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Coltee Gal

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Everything posted by Coltee Gal

  1. I'm sorry but Mackenzie is giving me Lifetime Movie realness in this episode. Her expressions throughout this episode were a cross between fembot and psycho bitch on a mission. That bitch was determined to get married - haircut, lack of wedding dress and drug addiction be damned.
  2. According to Twitter it's true. Google it. She is so delusional and brainwashed.
  3. Amber is not growing up as she is going on Marriage Boot Camp with the maggot
  4. As a Brooklynite- I 100% agree and had the same thought when I heard the baby's name.
  5. that cracked my entire shit up. oh my god so freaking funny
  6. Ryan asked Bentley the same question about his game twice in that brief segment. I know the timelines can be wonky but that coupled with his eyes are very concerning. I hope that he is ok. I also hope that Jen and Larry stay strong as a couple because they are just about the best part of the show and Bentley's life.
  7. These people on TMOG are just bored AF. They all sit around making ass dents in their couch, eating at fast food restaurants or driving around in their cars. Hey how about filming what RL is like with a kid? The producers should show them cooking, cleaning, going to the playground, grocery shopping, doing laundry, going to and from work. All of these can be done without sacrificing the current making an ass dent on couch and stuffing your face SLs #TeenMomOG
  8. yep, yep, and yep. She was suffering from buyers remorse and Tyler's temper tantrum and his verbal abusive attacks on her mental health.
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