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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. Oh Julie, where is your hairdresser tinight? And Shirley Temple wants her dress back. Lovesick idiot cowboy. I hope you go down soon. Victoria reappears. Cody, don't be an idiot. What is your Amber fixation? Let crazy cowboy be crazy, but stay out of his way. Nice try Devin. I'm sure your daughter really really missed you. Nobody else will. Then Julie calls you out on your Donny paranoia. Too funny. And your stint in rehab? Please, Don't expect me to buy that steaming pile of BS. Hayden, he could be the smart one. Nice Survivor audition. i think, today, he could win this season, Donny's family. Yep. I have kinfolk in NE Louisiana. Snake and tick country. Never going back. Waiting for the feeds :)
  2. Well done Donny! Knocked off Caleb too. Then he seals the deal by saving Jacosta. I don't care which one goes, just happy it's one of them. The time may be ripe to "blindside" Caleb. Once he's gone, everybody will still hate Devin, and Amber will be oh so relieved. Oh, Devin. Spare us the lame melodrama. Your daughter is 2 years old. The superhero concept is a little beyond her right now. The only "memories" she will have of your appearance is when people make fun of you for it for the rest of your life. YouTube may be forever. The frog suit is cute. What will Victoria be wearing when she reappears?
  3. That crow story sounds like one of those family "tales" that get more entertaining as time goes by. It's not like she would remember it herself. Even a big seagull couldn't lift a toddler, but one time at the beach I saw one swoop in and snatch a hot dog right out of my friend's hand. That'll wake you up!
  4. Wow. I go off the grid for a bit and things blow up. Thanks for all the info. Devin's fuse is burning. Just a matter of time until he goes completely off. Why is Brittney now such a big target?
  5. Donny seems like too nice of a guy for this game. He seemed truly thankful to be picked by America. If he's not for real; he's a damn good actor.
  6. If Devin's nominees lose the BotB, he could go up as a veto replacement. Possible if he gets too power mad. He reminds me too much of OJ. He's scary. I'm sorry Joey, you are just too weird. I think Alex got you the unanimous vote. The interview was awful until Caleb did his silly bomb act. Good job calling him out in that available split-second. So now that a woman is gone, we can go straight to the battle of the sexes with a guarantee 4 men won't get nominated. And a female collaborator wins. And crazy Devin, of course. Damn you Hayden! Overconfident. Team America. Kiss of Death. Donny is target #1, for now.
  7. Looks like Joey will be the first one out. That apology was cringeworthy. I can't decide if Devin or Caleb is more psychotic. I hope they get whacked soon. The way she tried to form this alliance was really poorly executed. She should have reconnected with the "El Cuatro", then have each of them approach another woman, one on one. With the first member of "Team America" going down before even taking off, Grodner can simply keep the thing going by tacking on a fourth member.
  8. I like Amber. I hope she can ride the Caleb cra-cra at least to the jury. Wearing her dress like a scarf? That's out there.
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