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Everything posted by badhaggis

  1. Absolutely @druzy is the best! I vote for anything with Jesus God Leah in it!!
  2. Second case on Shameka episode (uninsured driver rear ends Lyft driver) had a gawper black shirt glasses and a friend that also over reacts to everything behind the defendant. I love this forum! We've had a rough time recently with a death in the haggis household and you guys have really given us some much needed laughs!
  3. I wonder if it is a test to see if people watch right away. I plan on binge watching. I've missed The Soup quite a bit.
  4. THANK YOU! As someone with chronic pain I also am amazed at Tonya's mixing of drugs, other drugs and alcohol. I have a contract with a pain doctor and follow all their instructions including always trying to use the same pharmacy or notifying my doctor immediately if I have to search for one with my meds. She is exactly why it is getting harder to find a primary care doc. Around here they will not accept you as a patient if you take narcotics. Too much risk...
  5. I keep checking the go fund me for @MyPeopleAreNordic to see if there are any updates. I am sending real love to all my PTV friends! I really enjoy the friendship and snark! ?
  6. @MyPeopleAreNordic best of luck for your surgery. We are praying for an easy recovery and treatment. I'm so sorry you are going thru this... Much love!
  7. That is awesome!!! Thank you!!!
  8. It is a girl. She posted a picture of a sonogram with the gender. It was adorable!
  9. Wait is Osher here? We laughed a lot with this episode. They are really hitting their stride.
  10. I live in Tucson we're expecting upper 90s this week. Don't think she'll make it!
  11. Oh my God that is adorable!!! Jenelle this is what a normal family looks like! Real smiles and no look of terror in the children's faces!
  12. I love that version. Gabriel Byrne as Professor Bhaer was the first time I totally agreed with Jo! And who can forget Baron Munchausen, John Neville as Mr. Laurence.
  13. I literally got so excited about this like I know them! Lol
  14. I honestly could not tell if he had dementia or if he presented this foggy demeanor because he thought he could get away with it. I saw a look on his face at times like "oops I'm in trouble" and he'd suddenly be confused again. I too wish we had heard more about what the police said to the plaintiff. Dang hearsay!
  15. Good grief the landlord on the episode today was either a HUGE busybody or has cognitive issues. Calling a house meeting the night your tenants move in to confirm he knows everyone living there wow. I think he was still confused about the identity of Travis even now!
  16. The pictures at the end once gave me chills. This show is so well done it is amazing! I am sad there isn't a new episode next week.
  17. Thank you @druzy! This forum is like a palate cleanser for me! I love their genuine love for each other!
  18. Can someone message me as to what happened please? I was surprised to see it locked this morning.
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