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Everything posted by koalathebear

  1. Dean Georgaris the producer tweeted that the show returns on 8 Jan now instead of 1 Jan - however they seem quite happy because it means that they have more time to promote the episode and increase viewing/ratings. So while I'm disappointed about waiting, I'm all in favour of more exposure for this show because while it has its flaws, I really enjoy it.
  2. Interesting observation. I actually think the feelings are mutual but both are probably in denial because they know it would complicate things and might ruin team dynamics .. plus she's in his chain of command so there's all that mess as well. Presumably if they hooked up, she'd have to get transferred out of the team, even though for some reason Preach seems to ship them ... Are the chain of command rules less stringent in Omega Teams? Although in reality, I've seen the rules applied with varying degrees of strictness, to be honest... While Dalton seems to often seek Preach's views on things, I notice that he usually picks Jaz to be his partner and to have his back in the field. That may well be because he has Preach 'lead' the B team because he's the deputy, but Dalton and Jaz seem to work together on missions and seem to complement one another fairly seamlessly. Then again, I'm a serial shipper so I might be seeing things where things don't exist.
  3. I agree. She's had a lot of screen time in the 'now', but in terms of her background we know very little. For instance, i can't tell if she doesn't like her family and mother because they were bad or because they were flaky/alternative. In 1.05 Enhanced Protection there was this exchange: Preach: How about you, Jaz? - You think of doing - the family thing? Jaz: If I can get it in writing that it won't be anything like mine. Then in 1.07 It's All Personal there was this Amir: So Has your mom ever made you a traditional breakfast before? Jaz: My mom? Let's just say she wasn't a traditional anything. Amir: Yeah, I can see that. * So you can see her description isn't necessarily that her family was bad or abusive... her mum might have been a hippy or something and Jaz wasn't a fan.
  4. I still really enjoyed the episode and the series, although I understand that others have their enjoyment impaired. I can't wait until 1 Jan.
  5. What would have been an acceptable retcon? I know Naval officers who used to be enlisted men so it's not outside the realms of possibility that someone who is an officer now, once was not?
  6. Interesting given that the actress isn't American. This is her normal accent: According to her bio, she is a Northern Irish/ French Lebanese actress based in London
  7. Oh no ... that cliff hanger. Of course they'll rescue her, but I'm going to be in agony until the next episode. Also... "Top? But you're an officer now." "Yeah. What can I say? Name stuck." Heh heh.
  8. It's not looking good. Although the show hasn't been cancelled (season 2 might still potentially happen), NBC has decided to keep season 1 at 13 episodes only and not order another 9: http://popculture.com/tv-shows/2017/11/16/the-brave-nbc-cancelled-13-episodes/ It's just so disappointing because Seal Team is so crappy by comparison and The Brave despite having some of the usual tropes actually feels quite different/new in some ways and I do enjoy that it's a truly ensemble cast.
  9. Thanks for the answers. I think as a lawyer I'm just used to seeing legal procedure horribly mangled and just plain wrong in tv shows I watch, so I make a choice to either suspend disbelief or just not watch. Looks like the standard might be different for military dramas ... and it looks like the 'Top' thing is considered a fatal flaw by some and not by others (who still want to watch). Has anyone tweeted any of the showrunners to ask them why they did this? Is it salvageable - could they retcon it away somehow??
  10. Sorry for being clueless but what's the objection to 'Top'? I don't even know what it signifies so just assumed it was slang ...
  11. Thank you. It's so frustrating because I stupidly did not keep copies of ALL of the images used :( And thank you for your kind words. I hated that they killed off Quinn but if they were going to do it, there was a better way they could have done it ... I've just done a nostalgic round up post of fan fic and fannish works ..(mostly Quinn inspired!) in case you're interested. He really was the most compelling of the characters ... although I did really love the Boyds and Tasneem Qureshi in season 4 also :)
  12. thanks so much. You're too kind. No regional restrictions - photobucket (where the photos are hosted) is having some pretty significant meltdowns. They're aware of the issue but it's not fixed yet and in the meanwhile it means I have a bunch of dead links :(
  13. He also played a major macho jerk in Van Helsing. It is very interesting to have him in such a nurturing role - but perhaps they wanted to kind of head off some of the hate of Book Meng who people criticise for being a whingey sook but who, to be fair, is actually is a super awesome dad who never gives up on his kid ....
  14. It's interesting you mention that. Not sure if you've watched it but one of the most interesting and entertaining panel discussions I've seen for The Expanse was the recent event where Caltech hosted: "The Science Behind the Expanse" which was comprised of cast, crew and also Caltech and JPL researchers like Jessie Christiansen, Bobak Ferdowsi etc. There's one bit where they ask the researchers on the panel to name places where they think the Expanse gets the science wrong etc and Jessie Christiansen, a staff scientist at the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute at Caltech asks a question about the ice hauling and she wants to know why it's so manual as opposed to more mechanised. The exchange after that (like the whole panel discussion to be honest) is pretty hilarious - and interesting. Neurochick: Sounds like you're not enjoying the show. It's not for everyone. For me I find the political/Belter dimension to be quite fascinating because it's not unlike the colonialism that we have witnessed here on Earth. Even today, it's made in jest but the Brits frequently regard Australians as being inferior - colonials descended from their unwanted convicts rather than a people who have grown and developed their own culture and complexities :) I can imagine that if/when we do colonise the stars, there will be a new underclass created that will need to fight to find its way in the new power paradigm.
  15. I totally think that the writers are guilty of retconning Quinn's past big time ... I wrote about it here but have to confess that i'm quite surprised at how the majority of people are just going with the inference that Dar sexually abused Quinn. Seriously? As I wrote here, I seriously cannot accept that Quinn would have stuck around and continued to work for his abuser for more than 20 years. Even if he was broken and a 'victim', he would have killed Dar yonks ago to protect other at risk youth ...
  16. Regarding Dar-Quinn, it's continuing the bomb that Dar dropped in 5.12 A False Glimmer when he said: "You know, we found him when he was 16. No, I didn't know that. Foster home in Baltimore. The group was looking for a street kid. Someone real but also... pretty enough to turn the head of a Hong Kong paymaster. He was a natural from the start. I believe it. Couple years later, I sponsored him for training. Youngest guy ever." Most people are assuming that Quinn's a sexual abuse survivor/victim, but I am not so sure. I more about it here and think it might be a bit of retconning on the show's part to be honest ...
  17. Interesting episode with some interesting developments, although Doc remains an incredibly annoying character...
  18. I didn't see her as picking Jon over Sansa. The fact is that it's Jon leading this army - at no point has Sansa come forward and put herself out there as being the leader. It's Jon taking the heat, it's Jon who was in battle and leading the charge. Does Sansa even want to lead? She's the one pushing Jon to lead and take revenge and do things. If Sansa was touted as the leader, I'm sure Lyanna would have thrown her support behind her as well.
  19. I think she was just giving them a hard time. House Mormont has been loyal to the Starks. Lyanna's mother fought and died for Robb Stark as did her sister. Lyanna herself declared her loyalty to the Starks when Stannis wrote to her, replying: "Bear Island knows no king but the King in the North, whose name is STARK". In deeds as well as has words, Lyanna has been loyal to the Starks - she just wasn't going to roll over and play dead just because they walked into her home and demanded it. Also, to the people who said even Dorne was ok, you should watch this review: http://ozzyman.com/ozzy-man-reviews-game-of-thrones-season-6-episode-10/ Hilarious.... you probably need help with the Aussie slang and swear words but it discusses how the episode fixed things - even like Dorne ;)
  20. Just started Nemesis Games today but have loved the first four books a lot. I thought Cibola Burn was fascinating and loved it even though it split up the crew (again!) I see the Roci crew as being like a sci fi version of the Leverage gang or the A-Team - going around solving problems. I wasn't a huge fan of some of the new characters introduced in Cibola Burn but overall loved the book book because there was so much focus on the core characters. Also there were some classic quotes. For instance ... And this funny exchange between Amos and Holden, too: Anyway, the series is amazing and I bought the books off amazon.com with the audible versions, too so can kind of switch back and forth between reading and listening depending on what I'm doing. Once I finished Nemesis Games I'll probably start at the beginning again with the audiobooks since I only started using the audio from book 3.
  21. I just read all the posts in this forum about the various episodes of season 1. I absolutely loved it. My husband and I had not read the books before watching the series and we had no trouble following it and I found the storylines compelling and the characters really interesting. The world-building elements were wonderful. I wasn't as much of a fan of the Miller storyline because the actor doesn't do much for me (although my husband enjoys Thomas Jane's acting) - but I liked it because I found the Julie Mao character fascinating. My husband found the series a little dark but for me there were enough moments of levity to temper that. I enjoyed the diversity, the strong female characters and I thought it looked very 'real' and persuasive. Yeah there were things I didn't love but there was so much more to it that was positive - minor characters like Theresa Yao, the interactions amongst the crew of the Roci. After I finished watching the series, I started reading the books and have finished Leviathan Wakes and am now reading Caliban's War. I hope the show gets more of a following - I think it's amazing. For me, I am so time poor that I really can't be bothered to watch a show that I don't enjoy so I'm always bemused by people who 'hate watch' or 'dislike watch'... life's too short and there are too many good things to read and watch out there to waste time on stuff that's not enjoyable!! Anhway, I've written about the series quite a bit on livejournal and on tumblr to a lesser extent and cannot wait until season 2!!!
  22. Not sure if I'm allowed to post a link here but I made this post about this topic. I'm not saying that they should hook up, I'm just intrigued that if Ravi had been a hot white dude instead of a hot brown dude, there would be a lot more UST there - canon and extrapolated by shippers.
  23. With the arrival of Drake, it appears that Liv's white-only romantic interests streak continues. I am definitely not saying that she should hook up with either Ravi or Clive, I'm just saying that if the actors playing the Ravi and the Clive characters were white, they'd been seen as viable love interests. I love both of their characters - they're charming, well-rounded, funny and interesting. They're just not really portrayed as sexually attractive even though Ravi is actually kind of hot ...
  24. OK I'm not sure how reliable this website is but WSJ's weekly article "An Intelligence Expert Weighs In" said this week: "But the story line of Quinn being injected with atropine and then being thrown into a room filled with sarin and hopefully not dying is realistic. You can use atropine as a prophylactic before you actually get exposed to sarin – it works just as well. It’s not something you have to inject yourself with after the fact. Atropine is actually very effective against sarin gas, because what it does is it counteracts the effects of the gas on your nervous system. Most of the time you end up asphyxiating because your lungs stop working. Atropine blocks that reaction from taking place. So you can’t take atropine days before you get exposed to sarin, but right beforehand is perfectly fine. As long as it’s in the system at the same time as the sarin, then you should be OK." I can buy that maybe the atropine counteracted the sarin but Quinn is still responding pretty violently to the sarin gas.
  25. Guessing that was just his ingrained caution/instinct/training kicking in even if for some reason he hadn't realised that he was being tailed yet. That was a bit of a goofy stretch for us. I know the show is always trying to reinforce how great/special/unique Carrie is - she's the only one who can spot a threat/do this and that, but you'd think that someone with as many years of experience as Saul would be aware, too. It's not like he's been behind a desk because of his years of seniority - the show puts him out in the field all the time so he shouldn't' be rusty... I liked the episode but that's one of the elements that grated, along with: Quinn coincidentally ending up with the recently released Jihadists; Carrie not double checking Quinn was actually dead before giving up on him ... One could interpret what we saw as her being more upset about breaking up with Jonas than the death of a self-sacrificing friend. Another way to look at it is that she was lurking outside Jonas' window because she was saying goodbye to her normal life and her house (not just Jonas and his house) and that she was upset at the death of a friend but her coping mechanism was to switch to work mode (hence her fixation on the documents etc). It was a bit odd though.
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