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Everything posted by flipflopdiva

  1. That was hilarious! Especially when we could still hear her complaining over the fish. I was dying. BB editors are on point tonight.
  2. America nominated Neeley. (Thanks, America!) Then Justin was picked for veto and Kryssie drew Scott, so he got to pick someone, and he picked Shelby. (Alex had told him she didn't want to play in the veto.) So Morgan, Shelby or Scott for veto! The Ball Smashers are worried about Scott winning veto and taking himself off, because Shelby would go up, but I think there's a good chance that as long as Neeley is still up there that America will give their vote to her. She sure as heck will get mine!
  3. I actually liked watching them have fun. I prefer seeing people smiling and dealing with it, then running off to cry in the corner. I just really like the Ball Smashers attitudes toward most things. And it's Big Brother, so I don't really care if they don't take the safety ceremony as a super serious thing (maybe also because I think they make the other versions 'super serious' so they can make it 'suspenseful' for the tv audience, but with these, we pretty much know what is going to happen anyway). Shelby was Harry Potter. But BB made her remove the lightning bolt from her forehead.
  4. I'm so sad right now. I love the four girls, but unless something crazy happens, I think one of them is going. I guess this is what happens after we get a week where everything worked out perfectly for me. BB karma. I'm just happy I'm traveling for work all week so I can't really watch the feeds anyway. I just can't with Kryssie on a normal basis, but now that she has power? No thank you. This. I'd prefer Scott to go over any of the girls. But I definitely don't want to see Alex go.
  5. Hey, I just so happened to be looking at that right now! Here is the exact wording of the care package: The winner of this care package gets the power to pick which type of veto the Houseguests will be competing for this week. Options will be: Diamond Veto - The holder of this veto has the power to remove someone from the chopping block and also name the replacement nominee. Double Veto - Two vetoes will be awarded at the veto competition and in play this week. Boomerang Veto - The winner of this veto will be able to use it twice. That means the holder could remove two people from the chopping block at the veto meeting. This is kind of a weird care package. You could potentially be the winner of it, and have it backfire on you and help the other side. And Scott just won HOH!
  6. Julie's talking to the houseguests now. Like actual live talking to them. I think it's really weird to have an eviction without her, but this is kind of nice, because she's asking all of them a question, and there's not really a time limit on their answers, like on the regular shows. Or maybe she didn't ask all of them, but I think most of them got asked something. Monte got asked about America's vote impacting his HOH, Alex got asked how she thinks it will impact her HOH this week, Shelby got asked how people are getting along, Kryssie got asked about being a nominee, Jason got asked about being a returnee, Neeley's was about being runner-up for HOH, Justin got asked if he knew anything about BB before coming in (hahaha), Morgan got asked something I can't remember and Whitney too.
  7. Alex. She said 'Time to create some drama!' and then voted for her.
  8. I have to say, the 'episodes' are a lot more boring when you've seen pretty much everything. I guess that's why the competitions take up so much time on the regular shows. And yeah, I watched the eviction on the quad camera. One of the cameras showed them voting. They told them to put on athletic gear for HOH, so that's promising!
  9. I don't actually hate anyone yet. In terms of DRs, Jason's and Kryssie's made me like them less. And Neely and Danielle's made me like them more. (And, I feel dirty saying this, Shane's a little, too, because I like that he at least has big plans in mind.) I'm sad none of the Plastics are really all in with each other — I enjoy watching them the most so far — but at the same time, this is just the first week and first week alliances rarely last all the way to the end so maybe it's for the better. Things change all the time, and at least right now they like each other and are loyal to each other, so we'll see where it goes. I'd love for Shelby to win HOH primarily for the laughs and because so many people would flip out. But actually I would love if any girl won HOH to see what they would do, especially Alex or Morgan. I'm excited for tonight too. It's a good thing I'm a night owl, so I can watch it — I'm curious what this HOH competition is going to be like!
  10. Shelby's "I don't trust anyone who watches Harry Potter and doesn't read Harry Potter!" I'm dying. I don't care that three-fourths of the house doesn't like her. I do. She is a bit of a mess, but I would actually love if she won HoH since everyone hates her so much. These live DRs are awesome. I wish we had these on regular season BB. I just really love getting to know what people are thinking and finding out who they trust and don't trust. I'm also glad they are doing everyone. I thought maybe they were just going to do a few people, and then we would have had to wait till Friday. So A+ that we get everyone tonight.
  11. Kryssie is nominated. Phew. I was a little worried there might be a change to Shelby. And Justin just asked 'We don't vote today?'
  12. The thing I will never understand is why anyone would ever agree to be on a show — especially a show where you have a chance to win money — and then NOT learn as much as possible about it in general. I mean, maybe it's because I don't have aspirations of getting my 15 minutes of fame, so I'm not just going to say yes to anything, but for goodness sake, don't you want to know what you're getting into and what you'll have to do and maybe learn the rules before you go? It's one thing if it's some brand new show, but this show has been on for 18 seasons and it's easy to get copies of past seasons! Or at the very least, google the basics. I will never get it. As for the photoshoot, sexism aside, I did like that we got to watch it. I thought it was interesting — in good and bad ways.
  13. Like I want to give them props for mixing things up, but can we maybe have at least one thing that happens all at once and can be a little exciting to watch?
  14. The way I understood it was at 7p House Time on Saturday and Sunday (at least according to the little chart I have), the HOH will get to reveal who is safe instead of revealing who is nominated. So the two people not safe are the nominees. I kind of like the idea. It's more like when there were keys and sometimes who you saved first and who you saved last could be super telling. So this way they have to decide who to name as safe the first ceremony and then who to name as safe the second. Not sure if they'll just name them or if there will be a fancy away to do it, but I like that they are mixing things up a bit.
  15. It's definitely not the competition I was expecting, but I think it's interesting in concept, even if it's not exactly exciting to watch. But at least it gives them a reason to start strategizing and talking game. And I am curious to see how it's going to play out. Although I also hope that we're going to get real competitions soon and it's not all going to be things like this.
  16. So while I super appreciate that we get to watch the very first moments live instead of jumping in like regular seasons, oh. my. god. Group entrances always. Please. I just need them to get a move on it.
  17. I was watching that, and even Corey was like 'What the fuck, Nicole?' I can't believe this season has come down to me wanting Nicole, of all people, to win. But James has done nothing. And even though there are moments when I remember why I liked Paul for a short time there, he's just too odious for me when he's in power (or thinks he is) to root for him. And as much as I despise some parts of Nicole, I do think she's played a good game these last few weeks. I guess ideally I want her to win final HOH and take James, because then she'd win and who would argue that James should have been the true winner? Although it makes me cringe that James would make it to F2 based on his strategy of throwing comps and doing nothing all season. There is no good scenario here for me. None.
  18. They said on tonight's show that's how it would be, when they were explaining the rules of the vote. And feeds are back. They are waiting to play HOH.
  19. I was going to be disappointed in Julia for her 'girls like me' comment, but then I read this and I forgive her. I don't mind Steve, but I really don't understand him, and he just doesn't add much to the show for me. I much prefer him gone over others.
  20. I don't think there's anything wrong with James saying they have to do what Becky wants. Becky is in their alliance, or at least on their side. She's keeping them safe and taking out someone from the other side. Why go against her and piss her off? Sure they could maybe try to steer her toward someone they'd rather go, but if she's insistent, I don't think it would be in James or Jackie or Meg's best interest to purposely go against her.
  21. I'm all for Becky winning, too, mostly because I want Team Underdog to win again, because seeing the power alliance have to freak out all week is fun times. Plus they had four weeks in power. 'Tis only fair. I will, of course, very happily take Jackie as well. Or even JMac after today's shenanigans.
  22. For me, it's totally the other way around. Julia is probably my favorite houseguest at the moment. And Liz really was all over the map in her conversation last night. Julia wanted to know about how the backdoor Jason plan went down and Liz was jumping around to what case they can make to James. I'd be annoyed by her too! I really wish this week would end with Austin and Clay leaving, but I realize that is for totally selfish reasons because I hate Austin, and Clay does nothing, and I would much prefer not having to see either of them again until finale night than Shelli or Vanessa, who can definitely be annoying but Vanessa's crazy can be amusing and I'd love to see Shelli play without Clay. But in terms of game for James and his allies, getting either Vanessa or Shelli out would be really smart and a big power move. And I really do like seeing the other side be scared for once. It's about time!
  23. Austin: "But we've talked about this!" Julia: "No, we haven't." Heh. I'm so glad Julia is here. And I love that she's not cutting Austin slack over this.
  24. I don't like the deal part but I do think the outsiders should hopefully be safe®. Get Austin out, James!
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