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Posts posted by Dobian

  1. Nothing will ever change unless Kody finally admits he's the common denominator in every bad relationship in the family, apologizes to his exes and all of his kids, and begs for forgiveness.  But narcissistic sociopaths have a really hard time with that.

    And nothing will ever change Sobbin's angry eyebrows.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Shrek said:

    After the way she behaved at the tell nothing & at the house they stayed in it was no surprise he ran in fear of being hurt physically, I was in fear of him being hurt by her & I'm sure we've only scratched the surface of her abusive behavior. Just look at the way she wouldn't even let him talk to anyone else while in a group setting to see a glimpse of what living with her must be like. The way she behaved towards everyone and anyone else & particularly anyone who questioned her or her behavior. How she never got what she deserved from at least one other woman amazes me, especially the way she stood & as close as she got while abusing those people.

    She went through friends the way most of us go through socks because she abused each & every one of them, even her friend of many years was abused by her because she thinks now she's had a little piece of being on tv she is special & should be bowed down to.

    Fuck you, you horrible bitch.

    She'll get what's coming to her.  With Michael gone, TLC will cut ties with her.  The money will stop coming in. Then a good lawyer will take her to the cleaners when Michael sues her for abuse.  She'll die miserable and penniless for sure.

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  3. Angela is an abusive bully. She uses the accusations of cheating in order to belittle and control Michael. And the reason she got so furious when there was no evidence that he cheated was because she lost that power over him. She's a physical and emotional abuser who plays the victim to justify her abuse. Now she can't do that anymore.

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  4. I agree with the comments.  On the one hand, I found the episode entertaining.  The new Doctor and Ruby are very likable and engaging, and the story was suspenseful and hit all the feels.  The shout-out to Classic Who was nice too.  But they need to do a better job with the science-fiction part of things.  It's important in every sci-fi story that you explain why things are happening the way they are happening, whether it's a rope or Ruby's mom.  The show has something to build on for next year anyway.

  5. On 5/25/2024 at 2:08 AM, PurpleTentacle said:

    I don't know. I assumed it was going to be old Ruby, but none of the resolution made much sense.

    Why does she stay away 73 yards? Why can't you zoom in on her face? What does she say to people that makes them hate and/or fear Ruby? Why would she do that? Why does she keep standing there, signing for 65 years? Why does she have so much longer hair than old Ruby when she was dying? What exactly was the fairy circle and what did it do? How did Ruby travel back in time? Was it her own power or was it the fairy circle? Why did the "don't step" only work the second time around? Why don't her signs look more like "no, no no, no, no", like putting out your arms and showing the palms of your hand, in a stop!-motion, instead of her mini macarena? What exactly happened to the doctor?

    I had a lot of the same issues.  I really wanted to like this episode.  The first part had that 70s horror movie feel to it like The Wicker Man.  What could the old woman possibly be saying to people to make them terrified of Ruby, and why? If the whole objective was to guide Ruby to her destiny of stopping the British PM, weren't there other ways she could have done it besides alienating Ruby from everyone around her?  Why would she do that to herself?  I guess when old Ruby died she merged with the spirit of the witch behind that fairy circle and then followed Ruby throughout the course of her life.  But to stop the future PM, or was that just something Ruby came up with on her own, and it was really only about the witch punishing Ruby and the Doctor for disturbing the fairy circle?  But Ruby stopped the PM and saved the world as well as removed the stain of the Welsh PM from history, which appeased the witch.  I guess.  On to the next episode.

  6. This Doctor so far is forming a habit of running from every encounter at first.  Come on, Doctor, you're supposed to laugh in the face of death!

    I'm not sure how I feel about the Who School Musical direction the show seems to be on this season.  It has been entertaining so far, though.

    Paul wasn't very much like Paul, but the Lennon actor was a little bit more like him.

    Since they fixed things in 1963, history remains changed then.  Didn't the Russians invade Finland or something?  On the musical side, there never would have been Elvis.  They needed to fix it in 1925.

    A bit more fantasy than sci-fi so far this season, but the vibe is very good and the new Doctor keeps me engaged.

    BTW I was at the Abbey Road crosswalk in May, and they filmed this at a different crosswalk.  I compared my pics to still pics from the show of the surrounding walls and buildings, and street markings.

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  7. Just catching up with this season and finished the 60th specials the other day.  I always enjoy Who episodes on spaceships and space stations.  This was a typically zany affair and was pretty entertaining.  My only criticism is why are time paradoxes suddenly such an issue?  The Doctor has messed with timelines so much in past seasons that our world and the whole universe would be unrecognizable if they were sticking to the rules.  But no matter.

    As for the new Doctor and companion, they are both likable and have great chemistry.  I like Ncuti as the Doctor.  He captures the joy and wonder of the character which is critical.

  8. I was surprised they're already in Barcelona.  I was fully expecting that to be the last five episodes.  I was mixed on this episode.  Johnny trying to lure Daniel's new employees to his new nonexistent car dealership was done for laughs but kind of stupid.  His being pissed at Daniel, I get it.  I would be sick of his Miyago Do this, Miyagi Do that routine too.  Kreese back in the States...sure.  I thought they would resolve the Kenny/Devon thing before they went to Spain, so it will be more awkward to do it now.  Obviously they need Kenny to win this thing.  Devon is a weak link.  Peyton List was great as was the whole fight with Sam, but they left too many plot holes.  Why did Robbie not find Tori and talk to her between then and the trip to Barcelona?  That makes no sense unless they were flying out the next day.

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  9. Ugh with this show and its lame tropes.  Even after what happened last season, Johnny can't help himself reverting from a middle-aged man back into a teenager when antagonizing Mike Barnes (who's just doing the job they asked him to do).  Dimitri with the Barbie girlfriend continues to be unbelievable.  Maybe if he had a winning personality it would be plausible.  It was ridiculously obvious which four would automatically get spots on the team.  And everyone knew the last two spots would be between Dimitri, Hawk, Kenny, and Devon.  The challenge to find the two flags and bring them back was silly.  Devon found hers and brought it back unscathed.  How does that prove superior karate skills?  I could have run into the woods, found the flag first, and evaded the others while making it back to the group.  Big deal.  I was hoping one of them would wait at the starting line and then fight whoever came out of the woods first with a flag.  THAT would have been cool.  Of course, we have Devon cheating and Dimitri cheap-shotting Hawk.  And then Devon lets Kenny think Anthony sabotaged him.  Gee, how will this all turn out?  I Fully expect Hawk and Kenny to be in the final two spots after the show resolves this mess.

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  10. Two of the last three episodes were really good, salvaging what would have been a mediocre season.  The finale was fast-paced with some good action, and some nice twists thrown in.  Farewell, Victoria.  I can only imagine what this is doing to Zoe (and that is my one knock on this episode for being extremely insensitive; you shouldn't be killing mothers horrifically in front of their daughters for shock value).  And Ashley...I actually had been waiting for that to happen.  Yes, Annie, forgive Hughie.  He was cheating on you with ...uh... you.  I was waiting for "What do I have that I don't have?"  Ryan's offing Grace was brutal and goes to show that this kid is so messed up in the head you can't predict where he'll land.  So Sage masterminded this whole coup for Homelander.  At least according to her, so...sure, writers.  Yeah, the Boys are in serious trouble at the end, but there are at least three major wildcards in play for next season - Ashley, Ryan, and Butcher (now fully V'd-out).

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  11. On 7/11/2024 at 5:08 AM, Chicago Redshirt said:

    I know that dark is The Boys' thing, but Hughie was the victim of sexual assault last week when he was forced into sexual acts by Ashley and Tek-Knight (his childhood hero) and it was pretty much glossed over. And now this week he was sexually assaulted again when he had sex with the shapeshifter under false pretenses. I don't know how I feel over the show's handling of Hughie being a rape survivor.

    I think Kripke just has a fetish for raping men for whatever weird reason.  Webweaver and Ashley's sub have been similarly sexually degraded.  It's gross.

  12. 7 hours ago, Raja said:

    That's where his Special Forces background  comes into play, even if it was 50 years ago 

    Although filmed in Georgia like the San Fernando Valley scenes Kreese escaped and  made his way to South Korea 

    Oh, I didn't catch that at the end.  I had no idea where Kreese was.

  13. 12 hours ago, Raja said:

    I guess because Silver is now in jail for the crimes Kreese was in for the prison break alone was not enough for South Korean extradition 

    I'm not sure where South Korea fits into this but Kreese broke out of prison so he's a wanted criminal in this country. Even Larusso commented on it.

  14. This whole episode felt like a show that's running out of ideas and running out of gas.  They should have ended it last season.  The whole idea of "making things right" with Kenny by repeatedly getting in his face and antagonizing him was ridiculous.  Leave him alone and let him work things out with his brother, which is what happened anyway.  Parents letting their grade school kids go into the woods alone with a strange bearded fat guy?  Kreese a wanted criminal yet can still run a dojo (and where did he get his students from, Snapchat?) and what then, go in disguise to enter them in the tournament?  Mr. Miyagi as a karate vampire was great, though.

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  15. I heard a lot of people bailed on the show after this episode so I was curious to see why.  Okay, it's a total gross-out that never stops. Not enough to keep me from coming back for the last two episodes, but it's getting ridiculous.  Firecracker's the one who should be called Mother's Milk, btw. The reveal at the end with Butcher was great, though.

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  16. Flying killer sheep was a bit much but this episode was a big improvement.  Giancarlo Esposito instantly elevates anything he's in.  The Hughie's dad scenes were horrifying.  A-Train saves himself from disaster as his internal conflict grows.  Frenchie's conscience gets the better of him.  Interesting development in the relationship between Homelander and Ryan.  Good plot movement with Samir and the virus.

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  17. This episode exemplifies a lot of the issues with this season.  Sure, there is some good stuff like A-Train's growth, Annie's realization that she has some demons, and Butcher forced to think about someone besides himself.  But so much of the drama feels contrived.  Get Frenchie out of a well-developed relationship with Kimiko and toss him into a gay relationship out of nowhere.  But gee, he murdered the guy's family in front of him.  How convenient.  I guessed what was going to happen in Homelander's plot as soon as he walked through the door of that lab with the fudgy whale cake.  The guy is an unredeemable psychopath, and from Barbara's comments, he was going to turn out that way regardless of the experiments or the nicknames.  Hughie's mom slipping dad the Compound V, saw that one coming too.  Sage is a ridiculous character.  Her "genius" intellect gets challenged by things that any streetsmart person can figure out.  Hey, let's bait Starlight to beat up Firecracker on a live stream!  Yeah, you really needed all 200 IQ points for that one.  Plus, wouldn't the smartest woman on Earth be working on genetic research, curing cancer, or developing artificial intelligence or something, not playing around with a bunch of superhero dipshits? And if Homelander truly wanted to take advantage of the smartest woman on Earth, wouldn't he put her intellect to real use, like figuring out a way to depower his enemies? And why does she need to lobotomize herself to enjoy sex?  Smart people don't like sex?  Huh?  And the "ultraviolence" is really getting old.

    This season is still fun in particular moments but the overall direction hasn't been very good.

  18. On 6/20/2024 at 1:03 PM, tennisgurl said:

    This show has never been subtle, but it feels like in their last season they are REALLY doubling down on the message, which on the one hand I get, plus its usually hilarious, but on the other hand it lacks a lot of the more clever writing that I always enjoyed where you had to think for a second about what they were trying to tell us.

    This show needs to stop with the social/political messaging and just tell a good story.  People want escapism, not a copy of news and social media narratives.  The writing has been mostly terrible this season. They resort to shock value too much, like the human centipede.  There has been virtually no character development this season.  Homelander and Butcher are one-dimensional.  Hughie is always the same dork.  They wreck Frenchie's relationship with Kimiko which was built up over the last couple of seasons to stick him in a random pairing that came out of nowhere and no one cares about.  And Starlight still has the worst superpower ever, but that's not the fault of this season and not much you can do about that.  The Deep is still a puppet.  A-Train is the only supe with substance. MM is the only interesting member of The Boys.

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  19. 10 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    1. Team Green actually has the crown, the crown's purse and the crown's territory.


    Possession is nine-tenths.  Rhaenyra is the rightful heir but is now in the role of usurper. 

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