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Posts posted by Dobian

  1. The best example of doing a 180 on a character is Hector. LOATHED him the first time around except for when he got his revenge on Gus. I enjoy the hell out of him now and he really cracks me up. Can't help but love the crazy old bastard. DING!

    One of my favorite things in the series was how Hector's bell introduced at the end of season 1 would be the thing that brought down Gus Fring at the end of season 4.  It's fun to watch Hector ring his bell for the first time in that early episode, knowing what will eventually happen.  I loved how they brought the show to a close in season 5.  Sure, they had to stretch believability and have everything go just perfectly for Walt to pull everything off.  In reality he probably would have been picked up by the cops as soon as he entered the city limits, if not before.  Walt was someone you grew to loathe, but at the same time admired his ability to outmart everyone.  You wanted him to win in the end because he was finally honest about what he had done and why he had done it.  "I liked it...I was good at it."  Great line.  Walt always saw himself as a failure, someone who had the potential to be great and squandered it, wasting his life teaching high school chemistry when he could have been on the cutting edge of scientific research.  With little time left in this world, becoming this legendary drug lord, "Heisenberg", was his way of achieving something great, evil but great.  And he made things right in the end, or at least as right as he could make them, in his own way.  He went down in a blaze of glory, a true desperado.

    • Love 7
  2. Yeah, you know they're going to get their powers back evenutally, but you have to waste all this time getting back to square one that could have been spent advancing better story arcs.

    • Love 1
  3. Well to cut Juliette some slack, she suddenly went from a normal relationship in a normal world a couple of years ago to a relationship with a Grimm in a world full of wacky creatures.  Setting that aside, though, there always has been this vibe between the two of them where she clearly controls the relationship and constantly has him in chase mode.  For awhile the theme was him wanting to marry her and she putting him off.  Her keeping him at arm's length after she got her memory back.  Then her reaction to the Adalind thing.  I thought she would think something was amiss right away when it looked like Nick had willfully cheated on her, she knew Nick well enough to know that he would never do something like that (and in their own home, and on a big day...it made no sense whatsoever) and then have the nerve to boast about it.  At least in this last episode it looks like she is going to be more firmly in his camp and support him this season instead of being the controlling girlfriend.

    • Love 1
  4. I was glad when Nick offered to sleep on the couch, Juliette said that they're not doing that again.  Hopefully that shuts the door on another season of soapy relationship angst between these two, this show has played that card to death.  An Adalind pregnancy would just be jumping the shark.


    Renard can't be dead, he's too big on the show and probably has amazing hexenbeast rejuvinating powers.


    Great to see one of my favorite shows back.  I just hope they resolve the plot about Nick losing his powers after only a few episodes.  I generally hate plotlines about superhero characters losing their powers, now they're all helpless and vulnerable, etc., etc.  It's a very tedious and worn-out trope.

  5. These episodes have been well over an hour, but there is a massive number of commercials. I've been watching the episodes in probably around 55 minutes in real time on the dvr.

    I liked this episode. Dot's clearly out of her mind wanting to chop off her sister's head. I liked the spoof of Michael Myers with Dandy. You know how things are going to end up for that guy before the season is over.

  6. I don't know why it matters if the characters are leads or not.  There have been interracial couples on tv is all.  Boy Meets World had an interracial teen couple.  My Cousin Earl, Community...I'm not going to look them all up.  I don't see how a romance between Ichabod and Abbie adds anything.  Whevener writers put two characters who have been friends into a relationship, they inevitably wreck it.  The reason is because all the excitement and drama is in the build-up, the tease of "will they or won't they".  But as soon as they consumate, it becomes dull and boring, so the writers decide to shake it up again by breaking them up.  Standard soap opera trope that gets used to death in serialized tv shows.  But it ends up ruining the original dynamic between the characters so it's never the same again.

    • Love 4
  7. Amen to all of this!  Why can't black women leads have their shot at this so-called worn out trope?

    Lost had Rose and Bernard.  And of course who can forget Tom and Helen from the Jeffersons?  True, there aren't a lot of them, but there have been some on tv.  I don't want an Ichabod/Abbie romance, it would just wreck their dynamic.  Has nothing to do with white/black.  I think the show is heading in this direction, however.  The cracks between Ichabod and Katrina really started showing this past episode, as well as Katrina starting to bond with Abraham.  The irony is, those two are sort of made for each other.  They're both boring while Ichabod and Abbie are both dynamic.  I wouldn't be surprised if she turns at some point and actually joins Abraham for real.  That would open the door for an Ichabod/Abbie union.

    • Love 1
  8. Father Wimpy obviously betrayed his people in a big way, look forward to seeing how.  So Gareth's another Governor, the vicious sociopath bent on destroying Rick's group for wiping out their happy little town.  Memo to Tyrese: all murderous psychos must die.

    • Love 1
  9. I really liked the opening episode.  Opening credits are great, very creepy, and I was rewinding to catch little things in the animations I missed.  The killer clown was genuinely scary. The CGI of the twins was well done.  I enjoyed Jessica Lange's singing number, even though the presentation was a bit Circus de Soleil for a 1950s carnival show, lol.  The first time I saw Kathy Bates, the first thought in my head was, Chaz Bono!  The world's smallest woman, who is for real the world's smallest woman, is incredible to look at, like a living doll.  I got a kick out of the previews with Frances Conroy giving her stupid son the killer clown as a gift.  Can't wait to see how that turns out, lol.


    Really looking forward to the rest of this season.

  10. Why is Penguin such a serial killer in this?  I get that he's deranged, but they're just making him overboard psycho as opposed to criminal mastermind.


    I've been liking the show so far.  It looks great and they do okay balancing between Batman noir and buddy cop show.  I've always found the Batman universe too dark and oppressive, but this treatment is very watchable.


    I agree that 8:00 is not the appropriate timeslot for this show.  It may be Batman, but a show based on Batman isn't required to show people getting knifed to death with blood spraying.  It's okay if they want to go that route, but the show should air later.

    • Love 1
  11. Geez, Dobian, here we are with fingers, toes crossed and wishes upon wishes on stars that Abby disappears and you come up with this one. LOL, here is the rule... we do not want her to redeem herself in any way. Just want her to be gone ...


    But we love you anyway. Here's a hug cause you are a Ray Fan and that counts for a lot.

    It might be that I'm an eternal optimist that Abby can turn it around as a character.  Or maybe I'm just an eternal pessimist who believes that they will never get rid of her so I'm just hoping for the best.

    • Love 1
  12. Good finale except for the big racetrack payday that was an unbelievable stretch.  I guess that horse paid 50-1 since they won a million.  And yes, you aren't going to get a million in cash from the racetrack, they fill out forms and the IRS gets notified and all that, and you get a check.  Abby telling her boytoy cop that it was alright he didn't kill Cookie because he wasn't that kind of man was good foreshadowing.  Ray is that kind of man, and Abby had her epiphany at the end of the episode that she belongs with that kind of man.  I expect her to be solidly by Ray's side in season 3.  Maybe this is the last we'll see of shrew Abby and get a tolerable Abby next year (crosses fingers).

    • Love 2
  13. "Dr. Franklinstein, paging Dr. Franklinstein!"


    I'm glad that Katrina is staying put as a mole.  It gives her something to do besides being helpless, lets our two heros focus on other things besides rescuing her, and keeps her from getting in the way of the great buddy cop chemistry between Abbie and Ichabod.

    • Love 1
  14. Long before Lost, you had shows where people were trying to go somewhere (usually home) with only temporary success, like Quantum Leap, Lost In Space, and Time Tunnel.


    Alien planet? There were at least a couple of Twilight Zone episodes like that. In one the characters discovered they were in an alien child's play town, in another, a zoo habitat.

    The best one was Five Characters in Search of an Exit, where it turns out they are actually dolls in a toy donation barrel.  Dome is most like Lost in terms of the increasing inanity to keep the people stuck in their weirdo world.  I don't think you ever worried about whether they were going to get back to Earth or not in Lost in Space, you just wanted to see what stupid mess Dr. Smith would get them all into next.

    • Love 2
  15. This show is the spiritual successor to Lost.  Basically you have a story about people trying to escape some place that is going nowhere but the ratings are good enough, so you keep dragging it out and dragging it out, tossing out red herrings, making the characters do carzy things like Big Jim going on a serial killer rampage, and finally giving a false ending.  You know that Drownsie isn't really leading them out of the Dome, they'll just end up someplace else that isn't exactly the Dome but isn't the real world either.  Maybe they're all dead like in Lost and the light is Heaven.  And then the writers can dupe us all next season about how they all got out of the dome but they really never did.  This show just sucks something awful if not for the unintentional hilarity.

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