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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. No they said the fireman were from Louisiana so their accent wouldn't sound like someone from California. Or from Appalachia either for that matter. Whoops! Don't know how CA got in to my head :)
  2. So much to love, so much to hate..... Wow. I have no clue about sailing. That looks really hard. Skiiiers kick it. Racers almost blow it. Cody figures it out. Bummer on the tooth chip. "I guess there's no sailing class at Yale LOL", but she figures it out. Shawn should have gotten out there. He's a lot younger than Cedric. Mmmm. Real baguettes. (I'm lucky to have a good bakery nearby) You have to roll them out, idiots! This Head-to-Head bullshit has to go. Alex and One n have quickly moved to the top of my shit list. Skiiers got screwd out of $10K. They say these firemen are from California, but they sound like they are from Tennessee or Kentucky. At least this wasn't overly physical like the last one. Part deux. I'll call you Indiana Stupid. Dude. Has Evan always had that nose ring? and I totally missed it? Not a fan of them, but what the hell. An informed choice, I'm sure. What is up with this Puritan stocks bullshit? I'm not a fan of torture, even for those I think deserve it. Then they really didn't launch the racers' trebouchet. Oh well... The regional scenery is awesome. Oh. Then the inevitable "giving of the ring" after Brittnay's whining about how if he "won't marry me, nobody will". Get a Pre-nup. This whole "relationship" is just creepy. Bullring was awesome. Challenge OK, but easy to figure out. I'm happy team Violin beat out the sweaty food ingestion machines.
  3. That fish task was nasty. I would have been hurling too. Skiers did well to recover from their idiot cab driver. Amazing all these people speak some Arabic. The zip line gnome thing looked very frustrating. Why is Cedric dragging the backpack around with him? The belly dancing looks much easier. Smart of BB to switch. Brittany needed to take care of her self. They can go any time. I was agreeing with Jessica. Don't help the competition, especially when you're in the back of the pack. Then she helps the eaters. Oy! Good on Henry and Evan coming in first. Racers did surprisingly well. No surprise the skiers were strong. So glad it was a NEL. Didn't want to see the ballplayers go. I was in Morocco once for about seven hours. That was more than enough.
  4. Goodbye goat yoga. Enjoy your next adventure. I would have preferred the creepy twins eliminated, but I don't think they will last. I didn't like that pit-stop challenge. It's set up so the weakest man can still beat the weakest woman (not on your team). Being a nerd, I like Evan and Henry but they are probably doomed. BB, Violin dudes, racers, skiers, NBA are all strong teams. Brittany is starting to grate on me, but I strangely sort of like everybody, Oops! not the eaters "How dare you not be impressed by my french fry gulping prowess!!". The Ugly American, on full display :(
  5. So happy to see TAR back. I totally forgot this would be on and lucked out checking the listings. I like the "theme" of competitors. I'm very happy there were no shenanigans/gimmicks/advantages for the start. Let's race. Do it later if you must. Hard to get to know them so quickly, but none jump out to me as ones to hate. Or love. They are all somewhat likable in their own ways, but I do have a BB bias for Jess & Cody; for now :) The models seemed nice. A millisecond late and a foot short. I like the competitions where people can get ahead by being smart.
  6. A cheap way to throw in a really great scene? Makes no sense to me either :)
  7. LOL. When Evel Dick calls out your cheating ass. He knows production manipulation.
  8. As one of our brilliant posters here (and I'm sorry I don't remember of have the skills to find out) observed: Ben is getting the winners edit after the fireplace explosion. And TPTB made it happen.
  9. Not the first time, but HELL YEAH!
  10. Well, there ya go. As one of our brilliant posters here (and I'm sorry I don't remember of have the skills to find out) observed: Ben is getting the winners edit after the fireplace explosion. I should have turned off my set there, but it's always great fun talking with fellow addicts :) Saw this trainwreck coming and refused to get out of the way. Better luck this Spring!
  11. Is Peachy getting off on this young woman writing on his back??? Ewwwww!!!
  12. Stop it Ben. As if PTSD were a mystery until last fall and you have enlightened us all. Stop it.
  13. Ben's voice grates on my last nerve.....
  14. Infuriates me to no end, no matter who does it.
  15. Amazing he made it this far! He scared Peachy.
  16. Sorry Devon, Jeffy pissed on your kindling. Sucks to be you.
  17. If your kid's college depends on you winning a reality show, then your are a pretty crappy father, Ben.
  18. I figured the "twist" would be Ben having only half the blocks..
  19. Please take out Ben. I don't care who wins now (Devon).
  20. I have company coming this weekend, so I'll be brief. That sucked! The intro gave away Ben finding yet another idol. Of course he did! Jeffy can't give up his latest man-crush. Ugh! Devin FTW!
  21. I won't even begin to rant on how I hate these "loved one" episodes. Crissy wins the draw, and picks her fellow outcasts, and Ashley. Cue the OUTRAGE! (well it made the cuting room floor) (and I have never liked Crissy) "Like an assassin" Fuck you Jeff. Then Crissy of course gets all bitchy about Ben. Editing, editing..... I give her credit for seeing ash as a possible flipper. Lauren, why did you call the boys to the idol clue? You've been my #1 for weeks, don't blow it! (the fat grabbing sister was one of the best Survivor moments) I love the roundabout backstabbing. "As long as it's not me" what will be forever known as the "Sandra Strategy" Poor Ryan looks like he's been in a North Korean prison. Why would you leave the advantage at camp??? Not that it mattered. Sad.
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