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Everything posted by flipflopdiva

  1. Fairly certain. Cameron, the first evictee from Night 1, hasn't been seen on social media at all, and I haven't seen anything on Jillian either. It's pretty certain that there will be a buyback, especially with Megan self evicting and Christmas' game fate up in the air. There's a special Friday episode planned for July 21, so unless they are just giving us more insight into the houseguests, it's definitely a Battle Back. (I checked my DVR and that Friday episode is on there now.) I'm on the I think Christmas should be allowed to stay unless there comes a point that she needs special accommodations made train. Like in the examples above, I agree she should be removed. But since she seemed to know she needed surgery before she was allowed to decide if she wanted to come back, it seems she (and production) don't think that's going to be an issue. But it's hard to say until she gets the surgery. For now, I think she should be allowed to stay until/unless something changes. Her not being able to compete in the more physical challenges only hurts her at the moment. This isn't Survivor where you compete with your tribe. And her alliance is free to not align with her if they don't think she's contributing enough.
  2. I think though say Christmas wanted Ramsey's veto spot she could take it. The den of temptation reward is different than the curse. Ramsey got the curse from Paul and couldn't get the curse again this week from Christmas. But the "reward" is on Christmas, it's her getting to take someone's spot. It's not someone else being cursed. I don't think she can take Ramses' veto spot since he's an actual nominee. I think it would have to be the spot of the one person who gets chosen. But I agree with the other part. As it stands, there are 14 houseguests right now and six play veto. Eight people don't get to play. They aren't all 'cursed' because of that. I mean, sure, she is probably going to use her reward to keep someone off so they can potentially be backdoored, but that's just part of Big Brother. It would be the same as them not getting randomly drawn in the first place, so I don't think it should matter if they are wearing costumes or not.
  3. Honestly, I think them being mad at Cody has more to do with Cody than Paul. I don't remember how Paul became part of the second wing of the alliance, but the fact is that he and Christmas were. And expendable or not, you don't go after people in your own alliance without telling the other members of your alliance. Maybe if Cody had actually talked to the other showmance couples, they might have all gotten behind the backdoor Paul thing, but he didn't, so Cody became the untrustworthy one and the showmance couples wanted to keep Christmas (who was on their side!) versus Jillian who was on the other side. As other people have said, their interests and Paul's align right now so it makes sense to stick with him (plus, he is a threat to the other side more than they are). It's week 2 and Paul is safe until week 4 anyway. If I were them, I would be doing the exact same thing. Why make waves when there is no advantage to doing so?
  4. It also has to do with the vote. Josh says he voted with his emotions (to evict Jillian). This has apparently angered the Jody monster. Well, emotions are very hard for them to understand. Thanks everyone for your insights, though! I was so confused on what was happening.
  5. I can't even figure out what Josh is having a breakdown over. Jessica was just screaming at him but when Raven is trying to calm him down, I just can make out mumblings about his father or something. I have no idea!
  6. Me too. But I like the people he's aligned with and I really like Jessica and Cody not getting what they want. So ngl I just cheered. Would not have expected that from myself a week ago!
  7. Christmas sliding all over the ground is killing me. I'm pretty much rooting for anyone but Jessica. I want to see them have to come down from their throne room and interact with the other hamsters.
  8. The ball in the hole? If you watch on the quad cam, you can see in the bottom right that they have to roll the ball down the clear raised platform to land in the center area. If it lands there, they win.
  9. I'm not 100 percent sure or anything (I did not go back to check), but I recall at least one (or maybe a couple) competitions last summer where they blocked everyone and people were mad and were thinking they'd have to put them on before BBAD because BBAD is live. But then they just aired the regular episodes in those timeslots instead/until the feeds came back on.
  10. I don't watch BBAD but I find that hard to believe... I'm 99 percent sure if something airs on the feeds, it airs on BBAD. The only time they had the BBAD repeats last year was when something was happening (I can't remember what, but I think there were a few competitions that went long that they didn't show us?) that wasn't shown on the feeds either. I have the feeds and I watch them through my Firestick but sometimes I'm lazy so I watch the BBAD version and one has never been off when the other is on. I just feel like, last year at least, most of the competitions were over before BBAD started.
  11. I do agree he kind of got screwed with having to do a replacement nom (and the Paul fiasco), but at the same time, a lot of it is his own fault. Christmas was in his alliance, and he put her up! Maybe not in the showmance clique but they had Paul, Dom and Christmas as outlying members. And also, he put up Paul — and then Christmas — without talking to his own alliance about it! They turned on him because of that, not because he had bad luck with Megan self-evicting. He should have just put up Jason or Ramses or whoever from the other side, and then his own target would have been just fine. Personally, I think poor Jillian was the most screwed. Instead of having the eviction be cancelled, she had to stay up there and now she is (most likely) leaving when she probably would have been safe if Megan was still up there. (Well, maybe. Who actually knows?)
  12. Ehhh, I don't know. I think Paul probably did win the vote by a lot. I mean, we got what? One day to vote? The only person people really knew when we voted is Paul. It's not like the premiere episode gave a lot of other choices for who to rally around instead. Obviously not everyone loves Paul, but he does have a lot of fans. (Also, I have doubts how much they actually manipulate the results. After all, Morgan beat Jason on OTT. I just think some of the votes they just set up knowing who is going to win going in. Like this one. It was pretty much predetermined for Paul. But I don't think it takes away that he has a fan base.)
  13. You know what I miss a lot, guys? Live DRs. It was so nice during BB-OTT to know some of the answers to these questions (even if some of them said things they thought we wanted to hear). But it would be nice to know Ramses strategy or if Raven is really as dumb as she appears or what Kevin thinks of all these morons he has to live with. Sigh. Also, I like how I turn on the quad camera to see what's up this morning, and we have Kevin and Jason awake and talking. And the other camera is on — you guessed it! — Paul sleeping. Because we can't not see Paul!
  14. I thought they said Pow Pow. But either way, I think it's Alex. Because they said 'after she goes this week' and then they mentioned Ramses, Jason and someone other 'she' being left, which I assume is Jillian.
  15. He can't. Josh is safe this week. But on the bright side, if Josh keeps on how he's keeping on now, he'll be up there soon enough.
  16. Alex just said "We are on the block." Would they have done veto already? Of course now this conversation is already delving into mean girl territory, complaining about Christmas and other girls. Sigh. That took all of 5 minutes. ETA: Just saw Lady Calypso's comment. Whoa!
  17. I had it on all 4 cameras to start and flipped so fast to just Alex and Jillian chatting in the blue room. I don't need to see Cody any more today. Plus they are talking about Josh being unstable.
  18. Okay, Josh, dude, you gotta chill. It's, what, Day 2? Did Megan glance at you wrong on the way to the bathroom one morning? And the Golden Apple taking was just stupid. But hopefully you're amusing for the time we're stuck with you until your eviction. I thought for a minute I liked Cody. His comments about Josh were spot-on and he doesn't fall for Paul. But then he went and had to make a Bro-alliance, with the 'hot' girls as his second tier and no. I can't. Plus his 'I don't like you' to Megan. Sure, that might be true, but you're supposed to be playing a game. A social game. Fake it if you need to. I like Megan. Maybe it's because she's being picked on, but she seems cool to me and she reacted to everything pretty well. If the girls stay on the block, I'd want her to stay over Jillian. Elena looks so much better without all the makeup. She was beautiful in her DRs tonight. Overall, I still like most people, but I can't wait for the feeds to see what they are like in a non-edited fashion. Just a few more hours!
  19. Maybe it's just because it's been awhile, but I really enjoyed it! I wish Paul wasn't back, but I'm hoping he'll befriend better people this season and be more of fun Paul then horrible Paul. At least here's hoping. I don't like Cody or Josh. At all. They can both leave. Alex surprised me! I wasn't impressed by her pre-show interview, but I LOVED her standing up to Cody and hanging on that long. Raven also won me over with her conga line in the DR. I also really like Matt, Mark, Ramses and Elena. I liked Dominique a lot in the pre-show interviews, but I'm wary of the religion talk. So she dropped a notch for me. It would be great if someone not Paul wins the safety pendant, but at least if he does win, he can't win again and the other prizes should be better. At least that's how it worked on BB-OTT so I'm guessing it will be the same.
  20. I looked again after you said this, and now that's all I can see! Today is my favorite day of summer — that one day when I'm super excited for BB to start and I don't hate anyone so much that I have an urge to throw things. I know by next week at this time I'll be over half of these people, but right now I'm just excited that it's finally starting. It's not summer without BB!
  21. Usually because there's an elimination that already happened, so if they turned the feeds on, we'd know who it was. So they go on after it airs on the West Coast on Thursday.
  22. Oh no, Peach! That's horrible! So far, my Friday is clear so the feeds and I can have some quality time together. Heh. I was on vacation for a week with horrible wifi so I finally watched all the cast interviews. I like Dominique, Matthew and Christmas the most, I think. I liked the rodeo clown personality wise but I hate recruits so we'll see. Most people, though, seemed to at least mention something that made me think they've at least watched the show before. Only a couple gave off a real fan vibe but if you've at least seen something and remember it enough to mention it, that is better than knowing nothing.
  23. Oh my god, I'm so happy. I was SO SURE it was going to be Jason, I almost didn't believe it when Julie held up the card. Then I screamed, and I think my husband thought someone was trying to murder me. I'm still not sure how that happened, but I am so happy. It's been a really long time since the winner has been someone I've actively been rooting for throughout the whole game. Team Ballsmashers all the way.
  24. Me too! Maybe not as much near the end, but I think America's influence had more to do with that. I think without it there might have been more shifts as we got near the end. I liked this season, too, though. In general, it's probably one of my faves in a while. I loved that we finally had an awesome girls' alliance that (mostly) stuck. I loved that the comps were different. I've realized that I don't need elaborate sets. I just like seeing different things. I love, love, love the live DRs. I love that there were no Jeffterviews I have to suffer through when comps were happening. I love getting to see everything, even if a lot of it was boring. Again, better than Jeffterviews. I'm super sad how it's ending, and I wish it could be different, but I did enjoy it. A lot more than I expected to when I first heard about it. I have a work trip starting on Friday so I couldn't watch the feeds next week anyway, so at least now I won't have to care about what I'm missing. So yeah, I'm sad but I've had fun. I hope they do this again. But if they do, I hope they limit America's influence a bit. I don't mind a nom or an eviction vote or a game-changing CP if it's just one, but not all three. I want to see people play the game, and sometimes it felt a bit like America was playing for them. So that I wish would be changed, but even if it's not, if there is a BB-OTT 2, I'll be watching.
  25. Morgan said last night in her live DR that she wants Shelby and Kryssie in her ideal final 3. Kryssie because she can beat her. She said she wasn't sure with Shelby, but she thinks Shelby is a good person and she deserves to win and the others aren't good people. It's still two weeks away and it's 50/50 right now if Shelby makes it through the week (or, well, maybe 40/60 actually), but I don't think Morgan will turn on Shelby. Which is funny, because all three LNC'ers last night in their DRs were touting how they want to take each other to final 3 because they all played 'the most loyal game ever', but honestly Shelby, Morgan and Alex have been way more loyal to each other. They've never even tried to make fake deals with the other side and throw the other two under the bus. The LNC flipflop all over the place when it's convenient for them. Which, yes, that's the game and sometimes that's what you have to do, so I don't fault anyone for doing that. Heck, I adore people on Survivor who see an opening and take it. So good on you. But don't turn around then and use your unfaltering loyalty to the other two and the other side's 'dishonesty' to crow about how your side is more deserving. I want Shelby or Morgan to win veto because I am hardcore rooting for Shelby and I want her to stay (and win), but I also would love for Shelby and Morgan to win veto and then win the Final Four veto and HOH just to see some of the smugness on the other side washed away. I know the chances of that are slim, but I am going to be wishing for it anyway.
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