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Everything posted by ketose

  1. I still think Jamie accidentally revealed that she had sex with Doug at some point due to last week's deleted tweet. Not that that would mean anything in and of itself. Cortney and Jason could double their audience if they found a way to combine wrestling and burlesque. Vaughn and Monet are hilariously dysfunctional. I couldn't care less how they do.
  2. Speaking of the 80s, I remember Night Flight. That was the insomniac show of choice.
  3. What's weird to me is that Jamie looks a lot like her other relatives, but it would appear that they don't have the same father.
  4. Thanks, PityFree, I wasn't sure.
  5. I think Match.com actually did that. They made up matches that weren't really good matches just to see if people would pursue the relationship anyway.
  6. Macrovision still applies to VHS, so it would likely make the picture look terrible. There are a number of devices you can connect from the VCR to the computer directly with a USB cable that don't seem to have the same problem. The media companies always complained that you can't duplicate a tape because you were paying for rights to a movie. However, you can't walk into a store with a VHS movie and walk out with a DVD of the same at a big discount, even though you "own" the right to the movie. Back to the (late) 80s. I remember editing VHS camera stuff with two VCRs and an old Commodore 64 to make titles and credits. Teenage me would be dumbstruck with the ease of editing with even the most basic software now.
  7. It also looks like all those shots of Jamie sitting on the stoop of her old trailer looking sad may be from tomorrow's episode even though we've seen them since episode one. It's already well known that all the commentary bits on a reality show are filmed hours after and productions tells them to talk about it in the present tense to keep it from sounding out of place.
  8. I saw a video on Youtube where Jamie talks about wanting to get married and that she won't do it until she knows the guy really well. that, or maybe she gets a TV show out of it. For those who were wondering, Logan Levkoff is in her late 30s. http://www.hofstrachronicle.com/news/view.php/485511/The-scoop-on-sexologist-Logan-Levkoff
  9. The one thing I would cut Jamie (and Doug) on is that they have known each other for two weeks. That's 14 days. And Jamie has been working for about half of them. She probably has to do extra shifts because of all the time she's taking off for a wedding, a mini honeymoon and now the trip to her old trailer park. If they were dating, two weeks wouldn't be a huge amount of time to wait. One of the funny thing about this show is that they aren't squeamish about letting us know when each couple breaks the seal. If you look at The Bachelor, there was a big deal about how the one guy revealed that the woman (the Bachelorette, I think) slept with him during the show and she got really indignant about him announcing it. With MAFS, the attitude seems to be "it's okay to have sex because you're married," even if they are total strangers. I think Doug is playing it as cool as possible with Jamie because she might give in if he pressured her into sex, but it would blow up the relationship.
  10. Good news. The show is already renewed for season 2 and they are filming the reunion show next week. That should be about 5 months since the marriage. I have a good feeling Jamie and Doug are still together. I'm not sure about Cortney and Jason.
  11. About 15 minutes into the episode, Jamie tweeted something about waiting for weeks until she finally had sex with Doug. The tweet was gone by the time I checked back on the timeline. I assume she accidentally spoiled a future reveal since their story line tonight ended with just dancing. The episode itself was hokey. Cortney and Jason got shorted for time because they don't have any TV friendly problems. Vaughn and Monet decided to push down their problems for now. Doug and Jamie have the problem that they are like regular people and aren't two hamsters who have sex just because they were put in the same cage.
  12. I suggest on-screen type in the same font as Wargames.
  13. Or they are more likely to work out problems to sustain a satisfactory marriage. Which leads us back to MAFS. Their "social experiment" postulates that pushing people together and marrying them will give them more opportunity to keep a relationship going.
  14. I think you're saying that the first marriage is the one that will statistically last the longest.
  15. I have to say I prefer the thin veneer of higher purpose even if the show doesn't really have one. Back in the day, Big Brother was considered a kind of social experiment. Now it's a never ending episode of Mean Girls with some Double Dare stunts thrown in. I rewatched the casting special and it was interesting to see they had a lot of reasons to put other couples that didn't make the show together. They even had Jamie and Jason paired together. I think they even had Vaughn and a really traditional girl matched together. I think it might have been more interesting to see what particular characteristics made each couple a good match. Obviously, they don't need to reveal deep psychological secrets or anything. As far as this "perfect match" idea, it's just not possible. It's like predicting the weather, similar patterns tend to predict future results. You look at what seems to work for couples in general and try to reapply it to other couples. I think things like proximity are a much better determination of who gets together.
  16. My best guess is that people who live together before marriage have been in a relationship longer than a couple that doesn't move in until marriage. Basically, the seven year itch kicks in after a shorter period of time because the couple has been living together like a marriage for a few years (or months) before the married couple. The weird thing is that the 50% of marriages end in divorce figure is after 5 years. That means even fewer marriages last over 20 or 30 years.
  17. I think Vaughn might believe that's what he was doing, but he has to be able to relay that to Monet. It's funny, because Doug does some of the same thing, only in a much more muted way. He jokes about how Jamie is completely into him and he won't just let her have sex with him at a moment's notice. I think those two either have the best senses of humor or their personalities are more compatible. Cortney and Jason seem really traditional. They seem like the kind of people who could be set up by their families.
  18. Joe did say she looked like Cameron when he watched the commercial.
  19. If Cameron's OS required 384K of memory, it was a big money suck. It was also a speed suck, since the Slingshot ran faster as well. Gordon solved both problems by taking out the personality that took up CPU clock cycles and RAM to run and made it faster and cheaper than its competitor. At the start of the project, Joe wrote half the speed and half the price. That was his original vision. Then he added the weight thing. I think Cameron was responsible for a lot of stupid stuff to drag down the system. Unfortunately, this is what R&D is. Every time there's a new prototype of a widget, someone has an idea to improve it, whether it is a good idea or some executive trying to look smart by demanding it have more sexy lines and be quieter. At least Gordon got to name it, eventually.
  20. Taking quick look, I see that Microsoft announced Windows in 1983 but did not release it until late 1985. Creating a custom GUI would have been a bad idea on the order of Tandy's DeskMate. A company like Cardiff would have leveraged their sales to get better and cheaper technology from vendors to keep up with the Slingshot 2 and whatever else was coming out. IBM clones have been about compatibility, speed and price. I think Joe MacMillan wanted to be Steve Jobs and I can kind of see why he burned down the computer truck and walked away. He didn't want to make money. If he did, he could be selling IBMs at his father's company. He wanted to make something special. He thought it was making a better IBM, but then he saw what Cameron (the Oracle of Austin) did and thought he could make people fall in love with the Contrail and him. You could kind of tell in that scene where he's asking the code monkeys for ideas and they have nothing. Joe never asked for ideas before. He was out of ideas as well.
  21. Maybe Vaughn is setting us up for an episode where he breaks down and cries like a baby and tells Monet all about his problems. Then they end up the most stable couple. Or I just wrote that to amuse myself.
  22. My last (and current) VCR is from Sony and lasted over ten years with declining usage. The one before that was GE. That one was a piece of shit. The one piece of advice I can give is if you play a tape and it looks bad, it's likely the VCR. My first GE destroyed parts of 3 tapes before I realized it was the VCR. The replacement lasted just past the warranty period. That's why I advise to get the extended warranty.
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