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Everything posted by mizminnie

  1. I loved that debate ep ..I loved the opening of the first lady cutting off his tie to "get him in the mood" for the debate and his cheeky slapping her behind while going on stage. It was awesome ...and I will never NOT Fistpump that most AWESOME part of dialogue of the whole Season ... no matter how many times I watch it! "Well, first of all, let's clear up a couple of things. "Unfunded mandate" is two words, not one big word. There are times when we're fifty states and there are times when we're one country, and have national needs. And the way I know this is that Florida didn't fight Germany in World War II or establish civil rights. You think states should do the governing wall-to-wall. That's a perfectly valid opinion. But your state of Florida got $12.6 billion in federal money last year - from Nebraskans, and Virginians, and New Yorkers, and Alaskans, with their Eskimo poetry. 12.6 out of a state budget of $50 billion. I'm supposed to be using this time for a question, so here it is: Can we have it back, please?" BAM ...HOW can you not wish for a guy like thzat to be your President?
  2. I loved her from the moment she wiped that kind of smuggish look from Sam's face on TV with her sharp repartee ..it was awesome. As was Josh's gleeful reaction in the office while watching it. I was always kinda dssapointed that Sam and she never hooked up because they had always great chemistry ans awesome exchanges ...and I loved how he fired the two douchebro's who were mean to her. (not that she could not stand her own ground) I also loved her talks with Leo. AND one of my favorite moments is when she goes to linch with two of her friends or co-workers who are kinda cliche-repubs, who are joking and being all smug about how Aisley must have turned down working at the White house saying stuff like: Did you meet one person there wjho wasn't totally worthless ...and Ainsley is Super-Offended and just looks at them in disgust saying : don't call them worthless. At least don't do it in front of me. The people that I have met have been extraordinarily qualified, their intent is good. Their commitment is true, they are righteous, and they are patriots. And I'm their lawyer. LOVE HER!
  3. Sorry ...but can I get a second season of CONSTANTINE instead? Sure, it was a hot mess, but it was a lot of fun too ...and started getting really good! This is kinda ...meh
  4. To be quite honest ....what sealed the deal for me was seeing Tom Burke's name in the credits. He is beyond amazing in The Musketeers ....which everyone should be watching because it's fun, swashbuckly and has the most awesomest forway bromance EVA! I would watch Tom Bur read the phonebook ...but of course he is also great as the devilish Dholokov. So this should tide me over until BBC deigns tp air SEASON 3 of THE MUSKETEERS.
  5. I've watched the whole thing. I was VERY sceptic at first but it totally won me over. I like the fact that it is all so character-driven and the fact that it moves in an almost hypnotic pace. You learn about the different players at the same time as they learn about each other and themselves .... the trick is that the way it is filmed it pulls you in and makes you feel like part of the cluster. By episode 8 I thught: HOW are they gonna pull this together? But it worked ...unhurriedly and quite naturally they started working together. And by Episode 12 when they are working hand in hand to protect and save each other ..you just want to highfive Sun and Wolfgang and Gorsky! I hope they give it a season 2.
  6. UGH ....they just HAD TO kille Sara just so that stupid, stupid Laurel can become Black Canary ....Shudder. Seriously, ist there ANYBODY out there actually looking forward to Laurel's grand transformation which is obviously gonna happen thus season. It really doesn't matter how they write it ...it's gonna be completely stupid. There is no way you can actually a) make me like useless, useless Laurel and b) no way in hell Cassidy will EVER be able to carry that kind of part or make it look like Laurel is capable in any superhero way. Just because the producers love her ....does not make her a good actress. And let's face it .....it's not like ARROW is Masterpiece theatre. But apparently somebody at the CW really has the hots for her and wants her to be a star. Fine ...but do you have to ruin one of my favorite shows to do it? SIGH
  7. Actually ...I think the writing is pretty horrible. Jada seems to think she is playing Eartha Kitt as Catwoman (or should i say SHE WISHES SHE WERE) and the whole premise takes a giant dump on the source material they pretend this is based on while trying so HARD to make it look like anything BUT inspired by Comicbooks. The plot of episode two alone basically tried to rewrite/reinvent Selina Kyle's whole background (in a way that makes NO SENSE) .... still trying very, very hard to not even SAY: This is Selina Kyle all the while dropping anvil after anvil with FUTURE CATWOMAN written on them ....
  8. WHAT???? Bebe is in that thing ..... WHY is she not playing the lead? I'd totally buy her as a SoS ...Tea Leonie, not so much. I haven't seen her in much, but what I've seen of her suggests that she might not be the best actress in the business. Neuwirth's little finger can probably upstage her without even trying!
  9. Ummm ...just one minor thing. IG ACTUALLY meets Judd Hirsch's character pretty much when he was a baby (found in a cencentration camp, hence the tattoo on Abe's arm). So he probably raised him? It mght not be the best show this season, but it has IG and I found it quite charming. This is one of those things that I'd like to watch on a rainy afternoon on my couch. So I'll tune in. There are A LOT worse shows coming this season ....
  10. Ehhh .... I would have rather watched Ben in another Season of SOUTHLAND. I think this show might turn out to be the biggest dissapointment of the new season. They are already trying too hard to hype it. The concept might look good on paper, but trying too much to anchor it in reality, trying to make it a gritty cop-drama while introducing some of the zaniest villains from the comics might not go together all that well. And Jada's involvement is actually one of the big points that makes me want to not watch it. I have yet to see her in anything where her presence was not grating.
  11. I really don't get WHY they are bothering with this ridiculous wig. WHY? That is Corey Stoll, he is hot. That is the man who managed to pull off that horrible Pornstache in Law & Order: L.A. ...and was the ONLY reason I bothered to watch that mess. He does not NEED the wig. Does it explicitely state that his character HAS to have hair in the books? Does the fact that he has hair save his live or somebody elses later on? Is his hair the cure? If not .... dear producer: Get rid off that wig, nobody takes it seriously. Let Eph shave his head and let Stoll just be the hairless hottie that he is. It's gonna improve your show about 50% Rant over.
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