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Everything posted by SunshineOnMe

  1. It's interesting to me that JP's problem was a gf from his childhood, and not his daughter's mom. Or.... maybe it's the one and the same?
  2. Just chiming in to say the wounds on their knees and legs are gnarly!
  3. So far, I can't figure out any of these matches. Tonight was the most interesting for me though, because I'm starting to remember them a little more.
  4. That's true about them being kind of generic/forgettable. I can't remember who the couple is who wanted to avoid the truth booth the first week. LOL about the host! He wants them all to find true lurrrve.
  5. As soon as he said he was going to throw the challenge I rolled my eyes and said "buh bye."
  6. I'm so sad. 111 views, and no comments. I love reading the snark! Unfortunately, I'm horrible at dishing snark. I will say I was surprised those two weren't a couple.
  7. I barely can hit a nail straight, so I was surprised at the challenge a bent nail was. I guess I've got stellar nail bending skills (LOL). I'm going to use that next time a nail bends. Loved the sheep! Boiing! BoooINNG! I told the TV "That'll do, pig," when they finally went into the pen. The ponies were something else. Maybe they thought they were running up the hill for some apple treat, and didn't want to get tricked again. LOL On a side note, is anyone else still forgetting this is on Friday night? I swear I catch it by chance every time.
  8. Was a morning he had to he milked the cow and weave his own clothes? I think I heard this story before.
  9. You guys are awesome! As far as risk of injury; well, it could only happen to me. I now know what it's like to be on the treadmill and the power goes off. Nothing was hurt but my dignity lol. Most of my friends are runners, so I admire you all!
  10. Not sure if this counts as exercise among all of you amazing people! I walk on the treadmill as I write. I turned it into a desk. It's pretty cool! And actually helps my creativity.
  11. nope, as far as I know, that's the only couple.
  12. Did anyone see the "sneak peek?" I was surprised that Kelley was married for 3 years!
  13. I mentioned I've written a memoir in the Real Housewives of NY thread. I couldn't resist after all of Aviva's comments on the show. So, if you want to read a survivor's memoir, can I suggest mine? It's called Ghost No More, available as paperback everywhere, but as an ebook only through Amazon kindle. I wrote Ghost No More because I know what it feels like to not have hope. I want to connect, validate and encourage people who've overcome or are trying to overcome abuse in their life. I wrote it because I've been swallowed by pain, confusion, and fear, and I don't want anyone in that place to stand alone. I don't have a magic wand to make anyone feel better, I just have my story. I wrote it because for so long I was told it was just me, my fault, if only I could be better, or change, or different, then someone would love me. Those "if only's..." ruled me, and I tried so hard to live by them. I know the failure of failed relationships no matter how hard I tried to be different or make it work. I wrote it to remind everyone who reads my words..... You aren't what someone has ever said about you that's negative. Thanks for letting me share. :)
  14. EVS I think your post is sadly accurate. This show actually makes me sad. Jenna needs help, and it's horrible to see that and know there's nothing being done or can be done in that setting that will help her(it breaks my heart because I also had deep abuse growing up.) In the meantime, she is acting out, and that type of personality can be super toxic to be around. You nailed it with Treach. I don't see love there, but disgust, really on both of their parts. Again, heartbreaking. It looks like their days of counseling are long past. Nikki and Juan want different things. He's just not that into her, but he's happy if she will be happy and not take the relationship so serious. I'd feel more sorry for her, but her attitude can be very difficult, and she is demanding love. Ugh. All of it's just so sad.
  15. I was shocked at them showing off the underwear. Honestly, it was disgusting. The other thing that irritated me was when they said the guests were eating all the time. Who Cares? It's their charter!
  16. I could NOT believe Andrea brought a list... and expected an apology for each and every item on her list!
  17. That was sad. I don't know if I would have been strong enough to give it up to Nettie. Very sweet of her. Also I was very surprised Nettie has only been married for 10 years. Not that that's bad, but she's always seemed to be so matronly about marriage.
  18. I ate half a sweet potato in nervous snacking. It wasn't as good as you think.
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