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  1. Dear Big Brother Gods: Please let Jack remain clueless until the actual eviction. Please, please, please. When was the last time a nominee didn’t know beforehand?
  2. I was a bit disappointed because the promo made it look as if Jack and Jackson were dueling it out spaceship-to-spaceship and glaring at each other. Instead, they played alone, and instead of glaring they were just nauseated. I was so happy that Jess won that I soon got over my disappointment, though. Other than that, awesome Diary Rooms from poor betrayed Jack and Jess with her call from the Jury House. Somehow I picture Jack as a bitter juror. I hope it is not an unanimous vote. I want to see Tommy and Christie in shock. I am beginning to think Kat could win this thing. I could live with that.
  3. And she always thinks the grass is greener on the other side. She needs help. I felt so sorry for Jerod, standing there like yesterday’s leftovers. And I do not sign on to the idea of a big Kyra-Cashel romance for the ages. On Cashel’s part, maybe, but Kyra seems to think we all bought her shtick that she has always been madly in love with Cashel from the beginning, despite everything we saw on the show. Ugh. That might have been the best Narrator line in the entire show. I’m glad they showed Ray’s mother’s reservations. She wasn’t shutting the door on Caro and Ray’s relationship, but she wasn’t faking it for the camera. Caro just seems far too young for anything serious. Oh, God yes. Cardi B does it and it doesn’t come off as girlish or kittenish to me, but sort of tigerish. Caro does it and it makes her seem an immature fifteen. Like chalk on a blackboard. I’m happy with Elizabeth and Zac winning. As long as it wasn’t Emily and Weston, I would have been okay with any of the couples. That was another good Narrator line. 😅 It’s funny because it’s true! Ugh. I didn’t notice that. As if I needed more reasons to dislike him. It’s been fun talking about the show here with all of you. I’ll watch it next year.
  4. I wonder if eating lots of watermelon started out as part of Jackson’s weight loss regimen. It’s mostly water, so one can eat a lot of it without consuming a lot of calories. Now it’s a habit/comfort food.
  5. Deal Lord. Now that’s delusional. CBS is airing a promo for tonight’s episode with a snippet of Jack in the Diary Room saying, “I just can’t tell who is real in this house anymore.” The best part is he sounds as if he’s on the verge of tears. I have watched it several times. I can’t wait for tonight’s show. I know I’ve said that already, but seeing Jack hoist on his own petard will be delicious. If Nick ever worked on and dealt with his issues with sex, he might make a good sex therapist. Right now it would be like giving an arsonist a gift card to a gas station.
  6. I want all of the above to happen. I will be watching Jack’s extended exit interview. Said by the guy who will eat anything that is not nailed down and is noted for his eating. The throw pillows in the house tremble in fear that they will one day be eaten by Jackson, and he’s calling Jessica out? If I’m remembering the first episode correctly, his introductory clip showed that his mother regularly cuts up a watermelon and puts it into a container in the fridge for him. 🙄
  7. Julie didn’t host because the HoH happened after the broadcast. But you’re right, I don’t remember anyone but Julie hosting a quiz like that.
  8. Poor Nicole. I can’t wait to see Jack’s time with The Alien. If that’s on Wednesday’s show, and Jack is evicted on Thursday, this will be a wonderful week.
  9. Three shows left, right? The description for Wednesday’s episode includes a mention of viewer votes, so we must be voting directly after Tuesday’s show.
  10. I do both of these things. Will you still respect me in the morning? But seriously, cucumbers don’t need salt and pepper. Also Jess: I want there to be world peace, so I’m just going to pretend we’re not still fighting our longest war ever. 🙄 Your Brussels sprouts looked extra sincere so I instantly believed you. Hey! She totally was. 😂 And we especially need Dr Will calling him out about it. It’s a yearly tradition. It’s a shame it couldn’t be nicely shaped into a video montage, year by year. I can’t wait for Wednesday and Thursday!
  11. Yes, the schadenfreude is strong tonight, my dears.
  12. Conversation before the eviction. Jackson: To think that either Christie or Tommy, wouldn’t take a shot, especially Christie, is naïve. You can’t turn water into wine on this one. Jack: I think you’re getting wrong information. They’re manipulating your mind and making you insecure about Christie. Riiiiiiiiiiight, Jack. You just keep on being you.
  13. Yes! As soon as I heard his name mentioned, his image came straight to my mind. You are not wrong.
  14. This article discusses strategies for voting in the Road Trip contest.. https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/big-brother-21-should-you-vote-for-houseguests-you-love-or-hate-for-americas-field-trip.html/
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