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Posts posted by Dobian

  1. I just watched this no.  Oh happy day, see you Dan!  I loved how playing his extra vote actually kind of backfired on him.  It convinced Carolyn if there was any doubt that she should play her idol.  So bascially there are three people left who can win Survivor - Rodney, Mike, and Carolyn.  And Rodney can only win if he takes Will and Sierra with him to the final.

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  2. The whole Royals plot was lame from the start.  It's like some bad re-imagining of the Cassadines from General Hospital.  I really believe the showrunner watched a lot of GH growing up.  They were a completely unnecessary addition and distracted from the action happening in Portland.  All the episodes where we had to check in with Adalind in Austria were very disjointed.  Just a lot of bad soap opera, now made worse by throwing Juliette into the middle of it as this new antagonist.  They really need to close out the whole Royals and Juliette thing in the finale, and get back to what made the show fun the first two seasons.  Remember the ending of season 2 when the Baron put Nick into the death coma?  On the screen it said, "Oh come on, you knew this was coming".  Now that's a great season cliffhanger!  They knew this show is supposed to be FUN, and the humorous closing comment reflected that.  Now the show is falling into that trap that so many shows fall into where they start to take everything too seriously, and force all this drama into the story where it's not needed.

    • Love 7
  3. I don't have a lot to add to the above comments, just that I agree with the sentiments.  This is one of the great character train wrecks in tv history.  Both the writers and the actress have gone loco.  I just hope they kill Juliette on Friday, but I have a feeling they plan on making her the big antagonist next season or giving her a gigantic redemption arc that I don't want to watch.

    • Love 1
  4. I understood Akalitus to mean job offers she had received and turned down. I loved Tony Shalhoub as Antonio on Wings but I never watched Monk. This character on Nurse Jackie bugs me too for some reason. If this is how Monk was I'm glad I didn't watch it. Why bother introducing a new character when this is the last season? He brought nothing to the show except to be someone else who thinks Jackie is the bee's knees.


    I loved Antonio on Wings too.  And no, this character on NJ is NOT Monk.  Monk was extremely insecure, neurotic, and OCD.  I never watched the whole series but have watched episodes here and there.  Tony Shalhoub could be quite endearing in the role and did a fine job.  Sometimes Monk could be annoying regardless, as frustrating to watch as it was for his supporting characters to deal with him.  But he could be very funny as well, and oftentimes very touching, and the show had a good supporting cast for him to bounce off of.  I like the show for being a sort of throwback to the old school 1970s whodunnit with a quirky lead character like Columbo.

    • Love 3
  5. Yay, so Jackie's going to be the hero who saves All Saints.  Meh.  She's still a drug dealing druggie drughead.  So long Coop, I'll kind of miss you.  What's the point of bringing in Tony Shalhoub as a new character with a little over half a season to go?  The show should just focus on the remaining cast at this point.

    • Love 2
  6. But the worst of the bad writing is as others have mentioned -- Kelly would never have fallen into that trap and bring Diana right into it.  Not a chance.  She may not have anyone she can trust enough to leave Diana with, so she would be absolutely sure it was safe to bring the baby with her to the house.  And that pretty much would be never in a million years.


    Kelly would have had her radar up simply due to the fact that she was never talking direclty with Nick, and before she made any kind of move she would have spoken with him first.

    • Love 1
  7. There is rather a big difference between Spike and Juliette.  Spike had a distinct personality and was always interesting to watch (you might not like what he did, but he was not boring).  Juliette...well, for all her anger and hatred, she just isn't that interesting because she has had only one note for several episodes.  I don't care whether she lives or dies, to be honest, but I would like the focus to be taken off her. I feel like they could have several episodes without her in it and, when we returned, she'd still be the same.  This is not completely the fault of the actress...the writers have done her no favors.


    Spike was a terrific character, the classic "villain you love to hate".  Dukat and Weyoun were similar charismatic villains on Deep Space Nine.  Some people just know how to play villains.

    • Love 5
  8. Rodney you big baby, you get to spend your birthday on a one-in-a-million experience.  Suck it up.  Enough endurance challenges, we've tested grip strength enough already.  Hopefully next week's immunity will be a mental challenge or something.  Looks like Mike has some options next week beyond, "I must win immunity".

    • Love 1
  9. Playing Devil's advocate: Yet a HUGE part of fandom were totally about Spuffy (Spike and Buffy) and of course Buffy/Angel when both Angel and Spike had done HORRENDOUS things including murdering a parent, murdering slayers, and let's not forget Jenny Calendar.  But everybody got along with them.  I particularly hated that Spike was popular while he was chipped and still WANTED to murder people, he just couldn't do it because of the pain.  He even told a story to Dawn about hunting down and killing a child while babysitting her.  I wonder what makes the difference.  Personally I'm with the crowd that sees Julliette as too far gone but I'm consistant as I don't think it was reasonable for the Scubies to have accepted Spike.  I think it is much more realistic for these characters to not be able to forgive Juliette. But I do wonder if gender bias plays a part in how people react. I think redemption via death may be in the cards although I never forgave Darth Vader for killing children so it won't really work for me either way.


    The real issue, which you ae hinting at, is that the difference between Juliette and Spike/Angel, is that Juliette has done things to directly offend both the main characters and the viewers.  That's the main reason why most people hate Juliette but like Adalind, when objectively you could say that Adalind is no better.  Now if Spike had murdered Giles in front of Buffy, or left his head for her in a box, I doubt people would have been all "Spuffy" anymore.  But much of his murderous activity was directed at third parties or shared with people through bygone tales.  And his violence toward the main characters during his villain days was always thwarted.  Adalind tried to kill Nick's aunt and kill Hank and do other terrible things, but she was unsuccessful, so she never crossed that point of no return.  But Juliette didn't just step over the line, she leaped over it.  She had his mother beheaded.  She torched his aunt's legacy.  That last one was a lot bigger than I think the writers expected.  It would have been like if Data went batshit crazy and blew up the Enterprise.  The Grimmebago was literally a character on the show.  I think for any show, the rule of thumb is that if you "try" to kill a main character, the main characters and viewers can forgive in the right situation, but if you pull it off, there's no going back.

    • Love 13
  10. The thing that bothers me about Nick's mom is that she was a total badass, and she gets killed and beheaded unceremoniously offscreen.  You didn't even get to see her put up a brave fight.  It was kind of an insult to the character.  I guess they didn't have Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio under contract to return in the role and just used a double for when she got out of the car with the kid (and her image for the head).  I knew something was up when we never got a good look at her going into the house, it was all a far away shot.

    • Love 5
  11. Except that Juliette does not kill Kelly.


    Well she sort of did.  She deliberately led her into a trap so her accomplices could kill her.  Same thing.

    • Love 17
  12. Trubel coming back and with that spectacular entrance is a great thing


    I wasn't too excited about the Jack the Ripper storyline.  It really veered away from what Grimm is about and into the realm of the purely supernatural.  What makes Grimm great is that it shows this whole other hidden - but in its own way, natural - world.  But the Jack the Ripper thing is all about evil spirits and possession and just felt out of place for me here.


    And Juliette has to die.  There is no other acceptable conclusion to that arc.  Sorry, but she burned down Nick's trailer and got his mom's head chopped off.  She has to go.  The writers better not screw this up with some smaltzy redemption trope.  She gets the death penalty.

    • Love 3
  13. Wow, they swept Jackie's legal problems under the rug with a Nimbus 2000.  What a crock.  The charges against her are thrown out simply based on Jackie's word that she was taking all those drugs to a hurricane relief effort.  No independent confirmation from the so-called relief organization she was bringing them to.  No confirmation from the hospital that they made this arrangement with them and had authorized Jackie to make the trip.  The district attorney didn't present any of this. And no competent judge present who would be asking these kinds of questions.  Right.  This show is throwing reality out the window just so Jackie can win and have her happy ending.  And I swear I want to smack that little smart-mouthed bitch daughter of hers across the face every time I see Grace on the screen.  What a piece of work she is becoming.

    • Love 5
  14. Willow had the motivation of losing Tara, someone she loved right in front of her, which triggered Dark Willow.  Juliette happened as a side effect to taking a potion which she willing did so to help Nick, then she blamed Nick and the others for 'creating' her even though it was an unforeseen side effect, then she joined Kenneth (who was a stranger that she suddenly agreed with for no good reason), then she turned full on evil burning the trailer and attacking Nick and the gang.  Her transformation was erratic both in the way it was written  and executed, switching from not being in control to being in control and liking her new powers, whereas with Willow, it was much more consistent for her character and thus her redemption was far more believable.

    As a Buffy/Angel fan, I agree on this comparison.  Losing Tara was a terrible trauma, and was not the result of some choice she made.  Willow felt terribly betrayed.  Of course Angelus is whole different thing, in that Angelus was simply who Angel was before the gypsy put a soul in him.  Juliette, on the other hand, has just gone completely off the rails and it's hard to believe her actions and behavior.  To suspend the disbelief, I just opt for the explanation that she can't handle or control the hexenbiest side of her personality because it was thrust upon her as opposed to Adalind, who grew up as a genuine hexenbiest.  But I still can't buy Juliette's superior powers and her control over them.

  15. Just catching up with this today, which only makes me realize I need to go back through all the season one episode synopses to make sense of things in this confusing show.  So Billie Piper gets to be the Bride of Frankenstein.  I'm on board with that, beats losing her to consumption.  The whole devil/witch plot, I wonder where they're going with all that.  The one thing this show doesn't do very well is set up a context, so you don't really know what the plot is building on.  Hopefully they'll flesh things out this season.  I really liked the wax museum, and Caliban as a character.

  16. I agree on Adalind.  I think the writers realized that Claire Coffie is who they always wanted Juliette to be, that she has a comic energy that just works with the "Scoobies", and that she would be a better match for Nick.  Giuntoli is like Bitsie Tulloch, he has no humorous side, so the two of them together always have this bland soap opera feel.  But Coffie brings what he lacks to the table and it makes for a more dynamic pairing.

    • Love 2
  17. The episode was full of things that didn't make sense.  Selina working for Fish, like everyone said.  She's an independent, a loner, resourceful.  She never needed to be a part of a gang. 


    Babs killing her parents, come on.  I can buy her  being so shell-shocked and needing to save herself that she would give up a name to the Ogre, but you don't go from being a civilized person to a Manson family member just because you were kept captive for a few days.  And it's not like he did anything especially horrific to her during those days, like you've seen done to some real kidnap victims.  Her hair and makeup were all in place the whole time.  I don't know how the show runners expect her to go from Manchurian Candidate back to being someone that anyone would want to be alone in a room with now.  And if she really did have subconscious thoughts of murdering her parents and the Ogre just flipped the switch, then that makes her a psychopath.  I'm glad she didn't kill Leslie, I would have been pissed if she did.


    Penguin tossing Fish over the ledge, another WTF?  Fish could take the scrawny Penguin any day, no matter who's been shot.  I know Pinkett Smith is not coming back as a regular in season 2 and Fish is not a canon character, so they needed to write her out so Penguin could start his reign.  But really, they could have scripted that final scene to make it more believable.  It's also kind of dismaying that she survived most of the second half of the season locked up in Dr. Frankenstein's asylum, gets a freaky new eye, makes a daring escape, adopts a new punk look, and kills Maroni, only to be gone for good a few minutes later. (unless of course she survives the fall and makes guest appearances now and then)  The show seemed intent on getting rid of all the big power players by the end of the first season, when this series is supposed to be a prequel.  I would have thought that Penguin's ascension would have been more gradual, and that we wouldn't see the landscape of Gotham start to look like the comics until maybe season 3.


    Jim's comments to Falcone made him sound too much like he was too complicit with this mob boss.  "Gotham needs you".  Really?


    Good developments were the beginning of Nygma's metamorphosis into Riddler, and Bruce discovering what I can only assume is the Bat Cave.

    • Love 4
  18. CC is a better actress than BT, can also do comedy and has always had more chemistry with Nick than Juliette.


    Yep, you can see the chemistry between Adalind and Nick that was never there with him and Juliette.  From Day One the Nick/Juliette relationship has just been a wet dish rag, and I never honestly believed that marriage was in the cards for them on this show.  It looked like that was going to change when she started supporting his grimmness, but was just a brief shining moment in an otherwise dull partnership.  It's funny that they date in RL, I wonder why whatever spark they have doesn't translate into the show.

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