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Posts posted by islandgal140

  1. 1 hour ago, trimthatfat said:

    Her life improved 10-fold once she got with Kody. She’s never suffered.

    Yup. She herself said all of her vision board dreams have come true so again I ask: What scraps?!?!

    That cesspool is Janelle's Lake Como.  During the warmer months it will probably be swarming with mosquitoes too. What joy!! 

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  2. 17 minutes ago, princelina said:

    Interesting that when Brandon "took all his stuff" and left, his "stuff" amounted to what would fit in a backpack, plus that big can of protein powder

    He must keep his weed in that whey protein canister, 'cause it sure isn't for body building. LOL!

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  3. 2 hours ago, MajorNelson said:

    In E9, when he was hemming and hawing about the lost Principal job, what exactly did he mean when he says "he can't trust her" - is there something he already knows?  Or is it that she is refusing the bedroom romps and so that is an obvious point of nontrust?


    Maybe but Meka seems a little too straight-laced and strident to me. My guess was that he sees it as a breach of trust her bringing up on camera things he said off camera.  

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  4. The only thing that I really like and find thoroughly unproblematic on this show are the dogs. All such cuties. I spent most of my time during the Brandon & Taylor scenes waiting for her dog to make Brandon his bitch again. Derek uses his as a buffer between him and Mindy.

    I'm mad at Taylor for posting the video simply due to the fact that I know Brandon is secretly pleased Taylor posted that video. It gives him a fast way out of the marriage. He probably thinks he looks less like a crazed jackass and more like a victimized mistreated spouse.  It is his get out of jail free card for his Panama behavior. 

    Michael made a real public display on announcing his alleged promotion doubling his pay in front of all the couples on day 2 of the honeymoon, which I found weird at the time. It is a little hard to walk it back after such a sketchy explanation. Meka should've been a lawyer because she be putting his ass on the stand. 

    I like Mindy but I do get a little irritated at how happy and joyfully giddy she gets at the scraps Zach throws her way. His calling to his dog to avoid answering a pointed question was just beyond the beyond.

    Every person in a  conversation with Zach ends up with this expression on their face, even his own sister, who must of got the brains.


    I hollered when Meka said Michael had "all my life I had to fight" feet.  Hollered even louder at the preview for next episode where Meka says Michael lied about being a yoga instructor. I believe Meka.

    The talk of health insurance made me think of Tristan and scamming Mia and chuckle. In all seriousness, I don't think any of the couples should be doing that until after decision day, but I think it reflects well and shows that Derek is leaning toward commitment.  It is annoying how hung up she is on a 27 year man never being in love.

    I think Katie is have huge buyers remorse and regrets giving it up so soon as she thinks it made her lose an upper hand and implies Derek doesn't have to work to win her over. 


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  5. 23 hours ago, smarty2020 said:

    In the preview for next weeks episode Kody is BEYOND PISSED that Robyn is given last choice of where her house will go on the lots at Coyote Pass.  Never mind that they each legally purchased a specific lot.  Apparently now they are re-choosing house sites and Robyn got last choice.  Of course Kody will be mad at this because he spends all his time at Robyn's house, so in essence HE is getting the worst location.  Clearly in his mind Meri should get the worst choice lot.  It is obvious he hates Meri.

    Which is apparently in the trees with the Keebler elves trolls. 

    It does seem to be the worse spot as they all seem to ooh and aww over the mountain views and that spot will have at least partially obstructed views as it backs into a forest. I suppose they can cut some trees down but the cost would seem astronomical given the amt of trees I saw and they have bigger things to worry about like utilities, but then again, when have the Browns ever made sound decisions?

    I will say based on the snippet of Kody's meltdown I did agree with one thing he said - that Meri will hold the family hostage while she makes her decision. She did that with the whole fertility/baby thing and I can see her doing that now. 

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  6. The inclusion of Kyle in the show, which wasn't even necessary, irks me. To see Christine be at the front of the pack greeting him so cheerfully made me sick. Seasons back, when the Browns went on some RV trip, wasn't Christine the one who lost her shit about one of Kody's friends saying some slick shit about polgamy or one of his wives? It was to the point that I think she wanted him to leave.  To see her blithely greet a wife beater is disgusting. I remember because it was around the time Kody got literally splattered with shit taking care of the RV septic issue. Good times! 

    Robyn has gotten witchier looking as the seasons have progressed. She looks like she belongs huddled over a bubbling cauldron in a hooded robe. 

    18 hours ago, Claire Voyant said:

    What's up with Robyn saying they are like sisters with one brother when they're all together?  Then comes Kody's talking head to say he's a "little" brother and if it weren't for his sheer stark, masculine confidence he would just wither.  🤮  

    Proclaiming you are a manly man is a bit like saying you are classy ... if you have to say it, then you aren't.

    15 hours ago, suzywallis said:

    I, too, was wondering how things have changed with Ysabel's back and Janelle's weight training since the move. 

    I think we can all pretty much see how Janelle's weight training is NOT going. 

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  7. I just want to take a moment to twerk and shout in happiness over the RHONYC trailer! April 2nd y'all!!


    Kenya needs to thank her lucky star for her Team Twirl kickball win because otherwise it was raining "Ls" for her this episode. Lawd, Bravo was sauvage for the Ken with the arrow pointing at Kenya. I died!

    It was just all so bad. From Marc seeming to imply that he wanted Kenya to drown at the pool (go in and not come out) to him getting Ken into formation in front of all the HWs.  With all the fuckery between those 2 this episode the most profoundly sad was the scene when they 1st arrived at the bowling ally. They had just sat down to put on their bowling shoes and Kenya was trying to make flirty banter by calling it a date night. Marc reacted like a person humoring an overly chatty unfunny stranger they are stuck sitting next to on a long flight from NY to Hong Kong.  His eyes were darting and looking around wondering if he could catch a flight attendant's eye to ask if he could change seat. Sorry, pal you are stuck!  You would think you were witnessing a blind date going bad, not newlyweds with a 10 month year old. 

    The fact that everyone notices, even Kandi, the power dynamic between Ken and Marc is interesting to me. From what I see so far, I don't think it rises to the level of abuse. Kenya is suppressing her true personality in order to keep a man who doesn't even appear to like her. That is not sustainable in the long run. 

    The one question I want answered is why did Marc marry Kenya? He is someone who seems to know his own mind and not susceptible to the pressure to propose.  So why?

    Porsha's ass is an entity onto itself. Am I supposed to believe that is all her? I know she has put on weight since she joined the  show, but wouldn't it be more evenly distributed? She may have gained 30-40 lbs but it seems like 78% of it went to her hips and ass. It looks more natural than Kenya's and the Kardashians but it is still not the most proportionate.

    Nene was doing the most at that bowling alley. Frankly, I think she was just trying to stick it to Kenya because she knows with Marc around she has to be in Ken mode and can't act like she wants to act. 

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  8. I've officially given up hope that Nene will ever grow as a human being. Spending Wasting money on that life coach (which what? why not an actual therapist, psychologist?) , who probably just kisses her ass, is likely just a storyline to appear to be bettering herself. 

    On 2/17/2020 at 11:50 AM, Boofish said:

    And dear Jesus not that I ever stood a chance of that exclusive invite to your home so I pretty much have no filter. With that being said - Kenya baby look like Wanda Sykes.



    On 2/17/2020 at 12:40 PM, Neurochick said:

    I don't like Nene, but I detest Kenya.  Kenya thinks her shit doesn't stink.  I feel sorry for her daughter.  I think that Kenya will stay on RHOA until she goes too far and really hurt someone.  She will do worse than what Phaedra did and hopefully she'll get cancelled and I'll never have to see her fake boobs and bad skin on my TV ever again.


    The worst news was when she was announced to return for this season. I kinda blame Nene for that.  Perhaps if Nene hadn't reacted so viscerally to Kenya during the s11 finale, Kenya likely wouldn't have received an invite back. Kenya is just as toxic as Nene and although she can act impulsive, she is still far more eloquent and crafty than Nene and hence more dangerous IMHO. 

    Cynthia is just attracted to toxic people, which makes me wonder about her latest fiance. 

    There needs to be a mass firing of the makeup artists on this show. Why does damn near everyone (with perhaps the exception of Kandi) have such a yellow tinge to their faces sometimes? Is this just an attempt to look golden that has gone awry? Cynthia, Nene and Porsha are the worst offenders. Cynthia with the bob blondish wig in her TH is the worst look she has ever sported. She legit looks like she has jaundice and she looks matronly and dated.  Pick a struggle!!!

    Eva is beautiful but her lashes make me ragey!!! She is probably one of the few that could get away with little to no makeup and still be stunning but she does the most and looks ridiculous. 

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  9. I'm gonna surprise myself and say that I liked this reunion, found it a tad informative and Shaun acted like an actual interviewer who at least watched an episode or two.  I especially liked the camaraderie between all the show participants. 

    I hate dusty ass dudes like Robert. Broke, but making promises and when the woman tries to get them to fulfill those promises they get called a gold digger who puts money over love.  I wanted to throw something at the screen when he claimed that he took Anny to the thrift shop to test her. Dusty please!! However, even though I don't care for him, Robert and by extension, Anny would make great additions to Pillow Talk. 

    I do like Anny. I don't know if I believe her she could've had a rich dude story, but I like her.

    Given the response to Max and CeCe, I wasn't surprised to see them on the show, however I expected them via skype.  Present at the union was a bridge too far. 

    5 hours ago, PityFree said:

    Why can’t we have a reunion show where we get to find out if Syngen has started taking any woodworking classes yet? or what kind of work Tonya is doing now? or if they still live in the she shed? Did Syngen replace MIL’s whiskey? Is Juliana doing any modeling or looking at going to school? Does Bryson have a bed? Has Michel bought a 4 door car so when he drives his two kids around one doesn’t get trapped in the backseat? How did Mike from Washington‘s financial situation get solved (as he implied on the show)? Etc.

    I think there is a reason Shaun steers clear of all these types of question and it is of course, financially motivated as well as protecting the future of the franchise. If we found all this out then none of the couples would return on the other spin off  90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After. 

    • Love 8
  10. I am so late and wrong to this news and mad at myself. I could've been doing my happy dance days ago




    Look, I don't care if she was fired, quit or Bravo low-balled her to force her hand to quit, the main thing here is that the vile nasty bitch is off the show. Glory be. Hosanna on high! I never thought this day would come. 

    On 1/27/2020 at 1:23 PM, KungFuBunny said:

    I'm also curious as to why didn't Bravo let her hock her CBD since she launched it in 2019?

    Post Bethenny's success, HWs shilling of products on the show comes at a price. Bravo needs to get their beak wet which means that either the HW now have to pay for the privilege to advertise and/or give Bravo a percentage. 

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    14 hours ago, absolutelyido said:

    F-you Meri. If you can afford to rent that house, you can afford to hire movers to move your furniture up 4 flights of stairs. They all said they would come over and help unpack and assemble furniture once it was moved in. Yet she still complained they didn't want to help her. Why doesn't she get all the Lularoe BFFs she keeps posting pictures with to come and help her?

     Remember also that Meri, just last season or the season before was saying she wasn't trying to babysit the other wives kids. I'd tell her to suck it too. Why rupture yourself carrying a piano up several flights of stairs for a woman who can't be bothered to help you when you need it?

    Meri's got  2 master bedrooms that Kody will never sleep in. He is playful and flirty with the other wives but so stoic with her. This Meri and Kody's relationship is distant and stalling has been going on since before the catfish. I wish one of them would please raise their standards or find some self-esteem and leave already but they have been milking that gravy train for seasons and there is no end of the line apparently as long as the checks continue to clear. 

    • Love 16
  12. 3 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

    I had to laugh when Nene was making up with Eva and Nene said that she was glad Eva could see where she was coming from...where do you come from when you say you’ll speak to someone without a mic, and then you approach them miked?  Like, what is the defense to that?

    That "apology" was ridiculous and stupid. Maybe this is a weird thing to be insulted by, but it was utterly disrespectful for NeNe to sit there with her sunglasses on indoors and call herself apologizing. 

    Eva Side note: it seems like offenses against her is the only thing that Eva can actually remember.  Her slick ass comments and shades about others - she can never recall or she outright lies and denies.

    This has been the season of Kandi. I have really liked her this season and not that this matters, but she has been looking great this season. 

    Whoever did Kenya's hair and makeup for that rooftop party, Kenya needs to hire immediately. If they live in Canada, she needs to put them on retainer and get them a US travel visa, if necessary. Prettiest she has ever looked to me, with the exception of those ridiculous tarantula lashes. I can't wait for that mess to go out of style. 

    I am voting for thirst 'that bitch' Yovanna as the snake too. Her blond wig was tragic and sitting on her head like a hat. 

    I don't know what Porsha sees in Dennis. 

    I am kinda glad I was spared Porsha's ass in her costume (for now anyway).  

    Tanya is very chipper. I don't dislike her but I prefer her as a friend of as opposed to a peach holder. Plus, her fashion and hair game is not as good as she wants me to believe. 

    Nene screaming both on the way up and down the elevator had me wanting to throw her off the building. 

    • Love 17
  13. I'm glad the show is back but a little miffed that it bumped my current fav train wreck 90 day fiance.

    I hate the hot, arid, dry LV devoid of trees and shade so the green landscape of Flagstaff is welcoming in my eyes although not so much for the Brown's bank acct. LOL!

    I know I shouldn't have but I did an awful lot of ugly laughing at all their (especially Kodi's) hand-wringing over the move not being to their financial benefit as Kodi projected. No shit sherlocks. Kody wanting to build some plyg multi-family, multi-million dollar complex that they could likely never resell is just the cherry on top.

    Kodi can't seem to remember any wedding or anniversary dates with any of the wives but Robyn. Typical. 

    I can't believe Kodi stripped down to his euro bikini briefs on camera and some of the Brown's dove into that muddy ass water. Gross!!

    9 hours ago, suomi said:

    Christine's ginormous "master suite" - they couldn't move some of Meri's bedroom stuff up there for awhile/a couple weeks, until she found another place to rent? Her bed, her dresser, a couple suitcases? She's rarely home anyway. It made better sense for Meri to schlep herself 5 hours back to Vegas? I thought Christine "wanted the family, not just the man." Pffftt. 

    Meri could've moved in with bestie Robyn. Doesn't Robyn have like 7 bedrooms in that monstrosity? She wouldn't even stay not one single night with any of other wives. Further proof that all the shit they spew is just that .. shit! 

    Gwendlyn has a surprisingly great figure!

    I really want a follow-up on Ysabel's spine issue. 

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  14. Vicki bitching and griping backstage was the best part of the reunion.  Hey, Vicks, if you didn't want the producers thinking you are a thirsty, bottom feeder catfish, don't fucking be one. You shouldn't have signed back on as a "friend of" when you believe yourself to be HBIC and the OG of OC. You should've walked away with your head raised high, but you settled for less than you think you are worth which yes, does indeed make you a thirsty, bottom feeding catfish.

    I was shocked about how candid and realistic she was about her upcoming nupitals with Steve. 

    12 hours ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

    Vicki got demoted because she had absolutely no storyline this season except fighting with Kelly. If not for that, she wouldn't have even been interesting enough to be a friend.

    Tamra hasn't had a storyline either. If given a Sophie's choice, I'd take Vicki over Tamra any day.  Tamra is just such a malevolent person to me and that none of the other cast mates seem to get that or if they do dare not challenge her is the most frustrating thing about this show. She is a shit person and mother, forever pitting people against each other to compete for her affections and attention or just for giggles. 

    The worst things I can say about Brown Wind is she is thirsty, her mother sucks and she has shit taste in women (Tamra).

    I don't even know if I like anyone on this show. It ranges from flames on the side of my face hate - Tamra to feelings of utter meh - Emily and Braun.  

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  15. Kenya is just beyond! I really start to wonder if she has some deficiency that makes it difficult for her to understand and read social situations. WTF is her mental malfunction! Funny this is that this is NOT even her worst behavior, which I think was showing up ass out in see through mesh trying to clown on Phaedra at a charity event. 

    1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

    I know they are going to drag this stupid recording out all season and it will be nothing. No one cares if Cynthia went off on Nene to a mutual friend because they probably all have done it because NeNe is an asshole. Unless she used slurs, which I doubt, the only one who comes across badly is the person who secretly recorded it and maybe Nene because she is making such a big deal about it when she has said tons of mean shit about everybody. i liked that Cynthia only seemed bothered by who recorded her and not worrrying about what she said. 

    This!! Nene even said that in the recording Cynthia called her toxic. Um.. that ain't no secret and it ain't no news.  Cynthia is on record as saying this. I just bet that the tape is no new information and more of the same we have heard elsewhere.

    Porsha's makeup has been terrible in her talking heads. She is usually on point.

    Nene's peacock dress was pretty.  Her attitude - not so much. 

    • Love 7
  16. 7 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

    I’m pretty sure Vicki reached out to her. 

    But the thing is, I wouldn't be surprised if it was at the behest or encouragement of Satan's handmaiden Tamra. Yes, Vicki is grown with her own mind and should be called out for this but something about this just stinks of Hell's sulfur, which I believe Tamra dabs behind her ears and on her wrist pulse points each morning.  Just strikes me as something more in line with retaliation for the Bellino lawsuit, which Kelly interjected herself into. Now we have a woman who is claiming to have been injured by Kelly and possibly gearing up for a lawsuit and Tamra's bestie (and most stupid) making contact for intel? Notice how it is Tamra telling the girls ON SCREEN about this and Gina is most assuredly working as Tamra's new flying monkey, who for ..... reasons, sees this as some sort of war crime that can't go unanswered. Call me a conspiracy theorist but I believe this with all that I am. Tamra's motives? I think this is both a revenge move and a way to get herself out of the crossfire and give Kelly a new (old) target to be mad at - Vicki. Tamra just had to much of a self-satisfied smug boss bitch air about her after it all went down in the club.  

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  17. 9 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

    Cynthia would be so much prettier if she used proper English.  I have thought this since the very beginning.  She doesn't have to have perfect diction like Kenya, but how about saving the "ain'ts" and double negatives for every once in awhile, the way Kandi does?  I think Cynthia thinks speaking this way makes her seem down home and relatable, but much like "child," it's old and off-putting.  Ditto for Nene and "bride maid."  I am positive Nene knows the word is "bridesmaid."  She's just trying to have a thing.  Nene and Cynthia are more alike than they realize.

    This!!! I like Cynthia but she is such a try hard dork. From the beginning, the ohh child's just never seemed or sounded right coming out of her mouth. I think she has been saying it since at least her 1st or 2nd season, and as a NY transplant that is NOT a saying that gets much play in the Northeast, except maybe ironically and even then is a stretch.

    Surprise, surprise neither of Porsha or Kenya's quickie relationships are working out.

    If this was anyone but Kenya, I would say the typical - they married too quickly and Marc sounds like one of those dudes who suffers from the classic Madonna/whore complex, which probably has an element of truth to it. But yeah, I think she is a complete nutbar and Marc seems like a garden variety asshole. I hope she is able to put away the crazy and he unassholes enough to be good parents to that little doll baby.

    Kenya's complete personality transplant while in a relationship seems unsustainable. I think a lot of people do this though maybe to some degree unconsciously. However, perhaps it seems a bit more extreme to me because of Kenya's on-air personality.

    One small thing - Kenya originally announced Brooklyn's birthday as 11/4.  Last night she said 11/3. Weird! Or maybe not. She probably did that to take some focus off the 11/4 RHATL premiere of 11/4/19. 

    With this divorce, interested to see if there actually is a legal marriage.

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