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Everything posted by auntieminem

  1. They were in Germany and now skiing and snow boarding in Switzerland. Their pictures and videos have beautiful scenery. This is a very long and I assume expensive trip.
  2. They are still traveling through Europe. Croatia, Slovenia, on the way to Austria. They spent Valentine's Day in Venice riding on a boat, joking about spending it with no Valentines, just the guys. This is a really nice trip and a long one.
  3. James and Evan Peters is with them now. Justin posted a picture of them dining on his IG stories. Probably means James will soon be posting videos.
  4. Maybe it would be approved by IBLP but it is not an IBLP associated retreat. I looked up sponsoring organization which is Family Life which is part of Cru (use to be Campus Crusade for Christ) they are evangelical and adopted the Southern Baptists' doctrine on complementarianism roles of men and women in marriage (he the leader and she the nurturer). They are not associated with a particular domination but seem to take doctrine from several conservative dominations. The venue for the retreat was nice and they went to a jazz club.
  5. JD and Abbie are at a couples conference this weekend. https://www.instagram.com/stories/johnandabbie/ Don't think it is IBLP approved.
  6. True. He did seem to working a lot when he started his construction business which now is also a tree trimming company (or maybe they are separate companies). I guess the traveling money could be from the Jim Bob payoff to keep quiet. Not sure where Elijah gets his money from and he travels even more than the Dug boys. I know he works for Jason and JB but that can't be enough to travel that much. Maybe his family has money.
  7. Jason posted a story to IG, he is in London, headed to Italy. Elijah is traveling with him, don't know if anyone else is. Apparently there was plane trouble so they are in London another night then Madrid and then Rome. OK, I do not understand how they can travel so much. They don't seem to be working as much as traveling.
  8. James posted a short reel on IG. Showing J-Tyler and Jackson riding ATVs. I assume he is just visiting and not living with them again. I hope he is still with his grandparents going to school and outside of the cult.
  9. Jinger posted another video from Joy & Austin's visit. This one is the rock climbing adventure. Joy and Austin sure have visited the Jinger and Jeremy a lot. Have Jessa and Ben been out to LA to visit? Of course with 5 young kids that would be a hard and expensive trip. Jessa's kids seem to have the most boring childhood of all the the Duggar grands.
  10. Jill and Derick were interviewed on Unplanned podcast. I don't know of this couple. It is kind of long. I don't think there was anything new. Though toward the end they were asked last time they were with both Michelle and JB and Jill said a birthday party at Joy's some time and before that after Freddy was born. So makes me think that JB and Michelle may not have been home for the Christmas party at the big house. Toward the end they talk about the siblings and trying to have good relationships with them. Or maybe this podcast was recorded before Christmas. Here is it is on youtube
  11. I looked it up and it was that podcast. They were talking about the control over the contracts and how JB basically negotiated with TLC so they would only have to deal with him and have the one contract with him. He gave the right to film all the events of the kids. Derick was saying it was like a pimp JB was going to give the the services of all the families and their life events.
  12. I think it might have been on the Sounds Like a Cult podcast as it was a bit looser.
  13. Monopoly was the go to board game when I was a kid ( a long time ago). I loved it when I was winning and hated it when I was losing. We did not think of it in terms of the capitalistic message. I have not played in so many years and have no desire to to play it now just because I don't like losing. I think having a city specific version would be fun. Though as a kid my small town version I am not sure we would have had a Park Place. Every community would be middle and less than middle class.
  14. He also posted pics with a female who might be part of the family he went to visit in Australia a few months ago. So maybe he is courting.
  15. James story and IG post about the most amazing week of his life. Another Duggar mission trip to South America (I think). https://www.instagram.com/p/C0_1-B4MfEG/?img_index=1
  16. Maybe Jeremy's brother can explain documentaries to them. He makes them (right?).
  17. Yes, her book was mentioned by both a several times.
  18. Jinger (Mr. Jinger) posted a video about Shiny Happy People. Not sure why they made it now. It was to explain why she did not participate. Main reasons she wanted to control her narrative and was concerned about editing. The other was it didn't address helping people who were victims, where they can get help and how they can still have faith. They talk about her book and how you can reject IBLP and still be christian. They do kind of acknowledge that it was a documentary about IBLP so helping people keep their faith was not part of the purpose (but still yammered on about not helping people find Jesus). She also acknowledged it was very accurate about the teachings and how bad Bill Gothard was. She had some good points but but it was just silly they found fault in a documentary not presenting the christian view.
  19. Curious is Jason and/or other male Duggs have a new business. Jason posted a story promoting this company https://treemenar.com Don't know how any of them have time for another business with all the traveling they do.
  20. Jill and Derick did an interview for the podcast, Sounds like a Cult. It was interesting. I was a bit surprised they went on this podcast since it totally non-christian. https://www.instagram.com/soundslikeacultpod/ I think it was a good interview.
  21. I totally forgot he existed. 😂 I bet they all wish they could forget too.
  22. Joy posted a video of camping with her family and a short section of Michelle watching her kids while she and Austin spend some time together. Joy said 15 of the siblings were there. Of course Jinger and Jill were not there and I didn't see Josiah and Justin is in Texas. At one point James is videoing and pointing out whose campers are there. He said the (really big one) was Jim and Shelly, I assume the kids still at home were staying in that one. I felt sorry for the minor Duggar girls wearing skirts while all the other women were in pants. Joy slept in until 10 one morning so I hope she gets more sleep in days. ETA: Last week Jason posted pics of the camping trip and Josiah was in the pics so maybe she said 15 of her sibs not including herself. If you want to watch here is it.
  23. Jason made his first IG post in months, he has been doing stories. It is about camping with family. Not sure who all was camping there are pictures of Jer, Jed, Josiah and him and a video with that was hard to see who else but I saw some female in the video in a skirt so I am assuming a younger sister still under JB's roof. https://www.instagram.com/p/CzzI9z9vuLs/?hl=en&img_index=1
  24. I had not heard that story before. My first thought was did he ask Jeremy to call the women he kissed and apologize. If so I doubt Jeremy complied.
  25. Jill is cooking and Freddy is "helping". She talks about her mother was great letting the kids help in the kitchen. I am sure there were some fond memories of helping but at some point it was more they had to cook for the family. https://www.instagram.com/p/CzmV3V7RAoD/
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