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  1. Crystal is just awful. Cold, mean, and projecting her issues onto Sutton. She insults Sutton over and over, calling her crazy repeatedly, yet she sobs and has a breakdown because Sutton knocked on her door and entered when she was not clothed after she didn’t tell her not to enter?! Wtf? And for some reason she had no reaction to it until 24 hours later? It was bizarre. She sucks. Kathy is amazing. More please. Erika is a liar? Uh huh Tom Girardi was at the “firm” in the middle of the pandemic. If she means he was at the firm trying to figure out how much more he can steal, that I could buy. I want Erika, Kyle, and Rinna to be taken down.
  2. I love Kathy. She is so weird and self assured about it. And she has this calming energy about her. I think Dorit’s old face was better. Not a fan of Crystal. She seems mean and not in an entertaining way.
  3. Not liking how Eboni makes everything about race. Ramona is pissed that Leah and Eboni are late. That’s disrespectful. Eboni makes a comment about emancipation and how she can be as late as she wants. Ramona is annoyed that everyone is screaming. Eboni makes it about Ramona’s white fragility. Luann asks Eboni why she’s angry, which she clearly was, and Eboni cries next week at being called an angry black woman. If every time she engages in an argument with the women she makes it about race, she’s trying to make herself untouchable so that the others just agree with her or else she’ll start throwing racist insinuations their way. Leah should have just gone to be with her grandmother if it meant that much to her. Luann and Ramona have a right to not want to have explicitly sexual conversations with the other women. Shut up, Leah. And originally, I don’t think Luann made any comment about class. What she was referring to was upbringing and background. I don’t think she was describing it right when she said education. And it’s true that Eboni is more educated academically than the rest of them, but that doesn’t mean it’s not obnoxious and braggy to make a point of it.
  4. I would have been horrified if my bachelorette party turned into a sex party, but to each their own. Damn, they were so hard up.
  5. The season finale is next week??? I feel like absolutely nothing happened and there haven’t been many episodes.
  6. Yeah, I like my reality tv with no reality. I think the bigger problem with RHOA and RHOC is the influx of newbies.
  7. I think both RHOA and RHOC suck this year. And I think part of the reason is that I watch reality tv to escape reality and see the glamorous/mindless petty fights. I know they can’t help it to an extent, but watching both shows it’s a constant reminder of COVID, and social and political issues, and I just don’t want to see that when I’m watching a real housewives show. I also don’t care about the newbies.
  8. This is a great series. I feel so bad for Betty. She dedicated her life to supporting Dan and putting what he wants first, and he treated her like flaming garbage. Dan and Linda were disgusting people. The way Dan treated his wife and the mother of his children was so twisted. Ugh. Great casting with Dan and Linda though. Christian Slater does smug, emotionless asshole super well and the woman who plays Linda looks just like young Betty.
  9. I generally like Kristen and hated Katie and Stassi for ganging up on her, but I think she was shitty to sleep with Max. Not because they weren’t each single, but because I don’t think it’s cool to sleep with people your friends have dated/have feelings for unless they’ve given their blessing. And I don’t even like Dayna.
  10. For me, the brunch spot could be worse because I associate it as something you'd do with someone you're more settled with/in a relationshipy type place with.
  11. I agree, especially since the previews showed her hooking up with Brett next. I sense a theme!
  12. Dayna really embarrassed herself groveling for Max. I wonder what she likes about him. Air time? All because she thought he was at an Italian restaurant and not a brunch place? That is the strangest rationalization I've ever seen as to why someone wasn't cheating. She's delusional or thirsty for air time. Probably both.
  13. Yeah, but it seems like she hasn't complained in some time since all the clips they show are old. Often times, they are the ones who are bringing him up. And they've all complained about their crappy relationships before, especially Stassi/Patrick, Stassi/Jax, Katie/Tom, etc. Jax cheated on Brittany and they certainly weren't happy when that was going up or when they took a break. But all of that was overlooked and they were allowed to get past it. If Kristen wants to get past it and be with Carter, what is it to them? Stassi may be happy that Beau doesn't have a job and follows her around and cares about no one but her, but it's pathetic.
  14. I really don't get the fixation of Stassi and Katie on Kristen dating Carter. How is this any of their business? There isn't an allegation that he is abusing her. She isn't being threatened. If she wants to go back and forth with him and support him financially, this affects them how? So what? Did anyone tell Jax he needs to dump Brittany when he started dating her because she didn't contribute enough financially? Is anyone going to tell Stassi to get rid of Beau because it seems like he dropped his life/job and now just follows her around? It's so controlling and crazy that they are making Kristen feel like she owes it to her friends to not be with Carter. It's not like someone is telling them they need to be with Carter. This feels like an excuse to me. Like they just hate her anyway and they're blaming it all on her being with Carter. Also, Beau didn't accurately represent what Kristen was shocked at to Stassi. What she reacted to was him saying he doesn't care about anyone other than Stassi. He also said Stassi was his #1 priority, but the more alarming statement was that he didn't care about anyone else. I imagine that if one of the women said that (like Raquel), they'd be pounced on as engaging in unhealthy behavior.
  15. I agree with this, but I also don't know if I'd trust Mama Joyce either.
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