So horrific to think of a pedophile running amok in a family known for massive amounts of under-supervised and neglected children. No, I’m not surprised by the charges but I’m still horrified by them. I had hoped that Josh wasn’t continuing to predate, even though it seemed far more likely that he was, and now even that small hope is dashed.

    I wonder how the family will move on from this. What I would think they’d want to do would be to hide out for at least a while... but for most of the 2nd gen, their “influencer” fame is how they put food on the table, so... how can they slide into obscurity, practically speaking? 

    As for Anna, this probably changes nothing for her. And their religion teaches them to choose their spouse over their children, so I think that’s what she’ll do.

    • Love 13
  11. What the hell?!


    Jeremy’s world turned upside down after numerous women came forward to allege that the former soccer player had sexually assaulted them during his teenage years. While he did admit to cheating on Jinger, this period was much more difficult. In an interview with Us Weekly, Jinger spoke on how the scandal divided her close ones.

    And casually throwing in, "admitted to cheating on Jinger," too?

    This all sounds crazy -- but the article has so many quotes from them both, which does lend a little more credibility. Jeez.


    • Love 6
  12. Quote

    What things are there in your life are more important to you than Jesus? This is the question our pastor asked us today and it hit me hard.

    Fame? Social Status? Money? Work? Food? Fun? Your Phone?

    Revival in the church and in the world starts with ME, in my heart.
    I often come to the Lord when I feel that I need His ‘help’, but we need the Lord every second of everyday. We need to be grateful for this life He has given us and praise Him for who He is. In the good times and the bad.

    “Lord, Search me, know me, try me and see every worthless affection hidden in me. All I'm asking for is that You'd cleanse me, Lord. Create in me a heart that's clean. Conquer the power of secret shame. Come wash away the guilty stain of all my sin.”

    I did not grow up with religion and this kind of talk gives me the heebie geebies. Maybe it's normal to people within evangelical churches, and I don't mean to give offense.

    It just makes me think, what is going on with Joy that she is clinging SO HARD to religion and is trying to find gratitude toward God "every second of every day"? Is she super unhappy? Or is this just normal talk within her social circle and not alarming the way it sounds to an outsider?

    • Love 15
  13. 15 hours ago, Grifter Lives said:

    She allowed his preposterous and heartless idea that Ysabel go to NJ alone to be presented as an option.  Christine should have slammed it down and told him that his suggestion was so unconscionable that it was unspeakable.

    To be fair, Christine immediately told Ysabel that that would never happen, she would 100% be there, etc. But the damage was already done.

    I have some sympathy for Christine because she was brought up in polygamy. I think it took her a long time to realize that she could choose something different, and it seems like even now she doesn't have the perspective to see how horrible and bizarre the current situation is. Also, her only identity in life since she was very young has been: (plural) wife, mother, homemaker -- and now she can see being an empty-nester on the horizon. I think she probably has the wrongheaded notion that she shouldn't break up the family while there are still young kids involved and is waiting until all are grown. But it seems to me that the family has already dissolved anyhow.

    It's interesting to go back and watch old episodes of this show. Pretty much the only justifications that any of the adults gave for polygamy even a decade ago is that it makes childcare much easier and it's part of their faith. Well, childcare isn't really an issue anymore, and frankly, there will probably be no more kids. So now all that's holding them together is their faith? I have a hard time believing that most of these women are interested in being on Planet Kody and Kody has been really blunt that he doesn't want them there. Although especially with Meri and Christine, maybe they really are that religious, I don't know.

    I wish I knew what was going on between Kody and Christine. I don't think they ever really got along, but he seems to actively despise her now. Where is the antipathy coming from?

    It's interesting to see how much Kody wants monogamy at this point, too. He never seemed in love with or attracted to his first three wives, and I think he legitimately might have married three because that's the minimum number to get your planet and "practice the faith." I think now even living his religion isn't worth it to him, it's too horrible to be pressured to "cheat" on Robyn and be away from her all the time. I feel like I'm watching a nature doc on mating habits hahaha

    • Love 16
  14. 5 hours ago, floridamom said:

    My opinion is that she really isn't an asset in Derick's life. He has to carry her through it most of the time. 

    I dunno, I doubt Derick does much childcare or even does much around the house. I don't think Jill is some amazing home maker, but without her, Derick would just be holed up in some lonely, dirty bachelor pad.

    It's possible that Jill and the kids are in survival mode not because Derick can't help as much as usual but rather because Derick is super stressed out and therefore a total pain to live with. Also, intense studying or intense work of any kind is TOTALLY foreign to Jill, so she's probably extra bewildered by Derick's stress and time pressure and therefore stressed out herself.

    • Love 23
  15. Pumpkin works great, but maybe go easy on it because it will definitely get things moving! Greens work really well for getting things moving, too. 

    If he keeps having trouble, bland meals like eggs, chicken, or fish with white rice (and possibly some veg) usually sit well on a dog’s stomach.

    But to be honest, it sounds like he just had to get the cat food out of his system! 

    He trusts you to help him when he’s sick, and you came through for him — sounds like you’ve really bonded ❤️

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