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Posts posted by snarts

  1. 13 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

    The girls still suck. They never defended Sam when Ron was abusive to her, and now they’re acting like she’s trying to go 10 rounds with trashy Angie. Maybe shut the girl down and put her in her place?

    100% They're (Jenni especially) likely happy Angelina has a new target but I agree, they did nothing to defend Sam and they really should have.  Maybe Ang would SFTU if was 4 against 1. She's a toxic mess and Sam was speaking facts. 

    Mike & Lauren's son is a cutie patootie. He's got the best features from both of them.

    Too many events where it's just Mike and the ladies. I know Pauly & Vinny are busy but it's not as fun without them.

    Not looking forward to Ron's return. IMHO, he & Ang should be permanently booted. Sick of their drama.


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  2. I felt bad for Carl. The hurt on his face was apparent. Lindsay is so toxic, always has been. So glad he bailed before the wedding.

    Gabby's about to get dumped. Lindsay doesn't tolerate her friends having their own opinion. 

    I missed Paige! But Ciara & West are too cute for words. 

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  3. Lala telling Ariana she's wrong for expecting her best friend to avoid hanging out with the man who did her dirty is so fucking hypocritical. Remember Rand? Remember threatening Schwartz because he dared play pickleball with him? 

    Point blank, it all stems from jealousy. Scheana & Lala are mad about the attention/fame/offers/$$ coming Ariana's way. They are literally green with envy. 

    Katie for the win. She & Stassi clocked who he was years ago.

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  4. Quote

    Jared and Kyle argue, which has consequences. Cat struggles to find her place on the yacht. The exterior struggles with a difficult docking while Eileen gets under the skin of the entire yacht. A night in the hot tub has long-lasting repercussions.

    Aired 3.11.2024

    Wow, Fraser really has it out for Barbie. Not sure why her asking for direction on cutlery caused him to be so angry, complaining to the Chef about her. Nothing in her tone or comment was disrespectful or insubordinate. He really seems to personally dislike her and it's not clear why.

    The favoritism of Cat is bordering on completely unfair. She gets to frolic in the ocean while Barbie works her ass off? I'd be a bit resentful too.

    Now Fraser did read Jared right. Dude's a ticking time bomb. 

    • Like 7
  5. 21 hours ago, bosawks said:

    I hope whoever had to put the mic pack in Brock’s bathing suit got hazard pay.

    From watching wrestling in the 80s I know it can be a perspective thing but it sure looked to me like there wasn't much going on down there. Plenty of room for a mike pack :)

    • LOL 4
  6. On 3/9/2024 at 3:05 PM, Vivigirl10 said:

    Gabby has lowered herself to being Lindsey's little "yes" man.  Why do these bully/mean girls always have supporters?  The cat's out of the bag on Lindsey's game and everyone's over her BS so Gabby's support and having one measly gang member literally means nothing.  But the fact that Lindsey has even one person still hanging around her is astounding to me.  


    Last season Lindsey worked hard to garner support from Gabby & Sam 1) because she was feuding with  Danielle, and 2) to counter the allegation that she was always rude to newcomers (which she was). It worked and gave her some allies for the reunion.

    Fast forward to this season and you see her true colors with how she treated West when he was nicely trying to accommodate her room request.

    Gabby likely thinks that aligning herself with OG Lindsey is a good move but I predict she'll be tossed curbside now that Danielle/Lindsey are "friends" again.

    Also interested that she shuttered her PR agency and is trying to go the influencer route.  Carl's always had a spotty work history. The bravo money must be more than I thought it was. $13k/month rent is pretty steep. 

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  7. I can see Luann dabbling but wasn't she on probation for the Leah seasons? Her probation included drug/alcohol testing. I remember because at some point she failed an alcohol test & they extended it.

    Now Dorinda screams frequent cocaine user to me. Everything from her fluctuating weight to her manic moods & overall demeanor. 

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  8. Paige knew exactly what Lindsey was trying to do by outing Danielle on the story selling. And I knew that Lindsey wasn't capable of forgiving Danielle without some penance/payback. Surprised she's not outing all of Carl's secrets.

    So glad he manned up and called off the wedding. They were the very definition of toxic. Speaking of, she's living the apartment that he's paying half for and she wanted to keep the engagement ring buy NY law mandated it be returned.  No wonder he went back to Loverboy, he needed the money.

    On the other hand, how cute are Ciara and West? 

    What the hell did Gabby wear to dinner?

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  9. Scheana is absolutely insufferable. She makes EVERYTHING about her. Her tears are a cry for camera time. I was shocked how Brock spoke the truth until he remembered (or was reminded by his wife) that sticking close to Sandoval keeps them front & center in the season storyline. Watching him then turn around & apologize to Tom was cringey. They're both such obvious grifters. 

    Like Stassi& Katie before her, Tom hates Lala because she's immune to his charm/BS and therefore a bitch. It was hilariously hypocritical of him to call her out for hiding things when he was deep in a 6+ month affair.

    Hippy seems so calm & happy in the midst of what was likely a chaotic house with cameramen/producers/etc. Sorry, but I don't see an anxious dog prone to biting. Rachel can kick rocks with her rationale for abandoning him.  

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  10. Love Lindsey showing her true colors in ep1. She can't stand  not being the center of attention and was so jealousy that the house vibe was light & fun without her. Beng rude to West, storming out of the club calling her fiance Cocaine Carl just because he didn't take her side in a argument. She's so toxic.

    Loved Amanda taking notes because she was drunk & wanted to remember what happened. 

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  11. Scheana pinching a tiny amount of skin on her stomach and declaring she needed a one piece bathing suit was just sad. ...so was Brock's acting.

    Graham/Hippy seems like such a chill pup. He doesn't scream anxious biter to me. He also appeared to be cat inquisitive, bowing to play, vs, cat aggressive which is good. I do hope that James follows through with structured training.

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  12. 2 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

    This reminded me that James isn't drinking alcohol but is hardly sober. He has said he's smoking weed throughout the day. In AA, they call this "marijuana maintenance" and it's frowned upon by many. 

    AA can frown upon it but AA doesn't work for everyone and their holier-than-thou attitude likely dissuades many who would benefit from trading alcohol for THC.

    James is an aggressively mean drunk. For him, eliminating alcohol and leaning on THC makes him a better friend/partner/DJ.  If California sober helps him continue to refrain from alcohol and be better version of himself for the people around him that's success IMHO. It's no different than relying a prescription mood enhancer/stabilizer like lexapro/zoloft/etc. likely less side effects even.

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  13. (very) late to the party but just finished S1 on Netflix. I knew of Jamie Dornan but definitely a fan after watching, Danielle McDonald as well. They were both amazing and made me forget how haphazard the writing was at times.

    Excited to hear S2 is already airing in the UK. I'd watch Elliot and Helen anywhere.

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  14. Peter's issue is that his game play has created division in the castle and that division only benefits the traitors. He purposely excludes a large group of people from his "most faithful" alliance and then gets angry when they're hesitant to vote with him.

    His decision to isolate from the larger group & continually have secret invitation only meetings, shutting doors in peoples faces, obviously didn't engender trust from the remaining faithful. 

    So now, when he needs them to vote with him at the roundtable, of course they're suspicious of his motives. Exactly the type of suspicion the traitors need to potentially avoid being banished. The sad thing is that he did it to himself. 

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  15. I watch because I like seeing differing real estate/properties.

    The cabin episodes are fine because they're something different. My biggest pet peeve is when they're purposely vague about why they're buying. II find it annoying when it's not clear whether they're moving there full time or if it's going to be a vacation rental or investment property.

    No judgement, just tell me, so I can make sense of the commentary. 

    • Like 6
  16. The show can't seem to keep any guys. Aside from Kyle & Carl, there's someone new every season.

    I like West and enjoying watching him with Ciara. The tall guy looked like a Carl clone and quickly acted like a S1 version of him. Paige is not going to entertain that and Craig will not appreciate hearing about it. There are three single gals, flirt with one of them.

    I wonder why Sam didn't return, I'd prefer her to Gabby.

    Not sure what to make of Kyle/Amanda. I think she needs to step away from Loverboy and return the corporate world. A lot of the resentment in their relationship appears to come from their differing work styles. At Loverboy, she's the creative director so the experience is good for her career trajectory (she was a creative designer for L'Occitane when the show started).

    From the brief glimpses of Carl, he already looked exhausted.

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  17. The group isn't expecting or demanding anything from Sandoval, they simply don't care to be around him. 

    That's why watching him work LVP to gain her sympathy so she in turn would ask the group to be more empathetic was a desperate attempt to stay on the show. He knows that if he's resigned to filming only with paid sycophants Billie Lee, Kyle Chan and his band manager, he'd be dropped. 

    The show is forcing them to interact with him when IRL most would remain Ariana's friends and never talk to Tom again. If this happened to your close friend, would you be cordially hanging with her ex? Hell no.

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  18. Maddi, Joe and Oisin did themselves no favors at the reunion. Andy looked downright disgusted by Oisin at one point, and shocked by Joe & Maddi's inability to acknowledge their own behavior and lies. 

    Leva didn't come off much better, looking like she holds the women to the much higher standard than the guys.

    Emme cried. JT came off like the true voice of reason and the glue that's holding this hodgepodge group together,.

    I wonder why Mikel wasn't there.

    JT shared the DM he'd received from Joe. Wow, someone's got a big head.


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  19. 8 hours ago, Empress1 said:

    That man really just picked a fight for no reason, made no move to comfort her while she was crying, dumped her, made her hug him so there was “no beef,” and then got up and left her sobbing. “This isn’t gonna work. Bye!” That was insane. Brittany deserved better treatment than that. Kenneth being a villain was not in my bingo card, but here we are. I suspect that AD got in his head about race and he realized he didn’t want to marry a white woman, and he took the first exit he could find.

    I disagree. Kenneth seems like a lowkey guy. He was quiet in the pods. The day they returned home and got their phones back, he explained that he had work emails to catch up on. She chose to run around unpacking around him. While I'm assuming this was filmed during Summer break, administrators typically work year round with interviews/staff transfers/building & supply  issues, etc. 

    They called it quits after she told him that she wasn't craving him. In essence saying "I'm not at all attracted to you". That hurts to hear I and suspect he just shut down. She's the one who said it was over. 

    I think the racial issue is reading too much into the situation. I really think it's a simple as they didn't have a physical connection and weren't compatible energy wise.

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  20. Wow. Jeremy is a lying liar who lies. Laura set that trap & then pounced. I don't see how or why they could/should  come back from that.

    AB: Clay is literally telling you he's a cheater. He's also showing you where you are on his priority list. Listen to him. Also, is VIP host code for stripper?

    Chelsea is clingy.

    At this point, only Amy & Johnny should get married...after his reversible vasectomy. 


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  21. 3 hours ago, Carolina Girl said:

    Supposedly it takes around 90 days for issuance or denial of an "original" full liquor license in California. 

    Yes, but most municipalities enforce a limit on the number of liquor licenses allowed. Meaning, once they're at the max, the only option is transferring (buying) from a closed bar/restaurant. I'd expect that's the situation in WeHo.

    3 hours ago, tvfanatic13 said:

    I must be old since I was yelling at them to stop jumping from the roof. That is seriously dangerous. 

    I broke my wrist with a similar stunt, jumping from roof onto trampoline and into pool. I was 10.

    3 hours ago, tvfanatic13 said:

    I wonder if Billie Lee realizes how silly she looks that she is ONLY being featured (if even somewhat) because literally no one other than Schwartz will film with Sandoval. 

    Didn't she previously come out against the show, saying it exploited her? Now here she is chasing the camera around.

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  22. I give Lala and James a lot of credit for actively working to improve themselves. Sober curious, therapy, increased self-awareness... all positive signs of growth. 

    I didn't realize the sandwich shop was going to have liquor. That explains some of the delay. Obtaining a liquor license, especially for a new establishment (vs. transferring) can take forever. The process is ripe for corruption and often involves payoffs/shady dealings.

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