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Posts posted by Dobian

  1. Why does the dome insist on making tunnels for people to get in/out?  I was established in the first season that the dome goes far underground - farther than the depth of these tunnels.  So why the hell doesn't it just open a doorway on the surface?


    I am so sick of Julia's quasi-religious worship of the dome.  "The dome will protect us," like it's some ancient god or something you pray to for rain for your crops.  The dome is what created this mess you're all in.


    And just kill Big Jim already.  I hate when when a show keeps inventing any excuse to keep around a character that should have been killed off long before, just because the actor is a "big star".  This ain't Breaking Bad, time to put this dog down.

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  2. Did it never occur to them to bring a log down there to lay across the chasm in the tunnel? Why didn't Junior just finish off his dad? Oh right, because they want Dean Norris back next season. So Jim has gone from calculating criminal to serial killer. I liked how Drownsie appeared from behind the collapsed wall with the light of Heaven behind her like she was Jesus on the third day. Good grief. Can't wait for another year of this wacky dome!

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  3. Yeah poor Shorty, he went out in a blaze of glory.  I knew Terry was going to get screwed by that job.  And you need a key to get OUT of the office?  Seriously, wtf?  Abby's cop bf is an idiot.  So was Ezra telling Avi that Kate's the rodent - er, rodef - or Ray?

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  4. Yay, my favorite nutty show is back, and they're still keeping it fun.  Still striking that perfect balance between camp and action/adventure.  I enjoyed the scenes with Ben Franklin.  He was both of his period but also thoroughly modern in a way.  And Ichabod's chagrin doing his goodbye video to Abbie and getting the memory full message was hysterical.  I love how this show highlights both his growing understanding of modern technology and his experiencing the same frustrations with it as the rest of us.  Still the best looking show on tv, it looks awesome in HD.

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  5. I'm guessing  the ending is from a Simpsons Tree of Horror stuff, the Aliens toying around also... since The Simpsons movie was also based on this novel.


    Of course the Simpsons did it much better.

  6. Sad, I know, but I've done multiple Google searches trying to find a connection between lima beans and blood type testing.  I got nothing!  I would love for someone to explain to me the connection between the two because, as far as I can tell, there isn't one.


    If I was writing the script I would have gone with barbecue baked beans.


    The actor who plays Barbie needs to lay off with the intense look every time he slams Hunter into the wall.  It's giving off a whole different vibe.


    In their next confrontation in the finale, the camera will just jump back and forth with closeups of their eyes, with soft jazz in the background.

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  7. Trying to decide what was more disgusting, Abby putting her cop boyfriend up to murdering for her or Cochran and his wife grooming the young couple to take over where the Volcheck's left off. 

    I vote Abby.  Telling her boy toy cop to "be a man", as in spinelessly doing her bidding, risking his career and life in prison just so he can bang the screechy Beantown milf.


    And way for the reporter to turn Ray on by talking about him getting raped by a priest in the middle of sex.  That girl sure knows how to excite a man in bed.

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  8. I wish the dome could talk.  I would hire someone outrageous to be its voice like Gilbert Gottfried.  I would crack up listening to Gottfried Dome rag on  Barbie and Jim and Drownsie and Pauline and the rest of them.  Like when Barbie crashed the ambulance last week, the screechy voice yells out, "Where did you learn to drive?  My 90 year old grandmother can drive better than you!  What a waste of a perfectly good ambulance!"

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    Seriously, out of all the nearly infinite stupid things on this show, the disappearance of Norrie's mom is maybe my #1 peeve. She mentions her dead mom once in a while, but wasn't even concerned that her other living mom wasn't at the school and might be a giant Chesters Mill flavored popsicle.  Grrrrrrrrrr.

    I think she jumped over the cliff when no one was looking and is already in California.  The actress probably jumped off this sinking ship and found a better gig on a Netflix show or something.

  10. Also, for a northern town, lots of people would also have down comforters in addition to an assortment of coats and hats.  Wrap a down comforter around you and you could sleep for a week in the snow and not feel a thing.  Dum dum dum.

    Yeah, and using up all their fuel with the generators.  Have these people ever heard of fire....you know, the kind you can start with wood....that comes from trees maybe?

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  11. I just finished season 7, been running through the series since April.  I liked the later seasons, including 6.  There really is no season I disliked.  I thought the biggest mistake of season 4 was to dust Dr. Walsh and make Adam the main villain.  Adam was clearly henchman material (like Caleb in season 7), while Walsh made for a very intriguing opponent.  Beyond that, I liked season 4.  The problem with season 7 was that they rushed to a conclusion, and had to contrive a lot of things and make up convenient plot devices to make it work.  Dawn was totally underused that season, and really all of the main gang got pushed to the background while Spike and Wood took more of center stage along with all the slayer girls, not to mention Andrew (who I could do without).  Then of course they brought Faith back, so there was just too big a cast of characters with too few episodes.  But I did enjoy seeing Faith back in season 7 and on Angel, I thought she was great on both shows.  And I can forgive a lot of season 7s flaws with that kickass grand finale.

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  12. Maybe the Dome has given up on all these fools, and is just going to crush them all to death so it doesn't have to deal with their stupidity any longer.

    That was how I originally envisioned the ending, with the dome sinking into the ground and the survivors crawling around like crabs and fighting Big Jim for the spot in the middle.

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  13. Has anyone heard from Mikkos Cassadine lately?  Just asking, since the dead don't seem to stay dead in Dome-land.

    Nice shout out to the infamous Cassadine plot to take over the world with a weather machine on General Hospital over thirty years ago.  That was a classic!  And I think that plot was a lot more plausible than this Dome insanity.

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  14. I wanted to believe that there was a method to Big Jim's madness, that he was masterminding some devilish plot to get his family out and get a big payday from the egg. But no, he's even dumber than the rest of them. Let's just toss the egg over the cliff, so much for my leverage. No need for Dick Cheney to make a deal now, he just got the egg thrown into his lap. Good grief, this is the stupidest writing I have ever seen.

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  15. They should come up with three doors, like on Let's Make a Deal.  One door takes you to Zenith, behind another door is a new car, and behind the last door is a donkey.  Under the Dome could become a hit game show.

  16. Her pouty faces are starting to rank up there with "infect the town with super swine flu" on the awfulness scale for me. Her pouts are like her punctuation. Every sentence ends with one.

    I don't know what's worse, her pouting or Big Jim's angry/nauseous scowls.  This show has the worst acting I have seen in recent memory.

  17. I haven't been on that site, I'll have to check it.  But you're right, the site really exists to provide fans of the show with "fun facts" as opposed to advancing the story.  The problem is, the site is "in character", and like you said, the first priority of these kids would be to get the word out about how dangerous the dome is, Big Jim, and the government conspiracy.

  18. These people know that they get intermittent wifi access (obviously controlled by Dick

    Cheney dad). Why haven't they made videos of the dome and telling the story of the conspiracy outside, and at the moment of opportunity, post them to you tube?

  19. Well remember, this *is* a teenage girl we're talking about, and a teenage girl shouldn't be in the position of having to kill evil vampires to save the world in the first place.  So I can forgive Buffy for putting her tragic love life ahead of saving the world and running away instead of being the responsible "adult".  From an audience perspective, it's a general axiom that in any save-the-world plot, the saving the world part is always just a backdrop to what the audience really cares about - saving the characters we see on the screen.

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