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Posts posted by snarts

  1. Was the humming/chanting we heard at Iñupiat rally real or just in Leia's head? I feel like we also heard it at another point in the episode but I can't remember where.

    My logical brain trying to weed through all the “voodoo, E.T., cosmic, choompa-loompa bullshit” brings me to who would want the scientists dead? What did they uncover? Combining that with who wanted Annie dead, I'm lead to the mine. Have I missed background info on who runs/owns it?

  2. Quote

    While Hank leads the search for Clark, Navarro and Danvers get a tip about another former Tsalal worker

    Original air date: January 28, 2024


  3. On 1/27/2024 at 12:00 PM, iMonrey said:

    I didn't get this either. I guess maybe she knows he'd say he didn't have it and she'd have to get a search warrant or something, so it was just faster to ask Peter to steal it for her.

    She did ask him directly for the file and he denied having it, which is why she asked Pete to get it for her.

    I suffered through S1 (not my cup of tea) and decidedly skipped S2/3. Here for Jodie Foster and the interesting locale. Enjoying it thus far, and excited that it's a mini-series with an already shot ending. I don't mind supernatural, outerworldy, open to interpretation dramas when they're well written. I just don't have the patience for the making up shit to keep the seasons coming writing they did/are doing for Lost, Yelllowjackets, etc. 

    So happy to see Jodie back acting and this role seems like it was written just for her. 

    Fave character is the Navarro's hookup, the bartender, and his spongbob toothbrush and beautiful alaskan malamutes. Please don't let anything bad happen to him or the doggies. 

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  4. ^to be fair, the exact same sentiment applies to Ariana with Tom. Golden Nugget anyone?

    The real difference is Raquel's betrayal of Ariana, how she pretended to be such a good friend, all the while actively banging her man.

    We've known Tom was a snake since since S2 :)

    • Like 2
  5. London, UK: why did it have a murphy bed?  The apartment wasn't a studio. Although odd, it had a full living room/lounge upstairs with the kitchen. I'd replace it with an actual bed. 

    It was nice to see them choose the location that worked best for their lifestyle rather than complain about the lack of a second bedroom for all their visitors. 

    • Like 4
  6. 11 minutes ago, Surrealist said:

    I found it interesting that Erika knew all the correct answers to Sutton's questions vs. the others. I wasn't sure how to take that: did Erika know all those things because she was gathering intel about Sutton, or do they have more of an offline friendship than I had given them credit for?

    I couldn't decide when watching that scene.

    Some people are better at remembering details. I also think Erika is more observant that most and feels a certain kinship with Sutton because they're both from the South. 

    Annmarie is obnoxious and annoying as hell but I hope everyone remembers who directed her to go after Sutton/Crystal. 

    Dorit looks like a tweaking meth head in her interviews. 

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  7. 23 hours ago, aghst said:

    he actual production is outsourced and it's about branding, which comes from mass media exposure of the show.

    99% of brands outsource all or part of their manufacturing production. That's how they scale/grow. Is he supposed to be hand sewing 100,000 pillows in his garage?

    The brand isn't doing $10M+ in annual revenue and operating a bricks & mortar retail store based solely on fan support. National retailers like Home Goods and Kroger/Ralphs aren't carrying the brand because Craig's name. Most outside of this forum have no idea who he is or his relation to Sewing Down South. The retailers see a product that will sell, and customers see a cute pillow at the store and buy it. 

    Heck, I'm anti-Kardashian yet I love my Skims bralettes and buy them (on sale) in spite of them because just they're fantastically comfortable. A good product will sell while a crap product isn't going to gain market share year over year, even with a celebrity tie-in.

    IMHO, Craig should be applauded for successfully turning his creative outlet of sewing into a potentially long lasting career he seemingly enjoys. Especially in contrast with the majority of the cast who seem quite content to live off their family money or bravo paycheck. 

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  8. Craig's not a paid spokesman for Sewing Down South, nor is he merely a celebrity endorser. He's co-owner. The company was founded by him & college friend, Jerry. They brought on Amanda to help with branding.

    Launching a business and growing it from nothing to  $10M+ revenue in ~3 years is impressive in any industry. Not sure why he would be criticized for partnering with people to turn his idea into reality.

    Should he have sat around living off Bravo money instead?

    • Like 3
  9. Monica represents what the whole Housewives franchise has become. The casts are full of women (and their husbands) who want to be famous. She's just the most egregious example, with all the stalking & strategic angling to get on the show. NJ has at least two housewives who run (or have family members running) burner instagram accounts/finstas to promote their "side" and bash the "other".

    That said, I completely understand why the SLC ladies would never trust her. Plus, who even knows what's real or fake with her and her story. I still think the Mom drama was (at least partly) concocted/amplified for the show. Hope they saved some of that Bravo money!!

    I still don't understand black eye gate and the coverup. Heather's acting like an abused spouse. Was Jen really that powerful/dangerous?  Is that the reason why they're all kissing Mary's ring and trying to buddy up with her now?  Is she the new SLC scion?  Make it make sense.

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  10. Kyle acted all tough in his interview saying "he's done" with Natalya only to be moved to tears by the thought of seeing her. Does he think the cameras missed his groveling for forgiveness? He's such a toxic mess.

    Luka and his stupid butterfly tattoo. I see his point that they aren't officially together but common courtesy dictates that you don't make out with multiple people in one night. Then again, can't feel bad for Jess, she still wanted him.

    If I were those guests, the last thing  I'd want to do it be driven around in sprinter vans all day.  

    • Like 7
  11. 27 minutes ago, ZettaK said:

    She returned to LA because she was desperate- the relationship was not working, and she was not on tv anymore either.  


    She followed Patrick when his radio show moved its production from NY to LA. 

    She came back to the show for a paycheck when he wouldn't agree to move in together & she was forced to rent her own apartment. 

    They didn't break up until years later. Season 5 maybe? All told, she spent nearly four years with that tool. 

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  12. 16 minutes ago, ZettaK said:

    As for Stassi, she left without even resigning from SUR, but she came back crawling to the show when the relationship with Patrick didn't work. 

    She came back crawling to the show while still with Patrick.

    I just watched her introduce him to LVP where he douchily commented 3x about LVP's great ass.

    I also forget that they all lived in tiny apartments until like S7. Did they not earn much from the show?

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  13. 1 hour ago, pdlinda said:

    Anyone hear what he did for a living? 

    When he said it his voice was garbled.  She said she was a teacher and had a second job.  

    He's a teacher. She mentioned that as educators they both had Summers off.

    • Like 1
  14. Ha, I see I am not alone. Watching the old seasons this weekend and shocked by how obnoxious Jax & Brittany are. Steroids? Cocaine? He was out of control while Brittany's just as annoying with her doormat tendencies and irritating drawl. 

    I also forgot how pompous and annoying Ariana was in the early days with Sandoval. 

    Also forgot that Stassi basically left the show and how long she spent with asshole Patrick.

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  15. Saratoga Springs, NY: she was buying the house on her own and, as a school counselor needing a second job, her finances were limited. Her boyfriend lives 2 hours away and isn't able to move in for a least a year, so I didn't understand why he had any say in home purchase. 

    A lot can change in a year. IMHO, they should've waited to purchase the home until they were both financially invested OR she should've limited her search to only why she was comfortable spending. As it is, she went way over her budget. What if they break up tomorrow?

    Kansas City, MO: Good on them for managing all those investment properties! But, I'm with her, the strategy in buying the house that will be your home should be a little different.

    I personally didn't care for any of their options, and felt #2 was the one best choice. I hope she's ok living through the construction with the one they chose, Again IMHO, they'll likely end up spending more with the necessary home improvements than the price difference between the two. I have to assume the location was better with #3,

    • Like 3
  16. Anyone watching the Postmortem aftershow on Peacock? They interview the killed/banished and include comments from the Traitors. I do wish they'd show their reaction to hearing the identify of the Traitors. 

    Group-think makes this such an easy game for the Traitors, especially with these self-absorbed twits.

    • Like 3
  17. 11 hours ago, Chit Chat said:

    He said it's a wolf dog.  Big dogs need room to roam.  A small place is rather unfair to the animal.  Hopefully it's working out okay.  

    Not true. Some of the largest dog breeds are the laziest couch potatoes while smaller dog breeds are super high energy. It's all about ensuring your dog gets the right exercise and stimulation, which has very little to do with the size of your home. 

    I liked them and enjoy seeing different areas of Paris. 

    • Like 4
  18. Is Rodrigo wearing a toupee? No idea why he's even there. This is most he's said all season & yet I immediately want him to shut up 

    Apparently, when JT says he's a champion for women he really only means his crush, Taylor. Shockingly, he had zero to say when Rodrigo went after Olivia telling her to STFU. 

    Seriously, am I losing my mind? In what world is Olivia wrong for distancing herself from Taylor? Especially since Leva, Venita & Madison all feel the same. There's just something not right with her. It stated with her behavior at last year's reunion. I'm not fooled by all the fake tears, they only work on men.


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  19. 3 minutes ago, ZettaK said:

    Monica is definitely returning. Bravo loves her, and the season became iconic (I can't believe I'm using the term for a HW show). The other HWs can protest against filming with her but it won't help. 

    100% If they were smart, rather than publicly comment that they won't film with her, they should have agreed privately to attack her every word/move and sell negative stories about her to the press to force her off the show.

    Example: RHOBH fab force five vs. LVP, Denise Richards, Kathy Hilton (Rinna being collateral damage)

    • Like 9
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  20. Just to clarify, Olivia graduated from Clemson University, moved to LA, tried her had at acting & TV/move production, she was a $15/hr PA for Osark. She moved home to Charleston, was either recruited or pursued the show. Was Austen's purported love interest last season and then dated him for real in between filming for S8 & S9.

    Taylor graduated from Appalachian State University, moved to Charleston and was working as a dental tech. She knew exactly who Shep was when she met him. She was either recruited or pursued him for the show (i now have my opinion after seeing her pop up on Southern Hospitality a lot). She quit her job to travel with him, they broke up, and she then pursued both Austen & Whitney to make Shep jealous, keep her standing on Southern Charm or (most likely) both.

    Neither are innocent lambs, yet only Taylor's actions injured someone she called a friend and were intentionally done to hurt Shep. Her unapologetic demand for understanding & forgiveness quickly turned spiteful which IMHO has only highlighted her hypocritical, holier than thou, attitude. Attempting to air a secret your friend shared in confidence to make her look bad in an effort to justify the shitty thing you did to her is trash behavior and I'm not surprised she's now alienated most of the cast.

    If anyone's fame hungriness is driving bad behavior, it's Taylor. 

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  21. Early on Sandy indicated all boats were stuck in port due to the gale force winds and the aerial shot supported that claim with a ton of yachts all bunched together. However, the subsequent shots later that day and the next showed a lot of empty berths. Where did all those yachts go?

    My theory is that the trailing boat used for the film crew is much smaller, so it's the reason we often see them stuck in port due to weather. I also think production likes the pressure staying in port places on the crew. I hope the 50% discount was worth it for the charter guests. I would've been pissed off to see other yachts leaving port.

    Tumi's a terrible chief stew, IMHO. She's not a leader. I liked her on her original season but have disappointed with her behavior and attitude from day one. Kyle and Sandy are worthless and irredeemable, so I pretty much hate watched nearly every moment of this season.

    On a positive note, I wouldn't mind seeing Jack, Hayleigh, Lara and Luka again.

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