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Big Mother

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Everything posted by Big Mother

  1. Totally off topic'ish here, I was tickled pink to see Tara playing with Magformers. it's a staple in our home and it made me chuckle to think that Magformers may be such a huge deal in 2140 or whenever this is happening, that even the little hybrid kiddos have them. On topic: How do hybrid births now happen without killing the mother? They get born normally, grow up quickly, and then escape to the compound, like that undocumented immigrant's child?
  2. I have not watched Season 1 so I may be missing some backstory. Can someone tell me why Anna is so insanely invested in the Humanics project that she is steamrolling ruthlessly over everyone and everything to see it through?
  3. The crucial mistake the Humanichs project people are making, is that they are not aware that there are no limiters programmed in Lucy, thanks to Charlie, and since they cloned her motherboard to create 100 Lucy clones, they have just unleashed 100 dragons into the world. They think they created 100 Ethans, instead they created 100 runaway machines. If next week's preview shows anything, it comes to a head next week. But thank goodness next week is not the season finale, so that means Molly doesn't die, I hope. ETA: oops. Mage-girl and I posted at the same time, so we basically said the same thing about the limiters.
  4. The Humanichs cant reproduce, and they can be located/decommissioned (i.e. killed) easily by their creators. The question is, whether their creators don't develop real feelings for them (see: Ethan) which makes it really hard to do away with them.
  5. I'm pretty new to this show and really enjoying it, but I'm having a hard time with my suspension of disbelief on certain things, such as: Scorpion's ability to hack any computer network at any time, any place, in matter of seconds, getting satellite imagery and security footage of anything at any time. I dont think every security camera in the world is connected online. Also, I don't understand why the LAPD isn't brought in immediately when they are dealing with criminals. I can understand that these geniuses can do the genius work, but why they are out there car chasing and trying to get the bad guys down when we have outfits like NCIS and who knows what else out there, is beyod me.
  6. I was also sure that the alarm system would alert Molly that someone had been at the house. Also - why don't we see any interaction between Charlie and Ethan at all about what he had just done? Ethan fainted when he remembered Molly - and Charlie just picked him up, walked out, and nothing happens? Weird. At least I saw in the "This Season on Extant" previews that he will still bring it up with Julie/Charlie. I love feisty Lucy.
  7. I'm late to the party - I just started watching this show thank to the CBS all access app. I'm confused on how the crew got the painting out of the car - was that under the guise of the smoke pouring from the car? Or did they produce their own forgery using computer software? I'm confused.
  8. My initial impression of the houseguests have done a 180! Frankie and Zach are no longer annoying, or tools. Devin is the annoying tool right now. Jocasta mellowed too, Brittany is such a patient sweetheart, and I still do like Cody. This is a really good season so far. Not the mess that last year was. ETA: :It's interesting to note that most even seasons seem to be great while the odd seasons are a litlte meh.... (15,13, 11, 9 etc - 10, 12, 14 were really good, and now 16, wow.)
  9. Zach and Cody!!!!!!!!! That is hilarious. And hilarious that both of them know about the Suite Life show.
  10. I love the fact that the twist is going to implode once again, and Joey will be voted out before she can be Team America...
  11. I think Joey is just digging herself deeper and will get voted out because she is doing this to herself!!!
  12. Not Surprised Donny won a spelling contest. He has a major IQ and none of them know it. and I'm also not surprised that TPTB tailored the POV competition to favor someone with a high IQ. I can't tell you how pleased I am that Donny will go off the block. I assume we'll only be shown the POV and ceremony on Wednesday?
  13. I'm wondering how the BoTB will play in to how the 3 shows a week are scheduled. Bc until now, we'd see the HOH comp on Sunday, then nominations decisions, and the very end of the show was the nomination ceremony. are they going to keep us in suspense until Wednesdy and show both the BoTB and the POV + POV ceremony on Weds? or show the BoTB on Sunday, thus ending the years-long tradition of the viewrs going out Sunday night with the nomination knowledge?
  14. Correction: I believe Caleb is now the last HOH standing. Donny and Paolo were his nominees. Frankie's noms had been Victoria and Brittany, and they won the BoTB. Ottobusdriver, Brittany is a mom of 3 so she knows how to survive on little sleep. Also, the have not room is atrocious (blocks of ice) so I guess she's avoiding sleep...
  15. From what I'm reading on twitter and jokers, Donny will be the one to go. and i'm terribly sad about it.
  16. Apparently, Donny and Paolo are up on the block, with Donny being the target. I also think that Christine and Derrick were also nominated but they won the Battle of the Block. I'm not sure who is still the HOH since Caleb and Frankie shared the HOH room despite one of them no longer being HOH. Victoria and Zach are playing for the POV along with Donny, Paolo, the current HOH and one more unknown person. Anyone who watched the live feeds can edit this to their knowledge. I'm only going by what I gleaned from tweets and Jokers'Updates.
  17. WickedWitch, I believe Victoria is her real name - Rafaeli sounds sefardi (she's from Holon) and Victoria is a common name among the Syrian Sefardim. Btw everyone - I hope there's a competition where Donny has to shave his beard - I dont understand why he needs that big bushy beard, he is gorgeous without it!!!! Lookie here: http://starcasm.net/archives/277163
  18. jessied, you should really catch up on the first episode because the original 8 are amazing people, much better then the second 8. Donny is the sweetest guy ever. Zach annoys the heck out of me, and it annoyed me even more that he's Jewish because he's embarrassing me as a member of the tribe. I'd almost say he has Asperger's or a personality disorder because he seems clueless about normal social graces. He hates people? Lots and lots of parents this season. Derrick, Devin, Brittany, and Jocasta are all parents. I don't know how one can survive being away from one's kids for 3 months.
  19. I loved it! Excellent cast. Donny is the sweetest thing - I read somewhere that he actually has an amazing IQ and was quietly part of a NASA project. Joey, for some reason, at first I thought she was gay - with a name like Joey and blue hair - but apparently she's not (although it wouldn't have matterd, it would only have made it more interesting.) She reminds me a lot of Keeva from BBUK season 12, if anyone has watched that. Frankie is *already* grating on my nerves, big time. Why is his complexion so yellow and pasty?Devin is a sweetheart, but boy is he gonna miss his baby girl very soon. I'm looking forward to seeing the new crew tonight. There's a Jewish girl in the mix, which I'm curious to watch out for, as an Orthodox Jewish girl myself. I hope she won't turn out to be another Andrew, who rubbed everyone the wrong way. There's also a mother of 3 in there; how do mothers of young kids survive not being in touch with their kids for 3 months? I would totally lose it. Very curious how the 2 HOH's thing will all work out....
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