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Everything posted by crazychicken

  1. Ohh pick me I know it was Brian Rubenstein my toddler niece cracked up everytime he introduced himself so I put it on loop. I loved Bride & Doom it was by far the best podcast with so much snark.
  2. I think she had a bit more than her boobs tweaked this is her in 2014
  3. What kid doesn't want to shill for his absent mom at his 6th birthday party not only did he get a 6 pack of her face but he also got some freebie markers all he had to do was take some photos instead of play with his friends and family.
  4. Part of me is so relieved for Maryssa and then part of me is angry that her father rejected her even knowing that she is far better off with him out of her life. That poor girls has suffered at the swamp but she probably still loves UBT and won't get to see Ensley if she remains with her grandmother. Now I can only hope that Ensley & Kai never return to the swamp because with Maryssa & Jace gone there is no voice for what really goes on behind closed doors, it is not a coincidence that they dropped the custody fight for the two children that are old enough to have a voice in the court process.
  5. https://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2019/05/29/jenelle-evans-releases-first-statement-since-losing-custody-of-all-her-kids-i-love-being-a-mother-david-i-will-get-through-this/ So Janelle won't comment as it will jeopardize getting the kids back except to sell articles and then promote the clickbait for money. She will also do everything to get them back except leave David, and she loves being a mom we are all way to harsh on her 🤣 I am laughing so hard at her pleading for everybody to keep an open heart before judging pity she did not give that advice to swampdick since his homophobic rants started them down the road of destruction.
  6. My guess he was threatening to leave for good so she was going to call her grandma as she does not have any custody rights to Marissa. We all know that she could not be bothered looking after her own spawn let alone anybody else's and she get revenge on UBT as a bonus.
  7. First clip UBT is in the kitchen making a sandwich and says "You fucking can die right now for all I give a fuck" wonders off to the dining room "You are a fucking piece of shit, you're the biggest piece of fucking shit I know" then he flips her off. Second clip UBT is leaving in his car while Janelle is filming from a distance she yells "Don't come back, I am calling Marissa's grandmother" UBT replies "That's fine" she yells OK and then he pulls away. So just another day at Cassa De Swamp where everything is fine
  8. Both Jon & Blondie have thrown a bit of shade at the show on social media all while trying to get a show about their love story. Jon especially likes to post and then delete, I think he went after her to 'win' and prove that there is a woman that actually wants him. He was not subtle is flirting with her on social media and then posting attention seeking posts when she meet him for drinks at first she was at least discrete but then she lowered herself to his standards and starting posting attention seeking posts too that it when I really started side eyeing her, if she wants to claim she is a professional and there is nothing wrong with their relationship then she needs to stop posting like a teenage girl defending her first crush. I suspect he gave up his job when he moved in because he travelled a lot with her when she was fulfilling her show commitments and now she apparently has given up the show to be with him so good luck to them, nobody really cares anymore it was never a huge scandal in the media so why he keeps pushing to get the 'true' story out there is puzzling to me. They bring their relationship up constantly on social media and then act all butt hurt when people comment anything but positively on their 'true love' I would not be surprised if Jon goes full rogue when his NDA is up even if it brings up further negative comments he is so intent on proving himself right that it doesn't seem to matter to him that people start questioning her professionalism again. I would love to hear Molly's take on the experiment and what followed because I suspect Jon was a self entitled douche behind the scenes who played the victim on camera very well just to prove he was right and it wasn't his fault that the marriage failed. Blondie does not help herself by defending behavior from Mia and Puke who deserved to be called out like she called Molly out. If they really want to protect their relationship and stop people questioning her ethics then they would stop posting attention seeking posts and then pushing back against the haters and just quietly go about everyday life instead of seeking validation from a bunch of strangers on the net.
  9. There was a post a few days ago on Jon's (I think) Instagram about how Dr Blondie was hurt but had learnt that you can not trust people to have your back in the television industry and it was her choice to quit it was just before the People article came out but it is gone now. From how salty he has appeared the last few months I really do not think it was her choice. But in related news there is this, so guess they are getting married, hopefully they will both go away now.
  10. I haven't watched most of this season but this comment from Jamie stood out as usually she is rooting for the couples even when they seem a disaster. Makes me think Luke must be a bigger douche than usual.
  11. Now call me stupid but no matter what plane or altitude she was flying at don't they pressurize the cabin at close to sea level so people do not pass out and die due to lack of oxygen so why does her stomach not blow up due to pressure while she is on the ground, I can only conclude that Janelle's stomach must be magical to know the difference or she is full of shit once again.
  12. Ashley & Anthony's baby girl has arrived and she looks like a cutie. https://people.com/parents/anthony-damico-ashley-petta-welcome-daughter-mila-rose/
  13. I thought he said he delayed some of his leave so that when Shawneice went back to work Laura would not need to be put in daycare straight away. It was quite a while too I think he said it was 4 weeks that he would have off later. He did offer to take extra time off during the dog walking arguement and Shawneice said no.
  14. Umm I think the engagement of Dr Blondie and Jon is real, they both seem a bit famewhorish in their posts since coming out though, most of their posts are about their 'love' and how awesome they are. The relationship still smells a bit off to me, even though Molly was a nightmare they seem to enjoy throwing their 'love' about a bit too much.
  15. The little guy is her nephew and I assume the guy in black is her brother.
  16. It's in the kitchen so you needn't worry Amber probably hasn't seen it in person as it was not presented bedside, even if she ambled past there is no way she could stay upright long enough to eat it.
  17. Dawn is the adoption counselor, Kim is Tyler's mom
  18. First Jephte's mom can get stuffed Jephte is not a good respectful man that Shawneice should be grateful for, he seems to show great respect to his mom and adores her but he is a crap husband instead of coddling him she should be booting his arse and telling him that even if he only see Shawneice as the mother of his child that he needs to show her the same respect. Jephte can get stuffed as well, you do not need a father figure to know that sleeping around while your wife is carrying your child in a high risk pregnancy is protecting her. He really should have been eliminated from this experiment so he can 'do him' and then his wife would not just have to get over it, the smirk that came across his face when Shawneice's mom told them that taking the rings off was not an option said it all. They all know why Shawneice took the rings and nice tidbit that he was not home when she did it so he was not wearing it at the time. He really does not get how screwing random women is hurtful to his wife especially after he made her feel so unwanted and would not touch her, he really made it clear that even when they finally did the deed that he didn't want to as he was not ready Shawneice I loved her she was so bubbly and open hearted this marriage has taken it toll on her, I am glad she has her mother but I just want somebody to stand up for her and tell her Jephte is never going to be to husband she needs and does she really want this to be an example for her daughter of how women should be treated in a relationship. Ashley that really was a bitch move he asked for one little thing and she had to undermine him again. Anthony was pissed off and rightly so at the present and Ashley saying it was so he would remember the date was a load of crap since he had already picked a date but she could not contain herself for another 3 weeks. Danielle gets worse by the week, I can just see that if she decides to be a SAHM that she will require a nanny while Bobby is at work because she is too magical to change diapers. On the kitchen considering she does not cook at all then she really should get no real say and she can get stuffed on the rest of her critiques of the first house, it looked like a nice starter home yet it would need a total redo for her to even consider it, she really is an entitled princess considering she has never owned a house, bought debt into the marriage and she wants a new house so she knows that nobody has used the bathtub. Good lucky Bobby with your second job so the princess can have her wish because we all know that she will not be helping with the extra repayments. Bobby needs to set some boundaries fast because Danielle is running all over him and the Dodd family is going to be grinding their teeth the whole marriage watching Bobby get taken advantage of.
  19. I think the others are clear, Pastor Cal just wants the Dodd's to get real and have an argument so his activities will cause friction. Dr Trauma seems to want the Pierre's to remain married so as much as she probably wants to punch Jephte in the head she will try to guilt them into staying together. So the DeMarco's are the lucky recipients of the sexologist and her intimate probing which is ironic as the are the ones who have been married longer then a minute so have it down while the others have admitted their 'intimacy' has suffered due to pregnancy and being paired with an immature jackass who protects his wife by cheating. Unless there is more couple meetups I think each couple only deals with 'their' expert from the previews.
  20. Rough guess at timeline Shawneice was 33 weeks at the couples retreat, so assuming she had her baby on time that puts filming at the start of July they filmed the Pierre baby shower 4th August and her birth 20th August so it was filmed during the airing of season 7 (July 11th - October 24th). If we use Shawneice as a guide Ashley is due around January 5th and Danielle January 19th this is where I am not sure because that puts the Dodds conception around May 1st (decision day was May 20th) which to me is insane that means they got pregnant after 5/6 weeks of meeting as strangers. So my best guess they started filming just before the season aired and were filmed for at least the first 8 episodes airing.
  21. She has been living and working in NC for months and he is still a NYC firefighter and has really upped his wrestling stuff. She was in NY a few weeks back while Jason was overseas it is strange that she came back to NY while he was away, they both insist that the marriage is fine though so I am puzzled.
  22. But we all know that all couples could of worked if they put the effort in afterall they were matched in a legally binding marriage for a reason /sarcasm If nobody works from Honeymoon Island that won't be on the experts as they chose themselves this time. This iteration has really jumped the shark, if they wanted to be taken seriously they would still been matched, this is just going down the AU/NZ route of throwing them all together and watchimg the drama unfold. As more time passes I am seriously side eyeing the Carrions being together, they swear they are fine but have lived in seperate states for months now and haven't even been in the same place since the 4th July.
  23. Jephte made the comment at the start that he needed to "do his own thing and get back to himself" after the season starting airing due to the slamming he was getting on social mediaI and since Shawneice was at a high risk of miscarrying he couldn't talk to her so to protect her he went out to do his 'thing' to feel better as he was depressed. The timeline was a bit confusing, Jephte said they didn't talk for about 3 weeks, Shawneice said they had seperated for 2 months after 8 months of marriage (5 months pregnant) but I think more details will come out next episode as Dr Trauma talks to a mystery woman (who else but Shawneice would still be there) about finding condoms that her husband was using with other women. My assumption is that since she was 33 weeks at the start of filming that they were seperated when offered the show and thought the experts might help them or more likely the cash was needed for the baby. Jephte just seems so checked out of the marriage, he wants the baby so just tolerates Shawneice.
  24. This really does not belong here but it is hilarious, they captured the experts so well.
  25. That sums it up for me, the relationship is so imbalanced at some point Bobby is going to need Danielle to step up and do something for him, it does not need to be a role reversal where she becomes the giver all the time but just something that takes some of the burden off Bobby. It struck me while they were preparing for Pastor Cal that Bobby was preparing all the stuff while Danielle just stood there awkwardly, she didn't even set the table or offer to do anything. It is small gestures like that I think could make a difference long term. To me they come across as fake to the other couples with their everything is perfect speil. No relationship is perfect their is times your partner annoys you or doesn't quite understand what you need in the moment that is normal while the other couples were being real in their struggles they were getting nothing back. It clearly annoyed Bobby he was red faced and his veins were popping yet he sat their with a forced smile saying nope we are perfect. Their are times when you can see Bobby holding his feelings back, he looks down and goes silent I hope that in private he feels free to express what is bothering him because on film it looks like his feelings are just being swept aside so his marriage appears perfect.
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