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Everything posted by flipflopdiva

  1. Clay's down. Faaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllll, Shelli! (In my best Liz voice)
  2. Prayer circle for Clay and Shelli to fall. It can't hurt, right?
  3. Damn it! Jackie is out! Okay, who else will put up some combo of Shelli, Clay, Vanessa or Austin?
  4. I was excited to watch the feeds tonight just to see Julia interact with everyone now that she can be herself, but then Julie said BotB was ending and I literally shrieked. Now I just really need Jackie to win and I will be doing a victory dance in the living room. Or at least someone on that side, but Jackie is my best hope. Tonight has been so much better than I could have hoped. Please don't fail me now, BB gods.
  5. It happened hours after BBAD, at about 2am House time. BBAD ends at 11p House time.
  6. OMG, this is glorious. Audrey is now trying to throw Day under the bus to Shelli and Vanessa, and they are not buying it. Her whole game is unraveling, and she's trying to play the 'I'm such a victim in all this' card, but it's not going so well. I kind of hope Audrey isn't voted out too soon, because this is the stuff I am here for. Heh.
  7. I want to like Steve, but that scene with Da'Vonne was just so painfully awkward to watch. And Jace needs to be backdoored just so the 'bro' stuff can stop. Otherwise, I still mostly like everyone, which is a very wonderful surprise.
  8. Liz's twin is Julia, right? She didn't mention her in her list of shoutouts, so maybe they are the twins in the twist.
  9. Okay, I kind of liked the takeover. Or I liked seeing Phil at least. Jeff/Jackie weren't my favorite couple last TAR season, but they were into the game there, so hopefully they will be here too, assuming they aren't voted out first week. Of course, now I really am thinking there is going to be a Jeff Probst Hidden Immunity Idol Week at some point this summer! Of the new group, I like Steve the best. And I like Liz more than I thought I'd like her. There still is actually no one I hate yet, but that should probably change soon enough. And for some reason, i found the HOH competition half cool and half boring. It took a little too long with not much action, but the being lifted away and thrown into the hay pile was kind of cool, so that part I liked.
  10. I had a horrible feeling Battle of the Block was back when there were only 8 people to start with. I think 'a fan favorite' must just literally mean it was one fan's favorite. Only explanation I have. Otherwise, I mostly like everyone? Meg seems like she could get annoying fast, and maybe Jace too. Audrey is my early fave. But early is the key word here. I'm sure I'll be hating them all soon enough. (And even though I'm already mad about the BotB and recycled twists ... yay Big Brother! Now it feels like summer!)
  11. Usually it's pre-taped. So if they go off Monday evening, then we'd see footage of them from earlier in the day. That's what they did last year, if I remember correctly.
  12. Sadly, @AndreaK1041, you are not. Yet even as I ask myself what I'm doing with my life right this second, I do not change the channel. Because that would just be silly!
  13. There isn't anyone I would be super broken up about leaving, because I'm not sure I love anyone who is left. Amber and Brittany were my favorites, and they're gone. Usually I have at least one or two I like a lot left at the end, but this season I'm kind of meh on everyone. Now I'm just here for some excitement. Which is severely lacking, so because of that, I want one of the guys to go. The women may not be anything to write home about, but I'm tired of another week, another woman heading out the door. Jocasta leaving doesn't really affect anyone. Zach or Frankie leaving is like someone finally taking a shot, and I want to see if it sets off a war. Especially since it will be followed by the DE.
  14. Donny won veto! Jocasta is safe. Devin is going up. Win-win for me either way!
  15. Seriously. It's why I'm hoping either Devin/Caleb goes this week, even if it maybe would be better to send Jocasta home. Three women in three weeks? They might be useless but I don't want an all-male house either. Devin pulling off Caleb is worst-case scenario for me, since it's likely Brittany would be up/could go home, and of all the girls, she's one who isn't afraid to stand up to the power-hungry guys.
  16. Wow. Nicole nominated Donny. No idea why she didn't nom Victoria like she was planning before.
  17. Not really. Derrick talks a lot, and his denying of the BS was a little stupid because Nicole isn't that dumb, but he at least gives off the impression of listening to others and not being crazy. Nicole was the one who really wanted Derrick to put up Caleb, and Derrick is going along with it. So far these two are my favorite HOH duo because, even though Derrick was a bit more dominating, at least their discussions with each other were pretty interesting and also I like them, though Derrick needs to tone it down a little. Though his whole argument about being worried that the non-8 would flip the house made no sense. How exactly is an alliance of 6, if there even is one, supposed to flip the house on an alliance of 8? Even if both nominees were from the 8. But then logic is never these people's strong suit.
  18. Okay, I was really enjoying Derrick — and I do for the most part — but he seriously spent like the past 2 hours making Brittany feel bad that she didn't come running to him when Devin spilled the beans about the BS. And he thinks she should apologize to him for not trusting him when he was the one in a secret alliance with 7 other people that didn't include her and didn't mention it to her. But don't worry because she's really the only one he trusts! Uh-huh. Then he told Frankie and Victoria that Brittany was hurt by the revelations, so they now think Derrick/Brittany are an alliance. Though to be honest I'm not really sure where anyone's true intentions/allegiances lie anymore. I am very much looking forward to DRs on Thursday's episode.
  19. So much is happening so fast, I'm missing things trying to get it all. Frankie is frantically trying to cover his ass with everyone, but I'm not sure how much longer he's going to be able to keep that up. Amber is being thrown under the bus all over the place with different people blaming her for part of this. Paola's swearing she didn't throw the competition. The Bomb Squad is pretty much all freaking out. This is pretty much amazing.
  20. I don't think Brittany did herself any favors in that conversation with Devin, but I loved watching her trying to put up a fight against him. It's hard to put up much of a fight against someone who keeps interjecting you and telling you that you are paranoid and that everything you do is wrong because you are obviously paranoid, but I appreciate her effort. I really hope she stays. Zach, Caleb and Frankie are now talking. Zach is worried about Devin putting him up, and Frankie is trying to get them both to just chill for a week until Devin is no longer HOH.
  21. Someone in the Have-Not room last night (Nicole maybe?) said something about the "metal being cold", and since a couple people were in there last night in shorts, I'm going to say it's definitely not literal blocks of ice.
  22. If I were one of the HOHs, I'd make an alliance with the other one and pick four people between you who you'd want up and then make a deal not to nominate each other after POV no matter which one is still HOH. You might have some nominees pissed at you, but if you can trust the other person, at least you might not go home. I found the new group of 8 more annoying than the first 8. I'm already over Jocasta, Caleb, Zach and Victoria. But Christine seems awesome, and I like Derrick and Brittany. But hands down, best surprise of the night? Joey getting the Team America spot! You go, America.
  23. I feel unsettled. Like it's started, but it's not started, because we're still missing people and, more importantly, no feeds. I liked most of the first 8 better than I thought I would. I'm over Paola already, and Frankie is going to get old fast, but I liked Nicole, Donny, Joey and Derrick a lot. Nicole totally seems like Jordan 2.0, but she's sweet, and I like that she's a fan, though whether she shows any fan smarts will remain to be seen. It does seem totally unfair that the first 8 got all this time together, but we'll see how it plays out tomorrow. I'm still in that every-summer-BB-initial-glow, so right now I'm just glad it's (almost) back. Yay summer.
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