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Everything posted by Mitch

  1. That unfortunately was the MO of this show and its writers. Regina is smirking evil one minute and crying her eyes out the next...Zelena doesn't stop Aunt Em from drinking whatever the hell the water was, she doesn,t even look conflicted, but we are supposed to think she turned on a dime..."Evil" Wish Henry watches Dream Rump suck Dream Blue up into a private hell with a smirk on his face, he doesnt even say..."Hey, I just want to hurt Regina, nobody else is involved..." but then he has a chat with Regina and is all "Cwy Baby" Henry. It was so easy for these writers to NOT do this that I can't explain it. When the townspeople come to kill Regina after the curse broke, instead of being "cocky" Regina should have looked afraid and after 28 years..embarrassed that she was "outed" (it was implied in S1 that Regina cast the curse not only to see her enemies suffer, but to start over as a new person) that we could kinda sorta sympathised with her...( I would have much rather had Regina come out as her Mayor Mills persona "I have no idea what you people are talking about..I think there is a mass delusion going on..to try and bullshit her way out of it..and then pull the old EQ when it doesnt work...)
  2. I agree..bringing "Universal Monster World" would have been cool and a nice change of pace for airy fairy lets market another Disney product world. It would have been cool to have the gang sucked into worlds other then fairy tale worlds and they would have no clue how to deal as the worlds they visit would be different then what they watched on the "Early Movie" It would be break from the increasingly generic and boring..."Another medieval village that somehow takes place in Storybrooke's woods. Seeing the cast dressed up differently would be cool and I would love to see a magic less Regina being chased through a fog covered cobblestone street by Dracula. It wouldnt have to be a "arc" but a few episode side adventure. Hell, they could have gone to Shakespeare world as we saw on the bullentin board that characters were sucking into Storybrooke.. A Dickensonian world.. AH, it kind of sucks that they opened the idea of infinite worlds based on "stories" and the world they presented was so damn small. Agree, no eggnapping..no Dragons screwing and having eggs..Malificent was NOT a dragon, she could just turn into one..dumb a**es.
  3. Finally watched this episode...and I liked it..of course, I watched it the only way you should watch Once, with several beers under my belt and a bottle of wine in hand.. I thought Parrilla and RC were the best they have been in years...almost back to S1. WishRump was actually kind of scary and his plan to trap everyone in their own individual unhappy stories for ever was really EVIL for once and smart...(why did no other villain think to keep everyone apart and with no magical solutions available.) But why was Zelena trapped in a ship's hull? Parrila sold it in the dream bar as being alone and scared. Nice to see Charms and Snow and nice to not hear a line from Jacinda and her toothy kid. I thought the Hook actor was really good, Hook in any form is so much better when he is not holding Emma's purse..(sorry fans..I though the pairing weakend both characters...) and thought Gilmore was really good as Angry Henry. Madder wins the prize for having the best lines in the finale again...("Yes, I am the Wicked Witch and I AM fabulous..would you like a selfie.." and "Zorro is a DRAGON???") she has taken over Emma's role of being the voice of the audience ....(last year's "Well that was disappointing.") Madder was the one actor on the show who knew what kind of show she was on and had fun with it..(I think LP still thought it was S1 and took the show and her character too seriously..) Stupid things... How was everyone going to warn everyone else? How were they supposed to realm hop??? There is still no explanation for the Wish Realm...how was it real when EmmaPrime was there and there was no WishEmma? Who gave birth to WishHenry? How was WishBlue trapped by guards and why didn't she fight back and did he get released or do we throw her in the pile with Milah, Aunt Em, the Scarecrow as characters that the writers don't give a damn about..(one line.."After Rumpell died Blue was released from the book" would have been fine.) If it was so easy to realm hop..why was Regina acting as if leaving the WishRealm was hard? They should have had WishRump say he had trapped everyone in the realm and they couldn't leave...(I know they had to get the Charmings off camera...but just have them going on one of their useless fact finding missions instead of warnging poeple.. and that would have give Regina a reason to cast another curse.. And why bring all the realms together? And are there just 4..I thought there were countless? They couldn't take a crap without Emma before, why no mention of getting the Savior to help? I don't mind Regina getting the happy ending but that was just...stupid. Emma and Hook came off as annoyingly self satisfied...hey thanks for your help people. Morrison phoned it in.
  4. I wish they had started this season off writing to its new time slot..instead they wrote as a half baked knock off of S1 and like it was still on Sunday. It was obvious with the "urban" setting and aging doufus kid Henry up to hipster doufus adult Henry that they were going for a different feel, but everything else stayed the same, down to the even more annoying know it all kid. I wish they had made use of the setting, made the show grittier and more "realistic" and yes, darker, but in good way. I would dump the kid, dump Cinderella...leave all the old gang back in SB and these versions are from the WishREalm made real by Emma's white magic. Regina would be the older EQ , who still had the curse but never used it..Henry would be a grown up version of WishHenry, (the twist would be that Henry forced WishREgina to cast the curse, to take him to the LWOM to find his "mother" who just disappeared out of existence...Gothel is from the real world but found herself in WishWorld as she was looking for someone who could cast the curse..and used his anger and pain to get him to cast the curse to hitch a ride to the LWOM . Cinders would be a play on the boring twu lurve...his real connection is to Drizella..no stupid annoying toothy kid..WishRump would be transported like RealRump was, etc.
  5. The Snow/Regina thing could have worked better if they had shown them growing up together and Snow seeing Regina as a big sister and Regina seeing Snow as her little sister. They would then build in that Snow idolized Regina and Regina felt that Snow was her trusted sister and friend against Cora. In my scenario I would have had Blue or someone outlaw the use of dark magic in the the EF...like Glinda did in the later Oz books...(I never understood why and how they could let these evil maniacs with super powers run amok and do nothing about it..) and it would explain why Cora didn't just magic her way into power..another thing that never made sense..so Cora sees that magic users are burnt at the stake or something and has to be sly about things. She sets it up for Snow and Regina to meet with the horse thing and spends years insinuating herself with the royal family. She poisons Snows mom, etc. Snow really does want Regina to be her new mom and when she finds out she is running away she doens't want her to leave..even if she marries the stable boy guy, she wants Regina to be around her..so she tells Cora to at least keep Regina around longer. So Snow is both guilty and not guilty and Regina has a right to be angry and they both have a built in thing of love and hate now which both explains Regina's anger, Snow's guilt and the reason that they can never really kill each other. It would also make their later relationship make more sense...(I still would never write it as simplistic and cartoonish as A & E but ...I would have them still hurt and sniping at each other but when push comes to shove Snow would stick up for Regina, knowing her faults, and Regina would instinctively protect Snow against another evil doer as you would a smaller sibling, even one who annoys the f*ck out of you. The relationship would both be more complex and make more sense.
  6. I think the big point of Regina reforming would have been with FrankenDaniel... When they talk he would say something like, "You punished people because of me? That was not what I wanted...you have become your mother!" or something to that effect...it would have given Regina a chance to act our her grief.."I was so angry..I had to hurt someone, and ." and then come to a resolution...(instead of poofing Daniel away..which is stupid..I would have her pull his tainted heart out and crush it ...re-enacting both what Cora did and what she did with the Underwear Model Guy...only this time to help someone. Charming, instead or walking away would send that brat home with a firm hand and then he would have seen what she did...giving him a reason to feel compassion for her and that she could change. As I said a million times I would have made magic harder to come by in SB...and drag out Regina getting it back...so she would be more vunerable to attacks from the townpeople..giving her a reason to seek the Charmings protection and making her want to get her magic back for a valid reason. Cora would have been the one with the spell book which would give her back more magic...to hold over he head. After that I would have kept her struggling..not outright evil but really tempting and really trying..then I would keep her an anitheroine...everyone not trusting her and she not trusting anyone else..kind of like Zelena was when first coming back to SB...
  7. I would have loved that..and it would have tied in with Wicked as A & E like to "refer" to other properties so much. She should have always been green..not that dumb envy thing and everyone thought she was a freak...she escapes to the EF finds no one there to rule...and does so..not in an Evil Way but as a tough no b.s. kind of ..a happy medium between the Charming idotic reign and Regina's reign of terror. People accept her finally as they need someone to take charge with everyone else gone...Regina and Snow come back and claim the throne...Zelena says "Screw You" and Regina and Snow have a reason to team up to try to take down the ugly green thing not realizing she is a better ruler then all of them
  8. And how easy it would be to explain...they shoot a monkey it falls and turns into Friar Tuck or someone. "Oh my God are you okay..I didn't know it was you!" and they say, "What happened? I don't remember anything until I wake up and I have this arrow laying on my chest..it must have broke that witches spell." So the good guys..I refuse to use "heroes" cause heroes DO things and solve things and work hard and this crew never does...have a reason to shoot at the monkeys. Simple. Don't get me started on how dumb it was that the monkeys were easily magiced into monkeys with a wave of a hand..instead of the cool scary monkeys that were controlled by the magic cap in the book. So if Zelena could do that why not just turn EVERYONE into monkeys especially Snow to get the baby?
  9. I was SO ready for EVIL mermaids...then...nothing! Neverland showed the problem with making their magical villains so powerful...Regina says she has enough magic to fix the ship but they turn her down for..why? They spend time walking around potted plants when Regina and Gold can sometimes poof their way there...why not just poof their way to Pan to have a showdown? They are sleeping in the jungle...wearing the same clothes, why not just poof a house up and some new hiking clothes? I know the general audience must not ever notice those things, based on their gushing on FB..but they are just so stupid it brings the whole story down. Neverland's magic, as a matter of fact any realms magic should have been wonky for any EFer..its different it works different and you can screw things up using it. One of my fave book as a kid was "Half Magic," and the half coin when used, could and did screw things up for the kids, who had to come up with a work around using their brains. This show needed the Half Magic gang. But damn..you introduce Evil Mermaids and you don't use them???
  10. Yes, the show in the 80s was a different story each week...(God I am old...) but if I remember it was cancelled quickly so I am surprised it is coming back. Though it may have had decent ratings but was just too expensive as I remember it had good production values. I actually think that A & E might be good at such a show. I quite enjoy some of their episodes if I can divorce it from what I have seen before..(just these few episodes...WHY can Regina use magic in the LWOM..uh..Land that Used to Have Magic but Now its Kinda There But Hard to Find..so easily now..when she couldnt before....) and even sucky ones I can enjoy some of their jokey takes. Episodes written and directed by heavy hitters with them producing could be good, as I hated their CGI but the rest of the production values were good.
  11. Oh RoberTee, you kind of put into words how I feel about the show..I started watching in a kind of goofy time in my life where things were up in the air and I could really see myself casting the Dark Curse to get to something new...(and for a split second it would be fun to have everyone under my thumb..for a day or two then like Regina I would have gotten bored..) as a matter of fact, I first learned about the show from a billboard..outside a therapists office "serioulsy" (little did I know that I would need therapy BECAUSE of this show years later...) Its all good now but I the show has a place in my heart because of that rough patch, and I thought it sucked right after the curse broke but I stuck in there! The finale sucked as bad as the show has for the last few seasons..which I expected but the show said, "Hold my beer" by doing one last jump over that shark with the last 10 minutes! It made no sense at all...(how big are the Maine woods anyway????) Can satelittes see Agrablah now? Will some hiker stumble into Oz? You could tell the network was just like "Get the damn thing over and off our screens" that the last two episodes had no oversight or interference..it was A & E's wet dream combined with thier one last suck up to the corporate Disney...( "See its a real life Disneyworld in the Maine woods....now can we have another job??") I wanted the Black Fairy to waltz in and Bwhahah..."Regina, you sap, you fell for my plan, now that I have ALL of you together it will be much easier to kill you all! BWAHAHAHAHA...." THE END!
  12. The whole realm is stupid, as they changed their minds on it during the course of the episode...or kind of, when Emma said maybe something from Real Robin was there. They should have just gone with an Earth-2 scenario where it was all real and the Emma from that world was zapped to Storybrooke when EmmPrime is zapped there. That would have been a good string of episodes as Regina and Hook go to get Emma and both are confronted with their clones who took a darker path. I know we were cloned out of the EQ by then but they should have not done the split and the final villains would have been WishRumple and WishQueen (instead of the dumb Black Fairy) who follow them to SB like they are doing now.
  13. I was okay with the promo and the storyline...(well..lets' see how it plays out..) for once there is an interesting grey problem...WHenry has every right to want revenge and Regina actually thought the WCharmings werent real (though how they explain HOW WHenry is real when EmmaPrime didnt give birth to him...the whole wish world sucks...). The promo actually made me interested in the finale. I think its actually kind of .."poetic," that the show ends to ave someone that for all intents is the person Regina "loves the most" (also Henry) be the one who hates her and wants to kill her...(there is no doubt that Regina will change his mind and he will let "love into his heart" yadayada...but I don't mind that, this is not a cable show it needs to end happy..) and if they use this as a chance for Regina to finally say "I am sorry" I am good with it. Now if only WHenry was the one to cast the curse to get revenge on Regina by taking away HenryPrime that would have been interesting.
  14. Very succinct...the show started out as a nicer, gentler Twin Peaks with literary characters....and then became a giant marketing hour of power for Disney...(did every character have to be "Disney Brand" practically stamped on its forehead..) I can't believe the net didn't step in to change things with the huge ratings drop. The show should have always been a "limited" series. Cut out episodes like "Grumpy" from 1st season to make it shorter..the Curse is broken...pick it up for about 6 to 8 episodes a year later to show the after effects of the breaking of the curse..then pick it up a year or two later for either special movies or short terms episodes when they go on their "epic" adventures and truly make them epic. I remember not minding Neverland except for them having to string things out and you got Ariel in their to pad..and the gang circling around potted plants for episodes on end. The show since Curse breaking isnt really ment to be a weekly series...there is just not enough to hold it up and not enough budget to do what they want to do..they pad and the mythology gets dumber and dumber (it takes a great Author to do that...) the rules get broken, the characters get shallower..etc.
  15. But arent the "real " people like.."Who the hell are these people??" Didn't their memories come back too, or is that something a true Author doesnt need to explain?
  16. I actually had that question answered by one of the brain trust over at FB...along the lines of "Well, its a show about fairy tales and they changed those, so they can change history on the show to fit their story.." And that, my friend, is why this piece of carp show has been around for 7 years.
  17. I liked that too..as don't we all have to potential for both? I can see in their goofy world of heroes and villains that would be a head scratcher to Snow and Charms but one thing I have always liked about a recurrent theme of this show is duality..."we are both" etc, etc. Granted they screw it all up but I like that its at least a theme. But a baby being born in an egg? I..just...can't...
  18. Actually, I would have like that and then we wouldn't have timeline insanity and left all of the old gang back in SB. I would have liked to see Parrilla playing an older, more complex EQ, who had time to live life without magic and actually saw the error of her ways, though she isn't "crybaby" Regina the Good. They could have explained that the Wish Realm actually was not real, until Emma's sacrifice of last season where the white magic restored all the realms and actually spun off the Wish as a real one, restoring WSnow and WCharms to life and getting Regina off the hook for murder. The EF wouldnt be quite the same as the EF we know, so they could have had no Emma and a new Cinders. Dumb but not as dumb as what they will come up with I am sure...(hand wave to Regina murdering them..)
  19. Well of course.....when you put it like that....LOL! So true..I have been one of those people who have been accused of "getting the show cancelled" with my negativity..nevermind that it is so illogical that the whole plan could be a plot on this show, but if I had that kind of power I would have made the show good... I have noticed that fans of this show seem to have an almost "personal" relationship with the show, its producers, its characters, its actors...( all those people calling Morrison "Jen" like they are friends or "Bex" like they hang out with Mader, ) Are all TV shows like this? I am on the Walking Dead FB page...(another show where glaring plot holes go to live freely and thrive..) and while those people can be really..intense...its not the same. And can anyone explain what the hell "The Truest Believer" means? I can get "The Savior" I can even get the "Guardian" but how does having the heart of the truest believer mean anything..your slightly mentally challenged as you will believe anything anyone tells you..I don't get it and it really looks stupid on an adult male in his 30s.
  20. They should have just said, the Black Fairy's personal assistant kidnapped Henry and Robyn and even she couldn't handle the idiocy of Henry so she dropped them back where she found them..as dumb as that is it makes more sense within the shows' universe. Did they ever explain why Driz thought the curse would make her mother..who hated magic..miserable in the LWOM? And why does the curse take everyone to the LWOM? Can't it take them to movie preOZ Kansas world where everything is black and white and everyone is poor on a farm and a tornado appears everyday?
  21. LOL..I was thinking the same thing..and I actually felt a bit bad about it..(I don't knock people for liking something I think is stupid...) but you just can't help it. When I see people writing how GREAT the season is etc..I want to know WHY they think the season is great...really, what am I missing..but they have absolutely no follow up..and if you point out the big holes...(simple ones like, why haven't Regina and Zelena aged..how can WishHook be real but WishSnow and Charms werent..) there is complete silence...or you are told to..."Just stop watching and quit ruining it for the rest of us..." which bring out my SparkleDark and I just want to keep on posting and ruin the fun like the EQ bursting into the Charmings wedding. I think there is a combo of people posting on FB..people who have a sentimental attachment to the show and just overlook stuff, Evil people like myself who know the show has seen better days and just like to yank everyone's cranks, people who somehow feel like they have an "in" with the actors, writers producers if they gush over any craptastick scene, and really, really stupid people who would watch paint dry and think its interesting and "bold."
  22. Agreed, not allowing to show remorse cheated the character and the actress. The issue is that they kind of changed the character of Regina Mills..(in our world version) after S1. Sure she did nasty things but most of them were sneaky manipulations and she seemed ambivalent about her past...("I know what it is like to feel that kind of darkness, you can loose yourself in it.".or something like that) and seemed okay in her new role as a the cold ball buster as opposed to evil maniac...even killing Graham looked different then when we see the EQ enjoying killing. Mayor Mills was clearly the villain but still redeemable ..but as soon as the curse broke she went back to full on evil, flip flopping with crying all the time..none of it was very entertaining..you couldn't love to hate her as she was so whiny, and you couldn't want her redemption as they kept showing her being an out and out crazed b*tch in our world, from attempting to kill Charming, to having her admit to killing Owen's dad without a shred or remorse. It was so disappointing as LP in S1 reminded me of a old 30s /40s movie vixen..a bit of heart under the stone facade, and the character just had more depth...a slow simmering evolution/redemption would have been great..but then they would have had to limit *some* of Regina's screen time and quit showing a new murder/massacre that the EQ instigated. They could have even recovered some of that this season. A good idea would have been for Driz/Gothel who ever controlled the curse, to make Regina fall in love with one of her past victims, say a guy whose family got caught in a massacre, and instead of blowing it off like Blandie Hood, he is angry as hell, but cursed to fall in love with Roni. So, Regina is awake but really does love this guy and Driz gives her a choice in waking him up or not..but Regina makes the right choice and gives him his free will and he she has to A) loose someone she loves because of her past actions and see her remorse on her past deeds and we get to see a victim who has a realistic reaction to her who is not painted a s villain and killed off.
  23. Are we sure this spoiler stuff is true...(I don't look at any other Once stuff but here...) and if it is..does Regina rule over the LWOM..(which is DIFFERENT from OUR LWOM...) and if so..how do all the people in the world feel about that??? Trump and Putin agreed to it and are bowing down to Regina, whose only experience is running a medieval like kingdom and a small town in Maine that really didn't need anyone to run it as the Curse did it??? This is stupid even for this show so I can't wait to watch it..and then read all the raves the FB posters will say about it!
  24. You've already thought more about this then the writers!!!
  25. Okay, as much as I make fun of this show, especially these last two crappy seasons...I love the picture of everyone standing around that goofy war table again!!! Goodwin looks like she has lost the weight and is looking good too!
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