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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. Welcome back MRMO. It's very cool over here :)
  2. I hear you marsha, that was a tough one to endure. Grodner's gotta go!
  3. Nice edit on Frankie. Total. Queen. Bitch. Of course he wins the endless HOH. Blech. Cody is working on Caleb levels of dumb. I hope this "reset button" takes Frankie out. There was no way that thing was not getting pushed. A snoozefest until then. Maybe they can throw in a Pandora's Box, too. What the hell..... I didn't like "Jeff & Jordan" before and I don't like them now. Is Jordan really that dumb? I'm not buying it. I watched her season. She reads people very well and is a very nice person. Jeff is still an asshole. Brett who? Sorry I don't do country. That whole segment was just cringeworthy. Glad the HG's really dressed up for this momentous occasion. The song was pretty generic. Waste of an episode.
  4. I voted 20 times to chase the non-existent rodent. That has to be more entertaining than watching people not eat and bitch about it.
  5. (looks like a golden pile of shit) The question is, how bad does it stink?
  6. You know what they say about counting your chickens, Derrick. Since this show isn't already in the can, we will see if he can maintain his control. "Like someone punched me in the face" LOL Cody will forever be the "punched self in the face dude". BOOM! I liked the challenge. I don't like Christine winning. Ugh. More boring, Thanks Caleb, Beastmode dumbass, Tease us and cast us aside. I hope Frankie gets booted next week. Derrick gets what he wants, yet again. As boring as his game is to watch, he really keeps everything covered and these idiots have no idea. It's quite a talent. Getting people to do what you want, and have them think it's their idea.
  7. I would love to see Frankie get backdoored this week. The only downside I can see is Donny, Hayden and Jacosta having to endure a Zankie marathon in the jury house. Hopefully it's big enough that one can get away from them. I would need an iPod so I didn;t have to listen to them.
  8. Sorry Frankie, America is not buying the BS you are selling. You act like a troll and look like one too. Derrick, as much as I can't stand him, he's got this game covered. He takes the $$$, gets them all tortured with hollas, yet they all seem to think his farts don't stink. These aren't dim bulbs, It's a brownout. They won't have the guts to backdoor Frankie. Fear of the mythical "all-girls alliance" will see to that, even though Victoria would boot Christine in a heartbeat. I had to mute most of that cackling. It should be fun when they finally have to start picking each other off.
  9. Frankie would be so thrilled to be on TMZ. lol. Until he finds out why. Skimming comments, not many people like him there, either. Ariana has no need to "apologize" for his comments. She has nothing to do with it. I think a short statement of disapproval by her would be a smart move. Yeah, no sympathy for her PR people. It's their job.
  10. BeatrixK That just nails it! He's the joke of Broadway. Sorry Nicole. You'll have fun with Hayden and Donny.
  11. I agree that Donny should go tonight. The man has been tortured enough by these losers. He can have a nice vacation in the JH. Plus, I agree Nicole has a better chance to move forward. It's going to be interesting to see how the dynamic changes once their common "enemy" is gone. His exit is not going to make it all rainbows and puppies like they seem to think. We might finally get some fireworks. Voting closes in a little over 3 hours.
  12. I put in my 20 votes against. Frankie deserves no praise for that dreck. Waiting for midnight to rack up 20 more.
  13. That was lame. 20 no votes in and waiting for midnight. Frankie's only talent is to be annoying.
  14. Nice to see Andy has found his place in BB history. Forever the rat.
  15. Cody, you are such a little chicken s**t. It will be funny when Derrick kicks you to the curb. You are truly a legend in your own mind. I hope giving Derrick the win makes you feel like a man. Donny is just too cool for these morons. Then there is Beast-mode dumbass. His fellow klansmen must be so proud.
  16. Smart move Christine. Badmouth the host and wife of the man who signs the checks. There are so many ways they can mess with her. Julie can cut her to shreds with a smile on her face while Christine mumbles in fear.
  17. So sad to wake up to a Cody HOH. After 2 months of doing almost nothing. That HOH bed is going to get very crowded. Christine will just tie herself to a bedpost or something, she will be parked for the week. Derrick is playing a good game and deserves to win. It's not a great game against weak competition. If Frankie manages to pull off the win I will be very unhappy. I don't think any of the others stand a chance.
  18. Thanks! I think Victoria is a good suspect for the cause :)
  19. Zinging about Derrick's looks was inappropriate (that bad goatee being a better target), but I have no sympathy since the baby-faced narc has used his looks to bust people. Nobody likes a rat. Will Frankie the snake eat the rat?? Or will the rat chew the snake's head off.
  20. Sorry Zach. Kathybot nailed your dumbass. Blind loyalty gets you evicted. Oh Chrustine. Dumber than dirt. The skanky Brittny of 2014. Frankie, I want you gone yesterday. Your act has worn very thin. Nice job kicking out your best ally, but I would rather that undercover piece of slime Derrick win over your famewhoreing ass. You are torn up like a bag of Skittles. When Ariana's people kick you to the curb. please choke on your own tears.
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