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Posts posted by Dobian

  1. It was Chuck that turned it into the big case that needed those resources. It could have stayed small.

    True, Jimmy could have pressed them for say, $500K when they asked him to give them a number, and they probably would have settled right there.  Maybe even for $1 million.  It's when Chuck went for the tens of millions that it became an uber case.

    • Love 1
  2. So Chuck turns out to be a real douchebag.  I guess this is pivotal in Jimmy's transformation into Saul.  He probably doesn't want to share Chuck's name anymore.  I agree with what people said that Chuck was right to bring the case to HHM.  That case demands the resources of a big firm.  And if Chuck felt that Jimmy's personality wouldn't be a good fit to work with the head suit on that case, fine.  But his belittling of Jimmy totally smacks of both egotistical arrogance and jealousy.  How can you tell Jimmy he isn't a real lawyer?  Exactly what is a "real" lawyer?  It's not like it's this hallowed fraternity of Perry Masons, it's full of ambulance chasers, hack public defenders, and corporate paper pushers.  Jimmy proved in the way he got that case off the ground that he is very much a "real" lawyer.


    Mike was typically awesome this week.  And that guy standing next to him, how big was he?  He was gargantuan!

    • Love 5
  3. Watched a couple of days ago but I've been quietly digesting it for awhile.  The return of Morgan is awesome and my favorite part of the episode.  And it's this new zen monk Mr. Miyagi Morgan, I love it.  The finale reaffirmed what I thought about this town and their leader from the start.  There was no sinister motive or hidden agenda.  They're really the first normal group that CDB has come across.  Finally some people that are actually trying to re-establish civilization again.  You knew they had to be out there somewhere.  Of course they are naive about what's been going on outside since they have been sheltered through most of it while CDB has been on their nomadic journey.  So instead of falling into a cliche finale where there is this total bloodbath because of the misunderstanding over Father PP's false accusations, it ended on a more realistic note, with Rick's people recognizing the hope this pocket of civilization represents, while Deanna and her people are forced to see the violent threats that exist both outside their walls and inside their own community.


    The finish was appropriately ambiguous without being cliffhanger-ish, with the arrival of Morgan right as Rick executes the wife beater/murderer, and with Deanna giving him the green light to do it.  So it sets up an interesting season 6 with the town torn between the philosophies of survivalist Rick and zen master Morgan.  Do they survive by becoming more or less civilized?  And with the new threat from Team "W", it will get even more complicated.

    • Love 7
  4. Glad to have found these forums!


    My 2 cents:

    The opening really reinforced the idea that Chuck will probably never see Jimmy as anything more than a screw-up little brother. I'm not saying that he doesn't love Jimmy, but that relationship dynamic in real life is really hard to change. And Chuck has to be what, 10 years older than Jimmy? So they've never interacted as peers even growing up. I find it hard to believe he couldn't have found Jimmy work there as a glorified paralegal.

    I think Chuck might be closer to 20 years older than Jimmy.  He was probably the product of a first marriage, Jimmy the second.  Unless they said they have the same two parents, I forget.  I think in that meeting with the retirement home lawyers, Chuck might have gone mute on purpose to test Jimmy, see what he was made of.  And Jimmy passed the test.  Up until that case I agree that he still thought of Jimmy as his screw-up little brother, but now he's starting to respect him more.


    BCS is also branching off into a different kind of show than BB.  After the first couple of episodes I thought it was going down the same path, bringing in Tuco and his friends right away.  I thought Jimmy was going to be getting more and more caught up in the world of drug gangs.  But it seems like they are just bit players in this story.  Which is okay, I like the direction the show is taking.

    • Love 2
  5. I was tring to think what the wessen of the week reminded of, then I realized it reminded me of Glory/Ben from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  I liked this week's villain, he/she was more interesting than what they usually have.  The Juliette and Adalind subplots I can take or leave, though. 

  6. How is it possible that the other players did not observe Mike and Kelly talking during that challenge?  I demand an explanation. 


    Also Jeff was notably silent about it too, when he clearly was in a position to hear/see.

    I'm getting the feeling that Jeff doesn't really care so much.  I think he over-hyped this season and it hasn't lived up to his expectations.  Every season has its share of clowns, but this one seems to have an overabundance of idiots.  I'm sure when we see the updated season rankings by Probst, this one will be near the bottom.

    • Love 1
  7. I'd like to see how a grimmbeast, (grimmbiest) baby turns out.  It would be quite formidable, having the powers of both a hexenbiest and a grimm.


    When Juliette went beast on Nick and asked him to kiss her, I was hoping he'd just start making out with her, it would have been hysterical.  And a huge win for that scene.

    • Love 1
  8. I'm actually not that comfortable with them killing off a teenager on this kind of show in such a manner. I mean, axed to death and left for his mom to find? They could easily have written it where her husband was still alive and he was the victim, and she went on the run with both kids. Save the kid murder for realistic crime shows that treat it with the gravity it deserves, not the kind of show that just uses it to move the plot along.


    I guess that's it for Nick and Juliette. Even if they cured her, Adalind's still having his grimmbeast baby.

  9. I'm fine with PBS owning the rights if they would just play the episodes and not shove it off their schedule after the first run.  And Comcast wouldn't even let all the current season episodes stay in the On Demand queue until the season was over.  It was just ten episodes, sheesh.  It would be great if they would put up all the seasons so I could go back and watch them on the big tv in high def, not in crappy low res on YouTube on my tablet. (This show really does look great in high def, btw)

    • Love 3
  10. I'm glad to see Survivor living up to its safety standards on these challenges.  Good thing they have everyone sign those liability waivers.  Dan is such an imbecile, and and watching his ridiculous non-apology to Sierra backfire was great fun.  I picked Carolyn to win it on day one and my money is still on her.  Let's see if she can keep playing it smart to the final merge.

    • Love 1
  11. Betsy truly is a little sociopath.  She'd throw her own kids under the bus to save herself and her money.


    The only implausible thing about the episode were the offices Jimmy was going to lease.  They were brand new and huge, office space for a whole firm.  Getting some cases from an old folks home isn't going to fund that.  I thought they might make it a little more realistic and have Jimmy trying to lease a small but respectable space with a couple of offices and a waiting room.


    Mike may be showing more of his human side in BCS, but it's easy to forget that he is still a bad man.  It will be interesting to watch his transition from a man beset by guilt and regret in BCS to the hired killer/enforcer in BB.

    • Love 3
  12. Basically I'm rooting for Matt/Ashley, Mike/Rochelle, and Jeff/Jackie.  Jenny is now as annoying to me as Hayley.  I thought the speed bump was unfair.  Past speed bumps tended to be very simple tasks that are more of an inconvenience but allow the last place team to still have a chance.  Assembling that origami insect looked really time-consuming and doomed Harley and Jonathan.  The cat/milk task should have been the speed bump, that literally was a speed bump compared to actual challenges.

  13. I remember the Survivor season with Rob and Amber, how she won with her strategy of the shark and the pilotfish, how the pilotfish which cleans the shark is the only fish safe from the shark, it tends and befriends and serves the shark and is rewarded by not being preyed upon.

    I don't have a point here; just remembering. That was a great season.

    I didn't like that season so much.  I generally dislike it when someone wins with that strategy.  I saw it when Tina rode Colby to the finish in Australia, and when Natalie did the same thing riding Russell's coattails to victory in Samoa.  What's the Walking Dead equivalent, Father PP?  That would suck, him rising to power as the others wipe each other out.  Apocalameness.

  14. I think Carol will be the one to kill Pete, or should be.  It would bring her story arc full circle as the former abused wife taking out an abuser.


    Noah's death was the most graphically horrifying on this show to date.  That shot of his mouth....ugh.


    Maggie should have come out of the stairwell and confronted Father Wimpy right on the spot.  Have him tell Deanna all about his church and how he kept his people locked outside to save himself.  He would have been completely discredited and that would have been the end of it.  Instead, the seeds of doubt are planted, which will lead to needless mayhem in the coming episodes.  I hate when things get contrived like that.

    • Love 3
  15. The one problem I have with the show is the premise that there is a complete and total breakdown of civilization, with random and disparate groups like the Governor's town and the Terminus gang being the loan bastions of power.  Of course groups like that would exist, but the people with the *real* power do not seem to exist at all in this show.  Namely, our friends in the military-industrial complex.  You know damn well that the military is fully prepared for just about any apocalypse scenario, and after ascertaining the nature and threat of this plague, would effectively quarantine their bases and implement their survival plans.  Facilities ranging from Travis to NORAD to Area 51 would be locked down and fully stocked for years of survival in the post-zombie apocalypse world.  Sending out squads in full combat gear to mow down mindless husks lumbering around would be like shooting fish in a barrel.  Hell, you could send out choppers and kill them every day by the thousands.  In a matter of months their numbers would be very thin, cities quarantined off, survivors evacuated.  Military bases all over this country would become the main centers of civilization.

    • Love 2
  16. I love Carol.  I was hoping she would strangle him and then dump him out the gate for the walkers to eat, stage it like the kid decided to sneak out for a hike outside.  But the gruesome story was great.  Nosy little bastard.  I love how faux civilization is making Rick/Carol/Sasha insane, with all the house parties and Stepford wives.  Poor Buttons.  Why is it more horrifying watching a horse get eaten than a person?  Maybe because when filming the scene the horse really thinks he's actually about to be eaten.

    • Love 6
  17. I'm getting a late start on this season, so forgive me if I'm repeating what's already been said.  First thought on the immunity challenge when watching the white collar tribe: Team Building!  lol.  As for So, I'm of two minds about it.  On the one hand, I wanted to see her get her comeuppance, but on the other hand I wanted it to happen on like Day 26.  This was one of those rare times when the first person voted out wasn't the usual schlub who got kicked for being a weak link.  So was voted out for being a threat.  It was too bad in a way, because she had the potential to be a formiddable villain on the show.  I could even tell Jeff wasn't too happy about it either, you know they handpicked So to fill that role for ratings.  It's her own fault though, instead of being subtle she overplayed her hand from the get-go, and the lie about the beans was lame.  So long, So.  Of other note, Coconut Boy has some issues.  This is Survivor, not Match.com.  Looking forward to the rest of this season.

    • Love 1
  18. Sadly, at this point, Chuck may have been more scared of the Taser than the pistol. 

    Yes, I was waiting for him to say, "Please, come in with just your guns!"


    If I was Saul I would have a truckload of newspapers delivered to the old bitch across the street, piled up against her door so she couldn't get out of her house that way.

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