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Coltee Gal

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Everything posted by Coltee Gal

  1. I love that you snagged it, it’s a good name Thanks. I wasn’t going to at first since I mainly lurk but it was too good to pass up. Maybe the name change will motivate me to participate more.
  2. 😂😂😂 nope I’m just a long time lurker who took @Pepper Mostly suggestion during the live feed that someone should use the name. I’m the lurker and infrequent poster formerly known as jayfay.
  3. @mamadrama yep. Karine looks worn out, stressed and depressed. I’m worried about her. She needs to go back to her family and give Paul a timeline to get his shit together - a safe car, a permanent job and housing.
  5. This episode is so fucking glorious. Rose dumping that smelly big toe was priceless. Then Varya not accepting the psycho in disguise ring. I just need Erika and Illness to implode to complete the trifecta. My icy little heart is so happy.
  6. Man, Stephanie looked like she was going to the electric chair instead of going to meet her “girlfriend’s”parents. Even in the last episode when she and Erika were talking about coming out - Stephanie looked stricken with dread. She had this look like “how am I gonna get out of this?” Ed is really a fucked up person for stringing Rose along so that he could have sex with her. It’s even worse that he did it on a TV show. He should have told her from the beginning that he didn’t want to have more kids. It’s totally disgusting that he knew before traveling to meet her that she wanted more kids. My heart broke for her.
  7. He’s upset because he now knows that the Listerine, toothbrush and toothpaste ain’t gonna change her breath and he will have to decide whether or not he can tolerate it long enough to fuck her. Let’s be honest he doesn’t have a long enough pipe and too much of a gut to hit it from behind.
  8. @judylo we’re practically neighbors. Stay safe. Scary times in NYC.
  9. Hey Judylo - fellow Brooklynite here. Ditmas Park - woo hoo! ❤️
  10. Long time lurker and occasional contributor. So happy to see the regulars posting which means they are safe and well. ❤️ Go Usman - dig into that ass!
  11. Lordt. No condoms. Ewwwwww. This is so cringe, pathetic and sad.
  12. Seriously - she is not attractive at all. She doesn’t even look real. WTF
  13. Found this gem on reddit. You’re welcome. 🤣🤣🤣
  14. Oh and Pillow Talk completely sucks without Dean and Tarik. Annie and David are annoying. Annie overreacts to everything with that forced extra loud laugh and loud annoying voice. And shut up about Boom Boom already- ugh.
  15. I hate Tania and her mom. Her saggy boobs crew suck as well. Tania’s mom could be a bit more accommodating and hospitable to someone who is all alone in a strange country with no support system. Let him drink the goddamn Jack Daniels you hag.
  16. Loren looks a lot like the scared Peleton wife. Every time I see that commercial I think of Loren. I’m not tech savvy enough to do a split screen. If someone out there knows how to do I then please post it.
  17. Becky with the wack hair - shut the entire, everlasting, eternal fuck up. For real
  18. Bye Angela- don’t let the door hit you where the good lord split you.
  19. Shut the ever loving fuck up Angela. You suck. Micheal you need to run as far away as possible.
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