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Kyle's a such man baby. He's always mad or crying or in his feels about something. He acts as if everyone owes him their undying loyalty. Why? Aside from giving Carl a job, what has he ever done to support anyone else? If he's hurt that Craig invested in another alcohol brand, then have a conversation with Craig about it. Don't rage text his girlfriend & bring it up to everyone but him (on camera) ruining their night. Similarly, as much as I disliked Hannah on the show, she has every right to talk about her experience. Her feud with Kyle was one of the reasons she was let go. Whether he had a hand it that, who knows, but she certainly doesn't owe him silence.
I caught the first two eps & enjoyed it. It's interesting how Sami & Lola are on such different paths, with Sami on OnlyFans & into raves, while Lola's really heavy into religion. Also interesting & a bit disheartening that neither seem interested in higher education. You see it too often with celebrity kids. Makes me wonder if it was never stressed or encouraged. Also found it interesting that Denise's nephew stole from her yet she's OK laughing it off. I did like his attempts to mediate the girls' discussion. The highlight for me will be the inclusion of Denise's friends. Tori Spelling is a hoot. Camille will show to film anything. I look forward to seeing more.
Interesting because he admitted in this article that it was modeled after Thomas Ravenel from Southern Charm, which is based in Charleston, South Carolina.
Cincinnati, OH area: 25 year old first time buyer, approved for $350k, smartly wants to spend <$275k. Prefers older homes with some charm, she likes to bake, crochet, etc. No vocal fry. Even her friend wasn't annoying. All three choices in Northern KY, two in Covington & one in Bellevue. She chose the smaller, two bed in walkable Bellevue paying above asking at $255k. Seemed like the right fit for her, the backyard was gorgeous.
So Wihan overrides his crew's concern over the leaking jet ski and loads it up with the two heaviest people? Sure, that seems smart. Wondering if they recruited this guy from the strip club. The cliffhanger isn't about the guest's safety, she's wearing a life vest, it's more about whether that jet ski will take on so much water that it sinks in shallow waters. That'll be costly to retrieve especially if that's an environmentally protected area. Tzarina mentioning girl code made zero sense. She's not dating Wihan, she kissed him once playing truth or dare. Heck, Marina wasn't even up to see it & may not have even heard about it. There's something dark, angry & desperately needy about Tzarina, I find her off-putting.
It's interesting is that had Timothy been at home when this investigation broke, he might've been offered immunity in exchange for his cooperation because it sounds like his role was more fiduciary, assisting Kenny in setting up the fund. Instead, he's MIA and now not returning phone calls which immediately makes him look so much guiltier. Kenny will probably flip on him trying to save is own ass. So then why the urgent rush to the hospital? I had a friend who was bit by a rattlesnake in nearly the same location (upper calf). He got immediate medical attention & antivenom yet was kept in hospital overnight & couldn't walk or put any weight on his leg for a week due to the swelling. That's why I questioned the tiny little bandage at dinner seemingly only hours later.
Wait, so Chelsea's bitten by a cobra but she's ok, sporting just a tiny bandage, by dinner? Sure. Worried for Belinda after approaching Greg/Gary. Wouldn't she have heard about Tanya's death?
I found it interesting that, as a group, the professional chefs were the worst performers. Makes me wonder if spending years in the restaurant industry as a line/sous chef sucks a bit of the creativity out of you.
Completely different scenarios IMHO. For the opening sequence all we knew was the show's premise, a teenage girls soccer team survived a plane crash in a remote area. We knew nothing about how or why they might succumb to cannibalism. Last season began to lose focus, again IMHO, yet I could still understand how utter starvation might drive them to consider cannibalism. However, killing Ben at this juncture is nothing but premeditated cold blooded murder. They seemingly have food, are strong & healthy enough to play physical games. Watching them take part in murdering & eating their coach would render them irredeemable in my eyes, especially since I'm already bored by the pacing, darkness, re-casts & meandering plot.
As someone who loved ER (watching reruns this morning) I am really enjoying how much brighter & well-lit this show is. I can also hear everyone clearly too! My old lady eyes & ears are happy. Not sure what Santos' endgame is with Langdon. I hated the way he lost his shit but everything he said about her was true. I still don't understand how Santos' inability to take direction & follow the rules didn't derail her in med school/previous internships. She's a first year resident on her very first day & she's blatantly ignoring her senior resident's directions? OK. I get where Robby was coming from but I wish he'd backed Langdon's judgement a bit more. #same. She pointed it out in a way that wasn't accusatory & it will likely make McKay think about it with future patients. Poor Nurse Dana. It was only a matter of time before before heart attack guy lost it. See, that's why you shouldn't smoke :)
Aired 2.28.2025 Oh, I so wanted Lauren to punch Dave in the face. The man is a walking narcissist. Good on Molly for being a true girls girl & friend, I loved watching her tell him what's what, mainly because Lauren was way too nice. I love Monica/Joey and Taylor/Daniel. Hoping they say yes and live happily ever after. The other two could really go either way. Glad to see Meg & Mason find each other on the outside. Was Madison stewing or what? Girl lives to be the center of attention, she's now on a tabloid tour slamming Alex. Meanwhile, he (like Ben) seemingly has a sketchy past. Netflix must purposely recruit problematic people in the hopes there will be viral social media drama to drive up viewership.
S14.E13: Caviar Catastrophe
snarts replied to ZettaK's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
The classist comment from Sutton was on par with body shaming & a mere small step above an antisemitic or racist insult. Worse that she's doubling down on it. Just gross IMHO. That it was said to Dorit doesn't at all negate the ugliness so listening to people use that as rationalization/justification is disheartening. Not sure why everything have to be an either/or situation? Dorit was wrong for her comment on Sutton's drinking AND Sutton was wrong for her extremely classist response (especially since the wealth was not self-made). They're both flawed. Can we get back to hating on Kyle? -
With the exception of the bitch comment (which occurred on a different day) JT did say those things. At the faux Top Golf place, JT implied that his hanging out with Madison in Jamaica had made Brett jealous. When the guys laughed him off, he doubled down reminding them Madison wore his shorts outfit & how Brett then facetimed her because he was so worried. His implication was clear, that Brett was concerned that Madison & JT might be more than friends. It was in the game of telephone that the word affair started being used. Even so, JT did tell Craig & Shep that his relationship with Madison rattled her husband. They aired the clip again last night. In terms of the bitch comment, I'm still of the belief that JT made a comment about her not accepting his gift at the polo event, maybe even muttered it under his breath. It doesn't make any sense why Craig would make that up when he's been one of the only people willing to give JT a chance & lying about it would only reflect poorly on him. I rarely claim production shenanigans but this season has been so incredibly dull, I think they're purposely not airing the bitch/bitchy comment because this drama is all they have. I suspect they might suddenly find the hidden footage at the reunion. JT knows what he said which is why he quit.
Tidal Pool: Below Deck in the Media
snarts replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Below Deck Sailing Yacht
Reading this ^ i could completely picture it. Why? Because we've seen Gary do this on the show, hold a woman in place when she's trying to get away from him. Shame on the production company & Bravo.. -
So JT quit when he remembered his comments were filmed? Shep wearing a ballcap to the nice restaurant, how classy... Craig mentions that Shep is spiraling & Austen says he lacks empathy. Flashforward to Austen using the exact same word to describe Shep. Please make it make sense. Picturing vampuric Whitney hanging upside down in the closet of his suite.