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Dame sans merci

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Everything posted by Dame sans merci

  1. I was thinking about that mini three episode arc and wondered whether the line from the episode 11 press release: 'As the virus begins to spread in Gotham, the laboratory that is developing a cure is compromised' could suggest that we end this current arc with a full-scale outbreak in the city. It's quite curious that the guest cast are also missing from that 3.11 press release - might we be getting a surprise return?
  2. Yeah, I think that's probably my main issue with the show. Selina seems to have thus far been spared from the worst treatment, but all of the others? Yikes. Nu Ivy is probably the most egregious example because that's just gross, Gotham, so gross, but it is a general trend. I know they can do compelling, entertaining arcs. I've seen them do it for the men. They need to do better by their females. Even my boyfriend turned to me, after seeing Isabella's body, and said, in a bewildered tone "so...they created her as a literal cockblock and then just killed her? Why would they think that's okay?'
  3. Not really a fan of this one. The writing for the Barnes storyline was very by-the-numbers and predictable, new Ivy seems so dense it's a surprise she's survived this long and developments in the Nygma/Oswald/Isabella plot made me roll my eyes so hard I think I may have strained something. Something that seemed like it may initially be going somewhere brave and unexpected has now given us : a) a female character being created solely to function as a plot device b) who is then fridged to create manpain and drama c) with an added side dish of 'villainous gay'. Damn it show. And the GCPD seems to only have one M.E. Wouldn't Lee have recognised that Isabella had the same face as her dead friend? However, props for: the Ivy/Selina hug. Awww. 'You do look nice'. Oh Bruce. 'I was only gone for an hour'. Oswald basically creating his own fan art with that painting.
  4. I meant season 3 specifically really: He has... been released from Arkham. had his risky gambit to win the election 'clean' pay off. been made chief of staff. successfully out-schemed Butch and removed him as a potential issue. lorded it over his loathed former colleagues at the GCPD. seemingly had his perfect woman pretty much fall into his lap. It's all coming up Ed currently, but that can't last. ETA: But yes on Tabitha living a somewhat charmed life. I find it utterly perplexing that she's apparently off Oswald's kill-list despite her role in Gertrude's death.
  5. I hope you're right. I'm going to be deeply annoyed if they brought Chelsea Spack back just to a) throw her in as a roadblock to The Ed/Oswald relationship and feed their all-consuming addiction to love triangles and b) fridge her again. Thinking about it, I am excited by the idea of her really screwing Ed up. He's had a lot of 'wins' so far this season and the arrogance is pretty much rolling off him. He must feel pretty much untouchable. Having Isabella destroy his composure should be fun.
  6. Yep, a few of the actors have actually directly referenced Kim Novak in relation to her. Given 'Vertigo's' tale of madness, death and obsession, you don't get the feeling this will end particularly well.... On the episode: Only Jim could make a drug-fulled hallucination that bloody dull. Poor Oswald. Although drunkenly chuntering away about your love life problems to Court of Owls personnel is likely to come back and bite him. What woman hears the compliment 'you have exquisite femurs' and doesn't run screaming? Isabella is shady. Very shady.
  7. I don't think so. It just seemed to be a 'ATTENTION - FORESHADOWING!' moment.
  8. They have cast Selina's mum: I'm not familiar with her - anybody?
  9. Jervis's whole scheme here did actually seem very Riddler-esque. Although Ed probably wouldn't have been so rude as to insult Lee and Mario's crockery.
  10. It's Gotham. Long-term happiness isn't allowed.
  11. I feel like Danny might end up as the Natalie Gunmede of this series - I mean, when you're pretty much outdancing your pro partner in week one, you're too good, too soon. Plus, he's a bit of a charisma vacuum. Like a pretty, dancing AI. Relieved for Nat that Greg looks fairly promising - it was smart to get a dance that wouldn't suit him out of the way early when they could cover his technical flaws with his energy, but he had rhythm and musicality, and can 'sell' a dance so that bodes well. He's very bandy-legged though.... Ore's tango was bizarre. Yes, that was an awkward bit of music to choreograph to but...yikes. Plus, the whole thing was staged like some awful acid trip. The Judge was an unexpected delight. Not sure if I want him to calm it down a bit (because he does have talent), or just continue to be ultra extra for every single dance. Daisy's waltz was lovely, particularly given how stiff she looked in that group dance (although maybe the poor woman was just alarmed by the possibility of flashing a boob if she got too energetic in that tacky piece of red lace they gave her to wear). The latin should be interesting. Ed was...not terrible. Good job Katya. Melvin...WAS terrible. I am side-eyeing the choreography and the entire BBC prop cupboard they foisted on him for this. Louise and Will both looked confident and capable, despite notably hideous wardrobes, which was to be expected. Tameka is a whole lot to deal with. Did Gorka even get to speak? Having said that, their Paso was fun, and I thought she actually showed a lot of raw ability. A bit disappointed in Claudia, although maybe my expectations were a little high. Bruno made a good point (!) in picking up on her transitions into the tricks and flicks needing work. I can't remember anybody else, which doesn't bode all that well for them. Excited that this looks like a competitive series though. ETA: Forgot to mention the supremely awkward moment where we we introduced to Ore's lovely wife...and she was an absolute doppelganger for Joanne. Hello Strictly curse.
  12. Heh, I think the magic eye image for this show would just be a weeping showrunner. Thank you - I'll go and squint at it some more later (as staring at pictures of Andrew J West at work is not what i'm paid for, unfortunately)! I can definitely see the flashlight beam. From what I remember from filming reports, Glen, Maggie and Tara were filming right next door at a white house so maybe he's talking to one of them (or...a cross person? Maybe? Yeah, i've got nothin').
  13. I've stared at that shot until i've gone cross-eyed but I still can't see the reflection. Sigh. I'm rubbish at Magic eye pictures too...is it not someone we know?
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