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Posts posted by Dobian

  1. More Monroe is always better, and Monroe/Rosalee are far more engaging than Nick/Juliette, who are frankly a bore. 


    The Royals plotline is too disjointed and it's really jarring to keep shooting over to Austria for a scene in the middle of the action happening in Portland.  They need to figure a way to bring the Royals story to Portland or just resolve it this season and put it to rest.  It feels like a whole other show within a show.  Plus I hate when a show takes place in some foreign location and there is no location shooting so it just feels fake.  Fake Austria...meh.

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  2. Continuing on the theme of Katrina's merits as a witch, in this latest episode, Katrina gets knocked on her butt and Abbie has to finish the spell to set the heart on fire.  So if Abbie can pull off doing spells, what do they need Katrina for except as a magic consultant?

    • Love 3
  3. This show does some tricky edits.  When Jeff was telling the group that Julie quit, they kept cutting to Josh talking in his personal aside about whether or not they would still have tribal council and what the strategy should be.  But Jeff told them right there on the beach that there would be no tribal council following his Julie announcement, so Josh's segment had to have been filmed before his announcement.  Something feels staged, like they already announced off-camera to the group that Julie quit, filmed Josh's reaction, and then had Jeff do the on-camera theatrics with people acting shocked and surprised.  Or maybe they just told Josh in private to get his comments on camera.  That's probably it.

  4. If he wants me to make my own interpretation, then that's all that I was given to work with.  But then he shouldn't have the actor on Talking Dead saying "no no no you all had it wrong, Abraham's not a psycho.  His wife got raped and he was defending his family and taking care of the rapists.  He's a good family man."  I mean, screw him.  He shouldn't tell us to make our own interpretations and then later on tell us that our interpretation is wrong because of all this outside information we didn't have.


    I'm sure there will be more flashbacks about Abraham that will answer all the questions, but they shouldn't have spilled it in Talking Dead.  I think the actor just goofed by tossing out that spoiler.

    • Love 3
  5. This was weird for me since Sleepy Hollow is already an established show and the promo seemed super-long. I'm not sure how big the audience is for Gotham (or how small the audience for SH has become), but it was as if the network was trying to lure the die-hard Gotham fans into watching SH. But, then again, it might be vice versa; the promo was intended to get die-harder SH viewers to watch Gotham.


    Almost always the rookie show follows the established show to build an audience, but FOX recognized at the start that Gotham was unique and would bring in a large audience of Batman fans.  The numbers have bared this out, as Gotham has had much higher ratings than Sleepy Hollow this season so far.


    While I'm okay with the main plot of Sleepy Hollow this season, I see the show starting to play this romantic merry-go-round with Ichabod, Abbie, Jenny, Katrina, Abraham, Hawley.  That sort of thing can kill a show.They've kind of written themselves into a corner by making Katrina a regular.  The dynamic between Ichabod and Abbie has already changed, as she is now a third wheel with the two of them instead of it being her and Ichabod as partners.  I'm guessing that's why they are sending Katrina back to Abraham and her demon baby, to get her out of the way so Ichabod and Abbie can get back to being partners again.  But how long can they keep doing this?  And they are conceding that there will be no romance between Ichabod and Abbie by throwing Hawley into the mix.  But of course that too would impact the Ichabod/Abbie dynamic as he would be a third wheel with the two of them.  Sleepy Hollow is turning into Port Charles.

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  6. I understand what you're shooting for here, but I think you're basing your plans on a fallacy - i.e., that remoteness from civilization will provide a buffer from the effects. That would probably be true in the very initial stages, but not later on, for one simple reason - zombies don't think.

    Yeah but you have to look at my premise, that zombies would actually have a short shelf life. If they were walking around for years like in Walking Dead, then it wouldn't be the best plan. But if I think it wouldn't take more than a couple of months to outlast them, I think I could stay remote for that long.
  7. I'd just head up into the mountains with a good supply of food and water, enough to last me 6-8 weeks. I'm going on the premise that a real zombie apocalypse would be over after a few weeks or maybe a couple of months because a body will deteriorate and crumble very quickly without any blood flow, so the zombies aren't going to be walking around for very long. Realistically, most of the zombie hordes in Walking Dead should already have dissipated by the middle of season 3, being replaced by fewer and fewer numbers with the declining human population.

  8. I'm only two episodes into season 2, I finished season 1 last month.  It's not grabbing me yet, but I'm sure it will pick up.  The thing I liked about season 1 was the procedural part, how this rag-tag group of cops sent off to work in the police equivalent of Siberia  very intelligently made a case against Barksdale, figuring out the pagers and the codes and the rest.  I'm hoping to see some more creative detective work this season.

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  9. I'm hoping the show stays away from a forced redemption storyline for Henry, but I don't think it will.  He's evil, he's been evil, and when given a choice in this latest episode, he chooses to remain evil.  A much more interesting story would be Katrina continuing with her blind faith that Henry can be redeemed, causing her to fall down a dark path that Ichabod avoids with Abbie's help.  That way, Henry can remain one of the Horsemen, Katrina will be forever divided from Ichabod, and Ichabod and Abbie can continue their partnership/friendship/whatever without Katrina being a third wheel.  Katrina would become a much better character, using her powers to help Henry even if it means ending the world, blinded by a mother's love...for her ugly, 65 year old-looking "kid". 

    • Love 3
  10. The irony of American Horror Story is that most of it isn't horrifying, but last night seeing Dot looking over at her dead sister's head was one of the most horrifying things I've seen on that show.  Of course it turned out to be just a fantasy, but in that moment it was terrifying, especially the way they made Bett's head look.  *shivers*

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  11. I think Neville gets an assist on killing Voldemort, he killed his snake.  Harry was like a starting pitcher and got the win, Neville got the save.  But back to Katrina, is she a good witch?  Good as in, if I needed a witch in a pinch I'd take Katrina?  I haven't seen her do many really impressive feats of magic since she's been on the show.  She's mostly just all helpless.  Where are all these great magic powers?  Why can't she wave her hand and set Henry on fire?  Oh right, he's her "son".  Blech.  Come on, let's see some magic!  Where's Hermione, is she available for this show?

    • Love 3
  12. If there is anything this catastrophe of an episode proved to me is that Katrina is not and will never be a good match for Team Witness. I'm sorry, but Winter is as talented and generates as much chemistry as a wall. The character drags down everything and everyone around her (see the deep stupidity and uselessness in both love interests) and she adds nothing to the show. I hope they get rid of her in the next opportunity they have, otherwise they should stop teasing it, something they've been doing since 2.01. Kill her off. Send her to the past. Whatever it takes to remove her from Abbie's scenes. She can take her moronic husband with her.

    I agree up until the last line.  Her moronic husband is the key to the show, lol.

    • Love 2
  13. I'm glad CBS didn't promote Billy Bob's guest spot. I liked being surprised, shocked almost. When he first walked into the building, I didn't recognize him. It took hearing his voice for me to realize who it was. Oh, and I wouldn't call his appearance a cameo.

    I was glad too, it made it like an easter egg.  Whoa, that's Billy Bob!  He brought the perfect amount of creepiness to the character too.

  14. I like Penny.  Who cares if her sales job is believeable?  Most of the things on that show are unbelievable, like Amy still staying with Sheldon.  I'm glad she didn't become a famous actress.  First, because shows where an actor plays a famous actor just don't work for me.  There's just something inbred about that.  And second, it would just cause this show to jump the shark.  They'd be shifting the action to film sets and Hollywood locations, episodes with Sheldon and Leonard getting into hijinks at a studio, etc.  I think the show would have gone off the rails.

    • Love 3
  15. I think the whole race argument being raised about this episode is really forced. Abbie is still the same strong independent character in this one that she's always been. She infiltrated an enemy hideout all by herself for crying out loud! What did Katrina do this episode? She was the damsel in distress and was contrived to wear tight-fitting goth teen clothes so people could ogle her. Is that what you want for Abbie? Is that a characterization that makes Katrina favorable or superior because she is white? Looks to me like her character is the one being demeaned and objectified. I'd take Abbie and the way she is being written in a second over Katrina. Do you want Ichabod to flirt with Abbie and tell her she's hot when he's supposed to be monogomous and in love with his wife? Basically go against his character to avoid people getting the idea that a white man shouldn't notice a black woman? I just think this is getting overblown. The writers can keep writing Katrina that way and putting her into sexy clothes, and it doesn't matter to me a bit so long as Abbie is out there kicking ass on headless horsemen and other demons.

    • Love 8
  16. I want to thank Ichabod for his advice when I voted on Tuesday.  Prop 3 about the redistricting really was a travesty, haha!  What everyone else said, Henry isn't their son, he's just their combined DNA.  They never raised him and the first time they see him again after 200 years he looks like their father.  This emotional bond they're supposed to have with him is totally manufactured.  I guess the writers are bent on this redemption plotline for him, but then they're making Abraham all human and sympathetic.  These are two of the Four Horsemen, I never heard of one of the Horsemen quitting, let alone two!  "Sorry Moloch, this is my two-week notice, you'll have to find someone else for the Apocolypse.  Can I have a reference?"  LOL!  Yes, Ichabod's romance with Katrina is all bland and soapy.  I thought the writers were starting to steer them apart when Ichabod began commenting on how many times she had deceived him.  But now they're all lovey-dovey again.  I really don't mind him not being romantic with Abbie, I've said before that I like them as buddies and a romance would spoil the dynamic.  But bringing Katrina together with Ichabod is going to infringe on that. Up until now she has been around but not really "around", so she hasn't been in the way.  Now she is.  The strength of this show is Ichababbie, so they had better not get away from that. 

    • Love 4
  17. I'm Muslim and don't eat pork either. I can't count how many times people were shocked that I couldn't eat pork. They got really defensive and raised their voices.

    I had dinner with a friend and ordered a hamburger without the bacon. She and the waiter kept questioning me about why I don't like pork. My friend then told the waiter that she would have my pork on the side of her dish.

    I really just feel like yelling CALM THE FUCK DOWN!!!!

    Why do people care so much if you don't want to eat bacon?  LOL!  What I don't get is, if you don't want bacon on your burger then you don't order a bacon burger.  You just order a hamburger, not a bacon burger without the bacon.

    • Love 2
  18. Just catching up with Survivor now, watched this one last night.  Yeah Rocker's an idiot.  That's what immunity idols are for, dude, you have to play them.  At least he realized his mistake as he walked out, but too late to save himself.  I watch baseball and remember him from that scandal years ago.  I noticed several examples of bad stuff going on with this guy during his short time on the show.  He doesn't seem like a bad guy, but he definitely has some bad tendencies.  Natalie is just obnoxious.  I was glad when her sister was the first one booted and I hope that loudmouth follows her in one of these shows coming up I haven't watched yet.  It annoys me when Survivor and Amazing Race recycle these same contestants over and over anyway.  These two were really that compelling that you had to bring them back again on one of these shows instead of giving us someone new?  Really?

  19. I like Amy.  Yeah, "Speak African", like which one of the hundred or so African languages? She needs to escape Hicksville and run back to Johannesburg.  Jason is a total stiff and is just a whim and a potential green card for Cassia.  I think Mohammed might be gay.  I get that vibe from him.  He's 26 and in love with a woman old enough to be his mom and who he is not physically attracted to.  I think he sees her as a potenial beard and green card.

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  20. The best example of doing a 180 on a character is Hector. LOATHED him the first time around except for when he got his revenge on Gus. I enjoy the hell out of him now and he really cracks me up. Can't help but love the crazy old bastard. DING!

    One of my favorite things in the series was how Hector's bell introduced at the end of season 1 would be the thing that brought down Gus Fring at the end of season 4.  It's fun to watch Hector ring his bell for the first time in that early episode, knowing what will eventually happen.  I loved how they brought the show to a close in season 5.  Sure, they had to stretch believability and have everything go just perfectly for Walt to pull everything off.  In reality he probably would have been picked up by the cops as soon as he entered the city limits, if not before.  Walt was someone you grew to loathe, but at the same time admired his ability to outmart everyone.  You wanted him to win in the end because he was finally honest about what he had done and why he had done it.  "I liked it...I was good at it."  Great line.  Walt always saw himself as a failure, someone who had the potential to be great and squandered it, wasting his life teaching high school chemistry when he could have been on the cutting edge of scientific research.  With little time left in this world, becoming this legendary drug lord, "Heisenberg", was his way of achieving something great, evil but great.  And he made things right in the end, or at least as right as he could make them, in his own way.  He went down in a blaze of glory, a true desperado.

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